My Unsolicted But Nevertheless Informed Opinion on the Candidates


Unregistered User
As the primaries are fast approaching it's now more important than ever to remember that, unlike the United States government, we are not electing a PARTY to office, but an INDIVIDUAL. The parties may allow like-minded individuals to group together, but even two members of the same party will be very different mods.

I'm here to help you sort through the huge field of candidates to find the mod that's right for you.

ABC Party

Poppycock- Does anyone even know who this guy is? He has 544 posts, and hasn't even reached the light green rep bars. Now we all know rep isn't the world's greatest indicator of quality, but by 500 posts he should be a visible name on these forums if he expects to be modded.

Verdict: Pass on Poppycock

hatehabsforever- Habs has been a valued member of this forum for a while now, but does that make him a good mod? He seems to be getting too caught up in the politics game, which to me says he's going to be burned out by the time he reaches office. Do you want to elect someone who is going to get tired of his job after a few months? I know I don't.

Verdict: Habs could be a viable choice, but he needs to tone down the rhetoric and concentrate on what he'd do as a TNA mod.

Dagger Dias- Pass on Dagger. Seriously. He's gone on reporting sprees where he reports dozens of posts, and most of them don't even have anything wrong with them. He doesn't understand the rulebook, and he shouldn't be mod.

Verdict: Dagger is a nice fella, but he'd make a shit mod.

Amarillo Del Bosque Verde- Who the fuck... I guess they'll just let anyone run for mod, huh?

Verdict: Fuck 'em.

The Killjoy: Killjoy is in a similar position as Dagger, he reports a ton of shit, and while much of the time the posts he's reporting are indeed in violation of our rules, many of his reports are just of anti-TNA stuff. Basically, if somebody starts an anti-TNA thread in the TNA section, Killjoy has a tendency to report it as flaming, spam, or whatever.

Verdict: Killjoy seems like a textbook case of someone who will abuse their mod powers. Don't vote for him.

Mike "The Kid" Killiam: Why is he running? I don't know, I guess he feels like he's conquered the front page with articles not worth reading, he figures he might as well conquer the forums as well. He has an occasional gem of wisdom in his posts, but you have to wade through paragraph after paragraph of fluff to get there.

Verdict: No reason to give Killiam the keys to the boardroom. Let him keep posting his sub-mediocre opinions on the main page.

theIHwrestling: Why does the ABC Party have so many candidates that nobody knows about?

Verdict: Who!?

The Sign Guy- TSG has disappeared from the public mind after making a total ass of himself, declaring himself "one of the best posters on this site." After being laughed out of The Cage, TSG made himself scarce, probably hoping we'd forget about his delusions of grandeur. But we haven't Sign Guy, we haven't.

Verdict: Not the worst candidate the ABC Party is running, but certainly not the best. He doesn't have the mental capacity to work as a mod, and you don't need much.

JWGunslinger: This is my pick of the party. He's a nice guy, he's fun to talk to, he never loses his cool, he's diverse in his posting, and he's intelligent. These are the makings of a good mod. He's not going to snap at a random poster that bitches at him for an infraction, he's not going to go on an infraction spree because he's in a bad mood, and he's not going to disappear and take his modding duties lightly.

Verdict: If you're going to Vote ABC, vote JWG.

Muffin Top Merkley: Merk is my second choice from the party. He'd make a solid non-wrestling moderator as he is pretty well rounded in those sections. He's a nice guy, has a good attitude, and I think he'd fit in well as a mod. However, he has a tendency to go disappearing for a while, and the last thing we need is another absentee mod.

Verdict: Merkley is a great guy and I suggest you take the time to get to know him. If you value experience over consistency, vote Merkley.

Ba-Bomb- This guy has a serious attitude problem. The last thing we need is another Lord Sidious in the Board Room. What's worse, he doesn't seem to be half as intelligent as Sidious.

Verdict: Don't vote for Ba-Bomb under ANY circumstances.

