[Official] McMahon and the WWE get screwed over by incomptent basketball owner.


Team Finnley Baylor
On the WZ main page, it talks about Raw possibly being canceled next week due to a scheduling conflict with the Pepsi Center and the Denver Nuggets making the NBA's Western Conference Finals.

Now, I personally think it's a ploy to get a venue on short notice, but what would happen if Raw just canceled a show. I mean, no preempts due to Doggy Shows or Tennis, but the WWE just decided to not have Raw that week. Thoughts. Comments. And NO SPAM!

EDIT: This just made Sportscenter, and Vince came out...being the publicity mark he is and dissed The Denver Nuggets due to their owner not holding that date to be reserved for a Nuggets playoff game. WWE had the date reserved since August of 2008. I smell drama brewing folks. Tawk away.

ANOTHER EDIT: Vince McMahon was interviewed on ESPNNEWS by none other than Jonathan COACHMAN! The Coach gave an interview with Vince concerning the situation and is creating some serious heat with the Nuggets brass, basically blaming the owner of the Nuggets for the scheduling snafu and even held up a Kobe Bryant LA Lakers jersey to stir the pot even more. Vince says his trucks are rolling into the Pepsi Center next Monday Night and doesn't see anything changing that. Very interesting.
The WWE just needs to learn not to book venues in cities where this is a possibility. There are what, 30 NBA cities, the WWE couldn't just say, hey, we're staying out of these cities if there is a possibility for a playoff game there. It's a six week window where this is a problem, yet the WWE does what it does and feels it's the bigger of the two. The NBA is greater then the WWE, and to the people of Denver, I'm pretty sure they're more excited about the possibility of the Nuggets hosting a Western Conference Finals game over hosting a Monday Night Raw.

Another issue where Vince needs to remove head, from ass.
Well, Vince definitely has a reason to gripe in this case, as that building has been reserved for some time now.

It looks to me like the show is going to be pre-empted as there is no way Vince can find another building, and have all the tickets redistributed in a week's time.

But if Vince goes mouthing off at the NBA, he is only going to become the brunt of jokes from the Media. So, it's a lose/lose situation for Vince in this case.

As Shock said above, though ... Vince should take precautions and be aware of other events going on at the time, to ensure there is not even a potential conflict of interest with his shows. Had he done his homework in advance, he should have never booked any of his shows in an NBA Arena during the Playoffs. This could have all been avoided.

Hell, he could have cancelled the show a few weeks ago, and rebooked another arena, instead of waiting until the last minute.
It's not that big of a deal. Vince is understandably pissed - I mean, he got the arena booked way ahead of time. If they had any confidence in their team they wouldn't have booked it. It was a bad decision on the part of the arena, less so for Vince.

But anyway, there's no way Raw gets canceled. I mean, come on now. Vince will either find an arena on last minute notice, or he'll put the creative team and workers into overdrive and get the show taped with SmackDown tomorrow. As long as he covers all the travel costs, which he would, I can't see it being a major problem for any of the wrestlers.

So, I'm sure the show will go on, one way or another. It's an unfortunate situation, but one that is really the fault of the arena, less than Vince's.
Yeah, this is so not a big deal. Either they'll tape RAW tomorrow before SD! or they'll force the crew to turn either Saturday or Sunday's house show into a RAW taping. Vince just saw an opportunity to get mainstream coverage so he went for it.
I highly doubt there gonna cancel Raw. And if they do, big whoop. Raw hasn't been great the past few weeks anyway. Or maybe its just me. But anyway, even if Vince did book the event 9mnths in advanced, there's still games that have to be played. Does Vince actually think they're gonna hold off a playoff game because he's suppose to have Raw there? Cmon, be serious. He has power, but not that much power that there gonna stop the playoffs for the "almighty" Vince Mcmahon. Not happening.
I think the only possible outcome to this is Carmelo Anthony and Kenyon Martin vs Legacy in a handicap match.

Even though they could just tape it on friday or saturday or sunday I think there is something to Raw being live, I heard that a smaller venue in Denver was more than willing to let the WWE use it on Monday. I mean it might be smaller, but it will look like more people are there and still lets the show be live. I mean when Unforgiven was in Cleveland this past year it was at our main venue, but when Raw came here the day after the Royal Rumble it was at a smaller venue.

No big deal, we'll get a show to bitch about one way or the other.
The Situation breaks down like this...

#1 Vince cannot POSSIBLY follow an entire NBA season just so he knows which arenas to stay away from come playoff time.. Theres no way to judge that.

#2 Before about the end of April, NOBODY expected the Nuggets to be in the Western Conference Finals so you can argue that Vince probably didn't think it was a possibility.

#3 The Arena owner knows more about his teams season than Vince McMahon so if the OWNER had any faith in his team making it that far, chances are those issues would have been addressed before the week before the event. It's Vince and WWE's job to book the arenas.. It's the Arena owner's job to make sure theres no scheduling conflicts with the arena.. If he thought, for one second that the Denver Nuggets could possibly be still playing basketball on May 25th, chances are he would have let Vince or the WWE know when they sent the Contract to WWE for the arena back in APRIL..

