Summerslam Idea: Finn Balor VS Roman Reigns for the Universal Championship

What should be the SummerSlam Main Event??

  • AJ Styles vs. Brock Lesnar

  • Finn Balor vs. Roman Reigns

  • John Cena vs. Bray Wyatt

  • AJ Styles vs. Seth Rollins

  • John Cena vs. Roman Reigns

  • Finn Balor vs. Brock Lesnar

  • Braun Strowman vs. Brock Lesnar

  • Brock Lesnar vs. Roman Reigns

  • Randy Orton vs. The Miz

  • The Rock vs. Triple H

  • Shinsuke Nakamura vs. John Cena

  • Seth Rollins vs. Bray Wyatt

  • The Rock vs. Randy Orton

  • Shinsuke Nakamura vs. Bray Wyatt

  • Other

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That N Word

Actively evolving
Now by now the majority of you have seen the idea I pitched in the WrestleMania 33 GD thread. That idea would have saw, Lesnar defeat Goldberg in maybe a 10 minute one-sided squash match. Lesnar get's cocky and calls an open challenge. The challenge would be accepted by a returning Finn Balor's Demon King persona. Balor never lost the title and has a rematch clause so it's logical. Brock takes Balor lightly because of his size. However, Lesnar finds out the same thing monsters like Samoa Joe and Kevin Owens, a top dog like Roman Reigns, and a mastermind like Seth Rollins has already found out. The Demon is nobody to take lightly. "The Demon King" Finn Balor defeats Brock Lesnar in a 15 minute match to reclaim the Universal Championship. This leaves Lesnar stunned.

Meanwhile, Roman Reigns has a date with a, "Deadman" at WrestleMania. If reports are true, Undertaker is dealing with a serious hip injury that will require surgery after his match with Reigns. That hip injury has been bothering him since WrestleMania 32, and really worsened following a Spear from Goldberg at Royal Rumble. With that being said, Taker CANNOT afford to take another Spear. This may be the match that Taker bows out on, and with Roman's mean streak he's been on lately, having Roman demolish Taker wouldn't be the worst idea. Would it? Think about it, this match is supposed to be the, "Passing of the torch." Why not have Roman Reigns just beat the living crap out of Undertaker. Taker only get's in maybe a Chokeslam, but that Chokeslam just pisses Reigns off more. This match with the brutality, Reigns display to Undertaker should be his official heel turn. Have beat him with a steel chair after beating him in a match via stoppage.

This leads to two interesting stories following WrestleMania, What's next for newly heel Roman Reigns? and Whats next for new Universal Champion Finn Balor?

I'd say have Balor feud with Reigns in the Post-Mania Season and have Reigns interrrupt Goldberg's retirement speech and Spear him and say that this was his yard. Reigns faces, defeats, and retires Goldberg at Extreme Rules. Meanwhile, Balor defeats Brock again in a Extreme Rules Match to retain the title. Balor moves on to feud with Kevin Owens for the Universal Championship at King Of The Ring in July, Reigns wins the King Of The Ring Tournament. Now you have HUGE money in Balor vs. Reigns for the Universal Title. Balor defeated the man that destroyed Goldberg and ended the Streak and is now this dominant Tweener Demon. Reigns retired Taker and Goldberg and is now this dominant badass Heel.

This leads us to...
Since it's been reported earlier today that the have a long term plan for next year's wrestlemania main event and they want Lesnar vs Reigns for the universal title at wrestlemania 34. That means that they might want to keep the title on Lesnar for the whole year which is also the last year of his current deal with WWE.

So since he's probably keeping the title until mania next year, why not at less give some dream matches out of this so what i would love to see as the main event of summerslam is Lesnar Vs Samoa Joe.

This is a match that i'Ve been dying to see ever since wwe signs Joe. This is a intriguing match because it'S believable that Joe could actually beat Lesnar so it doesn'T give away the ending like a lot of other scenario would plus it would one hell of a physical match which is something i love seeing.
I would love to see:
The Rock vs Roman Reigns
Brock Lesnar (C) vs Finn Balor vs Seth Rollins - Universal Title
Triple H vs Samoa Joe
Shinsuke Nakamura (C) vs John Cena - WWE Title
AJ Styles vs Bray Wyatt
Sounds like Brock is holding the Title till Mania next year. (Reigns vs. Brock)

So for an interesting Summerslam Card for this year what about this....

Brock Lesnar vs. AJ Styles (Universal Title)
Bray Wyatt vs. John Cena (WWE Title)
The Shield vs. HHH, Owens, & Joe
Charlotte vs. Asuka (Raw Title)
S. Banks vs. B. Lynch (Smackdown Title)
Baron Corbin vs. Nakamura (I-C Title)
Finn Balor vs. Chris Jericho
Randy Orton vs. The Miz
New Day vs. Enzo/Cass (Raw Tag Titles)
American Alpha vs. The Revival (Smackdown Tag Titles)

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