Must See Movies of the Summer


Houston's Hometown Hero
I was on this one new release site that I use to update my Netflix queue that not only lists release dates for upcoming DVD's but also for theater releases. But anywho, I noticed a couple of movies coming out this summer that I went to yahoo movies and checked out the trailers on. And I had to add these movies to my "must see" summer movie list.

1. Meet Dave- This new movie stars Eddie Murphy and Gabriel Union. Now usually I am very weary of any Eddie Murphy movies where he isn't a cartoon character, but this one has me intrigued. It's about a crew who mans a ship. But the ship is not a ship, it's Eddie Murphy. Murphy plays both the captain and the ship. It's kind of hard to explain, but I would suggest that you go look at the trailer as it really looks like a pretty good movie.

2. Hancock- This is Will Smith's newest project. I'm just glad to see that he stopped chasing Oscar nominations and got back to doing movies that we will actually pay to see. This one looks interesting. In it, Will plays a superhero who causes more collateral damage stopping crimes than it's worth. I mean we usually see the flashy side of superherodome. I like the new concept of this one and it is a must see. There are also trailers available for this movie that you can see as well.

So, are there any movies this summer that is on you guys' must see lists? Why?
Alright, ladies and gents, here it is:

Papa Shango's Ten Movies to See This Summer

10) Hamlet 2- The guys who helped bring South Park and Team America to the big screen bring us a movie about a talentless actor-turned talentless high school drama teacher who, when the school decides to close his department, writes a musical sequel to Shakespeare's classic work Hamlet. Starring British comedian Steve Coogan, best known for his characters Alan Partridge and Old Greg, Catherine Keener, SNL's Amy Poehler, and David Arquette.
Why you might like it: It's raunchy, offensive, and right along the vein of South Park and Team America.
Why you might not like it:It's raunchy, offensive, and right along the vein of South Park and Team America. Also, it's about writing a musical, so of course, we're gonna have musical numbers. Not everyone's favorite genre.
My take: It's completely absurd, and I like the sound of that. Plus, you know it's gonna have more than fair share of laughs with a musical number entitled "Rock Me, Sexy Jesus"(Oh, did I forget to mention that the way Coogan's character brings all the characters from Hamlet back from the dead involves the Savior and time travel?).

9) The Incredible Hulk- It turns out that the oh-so-cool Edward Norton has a little bit of a nerd streak in him, and did not appreciate Ang Lee's attempt to bring his favorite green-skinned freak to the big screen. So, Mr. Norton decided to take a crack at it. Technically, he's just the star, but word is that Ed Norton has had a heavy hand in the script and direction of the picture. This isn't a sequel, people; It's a mulligan, a retake, a do-over. And it looks like an upgrade from the schlock we were handed five years ago. Starring Edward Norton as the title character, Liv Tyler as the love interest, Quentin Tarantino's oft-used character actor Tim Roth as bad guy-turned even badder guy Abomination, and the always great William Hurt as the General "Thunderbolt" Ross.
Why you might like it: Edward Norton knows badass, and duality, as witnessed by his fantastic performances in Primal Fear and Fight Club, as well as his dark turn for American History X. Add in the fact that superhero screenwriter Zak Penn and Norton have teamed up to write it, and this is bound to be as dark yet adventerous as we all want Hulk to be.
Why you might not like it: Simply put; Market saturation. With all the other superhero movies being released, Hulk could end up being overshadowed by some of it's highly anticipated brother Iron Man, or The Dark Knight, or Speed Racer, or Superhero original Hancock. Also, Zak Penn HAS been known to write a few stinkers here and there. The biggest offenders; X-Men: The Last Stand and Elektra.
My Take: I blame the cheese of X3 more on Brett Ratner than Zak Penn, especially seeing as with Bryan Singer at the helm, Penn's X2 script came out looking fine. Also, Edward Norton is notorious for his effort and attention to detail. He would not have let this picture get a release date unless he was satisfied, or at least mildly confident in the finished product. Overall, It think The Incredible Hulk will turn out more like X-Men 2 or Spider-Man and less like Hulk or Elektra.

