The 2017 Draft

Aeon Mathix

Has Ascended
I didn't watch wrestling from around 2003 to around 2012 and I realize there were drafts that took place almost every year when the brands were initially split however I don't have too much knowledge about what went down in those or what the rules were etc.

Basically what I want to discuss is the 2017 WWE Draft assuming that there is one. How do you see it going with the current landscape in WWE? I am addressing the issue of half the roster on each show holding a championship (figuratively speaking yes). Say if American Alpha are the Smackdown Tag Team Champions and they get drafted to Raw, what happens to their titles? Are they stripped and get a number one contender match for the Raw titles? Do the Smackdown tag titles become new Raw titles? Would every champion be exempt?

The many titles raises a lot of questions for me if they are indeed going to do a draft this year. I would personally hold an NXT draft around Summerslam or the night after WrestleMania where each show gets a couple picks. Maybe 1 male, 1 female and 1 tag team each. Sort of like real sports where they draft college players and whatnot.

How do you think WWE would go about the draft assuming they have one?
I've wondered about the championships too. Considering they're color coded for the brands, I wonder if they'll address that or if it'll "conveniently" not be a problem.

I liked what they did when the draft picks were determined by Smackdown vs. RAW matches and whichever brand won the match got the draft pick which was "randomized". I assume they'll do something similar this time around, there's no way they're gonna do a full roster draft again.

Maybe they'll do something along the lines of a lottery where each brand gets a few picks but that's kind of boring.
The dirtsheets are saying if there is a draft it would be held sometime after Wrestlemania, probably in May or June.

I remember watching one years ago when John Cena was drafted to RAW and he was the WWE champ at the time. I think it was Batista who was drafted to SD, he held the other belt, sorry can't remember which one it was. It was done that way so each show would have a championship belt to feud over.

The rumour mill is saying that Vince is so impressed with Styles that he wants him on RAW, and the name that comes up most often going to SD Live is Roman Reigns. It will be interesting to see how they work out the tag teams, if they split them up or not, or if someone like Lana would go with Rusev if he is drafted.

Out of the two shows RAW needs the shakeup the most. By then Goldberg and Lesnar should be done and over with. If the reports are true then this will be Taker's last Mania and Cena is taking a lot of time off. So they need to make the star power a little more even.
They used to just swap the belts, which I always found really lame. Cole would be all "THE US CHAMPIONSHIP IS ON RAW, WHAT DOES THIS MEAN!!!" And than a pick later the IC title would go to Smackdown which every single person saw coming anyway. God I used to hate those drafts.

I honestly think they should scrap the draft and just have the GM's "sign away" talent like they used to when the brands were first split but I highly doubt that's going to happen. If they do end up going the draft route, I feel like all champions shouldn't be eligible to be drafted. At this point, they have enough name talent that the draft show can be impactful enough without having to move certain champions between brands. Both brands have their own set championships now, it makes zero sense for them to even have the chance to be moved.

Basically, I don't want to be treated like a moron. If they do this, don't just swap the titles to swap the titles and act like the fans should think it's an epic moment. Because it's not. It turns the draft into a corny caricature of what it should be and everybody sees that shit coming from a mile away. Sorry for the rant. I really hate WWE drafts though...
I think thay they migt just put some sort of rules that cjampions can't be drafted or if you want to draft them , then they still have to defend the championship on the brand they we're until they lose the belt.

As for what I think wil happen. I wouldn't be surprise if either ambrose gets move to raw or rollins and reigns moves to smackdown. Same, goes for aj and gllows and anderson.

I think some of the women's will move. I could see sasha banks move to smackdown maybe even emma or paige, as for raw, I wouldn't be surprise to see mickie james, eva marie (if see comes back) and maybe carmella switch to raw.

I also would be surprise to see some nxt guys get drafted again this year since ther guys like dillinger and nakamura that might need a reason to explain their call up and a draft is an easy reason to explain a call up.
My plan would be this.....

