tdigle Tells You Why Your Favorite Film/Actor/Actress/Director/TV Show Sucks

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Cena's Little Helper

Mid-Card Championship Winner
There are more films and television shows out there than we'd be able to watch in two lifetimes, and unfortunately, from what I can glean from the other threads made in this section, almost all of you are watching the wrong ones...or are you?

The workings of this thread are simple. First, you list your favorite film, actor, actress, director, or television show. Second, you give a two to three sentence statement on why this particular film, actor, actress, director, or show is your favorite. Finally, I'll give an opposing response that will, in all likelihood, be somewhat offensive (this is because, more than likely, I will think that your favorite film, actor, actress, director, or television show sucks).

Ultimately, I aim for two things here: one, to generate some kick-ass debate for my section, and two, to allow both myself and those I oppose opportunities to come to a clearer understanding of their opinions.

All right...hopefully, this thread won't be a huge failure. On a closing note, here are a list of films, actors, actresses, directors, and television shows that I will NOT debate you on:

Anything directed by Michael Haneke
Anything directed by Akira Kurosawa
Anything directed by Federico Fellini
Anything directed by Gaspar Noe
Almost any foreign film that I've talked about in here.

Daniel Auteuil
Vince Cassel
Tony Leung
Al Pacino
Edward Norton

Isabelle Huppert
Catherine Deneuve
Meryl Streep

TV Shows
The Wire
The Sopranos
Curb Your Enthusiasm
Arrested Development
It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia
Aqua Teen Hunger Force
Tom Goes To The Mayor
Frisky Dingo

All right, I look forward to your responses!!!
Favorite Film: Pulp Fiction-I don't really have a favorite film, but I guess I'll go with this one, because I've literally watched this movie more than 20 or 30 times, and I can never get enough of it. This film is filled with great characters, and the story keeps you hooked until the very end. Plus, Pulp Fiction is by far one of the most famous movies ever.

Favorite Actor: Jack Nicholson- Jack has played many great roles, and unlike Deniro or Pacino, he's actually done some good movies at his older age. Also, he uttered one of the most famous lines in film history in A Few Good Men during the intense final scene.

Favorite Actress: Charlize Theron- I used to be fond of Halle Berry, but she has too many shit films for me to consider her my favorite anymore. Theron is an amazing actress, and the range she has is incredible. Her portrayal of serial killer Aileen Wuornos was great.

Favorite Director: Martin Scorsese- I wanted to go with Tarintino(mainly because unlike Scorsese, I've seen all of his films) but Scorsese has done a handful of great movies. Goodfellas, Casino, and Raging Bull are just some of Scoreses's best. Plus, he's also directed some awesome films this decade.

Favorite TV Show: The Sopranos- I just loved this show(although I did hate the ending). Lost is a close second for me, but The Sopranos is just epic on so many levels. Great cast, great writing, and great production......what more could you ask for?
Favorite Film: Pulp Fiction - Funny, suspenseful, shocking, dramatic, great acting... everything you could ever want in movie, Pulp Fiction contains it. There's not a single flaw in this masterpiece. I dare you to try and name one, Tdigs.

Favorite Actor: Leonardo DiCaprio - Hands down the best American main stream actor working today. His movies with Martin Scorsese, and performances in films like Revolutionary Road and Blood Diamond prove this to be an absolute fact. In fact, I would say he wasn't in a bad movie all last decade. Body of Lies was the only one not great, but the rest... all spectacular.

Favorite Actress: Zhang Ziyi - Better than those 2 European bitches you listed Tdigs, and she's only 31-years-old. Not only is she the best female martial arts actress EVER, but she's a damn great actress, period. I haven't seen many who can show emotion like she can, while also come across as completely heartless in the same scene. Plus, she's just fucking cool.... I can't say that about many women.

Favorite TV Show: Friday Night Lights - Best television show of last decade in my book. No series can complete with the acting and realism the first, third, and forth seasons this wonderful, wonderful show had. Plus, with the drama, it still managed to have some good humor, and it also had some of the greatest fictional football scenes ever filmed.
Favorite Film: Pulp Fiction-I don't really have a favorite film, but I guess I'll go with this one, because I've literally watched this movie more than 20 or 30 times, and I can never get enough of it. This film is filled with great characters, and the story keeps you hooked until the very end. Plus, Pulp Fiction is by far one of the most famous movies ever.

Great film...I should have included that in the above list.

Favorite Actor: Jack Nicholson- Jack has played many great roles, and unlike Deniro or Pacino, he's actually done some good movies at his older age. Also, he uttered one of the most famous lines in film history in A Few Good Men during the intense final scene.

Damn, should have included him too in my list above. This guy is the female equivalent of Meryl Streep: I believe he has the most Oscar nominations as an actor and I know for a fact that he is tied with Walter Brennan for winning the most Oscars as an actor (they each have a three apiece).

Favorite Actress: Charlize Theron- I used to be fond of Halle Berry, but she has too many shit films for me to consider her my favorite anymore. Theron is an amazing actress, and the range she has is incredible. Her portrayal of serial killer Aileen Wuornos was great.

I'm at a loss as to how anyone could have thought this woman was great in Monster; what she did was an impersonation, nothing more, nothing less.

Now, I have to give credit where credit's due: Theron proved that she wasn't a one-trick pony who lucked into an Oscar when she got another nomination for North Country. However, her portrayal of Aileen Wuornos shouldn't be considered a great performance; all she had to do was gain weight, stop getting beauty treatments for a few months, put in some false teeth, and watch Nick Broomfield's documentary about 50 times.

Favorite Director: Martin Scorsese- I wanted to go with Tarintino(mainly because unlike Scorsese, I've seen all of his films) but Scorsese has done a handful of great movies. Goodfellas, Casino, and Raging Bull are just some of Scoreses's best. Plus, he's also directed some awesome films this decade.

Probably the greatest American director of the 70s and 80s. With the exception of Goodfellas, he absolutely sucked in the 90s. Probably after realizing that his shit just wasn't going to cut it anymore, in the 2000s he became a Hollywood-suit puppet, churning out big-budgeted epics that Spielberg or Zemeckis could have done in about half the time.

Also, his sympathy Oscar for The Departed only further proved that these awards have become a complete sham: it's not Clint Eastwood's fault that he outdirected Scorsese in 2006 just like he did in 2004.

Favorite TV Show: The Sopranos- I just loved this show(although I did hate the ending). Lost is a close second for me, but The Sopranos is just epic on so many levels. Great cast, great writing, and great production......what more could you ask for?

This one's in my list already.
Favorite Film: Pulp Fiction - Funny, suspenseful, shocking, dramatic, great acting... everything you could ever want in movie, Pulp Fiction contains it. There's not a single flaw in this masterpiece. I dare you to try and name one, Tdigs.

Read my response to my main man, Mitch.

Favorite Actor: Leonardo DiCaprio - Hands down the best American main stream actor working today. His movies with Martin Scorsese, and performances in films like Revolutionary Road and Blood Diamond prove this to be an absolute fact. In fact, I would say he wasn't in a bad movie all last decade. Body of Lies was the only one not great, but the rest... all spectacular.

Dude, how many fucking times did you have to qualify this statement? Best "American" "main stream" actor working today? Well, no shit he's the best one, since there's only like 10 other actors like him and they suck even more ass than DiCaprio. He wins by default.

Favorite Actress: Zhang Ziyi - Better than those 2 European bitches you listed Tdigs, and she's only 31-years-old. Not only is she the best female martial arts actress EVER, but she's a damn great actress, period. I haven't seen many who can show emotion like she can, while also come across as completely heartless in the same scene. Plus, she's just fucking cool.... I can't say that about many women.

Riiiight, because fighting Chris Tucker is so much more prestigious than either chairing the Cannes Film Festival or starring in one of the most iconic films ever made (i.e., Belle Du Jour) :rolleyes:.

Ziyi is a pretty face who can move her feet like no other...whoop-de-fucking-doo! What is this woman most known for? That's right, starring in some Zhang Yimou films and Rob Marshall's Memoirs Of A Geisha. Well, I got some bad news for ya, buddy: besides some kick-ass martial arts, Yimou is pretty much nothing more than a glorified interior decorator while Rob Marshall is a hack who can only direct musicals properly (and musicals suck).

Favorite TV Show: Friday Night Lights - Best television show of last decade in my book. No series can complete with the acting and realism the first, third, and forth seasons this wonderful, wonderful show had. Plus, with the drama, it still managed to have some good humor, and it also had some of the greatest fictional football scenes ever filmed.

I'm glad that this show is good in your book, as it really hasn't been good in the books of those who count. Does this show have any meaningful Emmys? Nope. Does this show have a Peabody Award? Nope.

Friday Night Lights is a well-made show, but it is nowhere near the greatest show of the last decade. Hell, I don't even think it cracks the top 75 greatest television dramas ever made. This show is comparable to a kid who gets an A- from a professor simply because he knows exactly what to say to get that A-: this show's a critical and fan darling because it shows exactly what you want to see, or, rather, what you expect to see from a show that you would consider great. It's just like Haggis's Crash in this respect, except Crash actually managed to win awards :lmao:.
Film: Raging Bull- Great direction, great acting, and an entertaining story about an empty human being. I have never been a huge fan of sports movies, but not only did this tell a tragic and gripping story outside of the ring, but also inside. The fight scenes show how much LaMotta dislikes himself, and due to that self-hatred, dislikes everyone around him as well. Scorsese takes away the glamour of a pro-boxers life, and gives us something much more real. In the end, I felt bad for LaMotta, but never liked him. Scorsese and DeNiro did a good job of making sure you (the audience) walked away knowing this man was somewhat of a black hole, yet unable to hate him.

Actor: Paul Newman- Never one to over-act, and I love that. He had a great amount of energy, but was never overly intense. Also, a lot of actors seem lost at some point during their career, usually as they get older. He never seemed to have that problem, choosing roles wisely. The man should be considered an icon (and he is) based on HUD alone.

