Teddy Long Needs To Go Away


Dark Match Winner
I can't be the only one on this. He is dreadful as a TV personality ("come on playa!!!") What is this, the pimpin days? and to quote Miz , "Really?"
Other than that, he dances, does not come off as an authority figure, and most of the divas could beat him up. Bring back a decent GM, such as Regal, Stephanie, Ric Flair, Austin, the list goes on. Teddy is horrrifying!!!

Thoughts on this? Agree? Disagree?
Who would you like to see as Smackdown GM instead of Teddy Long?
I can't be the only one on this. He is dreadful as a TV personality ("come on playa!!!") What is this, the pimpin days? and to quote Miz , "Really?"

That's the thought I had when I read this.

Other than that, he dances,

Bischoff dressed in a gi when he had to compete. I can look past this.

does not come off as an authority figure,

Why this matters is beyond me. He has the power.

and most of the divas could beat him up.

Most of the divas could beat Bischoff up. What is your point?

Bring back a decent GM, such as Regal,

Unless you want the lights turned off every episode then sure.


Moving on.

Ric Flair, Austin, the list goes on. Teddy is horrrifying!!!

I really want to see the rest of this list.
Most of the divas could beat Bischoff up. What is your point?

I don't know, Bischoff has a black-belt in karate. He could probably take a few of the divas.

On-topic, I am as irritated by Teddy Long as I am by Michael Cole, but as long as the Long to Cole ratio is hugely in Cole's favor, I'll continue to ignore Long.
Nothing wrong with Teddy Long at all. He's an established authority figure, the fans don't hate him (Like Vickie,) and he more than gets the job done (kayfabe.)

Nothing you've stated here holds water at all, there's no reason to replace him.
Why this matters is beyond me. He has the power.

To be an authority figure, unless you want to be seen as joke, you have to act as one, and be "seen" authoratative in style. Look at the past GMs, while mostly heels, they had power that was feared and respected. You can't help but look at Teddy and think otherwise. His character is a joke, dancing, "PLAYA!!!", has no personality, and on top of that the only thing he can claim is the position he holds. Yes he has the power due to his position, I am challenging as why he is still there.... can someone give me a legitimate opinion on why he should not be replaced?
I think it's time for Teddy to move along. For years, I've been one of his biggest supporters. Loved him as Doom's manager back in WCW, and was mildly entertained by him as Smackdown GM.

However, this reign has gone on too long. It's just another example of WWE being very complacent when it comes to Smackdown. Why not make a change? Teddy's been there forever, and doesn't add much to any story he's involved with (outside of the Drew McIntyre thing).

I think it's time for a change, and a heel GM is just what Smackdown needs. I don't much care who it is, but please, let it be someone with some credibility. Someone who is actually a threat (mentally) to the top faces (Orton, DB).
Teddy doesn't need to go away. He is one of the reasons why Smackdown has good ratings.

I highly doubt that he is one of the reasons why SD has good ratings. Maybe the talent perhaps and consistently good matches?
He has good pops and he is just trying to do his job.

If you mean good pops as in the ones WWE puts in for the aired version on Friday then yes, but I have been to a few SD events live, and he doesnt get any reaction period. To be a personality, you need a reaction, whether it be good or bad.
Are you going to hate Triple H? If not, then don't hate Teddy.

Well HHH is quite entertaining, interesting, and can be a great face, or one of the best heels ever seen in the business. On top of that he is intimidating as hell. He makes a great authority figure, but I hope the E decides to end the anonymous RAW GM fiasco and bring in someone to fill that role as well to compliment HHH's new position.
I could honestly see the whole GM concept either fading away completely for awhile, or atleast being used in a minimal capacity. With HHH being the "C.O.O." I think for the first little while of him taking over, we'll see him as THE authority figure on both shows. He'll be making the big matches and big decisions. In fact, I'm not sure about Teddy, but I'm willing to bet that the Raw computer doesn't chime in much if at all for the next little while. That's not to say they'll completely do away with the GM concept, I just think for now they have to get the audience to believe that HHH is in charge. Maybe that means Teddy going away, and then when it's time to re-introduce a GM to SD, then maybe Trips will bring in one of "his" people like umm.....Nash? Just a thought although Nash would be better suited as Raw GM, so maybe Foley.
Teddy is one of the main figures in Smackdown and you don't think he's the reason why SD got good ratings?
I stand by my statement yes. The great matches, talent, and booking by the E has what made this show get good ratings. Not silly Teddy L and his dancing
Anybody can lie and say they've been to a live event.
Very true sir, but I honestly hope that if someone is commenting on these forums that they have seen the product they like live. Completely different experience versus watching at home
Teddy Long is better than most people think on the mic and he can sure as hell run a show.
That sir, is what you call an opinion. You may think so (and I'm sure Teddy does too), but that does not mean that I or many other people will agree with you. Thats why I think forums like this exist. To state an opinion ;)
I've been thinking about it too. The truth is that when Teddy Long was in ECW, people wanted him on SmackDown.
I would like to see a sort of feud between Teddy Long and Michael Cole, where Michael Cole takes his job.

He is a good character, but I would like to see him doing other stuff on TV like managing someone or whatever.

I don't have anything against him, he does his job and he is good at it.
You may be right on the first part, but Teddy Long is a VERY good GM and he shouldn't be fired. He consistently takes care of the show and makes sure control is not lost, which is what a good GM does.
Well he really doesn't take care of the show (unless were going by kayfabe) he is more of an on-air personality that represents the show. This is what I am criticizing and why I believe he needs to go away
OR we can watch it at home where we can adjust the volume, brightness, use the bathroom, eat and drink anything, have more space, and watch matches closer than usual. Thank you for stating that, Captain Obvious.

