Jay Lethal No Longer With TNA


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Jay Lethal is officially gone from TNA, reports PWInsider.com. The former X-Division Champion has hardly been used in the past few months, but did work this past Sunday's Lockdown pay per view. Lethal was recently taken off the TNA roster page on their website. No word yet on the reasons behind his departure. We'll keep you updated as more information becomes ava

Thoughts? IF TNA were the ones to decide to part ways with Jay Lethal, should they have? What's next for Lethal?
I find the guy fun to watch in the ring, but he's nothing special. He had his moment in the sun and he should be thankful for that. He got to share a ring with Ric Flair.

As for what's next, likely just working the indy circuit and popping up for one off appearances in TNA. No way he'll go to the E, they have enough jobbers as it is.
Sad. I expected to see Robbie E or someone I don't care about.

I'm not sure how he can go from feuding with AJ Styles & Ric Flair to being released in the space of about a year.

I think TNA will end up re-signing him much like they have with Daniels. I think he has buckets of charisma and technique, but his size would stop him from making it in the WWE.
Without being Black Machismo, there was nothing Lethal had to offer. he was ok in the ring but aside from that he was just a guy that wasn't bad. TNA has made it pretty clear that there's a group of guys they're going to push and a group of guys they're not going to push. Lethal fell into the latter group and his appearances or lack thereof on TV prove that pretty well. Not really a big loss as his appearance at Lockdown was his first time on TV in months. He'll likely be back eventually.
Vince Russo and his cronies make me sick

Here's a kid that got OVER, Ric Flair PUT HIM OVER, The fans were behind him.

and that fucking idiot fucks it up and kills his momentum, Hope he does well in WWE. TNA just fucked up big time.
Yeah... I think creative really dropped the ball on him. He was entertaining in the ring and was over with the fans. I was happy he dropped the Black Machismo because it really got rid of his joke persona.

Hes a bit like Eric Young though... hes been repackaged so many times its a bit hard to see him really doing anything serious in the company. Overall he and a few other wrestlers really need a thriving X Division to be relevant.
TNA actually let someone go? That sure doesn't happen often.

On one side, it is good that TNA let go of some talent they weren't going to use, but on the other side, Jay Lethal was one of their young and developed talent. It's terrible that they let go of Lethal even though he was becoming the new Eric Young.
Vince Russo and his cronies make me sick

Here's a kid that got OVER, Ric Flair PUT HIM OVER, The fans were behind him.

and that fucking idiot fucks it up and kills his momentum, Hope he does well in WWE. TNA just fucked up big time.

Yeah... because a guy on the creative team is the one in charge of who gets hired or fired in the company. :disappointed:

Look, he did very well in his little program with Flair, but seriously, all he was really good at was imitating other wrestlers. We've seen this gimmick before and it never lasts long. Matter of fact, he got more out of it than anyone I can remember, but that's all that he had. He was a one trick pony and he had the program of his life. He has nothing to be ashamed of.

On another note, all we know is that Lethal is gone from the company. We don't know whether he was released or not, hell, he could have just not resigned a contract or decided his self that he didn't want to work for them anymore. I doubt he was one of the stars under contract and since they pay per appearance and he hadn't been there for quite a while, it's possible that he left on his own accord so h could make some money.

At any rate, to say they dropped the ball on him is a bit ridiculous to me. In my opinion, they got more out of him than they could ever have dreamed to.
I think Jay Lethal is a tremendous talent. Yep, tremendous. Very charismatic guy, good talker, well above average ring-worker, etc. I cannot understand why he wasn't given a chance to shine past the X-Division title. Well, actually I can -- he's a small guy. However, he has a lot of talent. I hope he ends up re-signing with TNA (as they usually do), because there really is no alternative outside of Indy promotions.

The WWE doesn't have a cruiserweight division anymore, so that's out. He's just not large enough for them, physically. I think he has the tools to not only be apart of a big-time promotion, but a big part of one. It's unfortunate.
When they turned Jay Lethal from a character to a generic wrestler, he lost all of his interesting qualities, add in the Robbie E. Feud, which made his character even more boring.

I loved his stuff as Black Machismo, and I loved when he impersonated Ric, but in today's market, characters being interesting is pretty important, unless you're Daniel Bryan.
That's depressing to learn. He was one of my favorites in what was left of their X-Division, and he's young enough to keep on developing. The WWE should pick him up and re-team him with Austin Creed/Xavier Woods. :shrug:
when you look at the crap that TNA keeps who look like wrestlers (Rob Terry, Hernandez, Orlando Jordan etc) and those that have skill but much less personality (The Bucks, Kendrick, etc) and those that should just plain old not be near a ring at all (Dreamer, Devon, etc) this move baffles me.

Sure Lethal will never be a main event level talent, but he had charisma (when he had a character) can work a good match, and was over with the crowd.