Director: Martin Scorsese- I agree his best work hasn't been put out there in the past 20 years, but that period of time hasn't been as bad as you would have us believe. Cape Fear worked, it wasn't great, but it was better than your average thriller. The problem with Casino was that it was too close to Goodfellas'. Good performances made the film an above average gangster film. Bringing out the Dead, IMO, is his most underrated film of the 90's. Gangs of New York was kind of long and drawn out, but Day-Lewis was amazing. The Departed was seen as more "mainstream," so a lot of hardcore film buffs bitch about it, but I thought it was deserving of every award it took home, despite Jack Nicholson's best attempt at over-acting the film right into the depths.

TV Show: NYPD Blue- The later seasons kind of dropped the ball, but the first five were top-notch. Andy Sipowicz is one of the most entertaining characters in television history. This show ran too long, but I was somewhat sad when it went off the air, knowing I wasn't going to be able to see Sipowicz call someone a "hump" or "mope" anymore. The dialogue was always short and sweet, and didn't drag on (during the early seasons). Characters on that show knew how to convey feelings without talking themselves to death. IMO, it is the most well-written cop drama we have ever had on television.
Dude, how many fucking times did you have to qualify this statement? Best "American" "main stream" actor working today? Well, no shit he's the best one, since there's only like 10 other actors like him and they suck even more ass than DiCaprio. He wins by default.

Okay, fine... I'll say he's the best American actor working today, mainstream or not. What do you have to say about that?

Oh, and by the way... Leonardo DiCaprio in The Departed > Tony Leung in Infernal Affairs. ;)

Riiiight, because fighting Chris Tucker is so much more prestigious than either chairing the Cannes Film Festival or starring in one of the most iconic films ever made (i.e., Belle Du Jour)

Way to put Rush Hour across as her best role. Smooth move. :icon_rolleyes:

Also... Belle Du Jour? If it's so iconic, then why have I never heard of it? I bet hardly anyone here has besides you. Hell, looking at it's IMDB... it has 11,000 measly votes. Hero has nearly SEVEN times more votes than that, AND it has a better rating.

Ziyi is a pretty face who can move her feet like no other...whoop-de-fucking-doo! What is this woman most known for? That's right, starring in some Zhang Yimou films and Rob Marshall's Memoirs Of A Geisha.

If you think that's all she has to offer, then you know NOTHING about her. Have you seen The Road Home? She was only 16 when that was shot. That and Memoirs of Geisha are her best performances.... she's just more known because of Hero, Crouching Tiger, and House of Flying Daggers... because those movies are fucking awesome and better than any pretentious, ******ed movie you can name from those two French bitches you listed.

Well, I got some bad news for ya, buddy: besides some kick-ass martial arts, Yimou is pretty much nothing more than a glorified interior decorator while Rob Marshall is a hack who can only direct musicals properly (and musicals suck).


What a bunch of bullshit, Tdigs. Since you love to bring up award shows as the be-all-end-all of accomplishments, then if he's such a hack who can only design a set, then how come he's had 3 movies nominated for the Academy Awards for Best Foreign Film? Hell, Ju Dou was the first Mainland Chinese film to ever be nominated for an Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film. Yeah, what a hack he is. :icon_rolleyes:

I'm glad that this show is good in your book, as it really hasn't been good in the books of those who count. Does this show have any meaningful Emmys? Nope. Does this show have a Peabody Award? Nope.


I LOVE how you use award shows to back up your stance, when CRITICS have been stating since the show started that it's gotten snubbed year after year at the Emmys.

Friday Night Lights is a well-made show, but it is nowhere near the greatest show of the last decade. Hell, I don't even think it cracks the top 75 greatest television dramas ever made. This show is comparable to a kid who gets an A- from a professor simply because he knows exactly what to say to get that A-: this show's a critical and fan darling because it shows exactly what you want to see, or, rather, what you expect to see from a show that you would consider great. It's just like Haggis's Crash in this respect, except Crash actually managed to win awards

Critical and fan darling? Isn't that supposed to be a good thing???

Make any dumb analogies you want man, but the fact is critics scream the same thing I do, and that is this is indeed a great fucking show, and the most underrated since it debuted. Critics from these papers/magazines agree with me:

Washington Post
USA Today
San Francisco Chronicle
Arizona Republic
Boston Globe
The Guardian
TV Guide
Philadelphia Inquirer
Los Angeles Times
ESPN Magazine

But none of those matter, right Tdigs? It's all about winning Emmys!
Okay, fine... I'll say he's the best American actor working today, mainstream or not. What do you have to say about that?

Oh, and by the way... Leonardo DiCaprio in The Departed > Tony Leung in Infernal Affairs. ;)

Al Pacino, Robert De Niro, Edward Norton, Sean Penn, Johnny Depp, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Forest Whitaker, Jack Nicholson, Morgan Freeman, Denzel Washington, Tom Hanks...I could probably name another 10 or so if you want.

Way to put Rush Hour across as her best role. Smooth move. :icon_rolleyes:

Probably because that's what people will remember her for...being that good-looking Chinese woman that Chris Tucker fought in Rush Hour 2.

Also... Belle Du Jour? If it's so iconic, then why have I never heard of it?

Probably because you don't know shit about European films save for the ones that I tell you about.

I bet hardly anyone here has besides you.

Yes, a wrestling forum with a small, low-traffic movies section...clearly, the film knowledge here is representative of the film knowledge that people have elsewhere.

Hell, looking at it's IMDB... it has 11,000 measly votes. Hero has nearly SEVEN times more votes than that, AND it has a better rating.

We can use imdb ratings...hell, I'll even admit that Hero is a better film based off of these ratings. But, you do know what that means, right? It means that you have to concede that The Shawshank Redemption is the greatest film ever made.

If you think that's all she has to offer, then you know NOTHING about her. Have you seen The Road Home? She was only 16 when that was shot. That and Memoirs of Geisha are her best performances.... she's just more known because of Hero, Crouching Tiger, and House of Flying Daggers... because those movies are fucking awesome and better than any pretentious, ******ed movie you can name from those two French bitches you listed.

I know plenty about her. Go to any film forum you want, hell, go to imdb, and I can guarantee you that no one besides yourself will admit that Ziyi Zhang is a better actress than either Huppert or Deneuve.

Ziyi Zhang will be lucky to accomplish a quarter of what these women have accomplished in their career. Oh, and the fact that you don't know who these women are damages any credibility your film opinions have.


What a bunch of bullshit, Tdigs. Since you love to bring up award shows as the be-all-end-all of accomplishments, then if he's such a hack who can only design a set, then how come he's had 3 movies nominated for the Academy Awards for Best Foreign Film? Hell, Ju Dou was the first Mainland Chinese film to ever be nominated for an Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film. Yeah, what a hack he is. :icon_rolleyes:

Have his films actually ever won Oscars? No, they haven't. Also, how much do you know about China's film industry? From the look of this post, not very much; seeing as how most of their films are produced in Hong Kong rather than the mainland, it wasn't as if the Chinese weren't producing quality films up until Ju Dou. If no foreign films were nominated through Hong Kong rather than China up until Ju Dou, then I'll concede this point. If not, take your roll_eyes icon and turn it on yourself for not researching something that a kindergartner could have uncovered in five minutes.


I LOVE how you use award shows to back up your stance, when CRITICS have been stating since the show started that it's gotten snubbed year after year at the Emmys.

There aren't just the Emmys.

Critical and fan darling? Isn't that supposed to be a good thing???

Not if the show is derivative.

Make any dumb analogies you want man, but the fact is critics scream the same thing I do, and that is this is indeed a great fucking show, and the most underrated since it debuted. Critics from these papers/magazines agree with me:

Washington Post
USA Today
San Francisco Chronicle
Arizona Republic
Boston Globe
The Guardian
TV Guide
Philadelphia Inquirer
Los Angeles Times
ESPN Magazine

But none of those matter, right Tdigs? It's all about winning Emmys!

Wait, I thought you said that Friday Night Lights was the greatest show of the decade? Are we changing it to being the most underrated now? Underrated and greatest are two totally different things. Friday Night Lights could be underrated, but that still doesn't mean it merits awards.
Favorite film: Armageddon I loved this movie, I've always liked Bruce Willis as well as I have liked Ben Affleck, they have both produced a lot of my favorite movies, and these guys being clashed in this movie made it even more epic, I loved the plot of it as well.

Favorite Actor: Bruce Willis There's not a movie that I have watched with Bruce that I did not like, as above mentioned, Armageddon is my favorite, I love the Die Hard series, and his presence in the movies helped with my opinion on the movies.

Favorite Producer: Steven Spielberg he has produced the majority of my favorite movies, or overall movies I thought highly of, movies including: Catch me if you can, Saving Private Ryan, Gladiator, the list could really go on, and I have been very impressed with his work all my life.

Favorite TV Show: NCIS I have never been too much for criminal stuff and such, bores me, but NCIS is the one exception, I have all of the seasons with the exception of season 7 on DVD, and I have watched them all as well, there's everything I could ask for in that series, a bit of romance here and there through the seasons, a bit of drama between the people, humor and action.
Favorite Film: Aqua Teen Hunger Force Colon Movie Film for Theaters I know it isn't the best film of all times or the greatest acting or anything, but I still find it to be the funniest movie there is. The plot is hilariously random entertaining. All of the characters are also funny and interesting in their own right.

Favorite Actor: Tom Hanks I started thinking about my favorite movies and realized that Tom Hanks was in 3 of them. He had a great performance in Saving Private Ryan and I loved Castaway and the fact that if I remember correctly, there weren't many other people in the film since he was on a deserted island. If voice overs count, then I love me some Toy Story.

Favorite Director: George Lucas I'm not big on the whole directors and producers knowledge, but I do know that I love the Star Wars saga and Indiana Jones. He hasn't made a bunch of hit movies, but he has one of the if not the biggest saga ever in Star Wars.

Favorite TV Show: Scrubs Since you say no ATHF, Arrested, or Always Sunny, I'll go with Scrubs. The newer season(s?) without JD and the Janitor is just terrible. The older seasons of the show were great though. The chemistry of JD and Turk is great, and the whole cast worked well together. It offered great comedy and could be serious when it needed to be, after all it did take place in a hospital.
Favorite Film: The Taking Of Pelham 123(2008) I think both John Travolta and Denzel Washington were amazing in this movie. They both played their respective parts very well. Washington was the eventual hero of the movie, whereas Travolta played the main hijacker on the subway system. This movie had a good amount of action at parts, but it was very drama filled and exciting to watch. It had me on the edge of my seat the whole time.