Thats what seems to be left out.. If you go to ESPN.Com, it says the Arena Officials sent WWE a contract for that date to the WWE on April 15th, the final night of the regular season after the Nuggets had locked up the #2 seed.. The WWE signed that contract and returned it to Pepsi Arena officials... Now, being as it's the last night of the season, they had a pretty GOOD idea of the talent level of their team.. It's not like when WWE signed up for the arena back in August when Denver had not yet aquired Chauncey Billups and rejuvenized their team.. This is the LAST NIGHT of the regular season... So, what that tells me is the Pepsi Arena officials either had poor planning and didn't look far enough ahead or they simply didn't believe the Denver Nuggets would be in the Western Conference Finals...It's not WWE's job to keep up with every NBA's team's success so they'll know which arenas to book 9 months ahead of time...When that contract was sent to WWE on April 15th, the arena officials should have taken the Nuggets success in to account.. They didn't, and here we are.

Ultimately, I think the WWE may relocate to a smaller arena... Other options, although unlikely, are they could move Raw on earlier...Or they could move it after the Lakers/Nuggets game.. Either way, it'll affect Ratings.. They can't just tape it tomorrow because they can't let ALL those fans know in time, who set plans aside to be their next Monday...It's quite a mess i'll say that.. One that could've easily been avoided.
I can see why he would be pissy but Vince dissing the Nuggets is just bad for him like Lord Sidious stated. It will just make him look like a joke to the media once again.
And I agree that it is all a ploy to get another arena to host in. We all know that Vince will pull through, like alway, he seems to have that knack. The dusty ol bastard.
Vince does have a reasonable gripe to be mad since the venue's been booked since August. But to say Vince should take precautions in the cities where's there's NBA or NHL teams during playoff time is absolutely rediculous. That means the WWE can't hold Raw, Smackdown, or a PPV between April and the middle of June? That's insane to say Vince should take precautions for that JUST IN CASE the city's indoor sports team makes the playoffs. I understand these venues need to book other acts in order to make some revenue other than their sports teams, but THEY should be the ones being more cautious in what they book in what time frame. Not Vince. Vince worries about the WWE. Vince shouldn't have to worry about whether each NBA and NHL sports team will be making the playoffs...BEFORE THEIR SEASON EVEN STARTS! Vince didn't make a good move by blasting the Nuggets team because in no way is this Chauncy Billups or Melo's fault. Whoever does the booking at these places should be the ones scolded and looking bad here... not Vince. They need to have faith in their teams making the playoffs every single year and doing their scheduling around it. It's not like the NBA doesn't have games laid out each year in advance. The specific teams... no. But they do look like this... Game 3 of Western Conf. Finals will be held in one of these 15 or 16 cities on THIS day.

Vince should not have blasted the Nuggets themselves, but at the same time in no way, shape or form is this Vince's fault.
what i do see is them holding RAW next sunday...which in theory would be a great idea, look at it this way

If RAW was to be live the sunday, it would interfere with the TNA PPV which would have TNA lose their WWE viewers to RAW therfore allowing a higher RAW Rating.
I'm sure there was a clause in the leasing agreement that said if the Nuggets make the playoffs they have the right to cancel any reservations. If not, Vince sues and wins, it's as clear as that.

As for any repercussions to RAW, storyline wise there would be none. There nothing that needs to be done on Monday night. I'm sure they can find a replacement venue in or around Denver, though I'm sure it'll send up costing them some money.

As for people saying this is a "ploy" by Vince. What do you mean? There's no ploy here, he reserved a building, he got bumped and is legitimately angry over it. It's not a "ploy" he didn't set up the Nuggets to make the playoffs just so RAW could be bumped and he has to find a new venue.
IMO this needs to be sorted, the contractual obligation needs to be met, so if the arena has an obligation to the WWE then i think they need to either find them a venue to host raw or allow the WWE to showcase Raw on the day stated.

I for one am siding with the WWE on this, the arena could have sorted this situation out prior to the last minute fiasco which has now letft the WWE with no place to have Raw and it could lead them and USA in a situation but they may have a backup plan, I dont think Vince would not let Raw go on without somekind of fight.

We just have to wait and see what happens TBH
As for people saying this is a "ploy" by Vince. What do you mean? There's no ploy here, he reserved a building, he got bumped and is legitimately angry over it. It's not a "ploy" he didn't set up the Nuggets to make the playoffs just so RAW could be bumped and he has to find a new venue.

