Teddy Long Needs To Go Away

I honestly couldn't care less for Teddy Long as the GM of Smackdown. I mean seriously the guy's in his 60's. But I guess he needs to keep this job before he retires so he can feed his family.

Now who would I like to see as the Smackdown GM after Teddy Long? Simple. Matt Striker. The man deserves to get pushed as a serious personality on TV. He would be a great heel GM. We haven't had a great heel GM in the WWE since what? Eric Bischoff in the mid 2000's? Striker needs this position. He has good mic skills. He has a catchy name. He has the look of a nice heel personality. Seriously it just pains me to see his talents be wasted. And I for one would like to see him as the heel Smackdown GM.

This. Right. Here. Matt Striker is being wasted nowadays. He was one of the better announcers the WWE had and he has the mic skills to work in a role as a GM or manager. Teddy Long is hit or miss with me. Sometimes I like the guy and other times I can't stand him. I appreciate his dedication to the company and I respect him as a wrestling personality, but it is time to move on I think. Zack Ryder may be getting groomed for the job, but I just see it as a chance to get him more over with the audience. Matt Striker would be the perfect choice in my mind.
Now who would I like to see as the Smackdown GM after Teddy Long? Simple. Matt Striker. The man deserves to get pushed as a serious personality on TV. He would be a great heel GM. We haven't had a great heel GM in the WWE since what? Eric Bischoff in the mid 2000's? Striker needs this position. He has good mic skills. He has a catchy name. He has the look of a nice heel personality. Seriously it just pains me to see his talents be wasted. And I for one would like to see him as the heel Smackdown GM.

Wow, how did I not think of that! Striker would be a great fit as Smackdown GM. I love him on commentary (seems I'm in the minority there), but if they won't use him for that they might as well do this. I heard he wrestled a match recently, but I'm sure he's past his prime in the ring, if he's ever had one. He can be cocky, smart, cunning, douchey, whatever they need! I just wonder how they would go about tossing Teddy for Striker. Maybe Striker weasels his way into the job by sucking up to Trips? It could work.
He can be cocky, smart, cunning, douchey, whatever they need! I just wonder how they would go about tossing Teddy for Striker. Maybe Striker weasels his way into the job by sucking up to Trips? It could work.

He could be a modern day Eric Bischoff. He has everything that you would want and need as the Smackdown GM. He comes across has having an edge, which would make him a great authoratative figure. Granted, not all GM's need to be heels (look at the current COO HHH, he is a face currently, and in a similiar power position). As far as Teddy Long leaving, he already has been threatened by VKM to lose his job, so have HHH tell Teddy he is on his last straw, and one more mistake, and he has his replacement (the unnamed Striker) waiting to replace him
Teddy does piss me off and to be honest SD needs a change of GM and have done for a while. Teddy's been the gm on and off for a long time now he's been stale for a long time, I think a new gm could either be Regal or Striker. Regal impressed me when he was the Raw gm for the short time a couple of years ago. He's entertaining and he's showing that on NXT. So I think he's one option. Now with Striker, he's also entertaining and is currently being wasted like Regal is by only being on NXT and the short meaningless backstage interviews. Both men would be good as both heel and face gms and to be honest I would like to see one of them the gm of Raw and the otherthe gm of SD it would be giving both men there rightful tv time.
I agree- Teddy Long needs to retire. NOW.

Even tho the addition of Zack Ryder gave SmackDown a little bit more pop than it usually gets we're still seeing regular matches that we can only assume as the audience are made by Long. Plus (as you mentioned) he doesn't strike you as someone you can take seriously.

Raise of hands- who gave a little yay when he got "attacked"? (when the Corre was like a week old and had just been named)

He needs to go and maybe we should bring back Regal as GM. He did pretty well as Gm, why not let him do it again?

If I'm the only one who thinks so I'll just be quiet...
I was just about to put up a "fire teddy long" thread when i saw this. He is boring, monotonous, repetive, lacks personality, is not believable as a human being and really just sucks overall. Smackdown is boring and needs an overhaul, starting with teddy long.

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