Favorite Actor: Sylvester Stallone Ever since I saw Rocky and Rambo, I realized that Stallone is the biggest action star I've ever seen. He plays both parts well. In Rocky he took creative control and not only made great movies, he made it believable because of his stellar acting ability.

Favorite Actress: None

Favorite TV Show: The Late Late Show With Craig Ferguson It is the most un-orthodox late night show Ive ever seen. Ferguson is very funny and he adds a stand-up factor into his show, which makes it even funnier. He will go on about anything, even if it isnt important. All this makes him hilarious.
For the actors you named for Leonardo DiCaprio, Tdigs, I'm going to go off what they've done in the last decade, since this little debate should be more about what they're doing NOW rather than 30 years ago.

Al Pacino

Name one truly great performance from him last decade.

Robert De Niro

Same as Pacino.

Edward Norton

Edward Norton's great, but A) his body of work from last decade doesn't match-up against Leo's, and B) isn't he the same person you created a thread on talking about how big of a disappointment he's been since American History X?

Sean Penn

Meh, had two great performances last decade (which one was overrated as shit), and two other good ones. Leo's work surpasses him.

Johnny Depp

Isn't he a mainstream American actor, Tdigs? Hell, aren't a lot of these guys are? Why are you contradicting yourself? Because earlier you flat-out said Leonardo DiCaprio is the best mainstream American actor there is, yet you're naming other mainstream American actors. Way to kick yourself in the ass there, buddy.

Anyway, Depp's great, but I would still take Leo's body of work from the last decade over his. Depp could have competed, but his role choices are very suspect.

Philip Seymour Hoffman

He's the one person I'll give you.

Forest Whitaker


ONE great performance and now you want to rank him with these names? Give me a fucking break, Tdigs. :lmao:

Jack Nicholson

Meh, About Schmidt was his only truly great performance from last decade. I would actually say Nicholson gave the worst performance in The Departed.

Morgan Freeman

He's good, but not as versatile as Leo. No way.

Denzel Washington

Training Day was really his only truly great performance from last decade. He was good in Antwone Fisher, but that and none of his other roles match-up against what Leo did.

Tom Hanks

Cast Away was his only good performance from last decade, and that movie pretty much sucked ass anyway.

The fact is, man, most of these guys WERE great actors, but they're not relevant when talking about the best actors working TODAY. In some cases, they just pick shitty roles or don't work enough (Tom Hanks, for example), and in others they just don't have the fire in their performances like they used to (Pacino and De Niro, for example). Maybe the same thing will happen to Leonardo DiCaprio in 20/30 years, who knows, but for now... Philip Seymour Hoffman is the only American actor I would consider ranking over him.

Probably because that's what people will remember her for...being that good-looking Chinese woman that Chris Tucker fought in Rush Hour 2.

Well, at least they remember her for something. What do people remember about Isabelle Huppert and Catherine Deneuve? Most likely nothing, since hardly anyone in the states know their names.

Probably because you don't know shit about European films save for the ones that I tell you about.

Lol... I know more than the average Joe, but yes... I prefer American and Asian films over European for the most part.

Yes, a wrestling forum with a small, low-traffic movies section...clearly, the film knowledge here is representative of the film knowledge that people have elsewhere.

Dude, when you say something is ICONIC, then that should mean most people have heard of it, no matter where our discussion is taking place.

We can use imdb ratings...hell, I'll even admit that Hero is a better film based off of these ratings. But, you do know what that means, right? It means that you have to concede that The Shawshank Redemption is the greatest film ever made.

It was again you using that word "iconic" to describe that film. If it's so iconic, then it would have more votes than it currently has.

I find The Shawshank Redemption extremely overrated, but THAT'S an iconic film. It will live forever and generations from all over the World will have seen the movie in their life time, or at the very least hear about it. You cannot put something like Belle Du Jour in that same category, sorry.

I know plenty about her. Go to any film forum you want, hell, go to imdb, and I can guarantee you that no one besides yourself will admit that Ziyi Zhang is a better actress than either Huppert or Deneuve.

Lol... that's false, man. It's all about taste... if people prefer Asian films over European, then they're going to like someone like Zhang over the ugly chick who starred in that mess of a movie, The Piano Teacher.

Ziyi Zhang will be lucky to accomplish a quarter of what these women have accomplished in their career. Oh, and the fact that you don't know who these women are damages any credibility your film opinions have.

No, I know Huppert... don't know much about Catherine Deneuve, I'll admit (she looks familiar, so I've probably seen her in something, but I guess it just doesn't strike a cord for me) . But still.. you know I've taken every film recommendation you have given me seriously, why have you not told me to check out Belle Du Jour or any other movies starring Catherine Deneuve? Maybe I guess because you don't think it would be liked by many besides yourself and people like you? Well, if that's the case... then they're not truly great actresses if they can only appeal to niche audience.

Ziyi Zhang has starred in movies to appeal to both the arthouse crowd and mainstream audience. That gives her a bit of an edge over those two, in my opinion.

Have his films actually ever won Oscars? No, they haven't. Also, how much do you know about China's film industry? From the look of this post, not very much; seeing as how most of their films are produced in Hong Kong rather than the mainland, it wasn't as if the Chinese weren't producing quality films up until Ju Dou. If no foreign films were nominated through Hong Kong rather than China up until Ju Dou, then I'll concede this point. If not, take your roll_eyes icon and turn it on yourself for not researching something that a kindergartner could have uncovered in five minutes.


The point is, he's been NOMINATED 3 times Tdigle. Out of HUNDREDS, if not thousands, of films get submitted to the Academy crew for Best Foreign Language Film every year, THREE of his films were picked to receive a nomination. That's quite the accomplishment, Tdigs. Don't take anything away from it just because he never actually won.

Also, that was a worthless point about Hong Kong, Tdigs. So what if most films get made in Hong Kong... it was still a BIG accomplishment that he was able to be the FIRST person to get a Best Foreign Language Film nomination for a Mainland Chinese film. That's fucking impressive. You can shit on it all day, but it's a HUGE accomplishment.

There aren't just the Emmys.

Oh yeah, Peabodys. :icon_rolleyes:

Not if the show is derivative.

Lol... how would you know if the show is derivative or not? You've admitted to never have seen an episode.

FNL has a lot of originality about it, Tdigs, otherwise it wouldn't be as highly praised as it is.

Wait, I thought you said that Friday Night Lights was the greatest show of the decade? Are we changing it to being the most underrated now? Underrated and greatest are two totally different things. Friday Night Lights could be underrated, but that still doesn't mean it merits awards.

I personally believe it's the greatest, but I have an open enough mind to understand people will feel differently. However, the title of this thread Tdigs is you telling us why our favorites suck, and FNL does not suck, and that's the ultimate the point I'm proving. I'm not trying to prove it's THE greatest, but I would definitely claim that it should rank in the top 10 when talking about television shows released since 2006. I'm not open minded enough to take that away from the show (lol), whether it has precious "awards" or not, because those papers/magazines, plus fan response from those who actually gave the show a chance, all seem to agree with me.
Favorite Movie- Kiss Kiss Bang Bang. I love everything about this movie from Downey's narration to the way the scenes are shot to the random ass bear commercial. It contains some of the best acting from both Val Kilmer and Robert Downey Jr. I have ever seen, though I am a big fan of both men. I also love that it is a somewhat blast from the past seeing as it is somewhat a film noir. Very fun and enjoyable film that I love.

Favorite Actor- Robert Downey Jr
. The way he delivers his lines in every film keeps me as one of his fans. He is so sarcastic and it doesn't seem forced one bit. He just seems natural in most of his roles, kind of like Jack Nicholson. Not to mention he just seems like a cool guy. No offense JMT, but I would much rather watch Downey then DiCaprio but I think you already know that. ;)

Favorite Director- Stanley Kubrick
. His movies are just so awe inspiring and breath taking. He was way ahead of his time in every way. The acting that he brought out of his actors was great and is really what made him great. He could get great performances from all his actors.

Favorite TV show- Sons of Anarchy. Yeah, I know it is a newer one but the show really has me drawn in. There isn't much I will work my schedule around to watch but SOA is something I refuse to miss. The characters just intrigue me, maybe because I know little about outlaw motorcycle gangs. I find the acting to be top notch and the writing as well, then again I am always a huge fan of The Shield.
Favorite Movie- City Of God. A couple of months ago this would of been Kill Bill but now it is City Of God this movie is amazing it's an amazing movie wonderfully shot with a great story it's just amazing in every way.

Favorite Actor- Johnny Depp. I love Johnny Depp he is amazing out of all the movies he has done their is maybe 2 i didn't like. It take me forever to name all the great movies he has made. He can do so many different roles and do all of them good.

Favorite Actress- Scarlett Johansson. I really like scarlett she is a really good young actress who has already made some really good movies like Vicky Crisitina Barcelona, and Ghost World and she is still very young and has alot of good movies left to make.

Favorite Director- Quentin Tarantino. He Makes amazing movies theirs not one bad one in the bunch. I mean Pulp Fiction, Reservoir Dogs, and Kill Bill just great movies and he's being doing it for about twenty years now and he still has alot of great movies in him.

Favorite TV Show- Married With Children. I love this show it has one of the greatest characters in TV history in Al Bundy. The show helped launch the Fox network it was funny as hell and i can watch it today and it's still as funny as it was the first time i watched it.
For the actors you named for Leonardo DiCaprio, Tdigs, I'm going to go off what they've done in the last decade, since this little debate should be more about what they're doing NOW rather than 30 years ago.

Name one truly great performance from him last decade.

Wait, you said you wanted compare DiCaprio without all the qualifications. I gave you two actors that are better than him; it doesn't matter if they haven't had anything worthwhile in a decade or not.

Same as Pacino.

See above.

Edward Norton's great, but A) his body of work from last decade doesn't match-up against Leo's, and B) isn't he the same person you created a thread on talking about how big of a disappointment he's been since American History X?

See above. Leonardo DiCaprio has yet to turn in a performance even as good as Norton's in Primal Fear. Also, his performance in The 25th Hour is better than anything DiCaprio did last decade.