I have no idea what they look for in a wrestler anymore
Bring him to WWE and bring back the Macho Man gimmick so he can job there on a grander stage :)

He'd go well allying Santino, both of them are crazy with the comedy
the greatest Intercontinental Champions of the all timez.
The Honky Tonky Man and the Machoy Man
I'm not quite sure how I feel about his.

On one hand Lethals a talented in ring performer, got put over by Flair and could be an integral part of the X Division easily.

On the other hand they're not using him. He doesn't appear regularly and his character since he dropped the mimic gimmick (that rolls of the tongue snappily) has just been a bit bland.

Good luck to him but can't see the E picking him up. Wouldn't be surprised to see him back in TNA within the year.
I wouldn't be suprised if WWE signed him to their farm territory which is FCW. They have alread got Xavier Woods working down there and if they sign Jay Lethal he can work in FCW until they are ready to call him up to the roster. He is fairly young, talented in the ring and has the potential to put on a great show. Unfortunatley Vince does not care about his Cruiserweight division or Tag division which are the only 2 fields Jay would succeed in so if he was called up it is likely he will job or become a solid midcarder. I ersonally hope he stays on the Indy scene then comes to FCW to develop.
What do u expect from a two bit promotion like TNA...they needed to make room for another over 50 wrestler,a wwe wash up,or give even more time to god awful ANgle/Jarrett fued!

Good he got let go now,he can go somewhere wheres hes apprecaited and not have to wrestle in that pathetic amusement park
Who the fuck is Jay Lethal?

Fucking pointless push this summer. Funny he was always coming out pointing at the TNA letters all proud and shit :lmao:

Another nothing wrestler they do fuck all with. Doesnt really matter. Good, he is annoying as shit anyway.
It's not surprising to see the TNA marks scrambling to defend another bad decision by the company. However, the bottom line is this: Jay Lethal was over, he could wrestle, and we've never heard a bad thing about him come out of TNA. And while Lethal is released, The Young Bucks, Orlando Jordan, Rob Terry, Jesse Neal, Amazing Red, Gunner, Murphy, Anarchia, Rosita, and so many others with less potential get to stay on the roster. Jeff Hardy gets to show up high to a main event, and will likely get the opportunity to do so again. Matt Hardy and Shannon Moore are on the roster only because they are riding Jeff's coattails. Karen Angle/Jarrett/Whatever has slept her way into another prominent role in the company. And Vince Russo's useless ass might as well have been glued to the Impact Zone, because apparently there's absolutely nothing he can do to get himself fired.

On a positive note, though, I'm astounded that someone in TNA actually showed the managerial skill to fire someone who had been deemed useless to the company (for whatever stupid reason).
This is so sad.. he was one of my favorites.. TNA is so fucking stupid for letting him go! I mean they should have paired him up with Flair once he turned on AJ to further a storyline.. This is total crap and now Flair putting HIM over months ago meant nothing in the long term.

WTF TNA.. this is total bullshit!

Lethal has tons of talent.. this is dumb and a horrible way to start my day :(
The guy being himself was boring, If TNA was PG, it could've worked. I agree that impersonating Flair was funny, but it was made for the short-term, long term could've been Black Machismo 2.0.

Wouldnt be surprised if Jay joins WWE to be close to his former girlfriend AJ Lee.
The man had to imitate other wrestlers to get himself over. There's something to be said when you can get yourself over by acting like someone else but not as yourself. I thoroughly enjoyed Jay's impersonations but outside of that there was nothing and TNA knew it. Why else would every push he was given just lead him to the X Division Championship? While it wouldn't surprise me if he ends up coming back sooner than later, he's no real loss.
When they turned Jay Lethal from a character to a generic wrestler, he lost all of his interesting qualities, add in the Robbie E. Feud, which made his character even more boring.

I found him boring nomatter what. No big loss for TNA. Although they keep hearing that they want the X division pushed more, but yet your getting rid of one of the X division wrestlers.
Who cares? Lethal had the personality of a fuckin' doorknob when he wasn't impersonating guys like Flair or Savage. Frankly, I'm glad he's gone. I was getting sick and tired of his repeated X Division title wins while they company tried to get him over. He was never getting over. He's better suited in ROH.
Who cares? Lethal had the personality of a fuckin' doorknob when he wasn't impersonating guys like Flair or Savage.

Which begs the question. Who is worse? Lethal with his imitations or Santino Marella with his imitations. Honestly, I would rather see Lethal over Santino. Lethal was at least HALF (ok, maybe 1/4 of the way) serious. Santino is a 100% joke.
That really is a shame.

They have been giving Jay Lethal the "Yo-Yo" push for years now. I thought they were finally going to make him a big star last year especially after his win over Ric Flair. But once again they dropped the ball with him.

I wouldn't mind if he did go to the WWE but I'm not sure how they would handle him. Either way I wish him in luck in whatever he decides to do.

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