Int Region, Third Round, Embarrassment Match: (4)Bruno Sammartino vs.(5)Chris Jericho

Who wins this match?

  • Bruno Sammartino

  • Chris Jericho

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Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House
This is a third round match in the International Region. It is a standard one on one match held under International Rules, meaning the match is held under the standard rules of the country the match is held in. It will be held at the Arena Mexico in Mexico City, Mexico. Assume one week has passed since the second round match.


Embarrassment Match Rules: This match is won by pinfall or submission, but the fall must be earned by using one of your opponent's designated finishing maneuvers. The maneuvers will be designated under each wrestler.​


#4. Bruno Sammartino

Finishing moves: Bearhug, Backbreaker



#5. Chris Jericho

Finishing moves: Codebreaker, Walls of Jericho

Polls will be open for four days following a one day period for discussion. Voting will be based on who you feel is the greater of the two competitors. Post your reasons for why your pick should win below. Remember that this is non-spam and the most votes in the poll win. Any ties will be broken by the amount of posts of support for each candidate, with one vote per poster.

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This is a bad gimmick draw for Jericho. There's no way he'll put away Bruno with a Bearhug or a backbreaker, but Bruno's power can fairly easily cause Jericho to tap to the Walls.
Yeah wow worst draw ever for Y2J. I mean, not only would he struggle to put him away with the Bearhug, he's exactly the type of maineventer I could imagine being made to tap to his own finisher by the beloved babyface. Both in kayfabe and via logical booking, this goes to Sammartino. Jericho's best hope is definitely the backbreaker - Bruno's powerful but only 265lb, shouldn't be a problem. I just can't see it being enough.

Sammartino wins via the Walls 20m in.
Backbreaker & Codebreaker are so similar it's uncanny. I'd love Jericho to win and to be honest, his technical skill could really do this. However Sammartino is a legend amongsten and could really easily put Jericho out with his own finisher.

Not decided yet.
Fun fact; Jericho rarely beats the elite stars of wrestling with his own wrestling hold.

Now you expect me to believe he'll beat Bruno Sammartino, a guy who at his elderly age may be stronger than Jericho, by hoisting him up for a bearhug?

Thanks, no thanks. Bruno's more important in the pantheon of professional wrestling, he's the better draw (perhaps in the top five of draws), and the gimmick favors him. Bruno isn't the most technical of wrestlers, but yes, I fully believe he can apply a boston crab. And if he does? He may crush Jericho.

Bruno takes this.
Backbreaker & Codebreaker are so similar it's uncanny. I'd love Jericho to win and to be honest, his technical skill could really do this. However Sammartino is a legend amongsten and could really easily put Jericho out with his own finisher.

Not decided yet.

Hmm, I think you're thinking of the Back Cracker, used by Carlito. Sammartino's are more of the standard backbreaker variety, lifting and slamming down over a knee. He also uses something similar to the Gory Special, lifting in Razors Edge position and stretching over back (see the last move in the following clip)

I'd put my money right now on Buno STILL being able to take his match. At almost 80 the guy still has more power than Jericho.

Are there disqualifications in this match? If Jeri could break all bruno's ribs with a sledge, he could take it but... Yeah, thats not going to happen. Theres nothing Jericho could do to take he win. Good match with anothe gimmick, but this makes it easy.
Bruno used to legitimately hold the world bench press record. Chris Jericho's arms look like they belong in a bowl of spaghetti.

At the end of the day, Jericho's ONLY chance would be to knock Bruno out cold and put on a bearhug to win by referee's stoppage. The problem with that is knocking Bruno out, and that's not something Jericho is going to be able to do. Bruno's game is all power, and if he cranks on Jericho in a Boston crab, this ends and it ends in a hurry.

Bruno wins and there's nothing Jericho can do about it.
A question about the logistics of the match: can the opponent submit during a maneuver that is not the designated finishing hold? If this happens, does the match simply continue, or would the traditional victor be disqualified for making his opponent submit using a non-sanctioned move? Are weapons/outside interference legal?

What I'm getting at is...if there's any way for Jericho to pull out a dirty win in accordance with the rules, this gives him FAR GREATER of a chance to win than he is being given thus far.
Jericho ya poor bastard, you got screwed here. I'm pretty sure its next to impossible for Jericho to beat Bruno with a bearhug or back breaker. Not that it matters, Bruno would win anyways but jeez he couldn't have got an easier draw.

Bruno wins by making Jericho tap out to the walls, and possibly has a broken back afterwards. Jericho ain't strong enough to finish off Bruno with a bearhug and back breaker but Bruno can easily win by a boston crab.
A question about the logistics of the match: can the opponent submit during a maneuver that is not the designated finishing hold? If this happens, does the match simply continue, or would the traditional victor be disqualified for making his opponent submit using a non-sanctioned move? Are weapons/outside interference legal?

What I'm getting at is...if there's any way for Jericho to pull out a dirty win in accordance with the rules, this gives him FAR GREATER of a chance to win than he is being given thus far.

