Tell us who should or should not be the ABC Party's candidate

Which forums would you like to see improved and have a mod in place representing the people?

I appriciate any comments regarding myself that have been made so far and take them all on board. Zrise, thankyou for your support, I hope I can state a case to keep it and possibly get others behind me. If this is all about popularity I stand as much chance of winning as The Blue Meanie does breaking Undertakers streak. I hope I can make people at least think about voting for myself or another less popular poster based on what we are willing to represent, improve and listen to you the people resulting in hopefully a better WZ board for everybody, nomatter how popular you may be or how long you have been a member. I have, since being a member of this board mostly posted in the Wrestling forums but will be posting in other forums from now on...hopefully showing I am a good WZ member and will not be waisting anybodies time. I will not take spamming or idiocy lightly and will not let it slip under the net. I would like to question posters who spam in the non-spam sections rather than just jump down anybodies throats it would make more sense to squeese or direct the spam into a direction in which something positive could be made out of it. I am mostly talking about spam in which not enough is written or less in depth replies are given. Out and out spam for the sake of it will and should be fround upon... With all this said I still will keep in mind that this is an internet forum and fun is hopefully what it is intended to give so I would treat members fairly and judge cases individually rather than come across as a jumped up little online Hitler.
I have one proposal that, if the administrators deem to not be a possibility at this time, I will politely recall my bid for election. The already established areas of the forum have excellent moderators, and the candidates in the ABC Party are more than qualified to fill them should that become necessary. My proposal is this:

I call for a new area of the forums dedicated solely to discussing the content posted on Users would start threads based on the news stories presented, alleviating a lot of unnecessary threads in other sections. This would allow for news-based discussion to stay within the area, and promote more creative threads in all of the other forum areas. Moderators would no longer have to worry about removing threads on New Jack from the WWE section, or the dozens of threads started based on TNA's "abysmal" ratings. All news content would be filtered into one section, leaving areas such as the non-spam Smackdown section open to more intellectual, creative debate.

I would also suggest the creation of a sub-category within the section, allowing for feedback on the website itself. Many forum posters have issues with the main site, and many more have suggestions but have no place to voice them. I have stated before that as a writer for Wrestlezone, I wish to bridge the gap between the main page and the forums. While our relationship is not totally symbiotic, we do gain considerable traffic and comments from the forums, while the forums clearly could not exist without the main page. We owe it to each other to start a proper dialogue, as I believe the website could greatly benefit from the hundreds, and possibly thousands of different opinions that are constantly thrown around.

As of last week, Wrestlezone started a new feature called the Depth Chart. We are trying hard to make this the most interactive, comprehensive Top 10 list of WWE and TNA wrestlers in the world. Over 1,000 people voted to comprise the list in our inaugural addition, but support from the forums was limited due to not having a proper place to continue a thread. All those that voted had to do so using Twitter, email, or the comments box under the article itself. Having a section would not only benefit the forum users and allow their voices to be heard, but it would help the parent site tremendously.

That is my proposal to not only change the forums in a positive way, but to help Wrestlezone in a huge way that makes life better for all kinds of wrestling fans. I have the patience, tact, and common sense necessary to moderate the section and am the only person qualified to properly put this idea into motion. As I said previously, if this idea is not a possibility at this time, I do not have any intention of running for another position. I simply cannot dedicate more time to the various sections of the forums, but if I could become a sort of liaison, and moderator for this section it would of course become part of my obligation to the website, and the necessary time would be allowed for it.

Thank you to everyone in the ABC Party, and no matter the outcome of all of this I have faith in the great posters of this party to make the proper decision. It's been a lot of fun thus far, and I can only imagine "business is about to pick up".
Mike "The Kid" Killam;3555626 said:
I call for a new area of the forums dedicated solely to discussing the content posted on Users would start threads based on the news stories presented, alleviating a lot of unnecessary threads in other sections. This would allow for news-based discussion to stay within the area, and promote more creative threads in all of the other forum areas. Moderators would no longer have to worry about removing threads on New Jack from the WWE section, or the dozens of threads started based on TNA's "abysmal" ratings. All news content would be filtered into one section, leaving areas such as the non-spam Smackdown section open to more intellectual, creative debate.