La Resistance

The Crock- By far the best choice from this part. It's no secret Crock has been trying to get into the Board Room for a while, and I think this is one of his best opportunities if posters vote with their brains. Crock has a proven track record of solid wrestling posting, is well liked by most members, is a friendly guy when it comes down to it, and has given a lot of time and effort to various parts of WrestleZone. Whether it's making a sig, writing something for WZCW, volunteering to help run tournaments, or helping out a member through PMs, Crock is a terrific asset to WrestleZone.

Verdict: Crock is not only the best candidate from La Resistance, but one of the top 3 candidates in this election.

Jericoholic4Life- Eh. I like J4L's work ethic, but he's not exactly the brightest bulb, and I don't think he'd make a good mod. He's not mature enough to handle the lack of power that comes with being a moderator on a wrestling forum.

Verdict: Still better than most of ABC's candidates, but that's the best thing I have to say about him.

Milenko- He wouldn't be the first guy to make into the board room after a prison sentence, but he certainly would be the most annoying poster to make it into the board room. Truthfully, Milenko wouldn't make a terrible mod as he is a hard worker and isn't stupid... but he has a tendency to let his emotions get the better of him and he doesn't really have the authoritative voice necessary to be a good mod.

Verdict: We can do better than Milenko. If Milenko is made mod, you know we're in trouble.

Harthan- Another top 3 candidate, Harthan may be the most intelligent candidate in the field. He has experience as a former mod, and while he's a friendly guy that likes to joke, I wouldn't expect to see him hesitate at laying down the hammer if the time comes.

Verdict: Harthan or Crock, Crock or Harthan... you can't go wrong either way. While I would love to see Harthan back in the Board Room, I think Crock deserves a chance to see what he can do first.

awesome_miz- awesome_miz made a lot of noise in the very short time he's been here... and I have no idea why. He doesn't seem to be interested in getting into in depth discussions, and he's kind of mysterious. I don't like that quality in a mod. Mods need to be able to not only drive discussion, but be able to reason whether or not a rule has been broken, and what the appropriate course of action is. awesome_miz hasn't shown us that he has that mental capacity yet.

Verdict: Decent guy, not mod material yet.

David French Party

Coco The Monkey: The last top three candidate, Coco has been here for a while and has won the hearts and minds of WrestleZone. He's an intelligent guy with a great sense of humor, and has the rulebook figured out to a T... as you can tell by the amount of seemingly controversial stuff he does without getting banned. The biggest knock against Coco is that he won't take modding seriously and that he'll abuse his power. I say bah humbug to both of those things. In case you haven't noticed, Coco doesn't half ass anything. Whether it's a joke, and RP, or a serious wrestling post, Coco gives everything 100%. And abusing power isn't Coco's style. He's not the type of character to simply drop an infraction and skip off, he's more confrontational than that.

Verdict: Don't let the smear campaigns fool you, Coco may be the best choice for this election.

GD: General Disarray is a smart, funny poster, but I don't think he's very serious about getting modded. I'm pretty sure he's doing it for teh lulz.

Verdict: If you want a mod that's in it for teh lulz, vote GD. If not, vote Coco, as he's basically GD, but serious.

JGKY: It's unfortunate that Joe is in this party and not ABC, as he'd be the ABC Party's best candidate. TNA needs a mod, and Joe is probably the best choice. He's as impartial as he is smart, and he wouldn't let his fandom get in the way of his modding.

Verdict: JGKY is a dark horse candidate out of the French Party. He might have to wait to get modded the good ol' fashioned way.

CM Pancake: The guy is clearly in it for the bolded name, as he hasn't really made any sort of impact anywhere on the forums.

Verdict: Don't vote for him.

The Champ- The Champ is an intelligent enough guy, but I don't think he's ready for modding yet. He needs to experience more of the forums before he's ready for it.

Verdict: I'd say within 6 months he could be mod material, but not now. Maybe next year dude.

And that's that. For those not interested in reading through the whole thing, here's a list of the candidate I'd recommend picking from each party...

