Int Region, New York Subregion, Second Round: (8) Rey Mysterio vs. (9) Vader

Who wins this match?

  • Rey Mysterio

  • Vader

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I wasn't going to touch this with a barge pole (a barge pole with a sledgehammer or a pink slip or a small child on it, seeing as this is professional wrestling) but then I saw a legend being disrespected. How dare you people. How dare you! Vader's squash of Heath Slater was the best and you all know it!

My feelings on Rey Mysterio aren't exactly a secret - he's a bona fide legend and one of the best wrestlers of the last fifteen years. Having watched a lot of the last fifteen years of professional wrestling, that's a claim I can make without leaving a brown stain in my underpants.

Of course, Vader will win the vote. He's a bigger bloke and, for some reason, even after all these years, it seems wrestling fans still don't understand quite how the David vs. Goliath dynamic actually works.

Exactly Sam (fuck man, 1 of 3 of your posts deserves my rep). In Mysterio's prime he had this built up, the ultimate underdog remember? Kane, Big Show, Batista are couple of giants that Rey has defeated. Plus as far draw numbers are concerned, he appealed to an entire population: latinos, Vader as good as he may be, never accomplished such thing.

Mysterio wins in one of his goold ol' underdog matches.
Oscar Gutierrez wins because he is quicker and smarter in the ring. He will run circles around his opponent, then hit him with flying moves until his opponent is knocked out long enough for the pin.
Oscar Gutierrez wins because he is quicker and smarter in the ring. He will run circles around his opponent, then hit him with flying moves until his opponent is knocked out long enough for the pin.

I should have expected that a post this dumb would come from a common smark whose screen name is "I Hate Cena" and who has a cavalcade of red rep to his credit already.

Now I'll absolutely agree that Rey is quicker in the ring. He's quicker than damn near anybody. But how is it that his quickness advantage negates the power, weight, and size advantage of Vader, may I ask? Furthermore, you are aware that Vader is one of the quickest Superheavyweights in the history of professional wrestling, and that Rey's speed advantage vs Vader is less pronounced than it would be vs someone like Earthquake.

Secondly, where, exactly are you basing your comment that Rey is "smarter in the ring?" I guess I shouldn't be surprised that someone as *ahem* loquacious (look it up) as you would make such a stirring statement and subsequently not provide any sort of backing for it. Need I remind you that Vader was, in the prime of his career, managed by one of the most brilliant pro wrestling minds in history in Harley Race?

I've been a member of these forums since 2006, so I'm so stranger to reading other people's stupidity. At least back yours up.
I should have expected that a post this dumb would come from a common smark whose screen name is "I Hate Cena" and who has a cavalcade of red rep to his credit already.

Now I'll absolutely agree that Rey is quicker in the ring. He's quicker than damn near anybody. But how is it that his quickness advantage negates the power, weight, and size advantage of Vader, may I ask? Furthermore, you are aware that Vader is one of the quickest Superheavyweights in the history of professional wrestling, and that Rey's speed advantage vs Vader is less pronounced than it would be vs someone like Earthquake.

Secondly, where, exactly are you basing your comment that Rey is "smarter in the ring?" I guess I shouldn't be surprised that someone as *ahem* loquacious (look it up) as you would make such a stirring statement and subsequently not provide any sort of backing for it. Need I remind you that Vader was, in the prime of his career, managed by one of the most brilliant pro wrestling minds in history in Harley Race?

I've been a member of these forums since 2006, so I'm so stranger to reading other people's stupidity. At least back yours up.
LOL, you get your panties in a bunch over hypothetical booking? Hahaha.

His quickness negates his opponent's power, weight, and size advantage, because he will eventually tire out Big Van, who will try to get to him all match. When a man is tired, he is not as strong.

And as I said, Osc will hit the flying maneuvers to chop down the tree.

He's smarter in the ring because all his career, he has been at a disadvantage, and thus has had to use his wits to make up for his size. Using his wits all career has made him sharper in the ring, sharper than The Man They Call Leon.
LOL, you get your panties in a bunch over hypothetical booking? Hahaha.

His quickness negates his opponent's power, weight, and size advantage, because he will eventually tire out Big Van, who will try to get to him all match. When a man is tired, he is not as strong.

And as I said, Osc will hit the flying maneuvers to chop down the tree.