8)Tropic Thunder- Robert Downey Jr. is gonna have one high-profile for summer, that's for sure. After starring in Iron Man, and then reprising his Iron Man role for a cameo in The Incredible Hulk (an interesting result of Marvel now producing it's own films and THEN distributing them, is that they can create it's own film universe with interlocking characters and crossovers. A little spoiler; there may be a S.H.I.E.L.D movie in the works, because Nick Fury will be making an apparent cross-over appearance in Iron Man. I won't spoil who's playing him, but I will say this; he will look more like his Ultimate version than his old school version.)Anyways, after all that, Jr, will co-star in Tropic Thunder, an Action-adventure comedy that features Downey as a method actor who, in preparation for his role as a soldier, undergoes sugery to make him a black man. Basically, Tropic Thunder is about a group of actors who are so difficult on the set, that the director decides to just drop them all in the middle of a war zone and see what they can make of it. Starring Ben Stiller as the Action Star and Top Billing for the film, Jack Black as the comedian who's trying to get real work, Robert Downey, Jr. as the Critically-Acclaimed actor brought in to bring the film prestige, and a slew of minor parts and cameos by those such as Steve Coogan ( a big summer for him as well, eh?), SNL's Bill Hader, Nick Nolte, Matthew McConaughy, and Tom Cruise.
Why you might like it: It's an action comedy with an ensemble cast made up of some of the funniest men in the Hollywood.
Why you might not like it: Neither Black or Stiller have had great success recently. Stiller's had lukewarm reviews and receipts for The Heartbreak Kid, Jack Black's been responsible for Nacho Libre and the disappointing Tenacious D: In the Pick of Destiny. And Stiller and Black do not have the best track record when working together. Anyone remember Envy? You don't. Lucky.
My take: Not only is Stiller the director, but he co-wrote the movie with King of thr Hill and Beavis and Butthead writer Etan Cohen. And Stiller ALWAYS delivers when his performing his own material. Zoolander is still one of his finest works, Reality Bites, Stiller's directorial debut, is a rarely seen gem, and The Ben Stiller Show was the pre-Freaks and Geeks KING of the underappreciated TV comedies. Plus, Tom Cruise... bald... in a fat suit... need I say more?

7)Hancock- Will Smith plays homeless drunk-on-the-job superhero Hancock, who, in desperate need of some good PR, hires the talents of a publicist whose life he saves. Things get complicated when Hancock starts crushing on his publicists wife. Will Smith's co-stars are Jason Bateman as Hancock's publicist and Charlize Theron as his wife.
Why you might like it: Um... cuz Will Smith's in it. But really, not only is Will Smith cool and funny, but he has Jason Bateman to work with. Bateman is hilarious in his cameos in Dodgeball, Smokin' Aces, he deserved more screen time in The Break Up, and if you haven't watched at least one episode of Arrested Development, shoot yourself. Also, cuz Will Smith is in it. Throw in the Charlize, and I'll watch any damn movie... except Aeon Flux. AND... cuz Will Smith's in it.
Why you might not like it: Well, it's a rather unique film. It's an original superhero, and that's rare, and it also means that it lacks the natural familiarity that we all love about our big screen heroes. Let's be honest, would ANY of us had gone to see a movie called Spider-Man if it were an original flick? Plus, I'm not sold on dorector Peter Berg. Alright, granted, he made Friday Night Lights, a movie that was bound to be an inspiring hit, and he made The Rundown, a entertaining popcorn flick. But last year's The Kingdom wasn't nearly as good Berg was trying to get people to think. And I will never be able to forgive him for a dispicable film he made in 1998 called Very Bad Things. A dark comedy that brought the dark, but not the funny. The low point for almost everyone involved, Dan Stern, Jeremy Piven, Jon Favreau, Cameron Diaz. The only person who isn't ashamed to be involved in that film is Christian Slater, and I think it's obvious by now that Slater has no shame (Alone in the Dark, Hollow Man 2).
My take: Will Smith can do no wrong. I actually enjoyed Hitch. I KNOW!! And any error Smith may make, will quickly be erased by the genius that is Bateman. This movie will be good, so long as Berg doesn't put a dead stripper in the script.