I would also suggest the creation of a sub-category within the section, allowing for feedback on the website itself. Many forum posters have issues with the main site, and many more have suggestions but have no place to voice them. I have stated before that as a writer for Wrestlezone, I wish to bridge the gap between the main page and the forums. While our relationship is not totally symbiotic, we do gain considerable traffic and comments from the forums, while the forums clearly could not exist without the main page. We owe it to each other to start a proper dialogue, as I believe the website could greatly benefit from the hundreds, and possibly thousands of different opinions that are constantly thrown around.

As of last week, Wrestlezone started a new feature called the Depth Chart. We are trying hard to make this the most interactive, comprehensive Top 10 list of WWE and TNA wrestlers in the world. Over 1,000 people voted to comprise the list in our inaugural addition, but support from the forums was limited due to not having a proper place to continue a thread. All those that voted had to do so using Twitter, email, or the comments box under the article itself. Having a section would not only benefit the forum users and allow their voices to be heard, but it would help the parent site tremendously.

That is my proposal to not only change the forums in a positive way, but to help Wrestlezone in a huge way that makes life better for all kinds of wrestling fans. I have the patience, tact, and common sense necessary to moderate the section and am the only person qualified to properly put this idea into motion. As I said previously, if this idea is not a possibility at this time, I do not have any intention of running for another position. I simply cannot dedicate more time to the various sections of the forums, but if I could become a sort of liaison, and moderator for this section it would of course become part of my obligation to the website, and the necessary time would be allowed for it.

The only problem with that is that the news bits do end up providing fodder for most discussions in their respective sections. Mark Madden's columns always spark a thread in the TNA section to prove if his latest view is him being right or a self absorbed prick. Ratings always end up posted by KB in the Spam Zone with everyone coming to the conclusion that something else was on. I realize and understand the idea. But I don't think it will picked up as the news bits find their own way to the sections. The Depth Chart is great. Awesome really. There used to be a Wrestling List section here 2 years ago. In reality, it met no real purpose, but this would've been it. Still, the General section would be the most likely destination for it.

Thank you to everyone in the ABC Party, and no matter the outcome of all of this I have faith in the great posters of this party to make the proper decision. It's been a lot of fun thus far, and I can only imagine "business is about to pick up".
I always see you as the one sane columnist in the main page. Always did. It's great to have you in the forums and being active.
Which forums would you like to see improved and have a mod in place representing the people?

As a possible future moderator, my suggestion is that you look at the separate forums, figure out what you perceive to be the greatest needs, and go from there. As I said, as a moderator, Id like to see you post all over the board to see where your strengths lie. This would help me be able to help you decide what forum would be best for you.

For example, Ive posted all over the forums, and still do. But I did my best work in the Cigar Lounge, got modded, and put my stamp on it. Post everywhere, find what area you best excel at, and decide you want to put your stamp on it. Does that make sense?

I have, since being a member of this board mostly posted in the Wrestling forums but will be posting in other forums from now on...hopefully showing I am a good WZ member and will not be waisting anybodies time.

I'm not telling you to post equally in every section, but to at least make your presence known everywhere. In my humble opinion, it will help you find your niche, and establish yourself as being both well-rounded and make you stand out over others that post solely in one or two sections.

Again, please take this as encouragement, as Im not being critical. Ill help you succeed in any way I can, and if you have questions, just ask.
Mike "The Kid" Killam;3555626 said:
I call for a new area of the forums dedicated solely to discussing the content posted on Users would start threads based on the news stories presented, alleviating a lot of unnecessary threads in other sections. This would allow for news-based discussion to stay within the area, and promote more creative threads in all of the other forum areas. Moderators would no longer have to worry about removing threads on New Jack from the WWE section, or the dozens of threads started based on TNA's "abysmal" ratings. All news content would be filtered into one section, leaving areas such as the non-spam Smackdown section open to more intellectual, creative debate.

My question/thoughts are this: Aren't many of the newsworthy stories ones that fit into the WWE or TNA sections? I could see using a section sorely for discussing editorials, but discerning between what belongs in that news section and what goes in the established wrestling sections would be a tall task. How would you propose you do it?

