My Unsolicted But Nevertheless Informed Opinion on the Candidates

I don't fall in line with D-Man on this passion thing. If there's one thing I've learned from Sam, it's that great moderating comes from a distinct lack of passion. And I'm here to let it be known that I have less passion than anyone in this race. Hell, I'm not even excited about Christmas. Call it what you will. Maybe I'm too cool for school. Maybe I have a mood disorder. Whatever it is, it's definitely the much spoken of "it factor."
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I'm not "desperate," I just enjoy the forum and want to help out around here. If I never get a mod spot, I'll be disappointed, but it's not my only purpose for coming on here. I get where you're coming from, though.

Remember when you stopped posting in spam sections because you thought that was holding you back from being a mod? I know that was a while ago, but honestly it is hard for me to ignore when I read this. Not that this puts you at the bottom of my list of competitors.

Or maybe that didn't happen and I am just losing it, but that won't stop me from judging you.
Remember when you stopped posting in spam sections because you thought that was holding you back from being a mod? I know that was a while ago, but honestly it is hard for me to ignore when I read this. Not that this puts you at the bottom of my list of competitors.

Or maybe that didn't happen and I am just losing it, but that won't stop me from judging you.

What happened was that GD wanted me to post up a thread trashing Stormtrooper, but yeah, in essence.
As for your argument about "bias," isn't IDR the same way? He and Sidious were modded mostly because of their bias. Not for nothing but a biased mod actually makes them better for their own section. I see it as more dedication towards the section their most interested in. That kind of passion makes for a good fit for said position. Dagger has this kind of passion for the VGT section and Killjoy has it in the TNA section, so I give them both a plus here.

Except Sidious, as the WWE Mod, was the biggest anti-WWE/Pro TNA troll there. He despised the WWE, what the fuck was he doing modding that section? (other than using his mod power to harass anyone who disagreed with him, threatened them in PMs, and generally abusing his hammer more than a 14 year old boy abuses his cock...)

On this, I think I have to kind of agree with Coco...passion isn't always a good thing.
I get the passion thing. I don't the biased thing though. I don't consider myself bias in any way.
Except Sidious, as the WWE Mod, was the biggest anti-WWE/Pro TNA troll there. He despised the WWE, what the fuck was he doing modding that section? (other than using his mod power to harass anyone who disagreed with him, threatened them in PMs, and generally abusing his hammer more than a 14 year old boy abuses his cock...)

On this, I think I have to kind of agree with Coco...passion isn't always a good thing.

Once we realized that Sidious was biased towards TNA and anti-WWE, h was moved to moderate the TNa section. You don't remember that?
Habs is gunning for the TNA section. Overlooking all the other ways in which he'd be a terrible mod, how would him achieving that goal not be Sidious all over again?
Once we realized that Sidious was biased towards TNA and anti-WWE, h was moved to moderate the TNa section. You don't remember that?

Yeah, because I was the one publicly calling him out on his bullshit in those threads, making it obvious how biased he was.
I'm not "desperate," I just enjoy the forum and want to help out around here. If I never get a mod spot, I'll be disappointed, but it's not my only purpose for coming on here. I get where you're coming from, though.

Cool, thanks for clearing that up. If I weren't DFP through and through, it would be a dead heat between you and Muffin Top Merkley for my vote.

I don't see any of these guys as being "desperate". That's a really unfair assumption. They're merely politicking and it looks perfectly fine to me.

Desperate perhaps wasn't the word for Crock. Perhaps it was for others, however. I feel that some people do really just desire a mod spot for no other reason than for the fact that it's a mod spot. I'm not saying that's actually the case, but it's the vibe I get.
What happened was that GD wanted me to post up a thread trashing Stormtrooper, but yeah, in essence.

But hadn't you been avoiding the spam sections in general at that time for that reason too?

Yeah, he refused to start a thread calling for the banning/death of Stormtrooper because he wanted to be mod. And that was like a year ago. Pathetic to say the least.

And I am completely offended by the opening posts critique of me. Nothing, I repeat nothing, matter more to me in the world right now than this mod spot.


Perhaps I misinterpret some of your reports as bias, but to me you seem to be more critical of anti-TNA posts than you are of pro-TNA posts.
I try to look at as if the criticism doesn't benefit the current conversation, then it shouldn't stay because it would eventually lead to someone bashing his own critique and turn the thread into a anti/pro TNA spiral.

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