Roster Moves
Ambrose, Kalisto, B. Lynch, Asuka, & The Uso's head to Raw
Zayn, Cesaro, S. Banks, The Club, & Nakamura go to Smackdown

* Raw
- reform the Shield (Best way to get Reigns over? Put the band back together).
- leave Balor on Raw to be on his own. He doesn't need the Club to thrive
- B. Lynch is a better face to chase Charlotte along with Bailey & Asuka. Banks could become a tweener/heel for the smackdown brand.
- Kalisto can add some value to the cruiserweight division. Also reform Lucha Dragons
- Uso's give Raw another top quality tag team.
- HHH can create a monster group (Owens, Joe, Rusev, & Stroman)
- turn Sheamus face again (need the balance)

- Feud of the year begins (The Club vs. The Wyatt Family) - add Corbin to the Wyatt Family and bring back Luke Harper.
- Main I-C Title combatants (Nakamura, Miz, Zayn, Corbin, Ziggler, & Cesaro) - great mid card talent
- Banks gives the Smackdown brand a dominant woman which they need.

Styles could thrive on Raw but having the Club on one show and the Shield on the other would be what's best for business.
I was thinking about this the other day as well. My favorite WWE Drafts were the first one in 2002 and the last one in 2016. I never liked the idea of “random” picks generated by a “machine”. I never liked the idea of the outcomes of matches determining which brand gets the picks. The only thing I didn’t like about the 2002 draft was having tag teams (Billy and Chuck) or stables (nWo) drafted together as 1 pick. It should have counted as 2 / 3 picks respectively. The only thing I didn’t like about the 2016 draft was Raw having 3 picks and Smackdown having 2 picks in each round. It should have been 1 pick each for each round.

A few things I would like to see in the 2017 WWE Draft are:

Smackdown gets a 3rd hour
I know Raw will never get rid of their 3rd hour due to the money it makes the WWE, so Smackdown should get a 3rd hour to even things up, and of course, make more money for the WWE.

205 Live either becomes NXT’s second hour or is aired after NXT
If my plan to add a 3rd hour to Smackdown happens, then 205 Live will need to be taped elsewhere. I say make the Cruiserweight Championship NXT’s mid-card Title. My favorite active Belt, the United Kingdom Championship Title, should stay in the United Kingdom for the upcoming WWE UK show. By the way, when will a replica of the WWE UK Championship Title Belt be up for sale!?

Intercontinental Championship Title to Raw / United States Championship Title to Smackdown
This is just a personal preference, but I think the Intercontinental Championship Title belongs on Raw and the United States Championship Title belongs on Smackdown.
In all honesty, I wouldn't mind if they kept all the titles exactly where they are. I'd hope that champions are exempt from the draft because...well I just seems like the "SmackDown" and "Raw" titles should most certainly be kept there. Switching the red belts and the blue belts to different brands just seems like it sends a sort of message that brand exclusivity doesn't mean all that much.

The one change I'd possibly make would be bringing the Cruiserweight Division to SmackDown Live as I just think the blue brand's creative team can do a better job, which is something the blue brand creative team has consistently done. Of course, I believe that the CW Division has been making positive strides forward over the course of the past month or so and if they continue to improve, I'd be okay with them staying with Raw.
I liked what they did when the draft picks were determined by Smackdown vs. RAW matches and whichever brand won the match got the draft pick which was "randomized".
This was the best version of the draft, imo. They should do this with 5 Raw vs Smackdown matches. Also should keep it as smart and simple as possible, meaning champions cannot be drafted and tag teams are drafted together. Maybe even do a battle royal for the main event, were the winning show gets 2 draft picks.

As for as who should be drafted, my list would be:
Mickie James

Seth Rollins
Kendrick/Neville/Aries/(or PTP, still hoping they reunite)
The titles and the champions should stay locked. Especially the ones that are called the "Smackdown Women's Championship" and "RAW's World Tag Team Championship" etc. They could rename the titles and change the colours but that would be stupid.

Keeping the champions locked gives each brand its own identity. Because it's like saying, "hey, that's our brand and these are our championships, since day one".

Although, you could draft superstars and them have them vacate the title, which once again, is stupid.

So IMO, champions and championships should be locked.

Also, I hope that the draft is not random, like it was for many years. I'd like to be like last year in a way that the managers can reshape their show, depending on what they saw during the year that passed.
I liked what they did when the draft picks were determined by Smackdown vs. RAW matches and whichever brand won the match got the draft pick which was "randomized".