Meh, had two great performances last decade (which one was overrated as shit), and two other good ones. Leo's work surpasses him.

None of DiCaprio's work touches what Sean Penn achieved with I Am Sam...I think that came out last decade.

Isn't he a mainstream American actor, Tdigs? Hell, aren't a lot of these guys are? Why are you contradicting yourself? Because earlier you flat-out said Leonardo DiCaprio is the best mainstream American actor there is, yet you're naming other mainstream American actors. Way to kick yourself in the ass there, buddy.

Depp is definitely not a main-stream actor; he does mainstream films, but he intersperses them with smaller productions.

Here are your mainstream actors:

Matt Damon
Will Smith
Tom Cruise
Brad Pitt
George Clooney
Shia LaBeouf
Robert Downey, Jr.
Tom Hanks

I'll give you Tom Hanks, and I'll concede that I used him as a comparison. But, when you say American mainstream actors, these are DiCaprio's peers, for lack of a better word. So, all I have to do now is retract my previous statement: DiCaprio is only the second greatest mainstream American actor currently working; Tom Hanks is number one.


ONE great performance and now you want to rank him with these names? Give me a fucking break, Tdigs. :lmao:

I'll take Whitaker's work in The Crying Game, Ghostdog, and The Shield over anything DiCaprio's done.

Meh, About Schmidt was his only truly great performance from last decade. I would actually say Nicholson gave the worst performance in The Departed.

Worst performance in The Departed, my ass; he made that film the 3 out of 5 star film that it was.

He's good, but not as versatile as Leo. No way.

What do you mean not as versatile as DiCaprio? DiCaprio has done one film that actually required him to move out of his comfort zone: What's Eating Gilbert Grape?

Unlike DiCaprio, Freeman doesn't have the same latitude; he's typecast as the calm, level-headed supporting character who narrates. However, his first Oscar nomination came from his portrayal of a pimp in Street Smart; DiCaprio would never be able to do something like that.

Training Day was really his only truly great performance from last decade. He was good in Antwone Fisher, but that and none of his other roles match-up against what Leo did.

I'll take The Manchurian Candidate over anything DiCaprio did last decade. Also, DiCaprio will never turn in as great of performance as Washington did in The Hurricane.

Cast Away was his only good performance from last decade, and that movie pretty much sucked ass anyway.

The fact is, man, most of these guys WERE great actors, but they're not relevant when talking about the best actors working TODAY. In some cases, they just pick shitty roles or don't work enough (Tom Hanks, for example), and in others they just don't have the fire in their performances like they used to (Pacino and De Niro, for example). Maybe the same thing will happen to Leonardo DiCaprio in 20/30 years, who knows, but for now... Philip Seymour Hoffman is the only American actor I would consider ranking over him.

You asked me to list better actors without all of your qualifications; I did just that. When it comes down to it, DiCaprio has little to no competition in terms of whom we can compare him to. I gave you a list of 8 actors, and he ranks ahead of 7 of them.

Well, at least they remember her for something. What do people remember about Isabelle Huppert and Catherine Deneuve? Most likely nothing, since hardly anyone in the states know their names.

Who the fuck knows Ziyi Zhang's name? Honestly, could people name her if they tried? No, they would see her picture and say, "That's that Chinese woman from Rush Hour 2 and Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon." For Huppert, they'd say, "That's that French woman from I Heart Huckabee's, while for Deneuve, they'd say, "That's that woman who was the face of Chanel in the 80s."

Lol... I know more than the average Joe, but yes... I prefer American and Asian films over European for the most part.

You know little to nothing about European films. I respect your admiration for martial arts films from the East (and I'll be the first to admit that some of the best films in the world came from Asia), but to say that European films are pretentious while showering praise on American indie films that can't even get a limited theatrical release here is, at best, straight-up laughable.

Dude, when you say something is ICONIC, then that should mean most people have heard of it, no matter where our discussion is taking place.

People HAVE heard of Belle Du Jour. Here, when xfearbefore comes in here, ask him if he's heard of the film; I can guarantee you that he's seen it. Let me ask you another question: have you heard of Jules Et Jim? If not, then arguing about this is a moot point, as you're just simply out of the loop when it comes to significant European films.

It was again you using that word "iconic" to describe that film. If it's so iconic, then it would have more votes than it currently has.

What is this use of imdb as the end-all, be-all of a film's significance? Does everyone who watches movies belong to imdb?

I find The Shawshank Redemption extremely overrated, but THAT'S an iconic film. It will live forever and generations from all over the World will have seen the movie in their life time, or at the very least hear about it. You cannot put something like Belle Du Jour in that same category, sorry.

Yes, I can. Anyone with the least bit of interest in film criticism will know that Belle Du Jour is a staple of European cinema. What has more of a chance of enduring: a film supported by fickle pop culture or a film supported by a corps of critics and filmmakers that is extremely conservative in what they consider great?

Lol... that's false, man. It's all about taste... if people prefer Asian films over European, then they're going to like someone like Zhang over the ugly chick who starred in that mess of a movie, The Piano Teacher.

You mean that same mess of a film that netted her heaps of praise. Or, are you talking about those other extremely significant films of hers, like La Ceremonie, The Story of Women, and Loulou?

Also, there are only two things you can say about Zhang: she's pretty (I think this is what you're implying by calling Huppert ugly), and she's good at martial arts...I fail to see what's so fucking spectacular about this.

No, I know Huppert... don't know much about Catherine Deneuve, I'll admit (she looks familiar, so I've probably seen her in something, but I guess it just doesn't strike a cord for me) . But still.. you know I've taken every film recommendation you have given me seriously, why have you not told me to check out Belle Du Jour or any other movies starring Catherine Deneuve? Maybe I guess because you don't think it would be liked by many besides yourself and people like you? Well, if that's the case... then they're not truly great actresses if they can only appeal to niche audience.

I didn't recommend these films to you because of how much you hated La Pianiste. Unfortunately for you, you are in a minority, as almost all who see these films have nothing but great things to say about them.

Furthermore, if you like, I can do a point-by-point analysis of what makes La Pianiste so great; I believe I have already done this for you, though.

Ziyi Zhang has starred in movies to appeal to both the arthouse crowd and mainstream audience. That gives her a bit of an edge over those two, in my opinion.

What are you talking about? House Of Flying Daggers made a whopping $11 million here in the States. I can confidently say that Zhang had absolutely nothing to do with the American success of Rush Hour 2 and Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.


The point is, he's been NOMINATED 3 times Tdigle. Out of HUNDREDS, if not thousands, of films get submitted to the Academy crew for Best Foreign Language Film every year, THREE of his films were picked to receive a nomination. That's quite the accomplishment, Tdigs. Don't take anything away from it just because he never actually won.

Meh, AMPAS sucks absolute dick anyway when it comes to the nomination of foreign films. However, I'll concede this point, as I do use awards as a metric of someone's artistic merit; Zimou is someone who shouldn't have any nominations whatsoever, though, and I'll gladly debate you on why this is the case.

Also, that was a worthless point about Hong Kong, Tdigs. So what if most films get made in Hong Kong... it was still a BIG accomplishment that he was able to be the FIRST person to get a Best Foreign Language Film nomination for a Mainland Chinese film. That's fucking impressive. You can shit on it all day, but it's a HUGE accomplishment.

Point conceded.

Lol... how would you know if the show is derivative or not? You've admitted to never have seen an episode.

I watched the first five was well-made, but nothing that you can't get on any other network.

FNL has a lot of originality about it, Tdigs, otherwise it wouldn't be as highly praised as it is.

What's so original about it, besides the obvious (i.e., unlike any show made before it, it's about a high-school football coach in small-town Texas)?

I personally believe it's the greatest, but I have an open enough mind to understand people will feel differently. However, the title of this thread Tdigs is you telling us why our favorites suck, and FNL does not suck, and that's the ultimate the point I'm proving. I'm not trying to prove it's THE greatest, but I would definitely claim that it should rank in the top 10 when talking about television shows released since 2006. I'm not open minded enough to take that away from the show (lol), whether it has precious "awards" or not, because those papers/magazines, plus fan response from those who actually gave the show a chance, all seem to agree with me.

All right, I'll concede this point too. Friday Night Lights doesn't suck, it's just not as good as the best dramas that have aired this past decade. It's not as good as the following shows: The Sopranos, The Wire, Six Feet Under, Lost, The Shield, The West Wing, 24, CSI, Deadwood, House, Big Love, and Dexter. That means it's number 12, at best.
Favorite Movie- When Harry Met Sally

For me this was Billy Crystal and Meg Ryans most prominant roles, it braught the ramntic comedy franchise to prominance in the 90's.
It also has one of the most funny scenes in movie history parodied over and over again by many.

Favorite Actor- Johnny Depp Johnny comes from the same breed of actor as River Phoenix and Robert Downey Jr, yes he does mainstream movies, but he develops such profound characters, Depp can make a crap into Gold (such as the Pirates of The Carribean franchise).

Favorite Actress- Meryl Streep Even today Meryl Streep manages to put on some interesting performances such as the interesting romantic Comedy with Alex Baldwin in Its complicated.

she has made a niche at varying herself in order to bring something new out of her characters, she is also very sexy for her age.

Favorite Director- Quentin Tarantino. Since the first time i watched Pulp fiction It was the first time i was glued to a film that had a rather varied concept, it braught to life a group of characters that otherwise could have infused dis-interest.

Favorite TV Show- Dexter

Can't say enough good things about Michael C Halls portrayal of the emotionless Dexter Morgan.

Watching Dexters battle within has braught together an amazing story which i hope continues past the fifth season, it always leaves me wanting more and more from this show.
Wait, you said you wanted compare DiCaprio without all the qualifications. I gave you two actors that are better than him; it doesn't matter if they haven't had anything worthwhile in a decade or not.

I said he's the best American actor working TODAY. That means TODAY, Tdigs. And what reflects today is RECENT work, not shit from the eighties, seventies and sixties.

See above. Leonardo DiCaprio has yet to turn in a performance even as good as Norton's in Primal Fear.

Lol... DiCaprio in What's Eating Gilbert Grape blows Norton in Primal Fear out of the fucking water.

Also, his performance in The 25th Hour is better than anything DiCaprio did last decade.

