Should there be a WWE draft in 2017?

Terry Gyimah

Championship Contender
For me if the question is posed that if there should be a WWE draft in 2017 next year? The answer is yes most definitely but the draft format for next year's draft is that I would make it exactly like the 2004 WWE Draft Lottery where you have the 2 GMS of both brands along with their Commissioners on the stage but you have a tumbler and in the Smackdown Live tumbler you have RAW and NXT superstars' names in balls in the tumbler

Then in the RAW tumbler you have the names of Smackdown Live and NXT superstars in the tumbler
I think they should have a draft sometime in 2017, but it should only be open to NXT guys.

SD and RAW each get 3 picks. (Tag teams counted as one pick).

I don't want established guys bouncing over to the other show in 2017. For the shows to have their own vibe, they need a roster that is identifiable with that show.

But if they do have guys switch, do it via trades, not via ping pong balls in a tumbler.
I would hold a draft annually but it shouldn't be any more than 6 or 7 drafts over both shows i.e. two RAW v Smackdown specials.

3 inter-promotional matches on each show, the winner of each match gets their GM/Commissioner a Draft exchange of their choosing. i.e. John Cena defeats Seth Rollins on RAW, Shane McMahon drafts Cesaro.

Have a Battle Royal with a couple of draft picks up for choice if necessary.
No. Having a draft every year got dull anyway. It was cool the first couple of years, and then the novelty wore off. I think a better idea would be to hold the draft semiannually and call NXT prospects up in the off years. If NXT continues to grow that formula may need to change though.
An annual trade window, yes. A draft as was done this year, no thanks. Have the blue and red brands make some necessary shifts, but not in a labored draft. Frankly, the draft was pretty poorly executed this year. I don't suspect improvements.

An NXT draft makes sense, but I'd limit it to two picks each. NXT got purged pretty hard. Next year, have NXT stars compete for draft eligibility, so we have logical reasons for Mojo fucking Rawley being drafted ahead of Shinsuke Nakamura.
Yes there should, but since we have the RAW Tag Team Champions, RAW Women's Champion, etc those champions shouldn't be drafted. Actually no champion should be open for draft.

NXT should also be open to the draft. NXT could get some guys like Swagger and Crews to rebuild them, while the main roster would get the hot up and comers.

The perfect time for the draft would be, before the MITB PPV. Why?
a) April to May is usually where the Wrestlemania backlash takes place, so you don't want to mess with that and you want the feuds to blow off before the draft.
b) MITB should be a cross-branded PPV, with ONE briefcase and holding a draft before a cross branded PPV gives out the choice to right any wrongs and finish up with any feuds.

Also, please not this Random Draft. I never liked it. Comissioners picking their talent is great. Plus I agree with the fact that the rosters should not overhaul. The draft will happen, but in a lesser extend. Maybe bring in Brand Exclusive contracts.

Something like a transfer period. Guys who contract has ended, are free for renegotiation or draft, guys who are under contract can leave via a buy clause or a trade. NXT works as a talent pool.
It's probably not a matter of if, but when and also how a draft should be executed. The original brand extension didn't a draft until two years later in 2004. That draft promised to shake the foundation of WWE.

That draft did shake up the foundation of WWE, it moved around the jobbers and the undercard and Edge(who was still years away from the main event). If they're going to have a draft, they need to have reason for it. That 2004 draft was pretty unnecessary as it moved around no one at the top.

Draft's are bigger drawing nights. They're guaranteed to garner extra viewers on a pretty big scale. They'll be tempted to do that. The 2005 WWE draft was the first one to have a significant impact. It moved main eventers and switched the two World Champions.

Annual drafts force creative to have drafts no matter what they really want to do. A 2017 draft should only be necessary if one roster is lop sided when due to injuries or if feuds are stale.

A trade window is an interesting, but how do you keep things not lopsided. Let's say one show needs a top guy but the other only needs a tag team. Is Seth Rollins for American Alpha a good trade then?

Whereas in a draft scenario, if Rollins is the only top guy drafted to Smackdown and Alpha are the only tag team drafted you don't have to risk popping the bubble that is the willful suspension of disbelief.

A trade scenario might be a little too much for WWE creative to handle. They might not be able to book a believable trade angle than a draft. You don't need to be creative to book a draft, you just need to be have it be logical or random.

WWE should have booked the 2016 draft as random, because their draft made zero sense. Why would AJ Styles, Finn Balor or Roman Reigns be picked when Brock Lesnar and John Cena were still available?

They chose to use the draft as a way to highlight the new guys. Good for them, but they did it in a way that made little sense.

Ditto for the NXT drafts. Obviously NXT couldn't afford to lose Nakamura, Asuka or Bayely, but the fact that the GMs and Commissioners "chose" the people they chose. Shane and Bryan chose Mojo Rawley when literally every NXT champion was allegedly on the table.

There should have been some randomness to the selections. Each brand could have gotten X amount of NXT pics that were "randomized." Finn made sense, but not higher than 15 WWE champion, star of many films and television and oversized Boy Scout in jorts John Cena is sitting there scratching his "you can't see me."