I would also suggest the creation of a sub-category within the section, allowing for feedback on the website itself. Many forum posters have issues with the main site, and many more have suggestions but have no place to voice them. I have stated before that as a writer for Wrestlezone, I wish to bridge the gap between the main page and the forums. While our relationship is not totally symbiotic, we do gain considerable traffic and comments from the forums, while the forums clearly could not exist without the main page. We owe it to each other to start a proper dialogue, as I believe the website could greatly benefit from the hundreds, and possibly thousands of different opinions that are constantly thrown around.

Isn't this something that could solely be done in a spam thread? For example, be it the bar room or the GSD, couldn't we create an *Official* feedback thread, that would accomplish the same goal? What would you propose that would be so different?

As for the forums/site relationship, the argument could go both ways. Obviously, there would be no forums without the main site. But the converse is true as well, as the traffic on the site overall would be lessened considerably if it were not for the forums. I think you're on to something, don't get me wrong. Im just looking for more specifics of how you would do it that couldn't be just as easily done in an official thread in the bar or spam zone.

As of last week, Wrestlezone started a new feature called the Depth Chart. We are trying hard to make this the most interactive, comprehensive Top 10 list of WWE and TNA wrestlers in the world. Over 1,000 people voted to comprise the list in our inaugural addition, but support from the forums was limited due to not having a proper place to continue a thread. All those that voted had to do so using Twitter, email, or the comments box under the article itself. Having a section would not only benefit the forum users and allow their voices to be heard, but it would help the parent site tremendously.

I really like this idea, and I think it could work very well if done properly.

That is my proposal to not only change the forums in a positive way, but to help Wrestlezone in a huge way that makes life better for all kinds of wrestling fans. I have the patience, tact, and common sense necessary to moderate the section and am the only person qualified to properly put this idea into motion. As I said previously, if this idea is not a possibility at this time, I do not have any intention of running for another position. I simply cannot dedicate more time to the various sections of the forums, but if I could become a sort of liaison, and moderator for this section it would of course become part of my obligation to the website, and the necessary time would be allowed for it.

I think you've done a damn good job of explaining why this would work in many ways. Im just asking you to consider some of the questions I asked, if for nothing more then both clarity and helping to spur further ideas. If this isn't helpful, just let me know. :)
Mike "The Kid" Killam;3555626 said:
I have one proposal that, if the administrators deem to not be a possibility at this time, I will politely recall my bid for election. The already established areas of the forum have excellent moderators, and the candidates in the ABC Party are more than qualified to fill them should that become necessary. My proposal is this:

I call for a new area of the forums dedicated solely to discussing the content posted on Users would start threads based on the news stories presented, alleviating a lot of unnecessary threads in other sections. This would allow for news-based discussion to stay within the area, and promote more creative threads in all of the other forum areas. Moderators would no longer have to worry about removing threads on New Jack from the WWE section, or the dozens of threads started based on TNA's "abysmal" ratings. All news content would be filtered into one section, leaving areas such as the non-spam Smackdown section open to more intellectual, creative debate.

I would also suggest the creation of a sub-category within the section, allowing for feedback on the website itself. Many forum posters have issues with the main site, and many more have suggestions but have no place to voice them. I have stated before that as a writer for Wrestlezone, I wish to bridge the gap between the main page and the forums. While our relationship is not totally symbiotic, we do gain considerable traffic and comments from the forums, while the forums clearly could not exist without the main page. We owe it to each other to start a proper dialogue, as I believe the website could greatly benefit from the hundreds, and possibly thousands of different opinions that are constantly thrown around.

As of last week, Wrestlezone started a new feature called the Depth Chart. We are trying hard to make this the most interactive, comprehensive Top 10 list of WWE and TNA wrestlers in the world. Over 1,000 people voted to comprise the list in our inaugural addition, but support from the forums was limited due to not having a proper place to continue a thread. All those that voted had to do so using Twitter, email, or the comments box under the article itself. Having a section would not only benefit the forum users and allow their voices to be heard, but it would help the parent site tremendously.

