Favorite Actor / Actress

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My favorite actor is without a doubt Leonardo DiCaprio. It seems that every movie he makes I enjoy and he gives great performances in the majority of them.
Probably not my favorite actor, but up the top.
Gerald Butler
When I found out it was him in 300 as King Leonardis, he instantly became one of my favorite actors. I still hope that he will say "THIS IS SPARTA!!!" in one of his movies and when he says "Vengeance?" and pauses in Law Abiding Citizen, I jumped out of my chair in excitement. However, no line.
I was completely mesmerized by him in Law Abiding Citizen and loved his character, no matter how many people he killed.

Another is, Liam Neeson
He trained Obi Wan, Batman and the kids from Narnia, along with other legendary roles. He is awesome.

Stone Cold Steve Austin
'Nuff said
Gerald Butler
When I found out it was him in 300 as King Leonardis

Lol.. The Ninja turtles meet Sparta, It's Leonidas there champ.

As for my picks in no particular order

Tom Hanks - The guy has a great range of characters he can play. Growing up he was in some of my favorite 80's movies like Turner and Hooch, Big, The Burbs, and Splash. Then right before he went to more serious films in the 90's and on he gave us the role of Jimmy Dugan and the line "Theres no crying in baseball" in a League of Their Own. Then throughout the rest of the 90's just about each year he gave us something great, Philadelphia, Forest Gump, Toy Story, Saving Private Ryan, The Green Mile. Since the 2000's my favorites that he was in would have to be Catch Me if You Can and Cast Away.

Val Kilmer - I liked his earlier stuff more than what he's in now the only thing I liked him in since the 2000's is Wonderland where he played John Holmes. It was scary on how well he played Jim Morrison in The Doors, he was so believable, you would swear it was Jim Morrison himself. Other films he was good in Tombstone as Doc Holiday, nailed that, Willow, Thunderheart, The Ghost and the Darkness, The Island of Dr. Moreau, Heat. I'll give him Batman Forever, he did a pretty good job playing Batman. A million times better than Clooney. But you still can't touch Michael Keaton or Adam West. Can't believe I almost forgot the movie that launched his career, Top Gun as Iceman.

Johnny Depp - Like Tom Hanks he can play a different assortment of roles. He can play serious roles like in Public Enemies, Donnie Brasco, Blow, What's eating Gilbert Grape, Nick of Time. Or know known for one of the most known fictional characters of all time in Captain Jack Sparrow from the POTC series, also you got Edward Scissorhands which is what but his movie career on the map he was already well known for 21 jump street, but ED Scissorhands made him a movie star. He also was very good in Benny and Joon, Sleepy Hallow, From Hell, Once Upon a Time in Mexico, and one of his first movies he was in Platoon.

Samuel L. Jackson - What got me to really like him was when Black Snake Moan came out. I always liked him before the movie, but this movie really made me pick him as one of my favorite actors. His performance in it was just really good, trying to overcome his own hard times then helping out Christina Ricci's character over come hers. Other movies I liked him in are Coach Carter, The Negotiator, Soul Men, Amos and Andrew, Die Hard With a Vengeance, and last but not least Pulp Fiction as Jules Winnfield which made him into a movie star.
My favorite actor is Dennis Quaid. I love almost all of his movies. Enemy Mine is one of my all-time favorites, as is Dragonheart. Plus a bunch of others.

Can't really think of one actress in particular who stands out as an all-time favorite. I guess Angelina Jolie, although I don't like her as much as I used to.
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