Once again, very true sir. I was just stating that in response to your statement that anyone can claim to go to a live event. I sincerely hope that everyone posting in these forums have gone to a live event. Otherwise I wouldnt consider them a true fan.
If not for Teddy Long, who else would make the decisions (kayfabe) and be as good as Teddy Long does it? Teddy is charismatic and very good on the mic.. and if he were to retire today, I would truly miss him.

Someone else. Someone new and interesting. Someone that provides interesting storylines with the wrestlers, the RAW GM and WWE's new COO.

To be a true fan you have to go to a live event? What the fuck? Or we can watch it on free TV where we can do whatever we want in our homes and eat food.

IMO, I would like to think so. I'm not saying you have to go all the time, or only see live events or anything like that, but I would think if you really supported the product and had an opportunity to go see it live, wouldn't one want to do that?
Teddy Long is like that old reliable car. He can get you from point a to point b. He's effective, and he gets the job done. Although, I could see why someone would want a change. Long has been in this position for a very long time. We've seen him as an authority figure on Smackdown a lot over the years, so some people might feel the need for a change.

Personally, I have no problems with Long. He doesn't bother me at all, and he can be entertaining. I don't think he needs to be replaced, because Long can still deliver.
When two or more WWE performers are involved in a dialogue, it's usually good for one of them to function as "straight man." Teddy has been providing an air of normalcy for a long time, allowing the other person to carry on and rage while he stays calm and sedate. It's a good thing, because when both performers are going nuts, nothing gets accomplished in the scene being performed.....except a fight.

Other GMs like Bischoff and Flair were over-the-top types and added to the insanity, rather than curbing it as you would expect an authority figure to do. Plus, you know Triple H is eventually going to expand his authority and start slapping people around, which will create a program in itself. Teddy Long operates in contrast to those guys.

I like the way Teddy goes about the business of keeping order among the chaos. His authority was frequently compromised by Vince McMahon, who overruled him and stuck his nose where it didn't belong. Through it all, Teddy maintained his dignity and remained the voice of reason in a sea of insanity.

Keep him; he's good at what he does.
I have to agree on this. Teddy's been around as GM for far too long now. While I understand that the GM isn't the focal point of the show, and shouldn't be, they should at least be someone who can contribute to storylines. Teddy does not feel like an authority figure at all. His act feels old, and I can't help but cringe every time he says "playa" or "holla". It's cheap, corny, and should be done away with. I don't have any great ideas on who should replace him, but as long as it's not Abraham Washington, it should be fine.
Yes, Teddy Long is not very good. This is so obvious I'm wondering why I'm even pointing it out. Equally, this is so obvious I'm wondering why he's still SmackDown GM. I'm wondering why he's been SmackDown for, I dunno, the last decade.

I won't drone on; I'm sure you get the point. He's bad and they should get somebody else to do his job. Thanks for reading.
He's not the best, but as long as he doesn't keep making Tag Team mainevents every few weeks i'm fine with him. Though i do think Ryder would be a better GM.
Though i do think Ryder would be a better GM.

Although the point of this thread was to get rid of Teddy Long, replacing him with Zack Ryder would not help the situation (Are You Serious, Bro? lol) I won't go on a anti-Zack Ryder rant, but I think a true authority figure needs to step in and be the face of leadership on the Smackdown show
He's been the GM for a long time. He has done a nice job but he is getting stale. I think thats why they made Ryder his assistant gm.
Well Teddy does get a bit annoying, but it could be worse. Smackdown could be run by a computer like Raw. I think having Steph run Smackdown again could be a good route to take due to Trips being in control, meaning she could run the show for him. Now that their marriage had become public back in 09 during the build up to Wrestlemania it would make even more sense for them to run the brands as COO and GM if you ask me.
Well Teddy does get a bit annoying, but it could be worse. Smackdown could be run by a computer like Raw. I think having Steph run Smackdown again could be a good route to take due to Trips being in control, meaning she could run the show for him. Now that their marriage had become public back in 09 during the build up to Wrestlemania it would make even more sense for them to run the brands as COO and GM if you ask me.

Great thinking Dagger ;)
I think that this idea is brilliant, it would work perfectly with H being top dog and I think the WWE Universe would like it a whole lot better than Teddy. Personally I don't have a huge problem with Teddy Long, anything is better than the stupid Raw GM bullcrap. But if there are so many people who don't like our current Smackdown GM then I would have no issue with him being replaced, especially if it's by Steph.
I understand that Teddy Long is boring at times but he seems to be doing a decent job for quite a long time. Why fix what is not broken. It's not as if Smackdown's ratings are falling.

Also, why does almost want the authority figure to be a heel??
Why do you think they bought in Zack Ryder? They need someone to carry Teddy Long! :D

Anyway, i think hes deccent, not great but hes someone who can make the wrestlers look imtimidating but still hold his authority. I do think he could try a heel GM kind of thing and see how it goes tho..Maybe have him work with Mark Henry? and that way we can get Zack Ryder over as a face a bit more :)
I honestly couldn't care less for Teddy Long as the GM of Smackdown. I mean seriously the guy's in his 60's. But I guess he needs to keep this job before he retires so he can feed his family.

Now who would I like to see as the Smackdown GM after Teddy Long? Simple. Matt Striker. The man deserves to get pushed as a serious personality on TV. He would be a great heel GM. We haven't had a great heel GM in the WWE since what? Eric Bischoff in the mid 2000's? Striker needs this position. He has good mic skills. He has a catchy name. He has the look of a nice heel personality. Seriously it just pains me to see his talents be wasted. And I for one would like to see him as the heel Smackdown GM.

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