Have you just started watching the WWE yesterday? Vince McMahon is a publicity ****e. He saw this and thought it was the perfect opportunity to get some face time on ESPN or whatever sports channel covers this. It's perfect. Ratings are down. He gets publicity and doesn't have it in a negative light like it's been the past few years.
Yeah, Vince is definately in the right here. He booked the arena like 9 months ago, and there's no way to try to avoid every potential playoff game from sports teams. Between the NBA, NHL and other leagues that use the same arenas, there's a lot of cities that might have scheduling conflicts due to playoff games being scheduled on short notice, but these cities are all big cities where the WWE goes to. WWE booked it first, they're the only ones who can make a legitimate claim here. Denver just has to wait a few nights for b-ball.
Have you just started watching the WWE yesterday? Vince McMahon is a publicity ****e. He saw this and thought it was the perfect opportunity to get some face time on ESPN or whatever sports channel covers this. It's perfect. Ratings are down. He gets publicity and doesn't have it in a negative light like it's been the past few years.

Absolutely. Vince saw a perfect opportunity and took advantage of it. That's taking advantage of a situation which is what great business people do...but that's not a ploy. A ploy is a strategy in which something has been planned out.

It seems that when people previously said "ploy" the misused the term.
As unusual as this sounds. I wonder what would happen if the contract was violated and RAW was rejected at the door (so to speak). Does anyone in here think there could be a potential breach of contract lawsuit of some sorts? I mean Vince did nothing wrong. He followed what I'm sure is standard procedures by booking the arena, signing the contract and returning the signed contract. If the owner/GM of the Nuggets had that little confidence in their team. I honestly think that they need to find a different sport to manage. Who the fuck basically sells out their own team!? But anyways back to my lawsuit question. What are the odds of it happening do you think? I mean IF the contract is indeed breached.
I read the SC article and it talks about how the owner of the Nuggets ok'd the WWE to use the Pepsi Centre so its not VINCE'S fault its the Owner of the Nuggets fault for not having faith in his teams playoff chances.
Now I don't write much on here, but this whole deal with the NBA is the biggest load of BS. WWE has the arena booked for next Monday, they should get it. Maybe the NBA needs to get some advice from the NHL. The way the Pittsburgh Penguins' schedule is this playoff season has been interfered with a lot because of events previously booked at the Mellon Arena such as Yanni and Bruce Springstein. What did the NHL do? Worked around the arena's schedule. If Yanni and The Boss don't get cancelled for playoff hockey, there is no reason Vince and the WWE should get the can because of crappy NBA basketball. They can afford to push the game 1 day back. Agree? No?
The NBA should have consideration for people who reserve the venue before them. What if the Avalance were in the playoffs and they requested that day for the venue and then the NBA decided to schedule a game that day?
Look, I understand the 9 months booked in advance and everything. But every good business man in a traveling entertainment industry such as Wrestling should know that this time of year is playoff time for at least two different sports...Hockey and Basketball. And lets face it that venue is gonna make quite possibly a bit more money off of the hometown sports team then it would from the out of town entertainment show. Honestly WWE should move to close by colorado springs and see what kind of crowd they pull there. WCW used to film Nitro there all the time when they were beating WWE in ratings so WWE should at least give it a shot.

I can understand both sides, but in most cases playoffs > wrestling. As a wrestler I hate to say it, but it's true. And to hit on waylonmercy's point both the NHL and NBA schedule around each other during playoff time if both of that city's teams is in the playoffs.

So RAW will move and I'm sure that the crowd will either get refunds or free tix to the next show there.
I can't see Raw being cancelled really. I am with you Lariat, I think that they are now just looking for a new venue. If they were to cancel it, their would definately be some back up plan. I think that either a new venue could be found or they could have filmed more at tonights raw. Would that have been so bad. I mean, if they think it is not gonna go ahead, why not film more tonight and some more at Superstars or something? I dunno, I just don't think it will happen though. I personally feel that there will be a Raw next week in some shape or form.

What bothers me though is the title of "Longest running, weekly, episodic TV show". Surely if they did not broadcast it would break this. Would it?
According to the WWE website the arena actually was reserved last August for this event, now yeah the contract was finalized at the end of the reg season but we're talking about a guaranteed event on the doorstep of the owner about 7-9 months ago. Unfortunately the nature of sports is a double edged sword, good in the eyes of the fans but hell for the owners who may have to break deals with corporations which can affect future deals. Now I am very interested in seeing what will be planned for that evening, and will be tuned in to espn all day cause you know with a force like the NBA taking on the force of vince mcmahon that whoever wins the battle will get a monumental ego boost
Like I said in my original post update, things just got interesting. Jonathan Coachman interviewed Vince on ESPNNEWS and Vince is doing everything in his power to get some serious publicity out of this.

I think it's brilliant because the show is subpar right now and to be honest, he could use the serious publicity this gets on the sports air waves. Vince isn't backing down either...he's quoted as saying he's heading to Denver for Monday Night Raw and that it's the fault of the owner of the Nuggets for making the reservation and contract signing months before our show was to take place. He even held up a Kobe Bryant jersey to give the owner of the Nuggets. Just don't mess with Vince.
In all fairness vince and the WWE should have the arena on monday night, Denver Nuggets management is shithouse and should do the right thing and let Vince have the pepsi center.
I mean who here see's Denver Beating the lakers??
So whats the point of having a stupid little basketball game when denvers teams is gonna lose anyway?

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