You have to be deliberate and logical, something wrestling struggles with, so you just have to use the tools. A random draft works better than anything that has to claim to have an kind of deliberate logic behind it. The 2016 draft could have still highlighted the new guys first. All you had to do was say they got one pick, then a few random ones.

2017 draft will happen, it should be "random" and it should avoid easy logic holes such as trying to justify trades.
Yes and no, I thinkchey should have some sort of a draft after wrestlemania we're raw and smackdown could pick 2 nxt superstars, 1 tag team and 1 women and starting the day of the draft, raw and smackdown has one week to trade talent that you could follow on and the wwe network.
There should definitely be a draft, but not the enormous ones that took place from 2007-2011. Just do a 2004-style draft, with half a dozen picks for each show, plus a handful of "supplemental" picks from NXT.
I'm not sure if it's been mentioned, but I want to see a draft in the style of American sports, or as least as close to them as I understand it, and only involving NXT Superstars.

Set a date, maybe just after Mania. For a week or two before that, you have some Network Specials, which in a reality TV style, show a bunch of NXT superstars going through trials, warm ups and exhibition matches trying to wow the visiting GM's.

We can speculate on who's going to be 1st pick etc, and then you do maybe 8 picks, 4 to each show. Maybe a little more, but I think 4 to each show would be a decent number.

I hope I've explained that somewhat coherently
I believe drafts should be held every two years. Established superstars bring a certain personality and feel to a show, so drafts should be limited and they'll feel more special with less. I also think champions should never be drafted.

I would like to see a draft on Raw or even a PPV that featured different segments. First would be a trade off round where wrestlers are traded way in advance and are announced during this segment. One male, one female, one tag team and one wild card per show are traded and announced one by one GMs.

2nd segment would be a random pick round with the tumbler we've seen in the past. Two picks per show.

3rd segment would be random pick per division. One male, one female and a tag team.

Then an NXT call up round. Two picks per show.

So that's nine draft picks per show and two NXT call ups.

And they can have inter-promotional matches like battle royals, one on one, or any match where winner of certain show gets an extra draw from the tumbler.

Have that tradition every two years, sometime after Wrestlemania or the PPV after it. Knowing WWE, they would have a draft every year with a different gimmick and over do it like they did before.
2004 style draft in of 12 picks altogether from the tumbler

RAW gets:

1- Apollo Crews
2- Rhyno (breaking up Slater and Rhyno)
3- Carmella
4- WWE Intercontinental Champion whoever it may be
5- Samoa Joe (from NXT; NXT draft pick)
6- Final draft pick of the night- Ziggler

Smackdown Live gets:

1- Braun Strowman
2- Austin Aries (from NXT; NXT draft pick)
3- Dana Brooke
4- Sin Cara
5- Kofi Kingston (breaks up New Day)
6- Final draft pick of the night- Karl Anderson (breaks up Gallows & Anderson; reunites him with AJ Styles)
You can't just "redraft" every year, that's what went wrong last time as it takes a full year for someone to transition to the new show, get over, be pushed etc... The worst part of the old system was the predictability of the swaps.

More likely is the NXT Draft idea with a couple of exceptions.

The Women's divisions may get two picks each or "trades", Say Alexa has a strong year on SD but isn't really making it cos Becky is doing well, then they can move her to RAW and bring Bayley or someone over in her place. Likewise in the mid-card so Neville, if he's had his run as Cruiser champ (most likely) and then they want to position him higher, he can trade with someone like Crews, Slater or Hawkins...

Big trades/drafts should be 2 years max, maybe 3... Perhaps have each brand getting a "trade pick" the night after Mania.

The other thing they can do is have "bidding wars" for free agents... Say Kurt Angle and Goldberg are coming back, along with a returning Undertaker and The Hardyz... it'd be good TV to have the GM's pitching to get them... Does Steph go for Taker on rep, even though she knows she won't get more than 2 or 3 matches...would it cause issues with Mick who might want Broken Matt... would D-Bry jump at Angle and go all out cos of Team Alpha, or want Goldberg while Shane wants a leftfield choice like Tanahashi

Of course those names aren't as likely but insert Drew Mac, EC3, Ricochet or even a returning Barrett... it could make good TV.
The draft I would also do a similar scenario like 2005's draft lottery 5 picks for each show over a whole month something like this:

Smackdown Live

Week 1- First draft pick (Roman Reigns drafted from RAW to Smackdown)

Week 2- Second draft pick (Rusev drafted from RAW to Smackdown)

Week 3- Third draft pick (Big Show drafted from RAW to Smackdown)

Week 4- Fourth draft pick (Bayley drafted from RAW to Smackdown)

Week 5- Fifth draft pick (Samoa Joe drafted from NXT to Smackdown Live)


Week 1- First draft pick (Bray Wyatt drafted from Smackdown Live to RAW)

Week 2- Second draft pick (Nikki Bella drafted from Smackdown Live to RAW)

Week 3- Third draft pick (Kane drafted from Smackdown Live to RAW)

Week 4- Fourth draft pick (Bobby Roode drafted from NXT to RAW)

Week 5- Fifth and final draft pick (Randy Orton drafted from Smackdown Live to RAW)

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