*MERGED* WWE Ask a Question Thread

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While back when Vince was giving away money on raw, part of the stage "Fell" on him. Was that real or fake? I would normall think it was fake, but the fact that HHH came out so soon kinda made me wonder...

I'm pretty certain it was fake, but I'm not sure, but I really doubt WWE would setup a stage and not safety check it.

Another is Ive heard rumors that Mickie James did porn...is this true?


And finally I heard that Ric Flair actually owned/owns the WHC belt...true or false?

Back in the NWA days you had to make a 25.000 dollar deposit as a way of verifying that you would honor your duty as a champion, when Ric Flair was fired back in 92 (or 91, I believe it's 92) from NWA WCW he wasn't given the refund of the 25.000 dollars that is returned when you drop the title (loose it) and he therefore rightfully owned it, and took it with him to WWF.
Couple of questions:

While back when Vince was giving away money on raw, part of the stage "Fell" on him. Was that real or fake? I would normall think it was fake, but the fact that HHH came out so soon kinda made me wonder...

This was a 100% work. Vince was looking for a way to permanently kill off his "Mr. McMahon" character on television. HHH coming out and Vince referring to him as "Paul" was an intelligent part of the work that really made people think... obviously ;)

Another is Ive heard rumors that Mickie James did porn...is this true?

It was more like fetish-type porn. She took a bunch of nude pictures back in the day that would be considered a little more racy than just nude posing. Some of the pictures were her by herself and others had her playing around with another guy. But either way, it was a long time ago and they were very inappropriate.

And finally I heard that Ric Flair actually owned/owns the WHC belt...true or false?

Ric may own one of the belts, but realistic replicas of world championship belts are given to every superstar that gains it at one point and time in their career. So to answer your question: yes, Ric owns a version of the belt but he does not own THE belt.

You're welcome!
where do you all find this information at? I realize that alot of it comes with watching for so long, but is there an actual site other then wwe.com that you use?
Wikipedia always give you somewhat of a definition of at least the historical parts like Ric Flair and the NWA belt, and to some extend the Mickie James part.

The other one is more of a logic point cause as I said myself, WWE wouldn't setup a set that could screw up so badly.
well hell, power to you guys!

Just thought of another one;

Why is Sting so anti-comming to WWE?

Again two reasons for this one

1) There was a reason that he didn't want to join WWE due to its risqué storylines (with him becoming a Christian) now TNA is risqué and WWE is PG it's quite ironic.

2) There's also a rumour that he wasn't impressed with how they acted with Booker T when he appeared (Rock's "It doesn't matter what your name is" promo) and didn't want to go to the then WWF to be disrespected.


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Hey does anyone know why the ring ropes have changed colour on Raw? Any specific reason or is it just one of those changes that happens over time?
Hey does anyone know why the ring ropes have changed colour on Raw? Any specific reason or is it just one of those changes that happens over time?

No special reason. They felt they needed a change and they wanted the brand colors to match the brand. Hence, the red ropes for Raw and blue ropes for Smackdown.
well this might seem like a stupid question but when booker t changed his gimmick to king booker, what was the initial reaction of the IWC's majority to the move and what was the reaction when eventually some time went by....i wasnt a part f the IWC at tht time,so wanted to knw..
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