ABC: JWGunslinger
La Resistance: The Crock
David French: Coco The Monkey

Remember people, you're not voting for a party, because there are no parties inside the board room. You're voting for a mod, so vote for the guy you think will do the best job, not the guy that represents his party the best.
Good stuff, Jiggles.

I agree with most of what you're saying, especially when it comes to the people who are in it for questionable reasons or just for shits.
Scanned for racism.

Verdict: It's clean.

How do ya like them ModChops?

I appreciate the feedback from one of our current mods, especially from an unsolicited yet informed perspective. All due respect, though, it would have carried more impact if it had come from someone whose mind was not made up in the elections weeks ago, and someone who has not vocally been expressing this opinion. Perhaps over and above unsolicited and informed, the adjective "biased" could and should have been added. But that's fine, frankly I agree with some, but not all ( by a longshot) of what was said.

Several comments were made which were dismissive of the party as an entity. Which I guess makes sense as JGlass realizes, as does Coco, that the DFP will have its hands full if the party stays the course and remains united. I assume the divisive comments were to fragment the unity of the party, a sound strategy but it won't work. Truth be told, we have 4 or 5 strong candidates who will give Coco and others all they can handle, and they know it. I wouldn't be too quick to dismiss Dagger and Killjoy as JGlass does, either of them would be a great mod and he knows it. Slinger and MTM are strong too, at least he acknowledges that fact; I would have no problem with either of them getting the nod either. And let there be no false modesty here, I think I am up to the task as well. I would like to win these primaries. I hope I do. I think I could. And I think I should. But at least I know that if it isn't me, it will be one if the others who I support and endorse, which will make the whole effort worthwhile either way.

Next time, perhaps such commentary should be made before a decision of who to endorse is made, as opposed to retrospectively to justify a decision which has already been made. And worry not, whether it is me or one of the other guys, our unity will remain strong, as we all know that's necessary to defeat such tough opponents.
Ba-Bomb- This guy has a serious attitude problem. The last thing we need is another Lord Sidious in the Board Room. What's worse, he doesn't seem to be half as intelligent as Sidious.

Verdict: Don't vote for Ba-Bomb under ANY circumstances.

Attitude problem? I can't say I'm too thrilled with your comments here but attitude problem? Not half as intelligent as Lord Sidious? Well, based on how bad you trashed a lot of the other people I suppose I got off easy. :shrug:
I appreciate the feedback from one of our current mods, especially from an unsolicited yet informed perspective. All due respect, though, it would have carried more impact if it had come from someone whose mind was not made up in the elections weeks ago, and someone who has not vocally been expressing this opinion. Perhaps over and above unsolicited and informed, the adjective "biased" could and should have been added. But that's fine, frankly I agree with some, but not all ( by a longshot) of what was said.

Several comments were made which were dismissive of the party as an entity. Which I guess makes sense as JGlass realizes, as does Coco, that the DFP will have its hands full if the party stays the course and remains united. I assume the divisive comments were to fragment the unity of the party, a sound strategy but it won't work. Truth be told, we have 4 or 5 strong candidates who will give Coco and others all they can handle, and they know it. I wouldn't be too quick to dismiss Dagger and Killjoy as JGlass does, either of them would be a great mod and he knows it. Slinger and MTM are strong too, at least he acknowledges that fact; I would have no problem with either of them getting the nod either. And let there be no false modesty here, I think I am up to the task as well. I would like to win these primaries. I hope I do. I think I could. And I think I should. But at least I know that if it isn't me, it will be one if the others who I support and endorse, which will make the whole effort worthwhile either way.

Next time, perhaps such commentary should be made before a decision of who to endorse is made, as opposed to retrospectively to justify a decision which has already been made. And worry not, whether it is me or one of the other guys, our unity will remain strong, as we all know that's necessary to defeat such tough opponents.
Couple things: Just because he knows who the right man in this election is and let us all know a while back, doesn't mean his opinion carries any less weight. Hell, giving honest praise to people who aren't me kind of makes my skin crawl but he does it because he's not biased. And that makes your inbred Newfie ass tremble with fear. You have to toss around the term biased because if people see the truth and impartiality in JGlass' words, it doesn't serve you or the cult at all.