If Jericho were to put on the Walls and Bruno tapped, the match would continue. Weapons would technically be legal but for the sake of the tournament, assume they're a non-factor.
Jericho is more known for his mat based work and submissions, than his speed or power. If his finisher where a dragonrana or some shit then maybe I could see him winning. Let's be honest here... being a bigger draw or more popular a performer wouldn't help Bruno if he couldn't execute the move without killing himself and his opponent, but that's not the case against Jericho. With that Sammartino actually got lucky.

The Walls of Jericho is nothing but a simple double leg Boston Crab... I could see Bruno executing that, rather than Jericho making Bruno tap to a bearhug. Bruno was a huge star, world renowned for his strength and resilience. This is his match to win, and quite easily I'd say.

Bruno FTW.
As much as I personally prefer Jericho, I don't think I can vote for him in this setting. I do think it'd be an interesting mesh of styles and would be a really good match all told. I do think Jericho has much more of a chance than people are giving him credit for.

That being said, the fact that Jericho is someone who rarely goes over the top tier names in wrestling is something that I can't ignore. As great as he is, Jericho is someone who frequently loses in big match situations in matches where he's not the bigger star. In the grand scheme of things, Sammartino is the bigger star. Sammartino is a legitimate powerhouse, legitimately one of the strongest men in the world during his day, so he has the necessary strength to force Jericho to submit to the Bear Hug, rudimentary as it might be.
Bruno used to be able to bench press more than Big Show weighs. I don't think it would be hard for him to put Jericho in the walls and crank it hard enough for him to tap. I can't see Jericho being strong enough to make Tyson Kidd tap from a bear hug let alone the living legend Bruno Sammartino.
Bruno goes over Jericho. The reasons why have all been listed, but I'll repeat the presence of Sammartino's superior power and weight, his greater impact on the business, and his drawing power over Jericho. Inside the ropes, Bruno sells for Y2J, and makes him look like a threat, but ultimately, he catches Jericho in a walls of Jericho, who taps out to the living legend, moving him on.
This easily goes to Bruno. Bruno is used to perfroming basic submission holds such as the backbreaker, full nelson, and bearhug. I don't think a boston crab is going to be a problem for him. Not only that but Bruno's bearhug and backbreaker are good setups for the boston crab. Jericho doesn't have the power to make Bruno submit to a bearhug and I don't know how easily he'd be able to lift Bruno in the backbreaker. Not to mention Bruno was a regular winner and Jericho a regular loser. Bruno wins again. Good thing the lionsault was not required.
Ouch, this is the sort of booking that made Jericho leave WCW. Against Backlund, he may have had a chance but against a powerhouse like Sammartino he is SOL. The end of this match screams squash; Bruno crushes the hell out of Y2J with his own bearhug then drops him a broken man, locks in the Boston and via tap or unconsciousness garners the win.
Wow, when I saw this match I felt instantly bad for Jericho and the draw he got. No way for him to win here. Bruno would wear him down with his own moves and then slap on The Walls for the submission victory. I personally prefer Jericho, but I don't even expect him to get a vote in this match.
Would Bruno have any difficulty putting the Walls on Jericho? Absolutely not. I look at the city and maybe that favors Jericho a little coz of his experience down south, and I'm not certain how many times Bruno wrestled in Mexico.

But really I see Jericho tapping to the Walls. Bruno is gonna have a lotta steam this year I'm sure.
It's Bruno's to win, quite simply. The Walls of Jericho are an old school submission manoeuvre and well within the capability of Sammartino. Jericho is not going to be putting Sammartino in a bearhug, and he's not likely to be able to hit a back breaker either. Sammartino wins.
As has been stated, this is just the worst possible gimmick draw for Jericho.

A bearhug is obviously out of the question, and even if Jericho could deliver a backbreaker, I doun't think he could put Bruno away with one. If the option was for Jericho to hit a backbreaker and then aplly the Walls, maybe he'd have an outside shot, but that is not the stip.

Bruno would use his back crushing offense to ground a decimated Jericho, then lock in the elevated crab for a quick tap.

Now if this was a battle of Jericho trying to beat Bruno with a bearhug versus Bruno trying to beat Jericho with a Lionsault, that would be a fun match that may never end. But, alas, it is not. Bruno wins and Jericho leaves Mexico sporting a backbrace.
Just for the fuck of it I wanna see Jericho put Bruno in a bear hug. Go on do it. Ahh Chris would sell the hilarity amazingly as Bruno completely no-sells it and slams him on the ground.

Bruno flips him over, lock on the walls and history is made, again.
Terrible draw for Y2J. Bruno's extremely powerful and aggressive and any of Jericho's finishers can be done by other wrestlers. Bruno's finishers on the other hand, only benefit bigger, stronger wrestlers, and that's the one chink in Jericho's armor.

A Walls of Jericho takes this for Bruno.
Not a chance for Jericho. Bruno would toss him around, lock him in the Walls, and snap Jericho's back like a piece of wood.

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