I liked this and would do something similar with 3 inter-promotional matches on both RAW & Smackdown with one battle royal offering a couple of draft bonus picks.


Dean Ambrose - he's gradually slipping down the card & RAW could do with another face before Balor's return.
The Uso's - I think the tag-division could do with a shakeup.
Kalisto - could compete as a cruiserweight or possibly reform the Lucha Dragons.
The Miz - this guy has benefited from The Draft. No with Ziggler turning I think Miz moving to RAW makes sense.
Austin Aries - NXT pick
Sasha Banks

Cesaro - his partnership/feud with Sheamus has ran it's course, the guy doesn't look to be getting pushed anytime soon.
The Club - turn them face with Styles for a while and you've got The Club v The Wyatt's as the top feud for a while.
Rusev - like Ambrose, the guy is gradually slipping down the card. A move could reinvigorate him.
Nakamura - NXT pick
Becky Lynch.
This is where I see this heading:

To RAW: Ambrose, Styles, The Ascension, Kalisto, Becky Lynch, Nakamura
To SD: The New Day, Rusev and Lana, Cesaro, Bayley, Kassius Ohno, Kevin Owens, Roderick Strong

Ambrose, with Rollins and Reigns reunites The Shield to take on Balor, Anderson and Gallows in a reformed Bullet Club, with Nakamura and Styles torn on who to join. The Ascension and Kalisto are filler. Bayley going to SD is a test of Bayley's ability to push viewers and merch. She has been likened to John Cena. Now, she has to prove it. Cesaro is going nowhere fast on Raw, and hooks up with his former RoH partner in Ohno on SD. Kevin Owens will be lost in the shuffle on Raw, and get rejuvenated. Rusev and Lana go face against Miz and Maryse. Storyline writes itself. The New Day, once the Shield gets reunited, will have nowhere to go. So, the Booty-O's will go to SD. Roderick Strong is to give vet presence, and bring some of the "old-school" RoH fans over.
The past drafts where champions for champion were "randomly" drafted were painfully dumb. Ditto for the night JR just happened to follow Michael Cole. What about the night Cena was drafted to Smackdown, then back to Raw, in the same night?

Now that the belts are colour coded and brand specific, it makes the most sense to just have champions be exempt from the draft. If the belts had unique names and designs, sure they could. Although there was that report of Orange county choppers making a new Universal title with the same design, what if it's a blue one?

It was always dumb though, and personally it made the willful suspension of disbelief fairly difficult. Oh wow, both world champions were drafted? What are the odds? The odds are convenient.

WWE has always had difficulty constructing a believable draft. The 2016 draft is evidence of this, with Finn Balor going higher than John Cena and Brock Lesnar, it defied logic.

Drafts need to have a level of logic that goes along with wether they are kayfabe random or kayfabe selected by an actual person.

There's never been proper logic with the draft and champions. One year ECW Champion Kane was drafted to Raw and took the title with him (he lost it to someone before the week was over). Another year ECW Champion Bobby Lashley was drafted to Raw, he was stripped of the title.

WWE Champion Cena was drafted to Raw, so Smackdown has a tournament for a new Smackdown championship, JBL wins a tournament. Then World Champion Batista is conveniently drafted. Sorry JBL, no Smackdown Championship for you. What was in Teddy Long's bag? Don't championship belts cost money?

WWE drafts benefit from logic. They almost have to be random, otherwise Smackdown's first pick would be Raw's top draw every time. Anything else defies logic. They'll never set concrete plans down when it comes to titles, because they'll want to break them in future years to draft who they see fit.

If they do draft the brand specific belts, they'll likely draft the equivalent champions and just have them switch belts.
I think thay they migt just put some sort of rules that cjampions can't be drafted or if you want to draft them , then they still have to defend the championship on the brand they we're until they lose the belt.

As for what I think wil happen. I wouldn't be surprise if either ambrose gets move to raw or rollins and reigns moves to smackdown. Same, goes for aj and gllows and anderson.

I think some of the women's will move. I could see sasha banks move to smackdown maybe even emma or paige, as for raw, I wouldn't be surprise to see mickie james, eva marie (if see comes back) and maybe carmella switch to raw.

