Jim Neidhart arrested in big drug bust.

Vintage Nick

Climbin' in your windows...
From the front page:

Thanks to Petey Arms for sending in the following:

Former WWE tag team champion Jim "The Anvil" Neidhart was arrested today on multiple charges including grand theft and possession of controlled substances. The Hillsborough County Sheriff's office has released the arrest report, which notes that Neidhart is being held without bond in a Tampa, FL jail. He was charged with possession of 95 Oxycontin pills, 28 Methadone pills, two counts of possession of controlled substances with intent to distribute, two counts of trafficking illegal drugs, one count of burglary of an unoccupied dwelling and one count of grand theft third degree.

Christ on a cracker...this is probably one of the biggest drug busts of a wrestler/former wrestler in quite a while. I can only think that he was going to do some real heavy dealing with those drugs, but for what cause? He doesn't seem to have any money issues I believe...Still though, damn. No question that the media will be all over WWE's ass for this thing too.

Jeff Hardy has got him beat.

Neidhart has always had drug problems, if you believe the Hitman biography. Hopefully this results in The Hart Dynasty being punished. I'm sure Natalya didn't hold Jim's ladder when he broke into his neighbours house, but it's bad publicity and those two are related. It'll also bring to an end the Hart Dynasty's tag reign, which has proven to be a massive bust.
It's sad to see another wrestler involved in a drug scandal. I really do question Neidhart motives for doing this. I would expect Bret covers all of the family's financial matters, so I don't think money can be a motive. I fail to see how the media can attack the WWE in this situation. Neidhart isn't under contract and hasn't had involvement with the E in quite some time.
I would expect Bret covers all of the family's financial matters,


I fail to see how the media can attack the WWE in this situation. Neidhart isn't under contract and hasn't had involvement with the E in quite some time.

Neidhart features prominently on the Hart & Soul DVD and he's frequently referred to on TV as being the father of Natalya. Also any news articles will likely begin with ''Former WWF/E wrestler'' or they'll mention the company somewhere.

Bret doesn't strike me as the type to allow someone in his family to go through money troubles, but I may not have the best judge in character. Even with that, I haven't heard of him in any financial troubles and surely Natalya can help her dad if he was having money problems.

Neidhart features prominently on the Hart & Soul DVD and he's frequently referred to on TV as being the father of Natalya. Also any news articles will likely begin with ''Former WWF/E wrestler'' or they'll mention the company somewhere.

I'm saying that they can't hold the WWE responsible for this. They may talk about his history with the company, but to blame them for this is something that shouldn't happen.
Neidhart is, in no uncertain terms fucked. The opiates he had were stolen. If he'd had a valid prescription for them, he could have got the charges knocked off and had a valid excuse for having so much.
It is sad to see The Anvil in things like this at his age :( he must have real problems.

Hopefully this DOES NOT affect Natalya and the Hart Dynasty's careers in the WWE, it would not be fair to stop their push just because of her Dad being a f*ck up.
not a fan of the hart dynasty (or wwe, for that matter) at all, but to punish them for something the Anvil did is beyond stupid, guilt by blood relation? hell no, but on to the topic, if reports are correct and no reason to think they aren't then Jim is in a world of shit, breaking and entering, theft, drug abuse, intent to sell, public disturbance, apparently he was wigging the fuck out, so before jail I hope they get him a lil (seems to be) much needed help and then jail cuz thas way too much to jus be let off the hook

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