Jake "The Snake" Roberts


Excellence of Execution
What a pathetic wretched soul. Cursed by personal demons, haunted by drug and alcohol abuse, Roberts has successfully managed to transform himself from one of the all-time greats into a lowly nagging afterthought.

Every other month now, it seems, we read about another squabble between Jake Roberts and a promotion. At this point, are any of use REALLY supposed to believe the poor innocent and tragic victim Jake Roberts? Or, will most of us just use common sense and see Roberts for what he really is?

What are your feelings on Jake Roberts, either now or from the past. Do you feel he was one of wrestling's greats, or one of wrestling's greatest buffoons?
I just finished reading that new article, and it made me sad. I was always a Jake fan. His style was just so different than anyone else. With the DDT and the snake, how could you not at least be intrigued by him? Now though, he's just sad. If anyone has seen the Heroes of Wrestling incident, it's just pathetic. If this proves anything, Jim Neidhart carried him. THink about that for a few seconds.

When I read about the incident a few months back, I never believed Jake. His vodka was drugged? COuld it possibly be that he wasn't supposed to be drinking those in the first place?? Let's say for argument's sake it was drugged. Ok, not his fault. He's an alcoholic that was drinking alcohol. That is his fault. Jake brings so much of this on himself it's unreal. I think it's safe to say that I give people the benefit of the doubt as much s anyone, but I have no sympathy for him here. At all.
Yeah it is sad for me too to hear about all these problems he has because he was one of my favorites when I was a kid. For my money he was one of if not thee best talker of all time. The guy was amazing on the mic. All his promos during his heel run he had in the early 90s were absolute gold. He lived and breathed his character whether it be the tone of his voice, his walk or just his mannerisms he carried it so well. Ill never forget when he was doing those skits with The Ultimate Warrior in the early 90s, trying to take him to the "dark side" and be prepared for The Undertaker. Roberts was just so damn creepy in those especially in the last one when he turned heel and he looked down at him and said "never trust a snake" just the tone of his voice was bone chilling.
This is one of the greatest tragedies in wrestling. Jake Roberts easily lands in the Top 10 heels of all time. His ring psychology was top notch, and while he never had a great physique, he made you believe that he could hurt people. He was extremely talented and cunning. Unfortunately, his legacy is slowly being eaten away by his substance abuse. I would be willing to bet that alot of the younger fans are not even aware of what a great wrestler he used to be. The only thing we ever read is stories of drunkeness, fights or failing to show up for work. It really is a sad situation to see this man deteriorate the way he has.
He had a presence that scared and mystified the heck out of me.

Jake could take a ridiculous match stipulation (such as wrestling Ric Martel with bags over their heads) and make it into an event.

He says his vodka was drugged? That sounds too much like the athletes that admit receiving shipments of steroids from that Internet pharmacy but claim to never have taken them. Yeah, sure.

Straighten out, Snake. Some wrestling organization could still use you.
Jake Roberts was the master of wrestling psychology. And one of the biggest wrestling tragedies as well. And he was a pro, he did whatever it took to make good buisiness. He's really one of the few 'tough guys' in pro wrestling when pro wrestling were looking for Mr.Universe like bodies. Jake was small and undefined but you believed he was tough, you could imagine him in a bar fight. To see him degrading into what he has become over the years is very sad. And alot of lost potential.

Though in Jake's defense he's been very honest with his substance abuse and battles with it constantly, he doesn't make excuses for it. For example the Heroes of Wrestling incident he admit was his fault. And I for one believe him when he says his drink was drugged. His behaviour Heroes of Wrestling is consistent with alcohol intoxication. Subsequently, his behaviour in the indie show he was doing was totally different and consistent with being drugged. Just because Jake is known for his substance abuse, doesn't mean that every incident is 100% his fault. Independant promoters are not above such tactics and sabotage either.

If Jake could lose the gut and get in decent shape, he could still be a great performer. And his psychology is stop top notch. The most recent promo I saw of him is pure Jake and goldm on that front he still has it. And I respect how he's able to still perform despite all the obsticals he has, at indie shows. His shoot interviews are great. With Psychology and selling being such a lost art, it would be nice to see old Jake in decent shape and doing some wrestling again

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