That is my proposal to not only change the forums in a positive way, but to help Wrestlezone in a huge way that makes life better for all kinds of wrestling fans. I have the patience, tact, and common sense necessary to moderate the section and am the only person qualified to properly put this idea into motion. As I said previously, if this idea is not a possibility at this time, I do not have any intention of running for another position. I simply cannot dedicate more time to the various sections of the forums, but if I could become a sort of liaison, and moderator for this section it would of course become part of my obligation to the website, and the necessary time would be allowed for it.

Well, being a moderator is you obligation to the forums, not to the website. However, we have had "crossover" mods such as IC who wrote for the site and was a moderator for the forums, so it wouldn't be without precedant.

I think your idea is an intriguing one, and Id certainly consider it myself. The questions Id ask and urge you to answer are as follows though Mike. Not to be difficult, but just to consider why the separate forum is a necessity.

1. Why would this forum change the perception & help bridge the gap between the forums and the main page?

2. You stated that the forums wouldn't exist without the main page, but the converse is also true, to an extent. Traffic would be significantly lower for this site if it were not for the forums. However, as a moderator, your job would be to serve the interests of the forum, not the site. Without looking at the benefits for the website, how would this benefit the forums?\

3. How would this seperate forum truly differentiate topics that may/could otherwise belong in other forums? Why would they be better served in said separate forum as compared to the sections already in existance?

I'm not trying to discourage you here Mike, just the opposite. I believe if you consider these questions you'll be in much better shape to make an argument and subsequent decision for what you want to do.

Double post, my apologies.
HABS and Dias both seem to have excellent reasons as to why the should be elected.
Im leaning toward them.

Do we need to keep trying to add members to our party?
HABS and Dias both seem to have excellent reasons as to why the should be elected.
Im leaning toward them.

Do we need to keep trying to add members to our party?

Yes. The more members we have join, the better chance our guy will have at getting the mod position when the final vote comes.
HABS and Dias both seem to have excellent reasons as to why the should be elected.
Im leaning toward them.

Do we need to keep trying to add members to our party?

So you've declared your candidacy. What would you bring to the table as a mod that would set you apart? Others have made their case, time to make yours.
As a possible future moderator, my suggestion is that you look at the separate forums, figure out what you perceive to be the greatest needs, and go from there. As I said, as a moderator, Id like to see you post all over the board to see where your strengths lie. This would help me be able to help you decide what forum would be best for you.

For example, Ive posted all over the forums, and still do. But I did my best work in the Cigar Lounge, got modded, and put my stamp on it. Post everywhere, find what area you best excel at, and decide you want to put your stamp on it. Does that make sense?

I'm not telling you to post equally in every section, but to at least make your presence known everywhere. In my humble opinion, it will help you find your niche, and establish yourself as being both well-rounded and make you stand out over others that post solely in one or two sections.

Again, please take this as encouragement, as Im not being critical. Ill help you succeed in any way I can, and if you have questions, just ask.
I do take it as encouragement and do not see it as being critical but see it as pointers on how I can improve my chances/case. I appriciate your advice fully and plan to act upon what you suggest in ways that I can hopefully at least get my character across and let people know who they are voting/not voting for. I have limited myself in the past to only posting in wrestling related forums but even before this campaign came to my attention I planned and have started to post elsewhere.

I really believe that the winner of this election resides in our party and feel we have a superb group of posters amongst us. A good mix of new and old. I have yet to see any internet bullying, dictatorship or general high horse online egos coming from the members of our party and I am more than pleased I joined The PPM and then merged with The ABC party. I feel whoever makes it through will/can make a difference and if it is not me I will support whoever it may be, aslong as it's what the people decide and what I feel will improve things for everybody.
Due to a bit of a stir from some of the boy I am asking you all here in the ABC if you want me to run. I personally do not think it's my time and Dagger should be the guy we push but if enough of you would want me to pursue it I would go for it looking to kill, and my dedication to this site and specifically the MMA section is known. So do you my ABC Party bretheren wish me to represent our party, or should we stick with my boy Dagger?
Due to a bit of a stir from some of the boy I am asking you all here in the ABC if you want me to run. I personally do not think it's my time and Dagger should be the guy we push but if enough of you would want me to pursue it I would go for it looking to kill, and my dedication to this site and specifically the MMA section is known. So do you my ABC Party bretheren wish me to represent our party, or should we stick with my boy Dagger?