6)Iron Man- Well, for those of you who DON'T know, it's about a guy in a metal suit, he's basically a human weapon, whose goal is to stop the crime that he has influenced through his manufacturing of weapons. Robert Downey, Jr. plays Tony Stark aka Iron Man, Terrence Howard plays his good friend Lt. Col. Rhodes (who, as some know, in the comics becomes War Machine) Gwenyth Paltrow as Tony's secretary and love interest, and Jeff Bridges as rival Obidias Stane aka Iron Monger.
Why you might like it: Have you seen the trailer? Have you seen the effects? I rest my case. But seriously, in addition to what appears to be state-of-the-art visual effects, we have Robert Downey, Jr. as the likeable asshole, the guy you at first hate to love, but eventually love to love. Iron Man has one of the strongest lead characters of the summer. And as we all know, a strong main character is one of the most important ingredients in a good movie.
Why you might not like it: Like I said, the market has been saturated with Superhero flicks lately. Obviously, they can't all be good, and sometimes, no matter how good it may be, we're just tired of the same stuff. However--
My take: Iron Man will be that damn good. In the words of the great Stan Lee, " 'Nuff said."

Well, I'm tired, so I tell ya what: If I get some good feedback, I'll finish up later with my Top 5 Movies to see this summer. If they want, maybe a mod could move this into it's own thread. Hope you enjoyed!
Hancock with Will Smith looks like a damn funny movie, that is the movie I am really looking forward too. Will Smith is one of my favorite actors and Hancock looks like it will be mad funny.

I am also looking forward to Get Smart, looks like a great movie with an all-star cast. I would think that would be in your top five, but who knows.

Get Smart and Hancock are my two must see's this summer.
Hancock with Will Smith looks like a damn funny movie, that is the movie I am really looking forward too. Will Smith is one of my favorite actors and Hancock looks like it will be mad funny.

I am also looking forward to Get Smart, looks like a great movie with an all-star cast. I would think that would be in your top five, but who knows.

Get Smart and Hancock are my two must see's this summer.

Yeah, Hancock seems to be a different concept. I mean you often wonder why people don't get pissed over the collateral damage left behind when heroes intervene. So I gotta see it.

Not sure about Get Smart. I have yet to watch Southland Tales, but I'm turned off by any movie staring The Rock. What sux is that The Mummy 2 and Be Cool were prolly his best acting efforts. lol

Hey, speaking of The Mummy, they are supposed to be releasing a third Mummy (not including Scorpion King) film this summer with Jet Li in it. Who's gonna go see that?
I won't. I didn't even see the first two until they were on TV. I'm not a very big Brendan Frasier fan anyways.

And The Rock is only a co-star in Get Smart. Steve Carell is the star of the movie. The Rock's character isn't even from the TV show, so he can't be that big of a character in the movie.

Anyways, Spawn buddy, gimme some feedback on my top ten list.
Man you are such a feedback ****e, aint ya? lol Well bro, I will tell you like this. When it comes to much hyped movies, I am a bible belt virgin. And by this I mean it will take a hell of a good movie to get me to open up(my wallet). And this was caused by such movies as the first Hulk movie.

But after hearing you talk about the new Hulk and how you broke it down and built it up, you were like a nickel slick New York pimp man. So I say here and now that even though it may end up meaning that I have to take it in the ass, I'm going to give that new Hulk movie a chance to prove itself. And that's all because of you bro. Good job.