I also would be surprise to see some nxt guys get drafted again this year since ther guys like dillinger and nakamura that might need a reason to explain their call up and a draft is an easy reason to explain a call up.

i would also have a change in the announce booth, have corey graves moves to smackdown and jbl and mauro move to raw. If you want you could moves michael cole to smackdown for a couple of months until you faze him out and give the lead play by play position to tom phillips.
The best way to action a draft is a simple 5 pick system with two wildcards up for grabs in an interbrand match. Too often they focus on quantity of changes rather than the quality and building the tension.

I'd do it like this -

Each GM gets to pick from any talent not on their roster who doesn't hold a title. One Singles, One Tag Team, One Womens Wrestler and one ancillary star.

Sake of argument, Foley is still GM. D-Bry on SD and you do it on two nights

He picks AJ Styles, The Ascension & Asuka & Tom Phillips... D-Bry picks Cesaro, DIY, Sasha Banks and Austin Aries

The wildcard on RAW match sees AJ V Cesaro - The Club try to interfere on his behalf but DIY head them off letting Cesaro steal the win... That means SD get the Wildcard draw.

The random draw comes up... Shinsuke Nakamura...

On SD it shifts to the Diva's and tag teams.. those draws get made and the wildcard match is DIY v The Club... The Club steal the win with AJ interference getting RAW the wildcard... Steph steals the pick from Foley and she gets Heath Slater... She kicks off and demands one more wildcard match - the women...

Asuka narrowly loses to Sasha when Steph gets in her way and SD draft... Roman Reigns or Asuka wins and Foley makes the pick and gets Randy Orton.

That style would make a tight, logical focused draft that would make good TV for the 2 nights
Smackdown has fewer flaws, but are a little more deep than a majority of the ones Raw had. If there is a draft even just a few major trades and a call up or two can probably polish up the current issues on both shows. Smackdown Tag Title scene comes to mind from something that could benefit. As well as some of the talented cruiser weights that kind of just undercard on 205 Live to the main few or do filler matches on RAW. The depth in the womens division is actually deep, but it could benefit as well. A main thing that pops in my head is the IC and US title.

I guess the Draft would be shortly following mania, because a lot of these looming angles that have been built for months have ensnared nearly all the talent that are pushed as Main eventers. It's dragged at times, and new flavor being injected would be gladly welcomed and refreshing.

A lot of people come to mind, and even a few guys immediately from NXT. One I wouldn't mind seeing is Aj Styles going to RAW. I've seen him on Smackdown nearly every week and he's entertained me every single one of those weeks and PPV's. The thing is that I'd like to see Wyatt, Ziggler, Crews, Corbin, Ambrose, etc in that same light. They do well in the 2 hours, but I'd like to see AJ get some new matches or programs under his belt. It'd give me a good reason to watch RAW as well. I'll also say The Miz, Cena, Orton, Kane, Rhyno, and even Heath have had interesting to incredible moments and it'd be great to see them more or used more effectively.

There's a much bigger list of people from Raw that I'd like to see on Smackdown than vice versa. I like Bayley, Sasha, and Charlotte there. I just have a feeling Asuka will be put on RAW instead of Smackdown with her debut, and I'd prefer them keep everything where it's at given current context. Roman, Braun, Cesaro, and Zayn are ones I'd love to see on Smackdown. I think Roman would be pretty tolerable on Smackdown, and there's a few guys on the show that could have some good chemistry with him.

I kind of like the Triple H, Authority deal being solely on RAW. Kind of eh on Kevin, Samoa Joe, and Rollins being webbed into that category, but I'd prefer them not crossover that deal at all to Smackdown. I'd like to see more competition / head to head stuff with the brand for sure, but I'd honestly prefer it without any ridiculous angles and them just being two different entities. Makes PPV's like Survivor Series a bit more valuable and unsaturated.
The titles need to remain on their respective brands if they have a draft in 2017. Why move the Smackdown Tag Team Championship to Raw, for example? The red set of tag belts may have the history but they clearly belong on the red brand due to their name and design. The same can be said for the two Women's Championships. Why move the Raw Women's Champion to Smackdown? It could get very complicated with having to re-do the title structure when it is set up just fine. I could see the midcard titles possibly being eligible for a switch and it would not effect them in design or anything but I like having them both where they currently are. Would the Universal Championship get changed to a blue strap if it trades brands with the World Heavyweight Championship? No thanks. The champions should be immune from being drafted.

