Ronda Rousey Can't Make It On Her Own, Rides Piper's Coattails


Pre-Show Stalwart
I saw this latest commercial where she is "talking" to Piper, and he
is encouraging her.

It is almost like a desperate attempt to get the fans on her side,
sort of like saying if you liked Piper you will like me.

Does this make you like her more or less?

What are your thoughts?
I think that entire line of thinking is flawed.

The only thing she has that connects her to Piper is his jacket that his son gave her after he passed and her nickname she got his permission to use before he passed.
You saw all that in a 2k videogames commercial. Did you watch wwe since she started, she the hottest thing going not just in the women's division but in the whole wwe right now. She's super over and it has nothing to do with piper at all.

The commercial was just a simple way to sell more videogames and had nothing to do with Ronda in wwe since they didn't produce it, it was a 2k production.
It was for a video game. Ronda Rousey was already a big name even before she stepped into wrestling. She just needs to work a little on her in ring promo skills and she'll be the complete package
If she is so over, why does she need to repackage Piper's

Damien Sandow was over at one point, look where he ended
If she is so over, why does she need to repackage Piper's
What about Ronda Rousey screams Roddy Piper to you?

The way I see it she's the female version of Brock Lesnar and not Piper.

Former UFC Champion? check

Portrays a badass that gives no fucks and barely shows up? Check.

You're reading to much into it dude. She's not portraying a new Piper. All she's doing is paying homage to a legend and her favorite wrestler.
Ronda Rousey is arguably the hottest thing in wrestling right now and it has nothing whatsoever to do with Roddy Piper. She got to be very close with Piper the last few years of his life and I've read they were introduced to each other by martial arts great Gene LeBell, whom at times has trained both Rousey and Piper. LeBell knew Rousey was a huge fan of Piper, he introduced them and a strong friendship emerged.

Sure, Rousey pays homage to Piper via her ring gear and she wears a jacket that Piper gave to her but that's as far as it goes, he even gave her his blessing to use the "Rowdy" name as part of her entrance. When it comes to personas, Rousey and Piper couldn't be more different as Piper was such a loud mouth heel on the mic to such an extreme that he came off as downright manic at times while Rousey is, for the most part, just a straight up ass kicker. She doesn't emulate Piper's mannerisms, she doesn't try to sound like him on the mic, she doesn't evoke his name whenever the opportunity arises.

I mean...there's just nothing to this argument. In the two matches Rousey has worked in WWE, she's gotten a bigger reaction from fans than Piper saw in decades, maybe ever at any point in his career. I'm not saying that to disparage Piper or to suggest that Rousey already "means more" or anything like that, but the Piper connection does give Rousey something of a connection to fans in the sense that they know she's a genuine fan. She's been a passionate wrestling fan pretty much all her life and the Piper inspired ring gear, if anything, helps remind people that she's not just some high priced mercenary that WWE has hired who has no love or passion for wrestling and is only there for a huge paycheck.
Ronda only pays homage. It would be different if she were using Piper’s mannerisms, his theme, hosting Piper’s Pit or running out of bubblegum. She’s not a parody or new Piper, it’s a tribute.

There was a big risk bringing Ronda Rousey into WWE. She’s a massively over talent in combat sports, but her brand was missing essential prowrestling elements, such as colour scheme, music, and wrestling attire.

The decision to pay tribute to Piper is ultimately a safe decision. They have a real life connection, she’s been using his nickname for years with his blessing. The stylized font from Piper’s shirts and the leather jacket are all safe and known quantities that hit a nostalgic note.

They could have come up with a new logo and colour scheme for Ronda, but what’s the real issue here? She’s not acting like Curtis Axel did during AxelMania. In that situation he slowly devolved into a parody of Hogan. She’s not a cheap new Piper like some of the new tag teams we used to see in the 90s.

The issue here is there’s no familia connection between her and Hot Rod. Charlotte uses her dad’s gimmick but no one is asking why she’s being Ric. She pays homage to him but she’s also adds her own flair to Flair gimmick.

I don’t see the coattail riding here other than some low risk decisions by young talent paying tribute to their heroes. Wrestlers do it all the time, usually in less subtle ways when it comes to their wrestling moves.

Depending on how long of a career Rousey plans on having, we’ll see her find herself more and more and she may even start to phase out the Piper stuff down the line.
It comes down to this... Ronda and Piper were BOTH box office... not because of skill or size but cos of what they represent. Piper was the scrawny little scrote who could legit challenge...not beat but challenge Hogan when the business was at it's hottest... he played a big part in making it hot.

That's the torch he passed to Ronda... While it took a few years, she pretty much must have commited to him she was going to WWE once she was done with UFC and he saw enough of himself in her to believe and give his blessing to use of his gimmick.

