Report: AJ Lee Sent Home With A Possible Concussion


This is a story that was originally reported sometime yesterday afternoon or evening. AJ was sent home from last night's Raw due to displaying what's being reported as symptoms of a concussion. The report states that AJ struck her head against the turnbuckle and that she's demonstrated difficulty in remembering her match and has been having headaches. She was examined by WWE doctors at the Battleground ppv and they reported she was demonstrating issues with her memory and balance. She had another evaluation yesterday at Raw and was still showing symptoms, of which WWE is waiting to improve before administering an impact concussion test.

Pretty shitty news if this means AJ is on the shelf for a while. She's been a genuine breath of fresh air among the WWE Divas and it's a major blow if she's out for a while. There's no other Diva currently on the main roster who can touch her.
She's been a genuine breath of fresh air among the WWE Divas and it's a major blow if she's out for a while. There's no other Diva currently on the main roster who can touch her.

That's why I think she'll be fine. She's been holding up this division for some time now and the only thing that's come remotely close to taking the belt away from her is Total Diva's. From that standpoint, it's good timing since she was going to lose the belt eventually to one of them anyways.

Let's hope she's not out for as long as DZ was. If that's the case, there's not a chance she's keeping that belt. But unlike DZ, she's very needed to keep her division afloat, as the current crop of heel Divas is a joke besides Layla, who's barely been seen at all.
I think its clear that AJ is already on her way to being the greatest Diva of all time. Everybody talks about Trish. AJ is already better in the ring than Trish ever was.
I think its clear that AJ is already on her way to being the greatest Diva of all time. Everybody talks about Trish. AJ is already better in the ring than Trish ever was.

No offense to people that think it, but I never felt Trish was the GOAT Diva (of course, odl schoolers will always say Moolah; but she was a real wrestler anyway, and not a Diva...but i digress)

I'd say Sable was Queen. She was interesting, she was hot as all hell, and she had the Sable Bomb, which was kind of awesome to see a female wrestler pull off. She was also in the Platinum (blonde...LOL) Era of wrestling...aka, Attitude.
AJ Lee has shown a compelling story and has very good ring work; and yes, she is the ONLY person keeping the Divas Division afloat...but to put her above Trish!! (let alone Lita, Victoria, Molly Holly, Beth Phoenix, Micky James, etc)...but sorry, she is just starting and has a very long road to pave if she is to be "the greatest Diva/Women's wrestler of all time". To be the greatest of all time, it's not just the work one SOLELY conducts, but what OTHERS in the division add to them. Here's hoping that this injury is nowhere near as severe as others have experienced because the Division NEEDS her. Either that, or the rest of the women's roster need to f*cking step up!!!
Well, that sucks. She's one of the few wrestlers I look forward to every Monday night. Hopefully it's nothing serious and if it is they ought to keep her around in some capacity like they did with Nikki Bella.

Don't know what that'll mean for her championship, though I'm sure WWE will muddle that up somehow. They always do.

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