Happy now bitch? lol
Very. So happy, in fact, that I now bring you THE TOP 5 MOVIES TO SEE THIS SUMMER:

5) Indiana Jones and The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull- The world's coolest archeology professor is back after nearly 20 years. He's searching for something called The Crystal Skull. Evil has shifted from Nazis to Communists. Oh, and uber-hot (I mean on a roll career-wise) Shia LaBoeuf may or may not be Indy's long lost son. Unfortunately, everyone's being real hush-hush about the film, so that pretty much all we know. Well, we also know that Cate Blanchett plays a Russian Dominatrix. Or at least that's how it looks.
Why you might like it: Uh... It's Indiana Fucking Jones, that's why. Action, adventure, and comedy.
Why you might not like it:Well, for starters, if you don't like action movies. Or if you're prejudice against old people. Seriously, though, this is a risky project. Granted, it's pretty much guaranteed to make a bazillion dollars, but that doesn't mean it'll be good. Plus, George Lucas' writing skills appear to have deteriorated over the years (as evidenced by the new Star Wars trilogy), Lucas insisted on creative control over the script. Spielberg has also been accused of losing a step the last few years. And Harrison Ford hasn't had a good movie since Air Force One, and that was 10 years ago. Talk about a cold streak.
My take: This isn't meant to be an attempt to restart the career's of these men. It's meant to be a rip-roaring adventure. Possibly a last hoo-rah, a ride into the sunset? That could explain the write-in for a young sidekick. New Franchise? More than likely Spielberg just wants to give the rub to rising young star. And who better than Shia LaBoef?

4) Get Smart- The long-awaited adaptation of the classic TV show is finally hitting theatres. And they've got the perfect cast; Steve Carell as Maxwell Smart, a lovably inept secret agent, who must prevent the evil organization C.H.A.O.S. from taking over the world. In the supporting cast are Anne Hathaway as beautiful love interest Agent 99, The Rock as uber-cool super-agent 23, Alan Arkin as The Chief, and Malcolm McDowell as the evil Siegfried.
Why you might like it: Anyone who liked the show will appreciate the faithful-yet-modernized update given to the plot. I personally am glad that they kept the Shoe-Phone. And c'mon, who doesn't like action comedies based on old TV shows?
Why you might not like it: Well, to answer my own question, ANYONE WHO SAT THROUGH I SPY!! Plus, Steve Carell's only other big-budget leading role, Evan Almighty, was... bad. Really bad.
My take: To Steve's credit, the one good part of that movie was... him. Steve Carell knows how to bring the funny. And I can't think of anyone who could nail down the awkwardly-unaware-of-his-idiocy part of Maxwell Smart better than Michael Scott, the awkwardly-unaware-of-his-idiocy boss on The Office. I can guarantee that this movie will make you laugh, unless you're a Nazi.

3) Step Brothers- It's a Talladega Nights reunion, with Judd Apatow as producer, Adam McKay as director and co-writer with Will Ferrell and John C. Reilly, who star as two middle-age man-children who are forced to share a room when they're parents marry and move in together. Problem is... they can't stand each other. But when they're immaturity starts tearing thier family apart, they work together to patch things up between thier parents, and in the process, become best friends. It helps that they both have man-crushes on John Stamos...
Why you might like it: Will Ferrell is at his best when he works with McKay. Talladega Nights was the funniest film of summer 2006. Anchorman is, in my opinion, Will Ferrell's best movie yet. McKay directed both. And thier website,, is genius. And with John C. Reilly, who quite possibly is the most adept in both dramatic and comedic roles, has great chemistry with Ferrell.
Why you might not like it: Not everyone has been pleased with these guys' more recent projects. Walk Hard divided audiences, as did Blades of Glory, and Semi-Pro straight-up sucked, with Will Ferrell completely phoning in that film. That's not a very promising streak. Is it possible that these guys have lost the magic?
My take: Doubt it. I've seen the trailer, and as long as they didn't waste all the good parts on the trailer, this may very well be career bests for everyone involved. I highly suggest you youtube the trailer, it's one the best I've seen in a long time. I honestly cannot do this movie justice by writing about it.

