I'm not a very public person but...


Staff member
Tonight I was at a 21st Birthday party and one of my friend sent me a text telling me that a girl I had been seeing was in the pub I generally frequent. So, I left the party and decided to go to the pub to meet my friends and the girl. I spent all of my time talking to the girl and then she tells me that she has seeing seeing someone else.

I honestly have no idea what to do. I had tried to be distant from her but when this happens, you have no idea how heartbroken I am.

What should I do?
What can you do? Sorry to hear about this, homey. I guess it's just time to let the healing process begin (assuming you had feelings for her). If you don't have anything important to do this weekend, I'd just recommend a weekend of feeling sorry for yourself. On the other hand, if keeping busy is the best way for you to cope, then go see if you can get some extra shift from work.
What can you do? Sorry to hear about this, homey. I guess it's just time to let the healing process begin (assuming you had feelings for her). If you don't have anything important to do this weekend, I'd just recommend a weekend of feeling sorry for yourself. On the other hand, if keeping busy is the best way for you to cope, then go see if you can get some extra shift from work.

The truth is this, mate. I asked her for her Facebook and she hesitantly told me. I added her and it said that she is in a relationship. I asked her about it and she told me it was true. I am crushed but I had tried to stay distant because of this particular reason.

I am working tomorrow and I just cannot face it. I had a feeling that she was different and now it has come full circle. I am devastated. Especially since I found out the complete wrong way.
How serious were things between you and her? How long had you been broken up?

Things were pretty serious. I had dated her a few times and we had slept together once. She told me that she was seeing someone else tonight and I just left the bar. I don't know what to do...
Better to find out now rather than after your relationship became even more serious. I realize it is difficult at the moment, but better to cut her loose now and find someone new, rather than possibly get stabbed in the back down the road.
Have you ever been so deflated that you cannot be bothered with anything at all? My only thought is how long she would have allowed it to continue without telling me that she was seeing someone else.

Thanks for the support, fellas.
If you really like her that much, fight for her. You've got nothing to lose.

Granted it is absolutely none of my business, but I totally disagree with this. The whole idea of fighting for someone guilty of infidelity escapes me, especially someone who has publicly stated their other relationship on Facebook. I am a big believer in trust, without it, there is nothing.
C'est la vie man, have another drink, a smoke, and look at the stars for a bit.
Granted it is absolutely none of my business, but I totally disagree with this. The whole idea of fighting for someone guilty of infidelity escapes me, especially someone who has publicly stated their other relationship on Facebook. I am a big believer in trust, without it, there is nothing.

If they never talked about it being exclusive she might not be guilty of anything. I'd agree with you if it seemed like what was between Dave and her was really serious, but it sounds like Dave might have thought it was something more than she thought it was. I could be wrong, just my take on the situation.
Never mind, I misinterpreted the situation. From what I gather it looks like Dave is the other man, so to speak. I mean, you can try fighting for her Dave, but it depends on how much you feel you can trust her.
If they never talked about it being exclusive she might not be guilty of anything. I'd agree with you if it seemed like what was between Dave and her was really serious, but it sounds like Dave might have thought it was something more than she thought it was. I could be wrong, just my take on the situation.

Call me naive, but aren't some things just assumed? I would think exclusivity in a relationship whereby at least one party is obviously invested should go without saying. Or a lack of exclusivity should be spelled out. Maybe Dave made some false assumptions, I have no way of knowing this without knowing him or her. All I am saying is if I thought I was in an exclusive relationship and then found out the other person was being unfaithful, it's over, no questions asked. Cut your losses. If someone cheats once, count on them doing it again.
C'est la vie man, have another drink, a smoke, and look at the stars for a bit.

You got it right, mate. Fuck it! I'm going to have a drink and casually pass out. Courtesy of xfear,

If they never talked about it being exclusive she might not be guilty of anything. I'd agree with you if it seemed like what was between Dave and her was really serious, but it sounds like Dave might have thought it was something more than she thought it was. I could be wrong, just my take on the situation.

It was weird. I mean, why would you sleep with someone you had no interest in seeing. Here's the lesson, Kids. Women cannot be trusted for anything. Br it having a committed relationship of anything below that on the scale of seriousness. True, we had not discussed being serious but I thought that was a given when you think about how serious we were.
I don't talk about myself, but in the course of humanity...

A couple of months back I had a relationship of multiple years collapse because it discovered my partner had been cheating. It's the reason I started showing up in this dump again.
It sucks and you'll never be able to make other people understand exactly how bad it sucks. But here's the thing...
It gets better - pretty quickly.

My advice would be takeout food, an episode of TNA Impact and a friend to complain to. It's amazing how much better Kurt Angle and some kung pow can make things seem.
My advice would be takeout food, an episode of TNA Impact and a friend to complain to. It's amazing how much better Kurt Angle and some kung pow can make things seem.

He's already depressed, why would he watch an episode of Impact?
Yup, nothing TO do, but move forward, brother. Fill life with activity, be in work or leisure, but fill it with activity.

The only thing you can control in this situation is how log u will allow it to effect you.
To see how life could be worse?

Seriously though, Impact is awesome.

Glad you could take the joke (seriously, I am, most TNA marks would get all super defensive). Personally, I'd skip out on the episode of Impact and just watch a few good matches instead. Let's compromise and say he starts with Unbreakable 2005?
Just say fuck it Dave. My girlfriend of three and a half years just dumped me and I found out tonight that she has been talking to some other dude and is going on a date with him. All you can do is say fuck it man.
Sleep it off, take off from work tomorrow, and watch your favorite movies while eating obscene amounts of your favorite food. Then, wake up the next day, and fight for her. Take a days rest, but don't give up if you feel this strongly.
Yep, life is a piece of shit, to be fair.

NorCal has it right though, I am past this shit. The girl is not even worth my depression.
Glad you were able to reach a good conclusion, Dave. Gelgarin wasn't just whistling Dixie either, sometimes watching some great wrestling is exactly what the doctor ordered for putting you in a better mood. Nothing takes your mind off of the shit in life like a great match.
Glad you were able to reach a good conclusion, Dave. Gelgarin wasn't just whistling Dixie either, sometimes watching some great wrestling is exactly what the doctor ordered for putting you in a better mood. Nothing takes your mind off of the shit in life like a great match.

I'm not likely to get that watching TNA.

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