Started a new gig


Getting Noticed By Management
As the Charlotte Pro Wrestling Examiner on Was a little skeptical at first, thought it was probably a scam, but it has turned out to be a huge, legitimate website with some fairly big names as columnists on the national sections. I have four columns up so far, and am hoping to farm ideas here for future columns.

It may seem stupid, but I am actually getting paid a small amount for this. It's not much (I haven't made enough yet to buy a gallon of gas, actually) but I don't care. As someone who aspires to be a professional writer, this is my first paying gig. Even if all I ever made was a dollar, that would mean I got paid for my writing, making me a professional writer. If nothing else, it's great for my portfolio.

So anyway, any (legitimate) story ideas would be helpful. Any posters that live in the Charlotte area would be especially welcomed, as I am supposed to find a way to make all of my stories relevant to the area.

Also, if any of you would feel like helping me increase my exposure, Lee reminded me in my bar room post that there are no rules here, so

please, click the link, check out my stuff, post feedback. Maybe even subscribe (doesn't cost anything). I get paid more based off of how many subscribers I have, plus it moves me higher up towards being a featured writer.

Thanks folks...
One thought I had, by the way, was mentioning the RAW LD that will be happening on here for the RAW in Charlotte on June 14th. Try to drive some readers to the forums for the LD...
The Advertising. Bant thing was a joke..

I generally assume that all of your posts are a joke...

Seriously though, the spot on the main site is already filled. The WWE Examiner is a dude from some show on E! or something. I found out about this a month ago cause my girlfriend e-mailed me the job posting (they were specifically posting for Charlotte area people). Took a month to hear anything back, and so far only have four articles up. But it's fun, and it's at least a step in the right direction.
IT. WAS. A. JOKE. GOOD FUCKING GOD. Fine. If I'm that bad then fucking put me in prison or ban me or do something. I'm fucking tired of the Crashin Bashing.
In all honestly, Doug, you brought that upon yourself. And stop whining... you make it like I've always insulted you on here or something. I think that's the first negative thing I've ever said to you.
The Crashin Bashin is fun and all, trust me, I love it myself...but in the midst of it all I hope we haven't lost the point of this thread, which is, well, me advertising the fuck out of my column. Cause I do seriously want some input on it from people who will actually give me honest, brutal feedback, not just my friends and family...

Plus, you know, I get paid based off my page hits...
To get back on track, I think tomorrow I am going to post a contest on my page for people to show how thet would book the show of their choice, either WWE or TNA. I will be asking for Charlotte area readers to submit their ideas, but anyone on here that wants to participate probably has a better chance as you are all more used to these contests. The winner(s) will be interviewed online for a feature idea discussing your ideas and how you would implement them. So be sure to check the link in the OP if you want to take won't get paid, but you will get a chance to get your name and ideas out to a wider base of people who might not necessarily be on here...
So I figured I would take a moment to shill my new page again. Cause, y'know, I posted a new article here about the ending of Raw last night...

So go, read, comment, your support! Thank you :)

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