With that being said I think they should allow the possibility of trades or bring back the draft lottery. So long as the titles and champions are not moved for the reasons stated above. NXT wrestlers should also be eligible for main roster promotions through the draft. In NXT's case the champions would also be eligible though they would then have to forfeit their title in exchange for accepting a main roster promotion. I'm against NXT being able to "draft" any main roster names back down to their brand, however. That's a demotion and no one wants a demotion. NXT returns should be done outside of the draft. I look forward to seeing how a draft ends up being handled either way since it truly does come off as it being a "time to shake things up again" as Vince says in that clip they like to use.
Why bother with a draft anyways, they were predictably boring (contrary to the overhyping of the announcers) and pretty much led to half of the roster being turned over every year (adding in the 5 drafts each side got on the show, plus the supplemental drafts).

What should be done is the original plan back when the roster was originally split. Before GM's it was Vince controlling SD, and Ric Flair controlling Raw. Once the GM's came into play, instead of a draft you had a set period of time where all the wrestlers became free agents, and could choose to sign wherever. Thus you had unpredictability in that at any time a wrestler would show up on the other brand as they were "signed away" such as Jericho and Guerrero for examples.

In this current era, you have a 30 day period, probably May or June, when all superstars are free agents. They then can sign to whatever brand they want. A caveat is to explain that the titles are the exclusive property of the brands, so if your a raw champion for example, and you want to sign to SD Live, then you must forfeit the title. Think of the possibilities in such scenarios. It would also allow for certain stale tag teams to be split up without the lame rational they gave at the 2016 draft (Kalisto and Sin Cara have decided to go into the draft as individuals... what?!?). At the end of the 30 day period, the signing window would close, and superstars are stuck on the brand they are on for the next year or so. They can even do a WWE network special on the last day/hours of the draft if they wanted.

Let me know what people think about this.
Here's a few moves that I think are obvious and a few that I think are necessary.

To Smackdown:
Roman Reigns - this seems obvious considering it was mentioned somewhere by Vince
Sami Zayn - IC title push would be nice
The Brian Kendrick - he's so good and isn't doing much now that Neville has taken over the 205 division. He could be a top midcard heel or face on Smackdown, who sorely need a midcard
Sasha Banks - I think a heel turn is in the works
The New Day - the Tuesday tag division needs stars

To Raw
Cena - This is happening sooner than later, be honest
Nikki - goes where Cena goes
AJ Styles - they won't resist the temptation
Kalisto - cruiserweight
Usos - could be doing more

Whatever happens I think they need to leverage a few things. The 205 live crew is pretty stacked while Smackdown's midcard is very thin. There are a few 205 live guys that are larger than life and could be doing more. The aforementioned Kendrick, Gentleman Jack, Austin Aries, Neville, and even TJ Perkins could work in other divisions despite size.

They need to drop the purple ropes and just have the cruiserweights be a part of Raw. Wait until after Mania. The cruiserweights could be rounding out Raw's thin tag division. Kalisto could come to Raw and be 205 as well as in Lucha Dragons (if Sin Cara still has a job). That way you can utilize an overcrowded division to bolster a thinner one.

This would also make it easier to transition one or two of the more over guys to Smackdown. Smackdown should have a couple more midcard picks, but I doubt they go that way. Past drafts have often seen Smackdown gleaned to benefit Raw. That may not be the case anymore.

The Raw tag scene lacks depth as the Smackdown midcard does. The women's divisions need to seperate Banks and Flair, as well as separating Bliss and Lynch.
Here's a few moves that I think are obvious and a few that I think are necessary.