I love The 25 Hour, but Leo's performances in Revolutionary Road, Blood Diamond, and The Aviator are all better performances than Norton's performance in that. The Oscar nominations and other awards/critical praise prove that to be a fact.

None of DiCaprio's work touches what Sean Penn achieved with I Am Sam...I think that came out last decade.

Leo played a better ****** in What's Eating Gilbert Grape.

Depp is definitely not a main-stream actor; he does mainstream films, but he intersperses them with smaller productions.

In the past five years, these are the movies Johnny Depp has starred in.

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Corpse Bride
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest
Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End
Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street
Public Enemies
The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassu
Alice in Wonderland

Every single one of those are mainstream films... how the fuck is Depp not a mainstream actor?

I'll give you Tom Hanks, and I'll concede that I used him as a comparison. But, when you say American mainstream actors, these are DiCaprio's peers, for lack of a better word. So, all I have to do now is retract my previous statement: DiCaprio is only the second greatest mainstream American actor currently working; Tom Hanks is number one.

And what has Tom Hanks done recently? Oh yeah, those shitty Da Vinci movies. I guess his performances in those were better than everything DiCaprio did from 2000-2010, huh?

I'll take Whitaker's work in The Crying Game, Ghostdog, and The Shield over anything DiCaprio's done.

I LOVE Ghost Dog, but no... his performance doesn't match-up to Leo's best work. The Crying Game is one of the most overrated movies of all time, with Whitaker's performance perhaps being the best thing about it, though I still wouldn't rank it above DiCaprio's best work. And I never watched The Shield, but if he's so great in it, then where are his Emmy nominations for it, Tdigs? :lmao:

Seriously though, I'm a fan of Whitaker's, but he doesn't deserve to be listed with the best actors from America right now. He does way too many shitty movies for that.

What do you mean not as versatile as DiCaprio? DiCaprio has done one film that actually required him to move out of his comfort zone: What's Eating Gilbert Grape?

Have you not seen Blood Diamond or The Aviator?

Unlike DiCaprio, Freeman doesn't have the same latitude; he's typecast as the calm, level-headed supporting character who narrates. However, his first Oscar nomination came from his portrayal of a pimp in Street Smart; DiCaprio would never be able to do something like that.

And I doubt Freeman would be able to do something like What's Eating Gilbert Grape... what's your point?

I'll take The Manchurian Candidate over anything DiCaprio did last decade. Also, DiCaprio will never turn in as great of performance as Washington did in The Hurricane.

The Manchurian Candidate was good, but it was a typical Denzel Washington performance. You talk about a comfort zone... Denzel rarely comes out of his.

And The Hurricane sucked ass. This is coming from somebody who absolutely adores boxing movies and those revolved around boxers.

You asked me to list better actors without all of your qualifications; I did just that. When it comes down to it, DiCaprio has little to no competition in terms of whom we can compare him to. I gave you a list of 8 actors, and he ranks ahead of 7 of them.

When you look at the last decade Tdigs, there's no arguing that hardly anybody matches Leonardo DiCaprio's body of work. Blood Diamond, Revolutionary Road, The Departed, Gangs of New York, The Aviator, and Catch Me if you Can are all critically acclaimed, award winning films. And all those films were built around HIS performances in them. Who else really matches up from the last decade?

Who the fuck knows Ziyi Zhang's name? Honestly, could people name her if they tried? No, they would see her picture and say, "That's that Chinese woman from Rush Hour 2 and Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon."

People know a good amount of her movies though. She stands out in those films that became popular in the West. All you have to do is say what movie she was in and describe her character, and most would be, "Oh yeah, I know who you're talking about."

You absolutely cannot say the same about Isabelle Huppert and Catherine Deneuve. People say those names, you'll get asked.. "What have they been in?" And when you answer, they'll have no idea what the fuck you're talking about.

For Huppert, they'd say, "That's that French woman from I Heart Huckabee's, while for Deneuve, they'd say, "That's that woman who was the face of Chanel in the 80s."

I Heart Huckabee's sucked ass and hardly anyone remembers that film, other than it being absolute shit. And you're full of crap with the Deneuve reference. When you leave the house today go up to 100 strangers and ask them who she is; I GUARANTEE you won't find a single person who will say that or even have a clue as to who the fuck you're talking about.

You know little to nothing about European films. I respect your admiration for martial arts films from the East (and I'll be the first to admit that some of the best films in the world came from Asia), but to say that European films are pretentious while showering praise on American indie films that can't even get a limited theatrical release here is, at best, straight-up laughable.

You know I don't believe all European films are pretentious. You also know I've seen my fair share of them. Have I seen as many as you? No, but still... I GUARANTEE I've seen more than the average joe, which was my point. I'm not trying to say I'm an expert, but I still can have a valid opinion on the matter of European films, because I've seen my fair share of them. You can discredit that all you want, but you know it's true.

People HAVE heard of Belle Du Jour. Here, when xfearbefore comes in here, ask him if he's heard of the film; I can guarantee you that he's seen it.

Xfearbefore, one person out of thousands of members... big whoop. Tdigs, just admit that you misused the word "iconic." Quit arguing it.

Let me ask you another question: have you heard of Jules Et Jim? If not, then arguing about this is a moot point, as you're just simply out of the loop when it comes to significant European films.

That's one I have at least HEARD of. I know the name. I've seen something about it on different list(s) or maybe even a special on television before. Have I seen it? No. Do I know anything about its plot? Not off the top of my head, but at least I've heard of it.

What is this use of imdb as the end-all, be-all of a film's significance? Does everyone who watches movies belong to imdb?


I'm just using imdb as an example as to how you misused the word "iconic." You know damn well imdb is the best resource for movies on the internet, and the fact of the matter is, if Belle Du Jour was as "iconic" as let's say Seven Samurai, then it's votes and ratings on IMDB would reflect that. But it's not, so it doesn't.

Yes, I can. Anyone with the least bit of interest in film criticism will know that Belle Du Jour is a staple of European cinema. What has more of a chance of enduring: a film supported by fickle pop culture or a film supported by a corps of critics and filmmakers that is extremely conservative in what they consider great?

Tdigs, I got something to end this shit right now and prove you're wrong once and for all. Hopefully you'll quit with this nonsense after this.

If Belle Du Jour is this hugely significant, iconic film, then how come it didn't receive more votes from the top DIRECTORS and CRITICS in the World when talking about the best films in history? Surely, if it's as great as you claim it is, it would have received more than just 3 lousy votes, man. But, it didn't, and here's the proof:

Surely, you remember Sight and Sound's poll from a few years ago, right? About 100 Directors voted, as did around 100 critics. 885 different films received at least one mention from one voter out of those... dude, why didn't Belle Du Jour get more mentions if it's so iconic?

You mean that same mess of a film that netted her heaps of praise.

Yep, that movie. She was good in it, I've told you this before, but the movie sucked ass.

Or, are you talking about those other extremely significant films of hers, like La Ceremonie, The Story of Women, and Loulou?

Nope, none of those.

Also, there are only two things you can say about Zhang: she's pretty (I think this is what you're implying by calling Huppert ugly), and she's good at martial arts...I fail to see what's so fucking spectacular about this.

And she's a great actress. As I mentioned, The Road Home and Memoirs of Geisha showed she can act outside of a Martial Arts film. But honestly... even if she didn't have those two movies under her belt, I would still have high praise for her acting ability, because she gave AWESOME performances in movies like Crouching Tiger and Hero. Were her fight scenes kick ass? Sure, but she showed great emotion in each of those films. Emotion from the actors is what separates a good martial arts film from a great one, and because of her and her colleagues emotions, those martial arts films are legendary at this point. More legendary than any movie starring Isabelle Huppert and Catherine Deneuve. Fact.

I didn't recommend these films to you because of how much you hated La Pianiste. Unfortunately for you, you are in a minority, as almost all who see these films have nothing but great things to say about them.

Furthermore, if you like, I can do a point-by-point analysis of what makes La Pianiste so great; I believe I have already done this for you, though.

Fair enough.

What are you talking about? House Of Flying Daggers made a whopping $11 million here in the States. I can confidently say that Zhang had absolutely nothing to do with the American success of Rush Hour 2 and Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

That's not the point. The point is she had memorable roles in Crouching Tiger and Hero, which were both a huge success here in the states, and all over the World.

Meh, AMPAS sucks absolute dick anyway when it comes to the nomination of foreign films. However, I'll concede this point, as I do use awards as a metric of someone's artistic merit; Zimou is someone who shouldn't have any nominations whatsoever, though, and I'll gladly debate you on why this is the case.

No debate is needed here. I just find it extremely flawed to call the man a hack and someone who can only design a set, when you look at all his accomplishments.

What's so original about it, besides the obvious (i.e., unlike any show made before it, it's about a high-school football coach in small-town Texas)?

It's the way they tackle subjects. They do it like no other show before. Take for instance the Smash character using steroids... now, of course there has been shows where a character used a drug like steroids, but in the manner FNL did it with Smash was beautiful and like something you've never seen before in any television show or movie. And it's like that for everything else they touch upon.

Also, you'll never see a show so true to a small conservative town, and they do that without making everyone look like a Bible-Thumping racist like you would see in pretty much any other show made these days concerning a small town like Dillon.

All right, I'll concede this point too. Friday Night Lights doesn't suck, it's just not as good as the best dramas that have aired this past decade. It's not as good as the following shows: The Sopranos, The Wire, Six Feet Under, Lost, The Shield, The West Wing, 24, CSI, Deadwood, House, Big Love, and Dexter. That means it's number 12, at best.

Out of those shows, I've seen full episodes of Deadwood, The West Wing, CSI and Six Feet Under. I would rank FNL above all four of those BY FAR. The Sopranos, The Wire, Dexter, and Big Love are all shows I fully intend to get into one of these days, and then I'll see if I have to reconsider my opinion. Fuck the rest of those listed though.

Anyways, Tdigs.. quit being so fucking rude, man. You have all these fine posters giving their list... give them the time of day and address their lists. :icon_razz:
I said he's the best American actor working TODAY. That means TODAY, Tdigs. And what reflects today is RECENT work, not shit from the eighties, seventies and sixties.

With the question still being: how is this that big of an accomplishment?