Homage, rip off... immaterial, Ronda is the hottest thing, the must see thing in the biz and that she is bearing Roddy's emblem and name would make him prouder than anything a child of his own could do in the biz... Roddy Piper is relevant from beyond the grave... Where is Stone Cold these days?
It comes down to this... Ronda and Piper were BOTH box office... not because of skill or size but cos of what they represent. Piper was the scrawny little scrote who could legit challenge...not beat but challenge Hogan when the business was at it's hottest... he played a big part in making it hot.

That's the torch he passed to Ronda... While it took a few years, she pretty much must have commited to him she was going to WWE once she was done with UFC and he saw enough of himself in her to believe and give his blessing to use of his gimmick.

Homage, rip off... immaterial, Ronda is the hottest thing, the must see thing in the biz and that she is bearing Roddy's emblem and name would make him prouder than anything a child of his own could do in the biz... Roddy Piper is relevant from beyond the grave... Where is Stone Cold these days?
Where is Piper's Gimmick in anything Rousey has done in the WWE so far?

I just don't see it.
Let's not pretend that the Piper stuff isn't there. She's called Rowdy Ronda. She wears his jacket. Her merch and logo are in the style of Piper. The influence is there. But that's what it is. An influence. Similar to Punk and the 3 Star trucks and occasional elbow drop for Randy Savage.

Other than the example instance, they don't really tie her into Piper at all. I suppose it helps with older fans in a sort of homage nostalgia way, but I really don't think saying "Piper likes her" is something that converts a fan. And younger fans probably don't even know who Piper it (shame).

Rousery is over and it has nothing to do with Piper.
Totally disagree with the OP. The commercial was excellent. Piper was sort of a mentor for her and she was always a huge wrestling fan. The fact they were able to integrate the clip from his podcast showing his support and encouragement behind her was a great idea and sort of spine tingling message that echoes from beyond. She has over achieved so far and the message shows that Piper believed in her. Wouldn't have worked as a commercial if she didn't have the success she has shown so far. She does not copy his persona or much of it but plays up the Rowdy nickname given to her and the attire in tribute to him. She is being focused on more of a female stonecold like character if any.
Next thing you know she will have a tag team partner named
Sandy Savage who will run into the ring carrying Slim Jims and
shouting "Ohhh Yeah!"
Ronda has been over since she debuted. No worries there.

Roddy Piper was her mentor, so i guess she's paying tribute to him through her wrestling career.

She's a megastar and the only reason the women are getting pushed in WWE. Her success made WWE open their eyes to women athletes.

Ronda is just fine. No need to whine over nothing.
She became friends with him before his passing and WWE gave her his image but she was already that type badass character in MMA. Other than look there is nothing in her mannerisms that makes her like Roddy. Roddy is like the original loose cannon.
She probably is paying some tribute as Ronda was a fan, and I think she probably is a big fan, so that connection is why the Nickname.
But she is without all the Rowdy, a top star. She made herself. She works hard, she is not a Lesnar. I like her because of this, she is different from a standard women/men who came as a star and part times bad. The match with Nia is the main evidence, she looked reslly good for someone who is not a pro, she still is a rookie, but has a better setup than some NXT’s and WWE’s roster
In the two matches Rousey has worked in WWE, she's gotten a bigger reaction from fans than Piper saw in decades, maybe ever at any point in his career.

I like some of your posts. I dislike some of your posts. Our opinions sometimes differ, but you generally seem to know what you’re talking about. The above is probably the dumbest thing I’ve seen from you.

Rousey has gotten big reactions—mostly because WWE gives its fans very little to get excited about these days. The delta in crowd noise would be less in better eras. But to even hint that it has possibly approached the biggest reactions Piper ever got in his career is not only ridiculous. It is dumb and I hope you can admit to mistakes. Indefensible.
To be fair, Piper DID talk about her on podcasts and that he thought very highly of her and was down with her using his name... I take the point that the promos aren't there... but she's learning, Roddy was a unique man and "out there" in many ways... Ronda isn't, but she has the fire/guts and with each run-in, defiance of authority gets a little closer to the spirit of Piper.

At the end of the day it's no better or worse than Jay Lethal aping Randy Savage for 2 years... It is what it is... but Piper, IS relevant in 2018... so I reiterate, he'd love it.
I don't think she's riding any coattails. She has the logo like piper did, the jacket and Rowdy nickname. Yes that may seem like alot but that was her fav wrestler and she's paying homage to him. She's riding her own coattails of past accomplishments in the UFC and even though I was skeptical at first, I'd much rather have her as a badass dominant champ than the likes of chicks like Alexa and Carmella. In her short time, she has better wrestling skills than they do. Now if she comes out in a kilt and to his music and starts to do promos with his mannerisms then I'll change my story

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