He's smarter in the ring because all his career, he has been at a disadvantage, and thus has had to use his wits to make up for his size. Using his wits all career has made him sharper in the ring, sharper than The Man They Call Leon.

And the dumb get dumber.

Rey isn't gonna wear out Vader. Vader routinely wrestled 4 round tournaments in Japan and went through lengthy matches with Sting in WCW - a guy who had power that Rey doesn't - and Vader would still be just fine at the end. Your point is just another case of the naive, short sighted "he's a fat guy, and because he's fat that means he'll get tired" horseshit argument.

And don't be a fucking martyr by pulling that "this must mean a lot to you even though its fake" bullshit. If you can't debate with the big boys, then don't debate. If none of this meant something to people, then there's be no forums. Pro wrestling in and of itself is based on the fact that people are willing to lose their sense of reality in something they consciously know is fake.

As for "Flying maneuvers to cut down a tree?" I'd pay money to see you try to take a tree down by jumping in the air and hoping it falls.
Oscar Gutierrez wins because he is quicker and smarter in the ring. He will run circles around his opponent, then hit him with flying moves until his opponent is knocked out long enough for the pin.

Please tell me you're not using Mysterio's real name to try to show your wrestling intelligence. Anyway, one of the lamest arguments in the tournament is the little guy will just run around the ring until the big guy is tired. Does that actually ever happen? You think Vader will just be a helpless oaf and eventually just fall over from exhaustion? I don't see a match going that way. What if Vader doesn't chase Rey? What if he just stands there and waits for Rey to get close?

This would be a fun match to watch. Both guys would get there shots in. Ultimately Vader would win. It's ok for me to pick the bigger and stronger guy against the little fast guy, right? I mean I know it's the internet and we're not supposed to like the big guys but I don't see Rey being able to take Vader out. It would be hard enough for Rey to overcome Vader's size and strength but Vader has one more very important thing. Aggression. Vader is one of the most ruthless wrestlers ever. He shows no mercy and just brutally pummels his opponents. Rey can't stand up to that kind of punishment. Rey will be able to run for a bit and get some good shots in. Eventually he will get caught and he will go down.
Vader ends Mysterio's run in this tournament. Rey Mysterio may well be the best "David vs. Goliath" wrestler in the business, but there comes a point of diminishing returns where you can throw the book of Samuel out the window. In his prime and at his best, I don't believe(and maybe I'm wrong), that ANY promoter would book Vader to lose to Rey Mysterio. Big Leon's superior size and power, coupled with his surprising speed and agility, to me, are more than enough to counter the high flying offense of Mysterio. In all honesty, if I were the booker, I would book Rey to look strong, and have him do all kinds of damage to Vader. I also understand that Rey has made a career on the "David vs. Goliath" routine. That being said, for as many times as he has won, he's also lost more than a few also. Mysterio has had an outstanding career, espescially for a man who weighed no more than 170 lbs., but I truly believe that what we have here is a case of two upper midcarders who were about equally over, and equally popular, in spite of the fact their individual styles were polar opposites. I also believe that when you have two mat stars of roughly equal drawing power, bookers put forward a result that , while entertaining the fans, is also a believable conclusion. The very idea that a 170 lb. Rey Mysterio could come up with enough offense to take down a PEAK Vader just doesn't jibe with me.I find this to be a case of a really talented smaller man up against a very talented big man. It is just very difficult for me to envision a 400 pound man who can effectively perform top rope moonsaults being booked to lose to a man less than half his size, particularly if there is not an appreciable difference in drawing power, or star quality. So be it if I catch flak for this opinion. I say after an entertaining match, Vader's superior size and power eventually overwhelm the much smaller Mysterio, who finally falls victim to a Vader Bomb at about the 9 minute mark. Mysterio has held the more prestigious Heavyweight title, but he was never ever, really more over than Vader was when Vader was at his peak....bottom line, Vader takes Rey out in an entertaining bout.
I love how the majority of the arguments in this thread keep boiling down to how Vader's just too big for Rey, and how little effort Vader will have to put into this one. I mean, I just can't help but vote for Rey here. Vader was good, he was an athletic super heavyweight (which is about as rare as it comes), but Rey isn't your prototypical wrestler either. He's a tiny luchador -- about as far as it comes from being one of "Vince's guys" -- yet, he's had immense success in the WWE (a Royal Rumble win, 3 world titles, and an assortment of other gold he's held). Success in the WWE is something Vader can't say he had. Vader was always a fodder to the stars (save for a handful of wins, like going over Sting) -- whereas Rey, the little luchador that could, has managed to sit with the top stars of the WWE (in some capacity) for, what, 7 years now? Vader was never a big deal when it mattered most, he had a chance and it fell flat... miserably. All the success he had in Japan (which, mind you, doesn't mean much -- Giant Bernard was a big deal in Japan, too) and WCW pales in comparison to how poorly he adapted to the WWE.