Second: You can talk them up all you want to secure support for yourself and your agenda once the cult officially crowns you its leader, but we both know none of your candidates present a real threat to me. In particular, I would sodomize Dagger. I might not even be talking figuratively here. I think there are a few scenarios that end with my cock in Dagger's ass. And you realize the exact same thing. I'm sure you've been kept up nights with thoughts of Dagger's rectum tearing as I feed it my Canadian bacon. Don't pretend otherwise.
I appreciate the feedback from one of our current mods, especially from an unsolicited yet informed perspective. All due respect, though, it would have carried more impact if it had come from someone whose mind was not made up in the elections weeks ago, and someone who has not vocally been expressing this opinion. Perhaps over and above unsolicited and informed, the adjective "biased" could and should have been added. But that's fine, frankly I agree with some, but not all ( by a longshot) of what was said.

Several comments were made which were dismissive of the party as an entity. Which I guess makes sense as JGlass realizes, as does Coco, that the DFP will have its hands full if the party stays the course and remains united. I assume the divisive comments were to fragment the unity of the party, a sound strategy but it won't work. Truth be told, we have 4 or 5 strong candidates who will give Coco and others all they can handle, and they know it. I wouldn't be too quick to dismiss Dagger and Killjoy as JGlass does, either of them would be a great mod and he knows it. Slinger and MTM are strong too, at least he acknowledges that fact; I would have no problem with either of them getting the nod either. And let there be no false modesty here, I think I am up to the task as well. I would like to win these primaries. I hope I do. I think I could. And I think I should. But at least I know that if it isn't me, it will be one if the others who I support and endorse, which will make the whole effort worthwhile either way.

Next time, perhaps such commentary should be made before a decision of who to endorse is made, as opposed to retrospectively to justify a decision which has already been made. And worry not, whether it is me or one of the other guys, our unity will remain strong, as we all know that's necessary to defeat such tough opponents.

You keep forgetting we need to go through each other before anyone gets to Coco.
Oh, he knows. It's his Jedi Mind Tricks that have made everyone else forget.
You keep forgetting we need to go through each other before anyone gets to Coco.

Trust me, I'm not forgetting that by any stretch of the imagination. Frankly whoever comes out of our party may in some way be a tougher battle than the election itself. I'm just not buying into the propaganda of others, and you shouldn't either.
Trust me, I'm not forgetting that by any stretch of the imagination. Frankly whoever comes out of our party may in some way be a tougher battle than the election itself. I'm just not buying into the propaganda of others, and you shouldn't either.

I'm not, but if I wanna win, I gotta beat you first. No other way around it.
Jeez, habs. Next thing you know, you're going to have your party put every dissenting voice on ignore so that you're their only source of information about anything election related.
FunKay thinks FunKay's name should've been mentioned despite not standing for candidacy. FunKay thinks JGlass could have some good things to say about him. And yes, that was my attempt at a Bob Dole impression. Not sure it came across brilliantly via the interwebz.
FunKay thinks FunKay's name should've been mentioned despite not standing for candidacy. FunKay thinks JGlass could have some good things to say about him. And yes, that was my attempt at a Bob Dole impression. Not sure it came across brilliantly via the interwebz.

Looked more like Bill Lesnar to me.
I appreciate the feedback from one of our current mods, especially from an unsolicited yet informed perspective. All due respect, though, it would have carried more impact if it had come from someone whose mind was not made up in the elections weeks ago, and someone who has not vocally been expressing this opinion. Perhaps over and above unsolicited and informed, the adjective "biased" could and should have been added. But that's fine, frankly I agree with some, but not all ( by a longshot) of what was said.

My mind is far from made up. I'll have to see who makes it through the primaries, but assuming my picks are the ones that win, I'll have much to think about on whether to vote Crock or Coco. JWG is a great option as well, but I think he could benefit from more time to mature as a poster.