If you don't realize this already from rep and the encouragement I give you, I think you're a hell of a representative of what a poster on Wrestlezone should be. You're chalk full of ideas, you drive discussion in the posts of yours that I read, and Ive yet to see a bad post from you. Even moreso, you're well-rounded. You don't just post MMA and wrestling, you post consistently in PL, the CL, M&T, and music consistently. Don't see Dagger or Habs as competition, as Im not preferring one person over another whatsoever. Im here to see each of you find a vision of what/who you want to be on WZ, and what better way to further establish that then by running? I think it shows the strength of the ABC party when we have more candidates running.

So yeah, I fully support you running if you didnt pick that up from here. Get started on your mission statement already. :p
In my opinion, JWG, I say do whatever feels right to you. If you feel you are a good candidate, if you feel like you want to run, or you feel like you have something to offer, I say go for it and see now the rest of the party feels about it, just like all of the other candidates are doing.

Remember, there are two rounds of primaries to go, taking us up to nearly mid December. I think it's a little early to pick our go to guy yet. It may be you, it may be Dagger, it may be some Bruins fan, or it may even be someone who hasn't chimed in yet. Don't get me wrong, once the voting has concluded and we have our ultimate winning candidate, that person will have my 100% unquestionable support. But 24 hours in, with about 8 guys having expressed interest, I still have no idea who I am supporting throughout the primaries, all due respect to all of the guys.
Go for it, JW! Do the East Bay proud!

Seriously, you would make the ideal mod and you're more well rounded than most posters. I remember you telling me when you joined that you would post predominately in the MMA section but I've seen you post across the board. People aren't labeling you ROTY for nothing, you know!
Amarillo: I appreciate your enthusiasm, and like I said to Poppycock, I have no problem with someone newer joining the ranks. As was suggested to Poppycock, Id pick one section and get behind why you want to Moderate that section in detail. What would you do to make it better? Why would you be needed there? These are questions I believe you need to answer. I'd concentrate on something other then PL, however, as it's not in need of a second moderator, as SSC has it under control, and I'm heavily involved in it as well.

Sorry for taking so long to reply. WiFi problems. >.<

Basically, I'd love to mod and concentrate on the Book This! section. I'm an avid reader of the section. Even before I joined WZ. It's always been my favorite. But there really isn't a mod there. I could be the one to clean it up and perfect it and make it entertaining to come to. Make people want to join the Book This! section in fantasy feds. I already have a few years worth of a fantasy fed written that I could post on there and it can go far. I'll definitely clean up the random "What if ____ turned heel?" threads that should be in a separate section.
Another big idea I have is a fantasy fed that gets the readers involved. Not like WZCW. More like Cyber Sunday. Except every week. I'll post updates on each show and the readers choose certain aspects of it.
So really, I think I could make a great mod for Book This. It's a great board, and it doesn't reach the activity of the other sections. I plan on trying to make it that active, but I don't see it happening due to the other sections' activity. And I'd be pretty active, even during the school day, in which I have multiple opportunities to come online. So thanks for giving me a chance and I'd love the support from you guys. :)
Sorry for taking so long to reply. WiFi problems. >.<

Basically, I'd love to mod and concentrate on the Book This! section. I'm an avid reader of the section. Even before I joined WZ. It's always been my favorite. But there really isn't a mod there. I could be the one to clean it up and perfect it and make it entertaining to come to. Make people want to join the Book This! section in fantasy feds. I already have a few years worth of a fantasy fed written that I could post on there and it can go far. I'll definitely clean up the random "What if ____ turned heel?" threads that should be in a separate section.
Another big idea I have is a fantasy fed that gets the readers involved. Not like WZCW. More like Cyber Sunday. Except every week. I'll post updates on each show and the readers choose certain aspects of it.
So really, I think I could make a great mod for Book This. It's a great board, and it doesn't reach the activity of the other sections. I plan on trying to make it that active, but I don't see it happening due to the other sections' activity. And I'd be pretty active, even during the school day, in which I have multiple opportunities to come online. So thanks for giving me a chance and I'd love the support from you guys. :)

That's fantasy booking. It belongs in the Book This section. Variety on what that section can have can greatly expand the viewership.
That's fantasy booking. It belongs in the Book This section. Variety on what that section can have can greatly expand the viewership.