Lol... DiCaprio in What's Eating Gilbert Grape blows Norton in Primal Fear out of the fucking water.

I'd say they're about equal, but nothing that DiCaprio has done this decade rivals that performance.

I love The 25 Hour, but Leo's performances in Revolutionary Road, Blood Diamond, and The Aviator are all better performances than Norton's performance in that. The Oscar nominations and other awards/critical praise prove that to be a fact.

I strongly disagree here.

Leo played a better ****** in What's Eating Gilbert Grape.

He was annoying and somewhat funny. Did you really give a shit about him at the end of the film? Did you want to see him succeed? Hell no.

In the past five years, these are the movies Johnny Depp has starred in.

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Corpse Bride
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest
Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End
Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street
Public Enemies
The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassu
Alice in Wonderland

Every single one of those are mainstream films... how the fuck is Depp not a mainstream actor?

Doctor Parnassus is not a mainstream film. Also, since you're so fond of using imdb, why don't you take a look at his upcoming projects this year. None of those sound like huge studio efforts to me.

And what has Tom Hanks done recently? Oh yeah, those shitty Da Vinci movies. I guess his performances in those were better than everything DiCaprio did from 2000-2010, huh?

Those weren't, but his performances in Castaway and Road To Perdition were.

I LOVE Ghost Dog, but no... his performance doesn't match-up to Leo's best work. The Crying Game is one of the most overrated movies of all time, with Whitaker's performance perhaps being the best thing about it, though I still wouldn't rank it above DiCaprio's best work. And I never watched The Shield, but if he's so great in it, then where are his Emmy nominations for it, Tdigs? :lmao:

Why does he need an Emmy when he got an Oscar?

Have you not seen Blood Diamond or The Aviator?

I've seen both; they were so-so films.

And I doubt Freeman would be able to do something like What's Eating Gilbert Grape... what's your point?

Well, no shit, Sherlock, he's old and black. This is like me saying DiCaprio couldn't do the same thing in Driving Miss Daisy.

The Manchurian Candidate was good, but it was a typical Denzel Washington performance. You talk about a comfort zone... Denzel rarely comes out of his.

What the fuck are you talking about? Washington can play any character you put in front of him. Wait, I bet you're going to tell me that he couldn't play Gilbert Grape's younger brother like DiCaprio could :lmao::lmao::lmao:.

And The Hurricane sucked ass. This is coming from somebody who absolutely adores boxing movies and those revolved around boxers.

How so? Aren't you the one who raved about The Blind Side about a month or so ago? How can similarly inspirational film like The Hurricane suck ass but that film can't?

When you look at the last decade Tdigs, there's no arguing that hardly anybody matches Leonardo DiCaprio's body of work. Blood Diamond, Revolutionary Road, The Departed, Gangs of New York, The Aviator, and Catch Me if you Can are all critically acclaimed, award winning films. And all those films were built around HIS performances in them. Who else really matches up from the last decade?

There are plenty of people that match his performances; they're just not American.

People know a good amount of her movies though. She stands out in those films that became popular in the West. All you have to do is say what movie she was in and describe her character, and most would be, "Oh yeah, I know who you're talking about."

So, you essentially have to jog someone's memory in order for them to realize who she was. Yeah, she's just as forgettable as Huppert.

I Heart Huckabee's sucked ass and hardly anyone remembers that film, other than it being absolute shit. And you're full of crap with the Deneuve reference. When you leave the house today go up to 100 strangers and ask them who she is; I GUARANTEE you won't find a single person who will say that or even have a clue as to who the fuck you're talking about.

Go ahead, ask them. I can guarantee you that a few people will know who she is.

You know I don't believe all European films are pretentious. You also know I've seen my fair share of them. Have I seen as many as you? No, but still... I GUARANTEE I've seen more than the average joe, which was my point. I'm not trying to say I'm an expert, but I still can have a valid opinion on the matter of European films, because I've seen my fair share of them. You can discredit that all you want, but you know it's true.

One or two films does not count as seeing your fair share.

Xfearbefore, one person out of thousands of members... big whoop. Tdigs, just admit that you misused the word "iconic." Quit arguing it.

Why would I stop arguing something that I know to be right?


I'm just using imdb as an example as to how you misused the word "iconic." You know damn well imdb is the best resource for movies on the internet, and the fact of the matter is, if Belle Du Jour was as "iconic" as let's say Seven Samurai, then it's votes and ratings on IMDB would reflect that. But it's not, so it doesn't.

I don't buy imdb votes as being necessary to call something iconic.

Tdigs, I got something to end this shit right now and prove you're wrong once and for all. Hopefully you'll quit with this nonsense after this.

If Belle Du Jour is this hugely significant, iconic film, then how come it didn't receive more votes from the top DIRECTORS and CRITICS in the World when talking about the best films in history? Surely, if it's as great as you claim it is, it would have received more than just 3 lousy votes, man. But, it didn't, and here's the proof:

Surely, you remember Sight and Sound's poll from a few years ago, right? About 100 Directors voted, as did around 100 critics. 885 different films received at least one mention from one voter out of those... dude, why didn't Belle Du Jour get more mentions if it's so iconic?

Uh, this poll compiled lists of the top 10 greatest films ever made. So, in order for a film to be iconic, it must show up in more than 3 top 10 lists? A film can't be iconic and not one of the 10 greatest films ever made?

Also, you're contradicting yourself here: you mentioned earlier that The Shawshank Redemption was an iconic film, but it didn't even receive a single vote in this poll.

Furthermore, let's look at the curious case of Le Regle Du jeu, or The Rules of The Game. This film placed on over 40 top ten lists in this poll, yet it only has a little over 9000 votes on do you explain this discrepancy, jmt? According to the criteria you have set for yourself, this film is both iconic and not iconic. How is that possible?

Oh, and here's a little blurb from Roger Ebert, a critic your greatly admire, about Belle Du Jour:

Luis Bunuel's "Belle de Jour"' (1967), the story of a respectable young wife who secretly works in a brothel one or two afternoons a week, is possibly the best-known erotic film of modern times, perhaps the best. That's because it understands eroticism from the inside-out -- understands how it exists not in sweat and skin, but in the imagination.

And she's a great actress. As I mentioned, The Road Home and Memoirs of Geisha showed she can act outside of a Martial Arts film. But honestly... even if she didn't have those two movies under her belt, I would still have high praise for her acting ability, because she gave AWESOME performances in movies like Crouching Tiger and Hero. Were her fight scenes kick ass? Sure, but she showed great emotion in each of those films. Emotion from the actors is what separates a good martial arts film from a great one, and because of her and her colleagues emotions, those martial arts films are legendary at this point. More legendary than any movie starring Isabelle Huppert and Catherine Deneuve. Fact.

This is about who the better actress is, not about who starred in the best films (although Huppert and Deneuve have starred in better films). Zhang Ziyi had nothing more than supporting roles in these films; this is far from proof that she's the better actress.

That's not the point. The point is she had memorable roles in Crouching Tiger and Hero, which were both a huge success here in the states, and all over the World.

Yes, it is the point. Your intention was to make it seem as if Zhang was both an art-house fixture and a box-office draw, but neither of these things are true.

No debate is needed here. I just find it extremely flawed to call the man a hack and someone who can only design a set, when you look at all his accomplishments.

That's all he can do! His films are all style and no substance. It's as if he just read China's Four Great Classical Novels and imagined what they'd look like without delving any deeper.

Anyways, Tdigs.. quit being so fucking rude, man. You have all these fine posters giving their list... give them the time of day and address their lists. :icon_razz:

I'm not done owning you yet...when I'm done with you, I'll engage in discussion with them.
I don’t really have favourite movies or actors of all time, simply because I can’t seem to rate two people against each other. So, for this thread, I will just post the ones that I like a lot right now.

Favourite Movie – Shutter Island

Probably one of the best movies of this year and probably one of my favourite movies that I have ever seen. I thought that Leonardo DiCaprio was brilliant in it and he really is the actor who defined that genre right now. I have heard criticism about him and how he can only play this sort of role. However, I don’t care much for that and honestly thought that he was a perfect pick for this role. I can’t imagine anyone else doing it and when you add that to the plot and premise of the movie, you get an awesome movie.

Favourite Actor – Jonah Hill

I know that I m going to get absolutely torn apart for this choice and if the truth be told, I would have picked Leonardo DiCaprio if JMT hadn’t already done so. So to keep the answers fresh, I went for Hill. The thing is, I know that he isn’t that great of an actor. In fact, compared to some of the other guys who have been mentioned, he is downright awful. However, I thoroughly enjoy his performances in some of the recent movies he has been in. I loved him in Superbad. I loved him in Forgetting Sarah Marshall and I loved him in Funny People. He couldn’t carry off a serious role to save himself but I am glad that he can’t. He is a funny guy and I like to watch him make me laugh.

Favourite TV Show – Scrubs/Family Guy

I’ll name two and that way you will have something to talk about as I didn’t name a favourite actress. Mainly because Meryl Streep is my all time favourite actress and you said I couldn’t name her. Anyway, Family Guy has been my most watched and favourite TV show since I was a teenager and it shows no signs of stopping or giving up that affection. For 30 minutes each week, I just lose myself in the characters and I feel that the humour has worked to become slightly more realistic. For me, there is no better show on TV right now. As for Scrubs. It is one of my all-time favourite shows and I have watched the episodes over and over again to a point where I just recite lines as the episode progresses. Nevertheless, I still love it and although the 9th season was an absolute travesty, I still love the original 8.
Favorite Movie - Casino

Well, it's tied with Shawshank and Goodfellas, but I think I've watched Casino the most out of all three movies, so I'll list it as my favorite. Pesci and De Niro are beyond tremendous in this movie, and I love the portrayal of what Vegas was in the time period. It's so fascinating to watch how the leads come into power and then fall from grace destructively. I just love every minute of this film and make it an effort to watch it twice a year. Just a great story with great dialogue. I think it's impossible to shit on it.

Favorite Actor - Matt Damon

One of the greatest actors of this generation, he basically does everything well whether it be drama, action, or comedy, and his bad roles have been few and far between. He always gives 100% to each role though. I can't ever recall a bad performance by him.

I don't really have a favorite actress/director.

