JoMo Proved His ProMo Skills Last Night, Right?

His promo was good I just didnt like that his jokes were extremely corny that time but he's usually funny so I guess it just wasn't his day.

On the side note I see great potiential in him as everyone else does
Morrison needs to take sole ownership of/and bring back The Dirt Sheet. Miz doesn't need it as he is slowly getting over by force. But Morrison, with his sense of humor should incorporate more of the Dirt Sheet into his promos. Maybe introduce a new one in the ring during his Mic time. Kind of like how Cena used to fit in raps.

What kills me about his delivery is that he'll say something like "you're a bully" or "I'm gonna beat you!" in a way that's not taken seriously at all, and then immediately gets nose to nose and all of a sudden turns on the 'anger'. If he'd show the emotion a little earlier before a face off, it would go a long way. Kind of like how Triple H slowly builds his anger up in his words...and then goes nose to nose right at the moment he hits his crescendo.

Morrison just needs to get more creative and more believable.
If you want to talk mic work Morrison reminds me of 1 of my top 10 of all time favs Bret Hart as he was better in the ring than on the mic and Morrison is kinda Bret mixed n w/ Shawn as in the Mic skills of Bret and the ring work of Shawn. And speaking of montoney Lance Storm is, was, and always will be the ultimate winner of that.
Just a quick question Sam, do you think Otunga has good mic skills? Seems like him and Morrison are on the same boat in that department.

I think Morrison proved his promo skills on Raw. He proved that he shouldn't be allowed to talk. The guy is as captivating on the mic as an oak tree. You said something about his confidence. I guess that would work if his look didn't consisted of rhinestones and 12 pack abs. The guy looks like he should be just pouring out energy and attitude on the stick.. But he doesn't. When he talks about Sheamus being a bully, I think the content is great. After all, what is a wrestling feud without calling a bad guy on his shit? Yet, why don't people give a damn...

John Morrison is wrestling's Keanu Reeves.
Morrison was bland on the mic monday. he seemed lost and jeff hardy like on the mic. if sheamus was like cena, rock, or jericho he would've made Morrison look better. A morrison heel turn would be fresh for him. more freedom on the mic. maybe give him a sadistic heel turn after losing to sheamus at TLC and give him a major push and have him heel with a top face...maybe a IC title match vs Rey Mysterio at WM27 and have him come out on top cleanly. then by next summerslam 2011 make him a world champion over a top face champion like cena or orton. shake things up 'E
I've bashed Morrison as much as anyone, however, I'm starting to come around. It all started with that backstage shot of him doing that freestyle walk, or whatever you want to call it. I saw more personality in him when he was doing that, than I ever did when he was actually speaking. Granted, he is slightly better on the mic than he has been, but it's still a far shot from anything I'd call "good". If the WWE could find a way to show more of that backstage stuff w/out it becoming bland, I'd be happy.
Wasn't the worst promo of the year but it was a Far cry away from you claiming he was confident.

The only problem i have with JoMo is the fact he doesnt seem confident or comfortable on the stick. I dont if it's him not believing in his material becuase I know Wwe creative team and the powers that be narrate most of the material. Or it could simply be he feels foolish being in public and giving promo's that aint getting laughs.
I would say for his standards it was a better promo especially when he got into the ring & went head to head but I personally feel he worked off of Sheamus.

Most Irritating part is seeing his promo work with miz and knowing he has it in him!!
I thought this was a good promo and Morrison did show he has what it takes to hang with some of the better promo guys in the business. He did show confidence in his delivery, very much so.

Ive always felt Morrison did well on the mic when he took a serious approach, rather then the cornball jokester they've tried to inject into every one of his promos. He seems more natural when he cuts a promo with an edge, and he did just that last night. As the OP said, that doesnt put him among the top in the business, but it does make him competant enough to make it.

I thought Morrison did a good job on Raw. If he continues down the road of cutting serious promos rather then inserting a silly line, Morrison can even stand out where others have failed. Ive never found him to be as bad as most, I suppose.

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