But how does a thread on the possibilities if ___ turned heel benefit a fantasy booking section rather than the WWE, TNA, etc. section? Book this should be someone booking a fantasy fed, or if there is a heel turn thread, booking that heel through whenever. But I have seen threads on just people discussing what could happen if so and so turned heel. Not actually booking things, just discussing possibilities. I'd clean that stuff up.
A couple of observations which I have made over the last few days. For one thing, I am really pleased to see the commitment of the Party to finding the right guy. Lots of guys throwing their names in the hat, lots of opinions being expressed, it can only make for a better candidate in the end. And I'm really pleased with the sentiment that everyone seems ready to support whoever emerges from the two votes of the primary round. As I've said several times, this will be crucial. We need to increase our numbers as much as possible, and we need to carry as close to 100% of these numbers into the general election, to maintain the numbers advantage that we currently have. That way, our candidate will have the best chance at becoming our newest mod.

One thing I have noticed, from people in all of the parties, is that there has been a very enthusiastic response to the election. People have been putting very detailed platforms out there, with claims of having significant impact upon multiple sections of the forums. The thing is, though, is that I think there needs to be a more simplistic approach in terms of staff functions for the newest mod. People have been claiming that if they are successful, they plan on impacting many forums significantly, and I don't think it's necessarily realistic. Some of our newer members have plans to change the entire structure of the forums. Exchanging PM's and things of this nature to ensure the newer guys have more of a voice, which sounds great on paper, but is probably not happening. Having the newest staff member having their fingers on the pulses of multiple sections is a great idea too, in theory, but again is not practical. I think a more simplistic approach is better.

Look at Nate, or Nick, or IDR, or any of our other relatively new mods. They are all involved in multiple sections as regular posters, and are very effective in them, but they really focus their mod activities on their own sections. That would be my approach as well. Sure, I will continue to post in the sports stadium, or in the Cigar Lounge, even dabbling in the spam sections sometimes, but as a poster only, not as a mod. My mod activities would be centered on my section, generating discussion, encouraging debate, playing devil's advocate at times, and merging threads, enforcing rules, etc., I think a platform which consists of involvement in all sections is unrealistic at best.

One final thought that I had was to consider the general likeability of the candidate we select. I don't direct this at anyone in particular, but to the group as a whole. At the moment, we have 51 members, Coco has 42, and the Resistance has 26. Let's assume these numbers hold basically true heading into the election (not saying they necessarily will, just a hypothetical). The resistance may informally concede, realizing that from a numbers perspective, they would be unable to select a winner. If this were to happen, a significant portion of this group may choose to shift their vote to one of the other two parties, so as to have an impact on the final results. It will be necessary that we provide a candidate who would be able to capture this vote, rather than lose it to Coco. Very new forum members, with all due respect, may be unable to capture this vote. If forced to choose between Coco and some stranger, the Resistance may be more likely to go with Coco, which obviously hurts our numbers. Likewise, a candidate who has feuded with multiple guys, has burned bridges along the way, may be unable to carry this vote. We really need to provide an option with some longevity who doesn't necessarily have to be uber popular, but can't be unpopular either. This probably doesn't apply to our group, as I don't see anyone on here who is unpopular in the general forums. But I still think a candidate who has been here for years, and who has avoided conflict and maintained respect with the vast majority of the people, would be a good choice to represent our party. And I would respectfully suggest, that description fits me to a tee.