Favorite TV Show - Breaking Bad

Quite possibly the greatest television show of this generation. Bryan Cranston is so fucking good as Walter White, chemistry teacher turned crystal meth manufacturer that you forget that he's the same guy who played Tim Whatley on Seinfeld and the father on Malcolm in the Middle. There is no other show on television that tells a story and builds tension like Breaking Bad does. Every "big scene" this show has is truly mindblowing and leaves you with a "HOLY SHIT" type of feeling that stays with you. The show is so tremendous that it's really changed from what it was in season one without missing a beat. The progression is very gradual and flows so well.
He was annoying and somewhat funny. Did you really give a shit about him at the end of the film? Did you want to see him succeed? Hell no.

Actually, I did. As did most when the ending came. DiCaprio gave a GREAT performance in that movie. That's indisputable.

Doctor Parnassus is not a mainstream film.

Even so, that's ONE in the last five years.

Also, since you're so fond of using imdb, why don't you take a look at his upcoming projects this year. None of those sound like huge studio efforts to me.

Tdigs, just admit you're wrong on this one. How is Johnny Depp not a mainstream actor? He's a box office draw, and he stars in franchise disney movies and Tim Burton films, which are all high budgeted films.

Also, as far as his future projects go... how can you tell from pre-production and working titles if they're studio efforts or not?

Shit, I'm looking at his Wiki now... the films listed are The Tourist, The Rum Diary, Rango, and another Pirates film... dude, Tourist is crime thriller with Angelina Jolie, so that's DEFINITELY a studio film; The Rum Diary might be indy might not be; and Rango is an animated film. Dude, seriously... give this argument up. Depp is mainstream, bottom line.

Those weren't, but his performances in Castaway and Road To Perdition were.

No they weren't.

Why does he need an Emmy when he got an Oscar?

Because in your FNL argument all you could say was "Emmy this" and "Emmy that." I figured, shit... if Whitaker's performance in The Shield was better than anything Leo did last decade, then certainly he should have won an Emmy.

I've seen both; they were so-so films.

You can say they're so-so films, but Leo's performances were far pass so-so.

Well, no shit, Sherlock, he's old and black. This is like me saying DiCaprio couldn't do the same thing in Driving Miss Daisy.

You know what I mean... a mentally unstable person. Let's see Freeman pull something like that off.

And I do think Leo could pull off a street wise-ass pimp (something like Harvey Keitel's character in Taxi Driver), for the record.

What the fuck are you talking about? Washington can play any character you put in front of him. Wait, I bet you're going to tell me that he couldn't play Gilbert Grape's younger brother like DiCaprio could

Well, why doesn't he do a more wider range of roles then?

How so? Aren't you the one who raved about The Blind Side about a month or so ago? How can similarly inspirational film like The Hurricane suck ass but that film can't?

Because The Hurricane sucked, man. It was boring, and too many things were inaccurate. Maybe the Blind Side had some inaccuracies in it as well, but I don't know Michael Oher's story like I do Rubin Carter's.

There are plenty of people that match his performances; they're just not American.

But we're talking about Americans, and you can't name a single one, so I win. :icon_wink:

So, you essentially have to jog someone's memory in order for them to realize who she was. Yeah, she's just as forgettable as Huppert.

But people will be able to remember her at least. Can't say the same for Huppert.

Go ahead, ask them. I can guarantee you that a few people will know who she is.

No, they won't.

One or two films does not count as seeing your fair share.

You really believe I've only seen one or two European films? Damn, man... you're just wrong about EVERYTHING in this thread, aren't you?

Why would I stop arguing something that I know to be right?

You have yet to say one thing to prove that you're right, that's why.

I don't buy imdb votes as being necessary to call something iconic.

But it can play a small part in the debate and you have NOTHING to counter it.

Uh, this poll compiled lists of the top 10 greatest films ever made. So, in order for a film to be iconic, it must show up in more than 3 top 10 lists? A film can't be iconic and not one of the 10 greatest films ever made?

Again, it's the word ICONIC. Belle Du Jour is not an iconic film. If it was anywhere close to being so, then it would make more people's list, since it's not popular in other areas.

Also, you're contradicting yourself here: you mentioned earlier that The Shawshank Redemption was an iconic film, but it didn't even receive a single vote in this poll.

No, they're two separate things. The Shawshank Remption is iconic because of its popularity, just like Back to the Future or Rocky are iconic movies simply because of how popular you are.

So, since I brought that up, you want to back into the whole "critics" thing, and only two critics dare mention it on their list. I figured if this is so iconic amongst critics and those who "know about film," then they would have gotten more mentions. Even Jules Et Jim got close to 20 votes.

Furthermore, let's look at the curious case of Le Regle Du jeu, or The Rules of The Game. This film placed on over 40 top ten lists in this poll, yet it only has a little over 9000 votes on do you explain this discrepancy, jmt? According to the criteria you have set for yourself, this film is both iconic and not iconic. How is that possible?

I wouldn't call those films iconic either. Are they important? Sure I guess so if Directors and Critics rank them so highly, but not iconic.

The point is, you used critics and those who actually know about film (since I clearly don't know anything) as a way to hide the fact the movie's not as popular as you first put it across, and I just showed you that's not the case. If it were, then it would make more top ten list from around 200 voters.

Oh, and here's a little blurb from Roger Ebert, a critic your greatly admire, about Belle Du Jour:

I don't greatly admirer Roger Ebert. I find him wrong pretty much 50% of the time. I just read his reviews.

Anyways, Ebert is wrong just like you. Dude, I'm sorry to use imdb as a tool, but if Ebert's statement that Belle Du Jour is the "best-known erotic film of modern times," then it would have more votes man, and from a personal stand point... I'm sure I would have at least heard of the film myself before.

This is about who the better actress is, not about who starred in the best films (although Huppert and Deneuve have starred in better films). Zhang Ziyi had nothing more than supporting roles in these films; this is far from proof that she's the better actress.

Whether she was first billed or not, Zhang had the most screen time and was the most important character in Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon... so yeah, she did play much more than a "supporting role" in that movie. That's equivalent to saying Casey Affleck was the supporting role in the Jesse James movie he starred in, just because Brad Pitt had first billing.

Also, there's no way any movie Huppert and Deneuve had starred in is better than Hero and Crouching Tiger. No way.

Yes, it is the point. Your intention was to make it seem as if Zhang was both an art-house fixture and a box-office draw, but neither of these things are true.

How are they not true? She's starred been in box-office draw films, and art-house movies.

That's all he can do! His films are all style and no substance. It's as if he just read China's Four Great Classical Novels and imagined what they'd look like without delving any deeper.

Lol... whatever, man. His Oscar nominations prove this to be wrong, and so does the fact that Hero is one of the greatest movies ever made.

I'm not done owning you yet...when I'm done with you, I'll engage in discussion with them.

Lol... keep thinking that, Tdigs. I've gotten rep from somebody telling me I'm destroying you, and two others telling me that I'm right. So, yeah... the only person you're owning is yourself by continuing to prove over and over again that you're wrong on certain things.

Anyways, I don't want this to go on forever. This will be my last reply, so you can get the last word and then start focusing on everyone else. :)
I love Jack Nicholson and Robert De Niro. But those are easy choices. Both have starred in great films. But I have always had a soft spot for Kevin Costner because he played in two of my favorite sports movies of all time. He played in Bull Durham and Field of Dreams. They are my favorite movies. Field of Dreams especially. The movie was outstanding. Building a baseball field for dead people to play on. Absolutely incredible. Its brilliant. And Bull Durham was just down right hilarious. Especially the scene where they all went out with the sprinklers and watered the field so there next game would be cancelled. And he's been such a giving man. Giving up many great films to try other roles. Like giving up the role in Air Force one. Very giving man.

Yes, Kevin has played in some terrible movies, but that happens sometimes. He also played and starred in Dances with Wolves. Which is another great movie. So he's played in like three very good movies. He might not be the greatest actor of all time, but his good movies should outweigh any shit movie he's ever starred in.

I would get in to the Directos part, but I don't have a stinking clue.
You know what I mean... a mentally unstable person. Let's see Freeman pull something like that off.

How could he not pull this off? Let's look at some of his lesser-known roles throughout the years:

*A treacherous pimp in Street Smart.
*A no nonsense drug counselor in Clean and Sober.
*A hitman smitten with his target in Nurse Betty.

These sound nothing like the roles Freeman is most known for playing. He could easily pull off playing a mentally ******ed individual.

Well, why doesn't he do a more wider range of roles then?

What the fuck are you talking about a more wider range of roles? Let's take a look at some of the roles he's played throughout the years:

*An escaped slave turned Civil War soldier in Glory.
*Malcolm X in the eponymous biopic.
*A US Army Officer investigating whether or not an officer who died in the line of duty should receive a Medal of Honor in Courage Under Fire.
*A convict with the chance to have his sentence commuted should he woo his son to play basketball for someone's alma mater in He Got Game.
*A boxer who may or may not have been wrongly convicted in The Hurricane.
*A father desperate enough to take a hospital hostage in order to get his son a heart transplant in John Q.

How are all of these the same thing, jmt? These look nothing alike, and they are nothing alike.

Because The Hurricane sucked, man. It was boring, and too many things were inaccurate. Maybe the Blind Side had some inaccuracies in it as well, but I don't know Michael Oher's story like I do Rubin Carter's.

It sucked because it was boring? A reformed man's hope for release doesn't didn't do it for you?

But we're talking about Americans, and you can't name a single one, so I win. :icon_wink:

It's because you qualified your statement to such an extreme degree that I had no other choice but to agree with you. What happens when we actually start to think of English-speaking actors that aren't American? We get the following:

*Daniel Day-Lewis
*Ryan Gosling
*Ben Kingsley
*Russell Crowe
*Christian Bale
*Javier Bardem
*Michael Caine
*Ian McKellan

All of these guys had a phenomenal past decade, so, good luck trying to argue with me on this point.

No, they won't.

Yes, they will. You keep on harping about me needing to 'fess up to things in this thread, so why don't you just admit that Deneuve is an extremely famous actress that you know nothing about?

Dude, didn't you say just the other day that you had never heard of 311? You not being in the loop about things isn't totally out of the question.

