I write a wrestling podcast.

Thanks for the feedback. Our future episodes will probably be edited better, we just really wanted to get this one up. first we were waiting for SHINING WIZADO to record the theme, but we got tired of waiting and changed the opener to what you heard, and since we were off schedule we just wanted to get it into the feed. Next episode will probably have proper editing.

As for Mintsz, he was really having an off day, since he was incredibly hungover apparently haha. He's normally very sharp and amusing. He won't be there this Wednesday though, not sure who his replacement will be. Next week RMD, Window Dump, and PX will all be returning, along with two (possibly three depending on the Mintsz situation) newcomers.

Theo: You rock man, can't wait to hear what you have to say.

I'll check out your blahblah shit when i get home from reffing the finals
It was very funny for the most part, although there were three or four parts that weren't. Something to think about when editing it, I think. The host was awesome and the rounds in general were inventive and fun to listen to. I liked the final two rounds in particular. The naming things (submissions, foreign objects, etc) round is a nice idea but I don't think there's a lot of room to be really funny in it.

Overall, I thought it was great. I've subscribed and I would definitely recommend it to a friend who likes wrestling (if I had one).
It was very funny for the most part, although there were three or four parts that weren't. Something to think about when editing it, I think. The host was awesome and the rounds in general were inventive and fun to listen to. I liked the final two rounds in particular. The naming things (submissions, foreign objects, etc) round is a nice idea but I don't think there's a lot of room to be really funny in it.

Overall, I thought it was great. I've subscribed and I would definitely recommend it to a friend who likes wrestling (if I had one).

Thanks for the feedback! We're really trying to make it a combination funny show and proper game show, so the rapid fire rounds are less for humor and more for trivia. The team captains for the next week are actually decided by most individual points and least. Duly noted, though, maybe if we have more rapid fire rounds like that we'll try and make the categories funnier and more inventive. What other rounds weren't funny/good and for what reason? Any other help would be great.

Thank you so much for subscribing, by the way. Again, if anyone wants a shot at listening in as it's being recorded or even potentially being a participant it's open to anyone who shows up in the channel every Wednesday at 7PM GMT/2PM EST.
It's less than an hour a week, plus thirty minutes of writing the day before. Really not that bad.
Right, I'll defo listen to it tomorrow then, I thought it was shorter than that.
I'd suggest listening to this, unless you want to wait until tomorrow's episode. But if you want your suggestions to be applied to tomorrow's episode you'd better get to listening and feedbacking... :)
As I told you on Twitter, it was good from what I could hear. Audio needs a bit of work, as some of the people on the show were much harder for me to hear than others, so I think I missed a lot of the jokes. I can tell that this is going to be one of those podcasts that I need to listen to early in my work day, when things aren't nearly as hectic.
I, too, thought it was rather good. That said, I think it would benefit from fewer people and, like Justin said, better audio quality. Invest in some better microphones, bro.
Well, we actually cut it down from eight people before we started putting it on iTunes, so I'm not sure about fewer people. Maybe I'll stop shouting things out next episode since I'm not officially playing, heh. As for audio quality, I really don't think it's just the mics but the connection and server we use, and that's unavoidable. We'll be sure to Normalize it and try and cut out silences/static, though.

Also, for those curious, here's the runsheet for tomorrow's episode:

If anyone's interested in participating there IS a spot left on one of the teams so if you show up to the teamspeak server 420chan.org at around 1:30 EST (6:30 GMT) and make your case you might be able to score a spot.

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