I'm not a very public person but...

Just say fuck it Dave. My girlfriend of three and a half years just dumped me and I found out tonight that she has been talking to some other dude and is going on a date with him. All you can do is say fuck it man.

God damn Jon I'm sorry to hear that man. Hope things get better for you bro.
Yeah, Jon. My heartbreak is miniscule compared to yours. Hope shit works itself out.
Yeah, Jon. My heartbreak is miniscule compared to yours. Hope shit works itself out.

Man heartbreak is a bitch, but to use the old cliche, we gotta keep on keeping on, right? Fuck her, if she doesn't see that I'm good for her and have always had her back then that's her own problem. As humans we just have to say fuck it and try to find love in other ways. I got you Dave.
Sorry to hear that but I think you should understand that she doesn't deserve you and hopefully over time you'll get over her and continue your quest on finding the "right" one.
It's a sad world we live in when relationships are not automatically assumed to be exclusive, if that is indeed the case. That is one of the many things that just kind of bums me out for the future of our society. That and Juggalos.

Sorry, Dave, Gelgarin, and Jon. It does suck. A few weeks back a girl I was so in to essentially stopped talking to me randomly. There were actually really mixed signals, but I won't get in to that. Turns out there was another guy. But what can you do? We had been seeing each other, you could say. Coffee dates, movie, chillin' on the couch. Those kinds of things. I have maintained since that it is her prerogative to like whomever she wants to, but I definitely considered her "mine". It hurts. But I'm doing fine now. You just have to chin up and keep moving forward.

- 18 year old kid who knows nothing about real life.
Kill her and the other guy and bury them under TM's mother's house. Nobody will notice them amongst the other corpses. Perfect crime.
There's nothing I can tell you that the others haven't said, but just keep your head up and go on with life, man. I'm dealing with shit myself, hence my not being on much. Just stay positive.
You just have to power through. Whatever makes you feel stronger,put it up on a pedestal NOW. I'm going through some relationship stuff right now to, and the best way for me to cope is to watch Rurouni Kenshin and play Dynasty Warriors until my eyes burn and my thumbs hurt. It makes me super unapproachable and straight up weird(I basically start reciting dialogue instead of speaking original thoughts) and people stay away from me. Then at night I look stare off into barely lit darkness and think about what's important to me to drown out the sorrow.
Depends how vindictive you are. You could message her other boyfriend and tell him about you, and how you didn't know etc. That won't really achieve anything, but if you're motivated by revenge, then an opportunity like that rarely presents itself.

On a personal level, there really isn't anything you can do. It's just a case of taking your mind off things and cheering yourself up.
Depends how vindictive you are. You could message her other boyfriend and tell him about you, and how you didn't know etc. That won't really achieve anything, but if you're motivated by revenge, then an opportunity like that rarely presents itself.

Don't do this, revenge doesn't make you happy. The Punisher taught me that.

Besides, it will be much worse for her if it blows up because of her own doing.
Women. Sometimes you just want to stab them repeatedly.

You have to take the good with the bad though. I had my heart destroyed by this girl about 3 years ago. I spent the next 2 years not giving a shit about anything a woman had to offer me other than vagina. I got a girl pregnant that way, but it ended up being ok, seeing how we have been together for about a year now.

Even still, I often want to murder her. So I'm probably not the best guy to give relationship advice.
I consider myself very lucky to be in the position I am. But Ive been through something similar to you guys and you will probably get over it. It will take a lot of time and it will hurt.

Words suck. But dont do what I did and become a hermit for it.
Have you ever been so deflated that you cannot be bothered with anything at all? My only thought is how long she would have allowed it to continue without telling me that she was seeing someone else.

Thanks for the support, fellas.

i've been in a rather similar situation, and the fact is sometimes you either have to just walk away or take it on the chin and continue.

you're gonna hurt, i would be surprised if you didn't but you need to let her make her mistakes and if she does feel the same way she will come back, if she doesn't just continue living your life bro and let her make her mistakes.
Got good bloke mates? Invite 2 of them over and watch shit martial arts films and drink a few bottles of beer. Puts life into perspective.

So endeth my most serious post on here in over 2 years.

Or just invite the girl and her boyfriend over and have a threesome, with or without crossing swords thats your choice I guess.

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