You really believe I've only seen one or two European films? Damn, man... you're just wrong about EVERYTHING in this thread, aren't you?

Except I've been right about pretty much everything.

You have yet to say one thing to prove that you're right, that's why.

The only evidence that you have that this film isn't famous is that you've never heard of it. Shit, later on in this post, Roger Ebert, the most famous film critic in America, says that Belle Du Jour is the most famous erotic film of modern times. In your defense, you say that he's wrong and that it would have more votes on imdb if this were the case. Do you know how many things are wrong with this statement, and how many assumptions you make as a result?

But it can play a small part in the debate and you have NOTHING to counter it.

It plays no part in this debate because you use an imdb poll and a Sight and Sound poll that contradict each other.

Again, it's the word ICONIC. Belle Du Jour is not an iconic film. If it was anywhere close to being so, then it would make more people's list, since it's not popular in other areas.

Yes, it is an iconic film. How many iconic films would you say there are? If you say more than ten, then you are essentially contradicting yourself once again, since it doesn't have to appear in top 10 lists in order to be so.

Here, let's look at it another way. Critics give more than ten films perfect ratings throughout their career. Does this mean we have thus discount those films that don't happen to make their top ten list? No, we don't.

No, they're two separate things. The Shawshank Remption is iconic because of its popularity, just like Back to the Future or Rocky are iconic movies simply because of how popular you are.

All right, then Belle Du Jour is iconic in whatever your second sense of "iconic" is supposed to mean.

So, since I brought that up, you want to back into the whole "critics" thing, and only two critics dare mention it on their list. I figured if this is so iconic amongst critics and those who "know about film," then they would have gotten more mentions. Even Jules Et Jim got close to 20 votes.

Again, you are selecting evidence based on whether or not if favors your argument, and it you don't even do it correctly here. You are essentially saying that, if Belle Du Jour was an iconic film, it would be in more top 10 lists. What do you assume here? Well, you essentially assume that only 10 films can be iconic, and this is actually funny as shit because of its absurdity.

Let's look at a compendium of reviews for this film from rottentomatoes:

This is much more unbiased and logical.

I wouldn't call those films iconic either. Are they important? Sure I guess so if Directors and Critics rank them so highly, but not iconic.

The Rules of the Game, not iconic? :lmao::lmao::lmao:

Shit, dude, this film's so great that Robert Altman got a Best Director nomination for remaking it as Gosford Park. Seriously, man, go read up some more and come back when you're not so ignorant about things. You're actually grasping at straws so much that you're willing to call a film that you've never even heard of until today insignificant, even though it's one of the most revered films of all times.

The point is, you used critics and those who actually know about film (since I clearly don't know anything) as a way to hide the fact the movie's not as popular as you first put it across, and I just showed you that's not the case. If it were, then it would make more top ten list from around 200 voters.

Again, more than 10 films can be iconic. That poll spans over 70 years of film. Also, how would know that Belle Du Jour isn't popular? Do you know how many people Luis Bunuel has influenced? Without him, such directors as David Lynch and Pedro Almodovar would never have been inspired to take the plunge into making films.

Anyways, Ebert is wrong just like you. Dude, I'm sorry to use imdb as a tool, but if Ebert's statement that Belle Du Jour is the "best-known erotic film of modern times," then it would have more votes man, and from a personal stand point... I'm sure I would have at least heard of the film myself before.

Of course, someone whose professional life revolves around film is wrong because a guy who clearly knows very little about European film says that there aren't enough votes on imdb.

Whether she was first billed or not, Zhang had the most screen time and was the most important character in Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon... so yeah, she did play much more than a "supporting role" in that movie. That's equivalent to saying Casey Affleck was the supporting role in the Jesse James movie he starred in, just because Brad Pitt had first billing.

I'll repeat myself here: even with a large role, Zhang had absolutely nothing to do with that film's popularity; take away the wushu and it makes $15 million tops.

Also, there's no way any movie Huppert and Deneuve had starred in is better than Hero and Crouching Tiger. No way.

They've both not only made better films, but they've made films that are much more significant to the Western world. Now, this isn't meant to degrade the Orient; I simply mean to say that Huppert's and Deneuve's films touch on issues that we are more likely to confront as Westerners.

How are they not true? She's starred been in box-office draw films, and art-house movies.

She has been in box-office draws; she's not a box-office draw herself. Furthermore, she's not putting out that many movies with theatrical releases in the States.

Lol... whatever, man. His Oscar nominations prove this to be wrong, and so does the fact that Hero is one of the greatest movies ever made.

According to imdb, right? Are any of Zhang Zimou's films listed on that Sight and Sound poll you brought into the equation?

Lol... keep thinking that, Tdigs. I've gotten rep from somebody telling me I'm destroying you, and two others telling me that I'm right. So, yeah... the only person you're owning is yourself by continuing to prove over and over again that you're wrong on certain things.

You have yet to prove that I'm wrong on anything. Well, I'll give you the Johnny Depp thing, and that's only because you've limited his career to the past five years. If we opened it up to the decade just like you did for DiCaprio, you'd be wrong, and I know that you know this.

Anyways, I don't want this to go on forever. This will be my last reply, so you can get the last word and then start focusing on everyone else. :)

No, keep it going on forever. I'll let you have the last word when I think that you've accomplished something significant. So far, you've done little.
Film: Raging Bull- Great direction, great acting, and an entertaining story about an empty human being. I have never been a huge fan of sports movies, but not only did this tell a tragic and gripping story outside of the ring, but also inside. The fight scenes show how much LaMotta dislikes himself, and due to that self-hatred, dislikes everyone around him as well. Scorsese takes away the glamour of a pro-boxers life, and gives us something much more real. In the end, I felt bad for LaMotta, but never liked him. Scorsese and DeNiro did a good job of making sure you (the audience) walked away knowing this man was somewhat of a black hole, yet unable to hate him.

Nothing wrong with this film...Scorsese was great in the 70s and 80s.

Actor: Paul Newman- Never one to over-act, and I love that. He had a great amount of energy, but was never overly intense. Also, a lot of actors seem lost at some point during their career, usually as they get older. He never seemed to have that problem, choosing roles wisely. The man should be considered an icon (and he is) based on HUD alone.

Newman was another good actor, although he didn't deserve to win the Oscar for The Color Of Money.

Director: Martin Scorsese- I agree his best work hasn't been put out there in the past 20 years, but that period of time hasn't been as bad as you would have us believe. Cape Fear worked, it wasn't great, but it was better than your average thriller. The problem with Casino was that it was too close to Goodfellas'. Good performances made the film an above average gangster film. Bringing out the Dead, IMO, is his most underrated film of the 90's. Gangs of New York was kind of long and drawn out, but Day-Lewis was amazing. The Departed was seen as more "mainstream," so a lot of hardcore film buffs bitch about it, but I thought it was deserving of every award it took home, despite Jack Nicholson's best attempt at over-acting the film right into the depths.

Scorsese has been nothing but a run-of-the-mill director since Goodfellas. Sure, Cape Fear and Casino managed to raise themselves a notch about mediocrity through strong performances, but let's take a look at his other films from the 90s:

*The Age Of Innocence - Is this Scorsese's attempt at a Merchant/Ivory-like production? If so, it's nowhere near as good as either A Passage To India, Howard's End, or The Remains of the Day.

*Kundun - If I want to watch a politically motivated cup of fail, I'll go to the annual Tibetan Freedom Concert.

*Bringing Out The Dead - Extremely boring look at an NYC paramedic's life, or at least that's what I think this film was about.

When we get to the 2000s, Scorsese becomes a full-fledged Hollywood suit who directs films that any competent director can make.

TV Show: NYPD Blue- The later seasons kind of dropped the ball, but the first five were top-notch. Andy Sipowicz is one of the most entertaining characters in television history. This show ran too long, but I was somewhat sad when it went off the air, knowing I wasn't going to be able to see Sipowicz call someone a "hump" or "mope" anymore. The dialogue was always short and sweet, and didn't drag on (during the early seasons). Characters on that show knew how to convey feelings without talking themselves to death. IMO, it is the most well-written cop drama we have ever had on television.

Don't know much about this show, only that it prided itself on showing bare asses on primetime, network television. Unfortunately, I can't help you here, although I can say with confidence that Jimmy Smits sucks as an actor.
Favorite film: Armageddon I loved this movie, I've always liked Bruce Willis as well as I have liked Ben Affleck, they have both produced a lot of my favorite movies, and these guys being clashed in this movie made it even more epic, I loved the plot of it as well.

Are you kidding me? Wasn't this film a rip-off of Deep Impact? Anyway, Armageddon wasn't too bad, and it's a masterpiece compared to the shit Michael Bay started putting out in 2001 with Pearl Harbor.

Favorite Actor: Bruce Willis There's not a movie that I have watched with Bruce that I did not like, as above mentioned, Armageddon is my favorite, I love the Die Hard series, and his presence in the movies helped with my opinion on the movies.

It's like scientific law that Bruce Willis puts out 10 shit films for every good one he makes. Also, without producer Joel Silver, Willis is a black-hole of humor. Have you ever seen The Whole Nine Yards, or Breakfast of Champions? I highly advise you to stay away from those films.

Favorite Producer: Steven Spielberg he has produced the majority of my favorite movies, or overall movies I thought highly of, movies including: Catch me if you can, Saving Private Ryan, Gladiator, the list could really go on, and I have been very impressed with his work all my life.

Steven Spielberg is an efficient director, but he rarely makes anything of real artistic value. Of all American filmmakers, Spielberg is the biggest offender when it comes to giving audiences a simplistic and overly-optimistic view of the world. Escapism is fine and dandy every once in awhile, but it's definitely not something you should mix into almost every film you make.

Favorite TV Show: NCIS I have never been too much for criminal stuff and such, bores me, but NCIS is the one exception, I have all of the seasons with the exception of season 7 on DVD, and I have watched them all as well, there's everything I could ask for in that series, a bit of romance here and there through the seasons, a bit of drama between the people, humor and action.

Mark Harmon sucks, and CSI is 10 times better than NCIS. Crime can teach us so much about the darker side of humanity; I want a crime procedural that emphasizes this, not one that spends half of its time focusing on the lives of its characters.
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