Several comments were made which were dismissive of the party as an entity. Which I guess makes sense as JGlass realizes, as does Coco, that the DFP will have its hands full if the party stays the course and remains united. I assume the divisive comments were to fragment the unity of the party, a sound strategy but it won't work. Truth be told, we have 4 or 5 strong candidates who will give Coco and others all they can handle, and they know it. I wouldn't be too quick to dismiss Dagger and Killjoy as JGlass does, either of them would be a great mod and he knows it. Slinger and MTM are strong too, at least he acknowledges that fact; I would have no problem with either of them getting the nod either. And let there be no false modesty here, I think I am up to the task as well. I would like to win these primaries. I hope I do. I think I could. And I think I should. But at least I know that if it isn't me, it will be one if the others who I support and endorse, which will make the whole effort worthwhile either way.

No, they would not make great mods, and I know that. I didn't write this as some sort of propaganda tool, this was an honest take. Dagger would make a horrible mod. He's proved time and time again that he has no concept of the rulebook, and he has a proven track record of bias and letting his emotions get the better of him. Killjoy is a far more palatable choice that Dagger is, but he also suffers from a bias. He may be a mod one day, but he needs to work on a few things before he earns my confidence.

Next time, perhaps such commentary should be made before a decision of who to endorse is made, as opposed to retrospectively to justify a decision which has already been made. And worry not, whether it is me or one of the other guys, our unity will remain strong, as we all know that's necessary to defeat such tough opponents.

I endorsed a member of one party, but that doesn't help those who are voting in the ABC Party or La Resistance. I posted this as a guideline for people to use when voting in each individual party.

See Habs, this paranoia you have does not reflect well on what you'll be like as a mod.
I like Crock - always have. However, I have my reservations about someone who's desperate to be mod. It's a bit weird, no?

Also, I like how people are treating the DFP like there's some sort of competition.
No, they would not make great mods, and I know that. I didn't write this as some sort of propaganda tool, this was an honest take. Dagger would make a horrible mod. He's proved time and time again that he has no concept of the rulebook, and he has a proven track record of bias and letting his emotions get the better of him. Killjoy is a far more palatable choice that Dagger is, but he also suffers from a bias. He may be a mod one day, but he needs to work on a few things before he earns my confidence.

I find Killjoy to be leagues ahead of Dagger in reference to knowledge of our rules. We never had to PM him and ask that he tone down his annoyingness.

Fact of the matter is that choosing mods is not 100% about choosing posters who know our rules the best. At first, most mods report many posts before disciplining because they're still unsure of how to do things. There is a learning curve to everything so I wouldn't put too much weight on this. But if we did, then yes; no one knows the rules more than Coco.

As for your argument about "bias," isn't IDR the same way? He and Sidious were modded mostly because of their bias. Not for nothing but a biased mod actually makes them better for their own section. I see it as more dedication towards the section their most interested in. That kind of passion makes for a good fit for said position. Dagger has this kind of passion for the VGT section and Killjoy has it in the TNA section, so I give them both a plus here.

Onto the subject of emotion, you're right on the money. Mods must be subjective and can't allow personal relationships or their own personal emotions to get in the way of their decision-making. Dagger really drops the ball here while Killjoy excels.

Just my two cents.
I like Crock - always have. However, I have my reservations about someone who's desperate to be mod. It's a bit weird, no?

I'm not "desperate," I just enjoy the forum and want to help out around here. If I never get a mod spot, I'll be disappointed, but it's not my only purpose for coming on here. I get where you're coming from, though.
I like Crock - always have. However, I have my reservations about someone who's desperate to be mod. It's a bit weird, no?

Also, I like how people are treating the DFP like there's some sort of competition.

I don't see any of these guys as being "desperate". That's a really unfair assumption. They're merely politicking and it looks perfectly fine to me.
"You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Classy JGlassy again."

Your words are appreciated, comrade.

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