To Smackdown:
Roman Reigns - this seems obvious considering it was mentioned somewhere by Vince
Sami Zayn - IC title push would be nice
The Brian Kendrick - he's so good and isn't doing much now that Neville has taken over the 205 division. He could be a top midcard heel or face on Smackdown, who sorely need a midcard
Sasha Banks - I think a heel turn is in the works
The New Day - the Tuesday tag division needs stars

To Raw
Cena - This is happening sooner than later, be honest
Nikki - goes where Cena goes
AJ Styles - they won't resist the temptation
Kalisto - cruiserweight
Usos - could be doing more

Whatever happens I think they need to leverage a few things. The 205 live crew is pretty stacked while Smackdown's midcard is very thin. There are a few 205 live guys that are larger than life and could be doing more. The aforementioned Kendrick, Gentleman Jack, Austin Aries, Neville, and even TJ Perkins could work in other divisions despite size.

They need to drop the purple ropes and just have the cruiserweights be a part of Raw. Wait until after Mania. The cruiserweights could be rounding out Raw's thin tag division. Kalisto could come to Raw and be 205 as well as in Lucha Dragons (if Sin Cara still has a job). That way you can utilize an overcrowded division to bolster a thinner one.

This would also make it easier to transition one or two of the more over guys to Smackdown. Smackdown should have a couple more midcard picks, but I doubt they go that way. Past drafts have often seen Smackdown gleaned to benefit Raw. That may not be the case anymore.

The Raw tag scene lacks depth as the Smackdown midcard does. The women's divisions need to seperate Banks and Flair, as well as separating Bliss and Lynch.

TO be fair I think that's their idea... stack 205 to get it started and raid it like NXT... bad move - they were probably counting on bringing in Zack Sabre Jr... possibly Ricochet to anchor it once they move Neville back up... In honesty Jack Gallagher belongs on the main roster and not as a tag guy... he's more interesting to watch than Zayn and can play the same role... crash test dummy who gets wins occasionally. Of all the cruisers so far, Gallagher is the one who has made it work best from zero... English bias maybe, but like I said before give him Paige when she returns as a manager... put her in a catsuit ala Emma Peel and you have WWE Avengers (not Marvel)
They should absolutely do random picks. That's the entire appeal of the draft for me.

They should make the champions exempt. It just makes no sense for the Raw Tag Team Champions to be on SD, and it's too much trouble to rename/redesign the belts.

Here's my draft:





Finally, the draft should be held in April after WrestleMania, so they can get the "new year" started.
Rather than see wholesale changes, I'd like to see each brand be allowed to "protect" a limited amount of wrestlers so that some continuity can be maintained.

Let's say Raw can protect 3 wrestlers in addition to their champions. Let's say Raw protects Reigns, Charlotte Flair and Strowman while SD protects AJ, Cena
and Orton.
My idea will never come to fruition but given the lack of Tag Team Depth and the lack of Womens depth I would make each a brand exclusive thing. Put the Womens title exclusive to RAW and the Tag Team Titles exclusive to SD!

I know that would never happen, but it offers heaps of depth to both divisions and gives more time for exposure and proper feuds for both divisions.

But other than that, I want Nakamura and Asuka as well as a tag team call up. Asuka to RAW, Nakamura to SD, Tag Team to RAW.

I would move Rollins to SD! assuming the draft is after his blow off with HHH, Given the lack of depth on the SD roster, I don't know who to take off of SD to give one back to raw. Shuffle the tag teams a little bit, and flip the women around. Banks to SD, Lynch or James to RAW. Banks can headline a division, I don't know that Lynch can.

Anyway I'm rambling...
They should absolutely do random picks. That's the entire appeal of the draft for me.

They should make the champions exempt. It just makes no sense for the Raw Tag Team Champions to be on SD, and it's too much trouble to rename/redesign the belts.

Here's my draft:





Finally, the draft should be held in April after WrestleMania, so they can get the "new year" started.

For Roster balance that probably fixes the problems of the last year, but on paper it looks like RAW gets reamed on that deal...
For Roster balance that probably fixes the problems of the last year, but on paper it looks like RAW gets reamed on that deal...

The six wrestlers I drafted to SD were ones I felt weren't getting booked properly on Raw.

Also Raw got more wrestlers than SD did in last year's draft, Samoa Joe, and all the part-timers (HHH, Goldberg, Lesnar, HBK, Taker).

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