It's well out of hand already and Vader's already got this locked up, which is a shame, since I'd love to see Rey advance.
And the dumb get dumber.

Rey isn't gonna wear out Vader. Vader routinely wrestled 4 round tournaments in Japan and went through lengthy matches with Sting in WCW - a guy who had power that Rey doesn't - and Vader would still be just fine at the end. Your point is just another case of the naive, short sighted "he's a fat guy, and because he's fat that means he'll get tired" horseshit argument.

And don't be a fucking martyr by pulling that "this must mean a lot to you even though its fake" bullshit. If you can't debate with the big boys, then don't debate. If none of this meant something to people, then there's be no forums. Pro wrestling in and of itself is based on the fact that people are willing to lose their sense of reality in something they consciously know is fake.

As for "Flying maneuvers to cut down a tree?" I'd pay money to see you try to take a tree down by jumping in the air and hoping it falls.
I'm all for serious debate for this non-serious topic, but flaming posters because you disagree with them is childish. Grow up and present your points without childish name calling.

You say he wouldn't wear him out. I say he does. There is no time limit for this match, and King Mystery is much better conditioned.

I'd also pay to see him chop White down little by little throughout the match, thru cunning trickery. He'll uppercut him in the balls, then hit him with a dropkick. Then a missle dropkick while Van gets up, that will wobble Van until he falls into the ropes. Then it's 619 time, oh yeah!

Please tell me you're not using Mysterio's real name to try to show your wrestling intelligence. Anyway, one of the lamest arguments in the tournament is the little guy will just run around the ring until the big guy is tired. Does that actually ever happen? You think Vader will just be a helpless oaf and eventually just fall over from exhaustion? I don't see a match going that way. What if Vader doesn't chase Rey? What if he just stands there and waits for Rey to get close?
It's happened before.

He won't fall from exhaustion, he will be disoriented enough for Osc to get some shots in, and dropkicks and such.

BVV will chase him. He won't just stand there and wait for him to get close. He is, as you said, very aggresive, and that will be his undoing. It will be almost like a bull going after a bullfighter. Appropriate considering the ethnicity.
I'm all for serious debate for this non-serious topic, but flaming posters because you disagree with them is childish. Grow up and present your points without childish name calling.

You say he wouldn't wear him out. I say he does. There is no time limit for this match, and King Mystery is much better conditioned.

I'd also pay to see him chop White down little by little throughout the match, thru cunning trickery. He'll uppercut him in the balls, then hit him with a dropkick. Then a missle dropkick while Van gets up, that will wobble Van until he falls into the ropes. Then it's 619 time, oh yeah!

It's happened before.

He won't fall from exhaustion, he will be disoriented enough for Osc to get some shots in, and dropkicks and such.

BVV will chase him. He won't just stand there and wait for him to get close. He is, as you said, very aggresive, and that will be his undoing. It will be almost like a bull going after a bullfighter. Appropriate considering the ethnicity.

HAHAHAHAHAHA I love a good name like I hate Cena because it shows such maturity and intelligence both of which you have copious amounts of. You are such a super XD troll lelelelelele I'm mad bro.

No time limit wouldn't matter anyway because Vadar would win within 10 minutes

He will uppercut him in the balls will be so you admit Vadar wold win by dq so I guess you can stop arguing now.

Is a 175 pound guy drop kicking a 450 pound supposed to do much because I doubt it would.

This is seriously the dumbest argument I have seen in a long Rey Mysterio would get his butt kicked Vadar is so much bigger and stronger and really poor Rey or Oscar as you call him to make yourself sound like you're a cool 12 year old fan.

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