2)Pineapple Express- The next big thing out of the Apatow Gang is, what I would explain as, a stoner buddy action-comedy starring former Freaks-and-Geeks co-stars Seth Rogen and James Franco. Seth Rogen plays Dale, an ordinary guy with an ordinary job and ordinary car... but an extraordinary pot habit. James Franco plays his pot dealer Saul, who is the first in the area to start selling a new strain called Pineapple Express, which Saul says "Is the dopest dope I've ever smoked," and "Smells like God's vagina". Unfortunately, when Dale pulls over to have a little toke, he accidentally witnesses a murder by a drug lord (Office Space's Gary Cole) and a corrupt cop (White Men Can't Jump's Rosie Perez). In the ensuing getaway, Dale ditches the joint. However, he and Saul realize that Pineapple Express is so rare, that it can easily be traced back to them. So, they flee, with the bad guys right on thier tails.
Why you might like it: Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg wrote this script as a follow-up to Superbad. In fact, it has a similar feel to it as Superbad, only with guns and weed.
Why you might not like it: Many people may feel uncomfortable with the heavy drug material in the film. Reportedly, Apatow, despite being the hottest producer around, couldn't get as big of a budget as he wanted, due to financers being wary of the drug-heavy script. Plus, some people just don't seem to like the brand of comedy the Apatow gang brings to the table.
My take: Don't be so fucking sensitive. The world is full of drugs, there is no point in acting like it's not true. Pulp Fiction was controversial due to the use of cocaine and heroine in it. Now Pulp Fiction is a classic that made 115 million dollars at the box office. Would it be a little bold to say that Pineapple Express could become a classic, parallel to an action comedy version of Pulp Fiction? Yes. In fact it may be too bold of a statement to make. But that's not gonna keep me from saying it.

1)The Dark Knight- Christopher Nolan directs the sequel to his critically acclaimed Batman Begins. Christian Bale returns as Batman, who is continuing to try clean up Gotham City, along with allies Jim Gordon (Gary Oldman) and Harvey Dent (Aaron Eckhart). Unfortunately, things have gotten worse since the events of the first film. Gotham is still feeling the effects of Scarecrow's attack on The Narrows, and the removal of Carmine Falcone as crime kingpin has led to a power struggle within the underworld, and now the city is in the middle of a huge gang war. And there's a mysterious criminal seemingly behind it all: a violent psychopath called The Joker (Heath Ledger, in his last finished role).
Why you might like it: Because it's a Batman film NOT directed by Joel Schumacher. It captures the Batman that truly connects with fans, a dark, troubled Batman, not a flamboyant, ambiguously-gay and campy Batman. And it'll be our last chance to see a great actor perform, and according to the hype, Heath Ledger's performance of The Joker may be his greatest, possibly iconic.
Why you might not like it: Some people just don't like a dark Batman, as witnessed by the backlash of Batman Returns, which, I admit, was almost grotesquely dark for it's time. And some people thought that even Batman Begins was too dark. Also, Jack Nicholson's performance as Joker in the original Batman is already iconic. It may be hard for some people to accept another Joker, a darker Joker, and some may be uncomfortable watching it, knowing that the actor is dead.
My take: We owe it to a man who gave his all into his performance to not shy away from it. This movie is based on material from some of the greatest Batman storyline arcs in history, and quite frankly, Christian Bale is one badass Batman. See it. It'll be the best movie of the summer. Who are we kidding, even if you don't wanna go, this movie is so huge, someone you know will drag you to see it. Better off going in on your own terms. You'll enjoy the film better if you're not resentful of being there.

So, there you have it. The Top Ten Movies to See This Summer
10)Hamlet 2
9) The Incredible Hulk
8) Tropic Thunder
7) Hancock
6) Iron Man
5) Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
4) Get Smart
3) Step Brothers
2) Pineapple Express
1) The Dark Knight

Here are some honorable mentions. I really don't want to go over them all, so if you don't know what movie I'm talking about, just look it up.
-Speed Racer
-The Love Guru
-The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian
-The Promotion
-Kung Fu Panda
-Swing Vote

So, what do ya think?

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