There are a lot of things to consider. Let's not rush to judgment. Let's consider all of the factors, and make a sound and logical choice in selecting our new mod.
I want to respond to the few people who have posed questions to me regarding their concerns, but I want to work a few things out with Sly before I spend time defending my post. If there's no need to do so, I'd rather spend my time pulling for somebody else that deserves the position.
But how does a thread on the possibilities if ___ turned heel benefit a fantasy booking section rather than the WWE, TNA, etc. section? Book this should be someone booking a fantasy fed, or if there is a heel turn thread, booking that heel through whenever. But I have seen threads on just people discussing what could happen if so and so turned heel. Not actually booking things, just discussing possibilities. I'd clean that stuff up.

Because that's what the section is about. Write the show your way. That includes small aspects of them like characters and stories.
A couple of observations which I have made over the last few days. For one thing, I am really pleased to see the commitment of the Party to finding the right guy. Lots of guys throwing their names in the hat, lots of opinions being expressed, it can only make for a better candidate in the end. And I'm really pleased with the sentiment that everyone seems ready to support whoever emerges from the two votes of the primary round. As I've said several times, this will be crucial. We need to increase our numbers as much as possible, and we need to carry as close to 100% of these numbers into the general election, to maintain the numbers advantage that we currently have. That way, our candidate will have the best chance at becoming our newest mod.

I agree. But the fact that most members of Resistance hold their own desires to be mod is there, and David French won't provide that opportunity.

One thing I have noticed, from people in all of the parties, is that there has been a very enthusiastic response to the election. People have been putting very detailed platforms out there, with claims of having significant impact upon multiple sections of the forums. The thing is, though, is that I think there needs to be a more simplistic approach in terms of staff functions for the newest mod. People have been claiming that if they are successful, they plan on impacting many forums significantly, and I don't think it's necessarily realistic. Some of our newer members have plans to change the entire structure of the forums. Exchanging PM's and things of this nature to ensure the newer guys have more of a voice, which sounds great on paper, but is probably not happening. Having the newest staff member having their fingers on the pulses of multiple sections is a great idea too, in theory, but again is not practical. I think a more simplistic approach is better.
You and me both just want to keep the TNA section clean.

Look at Nate, or Nick, or IDR, or any of our other relatively new mods. They are all involved in multiple sections as regular posters, and are very effective in them, but they really focus their mod activities on their own sections. That would be my approach as well. Sure, I will continue to post in the sports stadium, or in the Cigar Lounge, even dabbling in the spam sections sometimes, but as a poster only, not as a mod. My mod activities would be centered on my section, generating discussion, encouraging debate, playing devil's advocate at times, and merging threads, enforcing rules, etc., I think a platform which consists of involvement in all sections is unrealistic at best.
Don't forget there's always room for expansion.

One final thought that I had was to consider the general likeability of the candidate we select. I don't direct this at anyone in particular, but to the group as a whole. At the moment, we have 51 members, Coco has 42, and the Resistance has 26. Let's assume these numbers hold basically true heading into the election (not saying they necessarily will, just a hypothetical). The resistance may informally concede, realizing that from a numbers perspective, they would be unable to select a winner. If this were to happen, a significant portion of this group may choose to shift their vote to one of the other two parties, so as to have an impact on the final results. It will be necessary that we provide a candidate who would be able to capture this vote, rather than lose it to Coco. Very new forum members, with all due respect, may be unable to capture this vote. If forced to choose between Coco and some stranger, the Resistance may be more likely to go with Coco, which obviously hurts our numbers. Likewise, a candidate who has feuded with multiple guys, has burned bridges along the way, may be unable to carry this vote. We really need to provide an option with some longevity who doesn't necessarily have to be uber popular, but can't be unpopular either. This probably doesn't apply to our group, as I don't see anyone on here who is unpopular in the general forums. But I still think a candidate who has been here for years, and who has avoided conflict and maintained respect with the vast majority of the people, would be a good choice to represent our party. And I would respectfully suggest, that description fits me to a tee.
This fits you, me, Dagger and a few others well too. Thankfully there is time to sort this stuff out.

There are a lot of things to consider. Let's not rush to judgment. Let's consider all of the factors, and make a sound and logical choice in selecting our new mod.
Because that's what the section is about. Write the show your way. That includes small aspects of them like characters and stories.

But what if the thread doesn't involve writing a show? I don't think a thread with one person asking "What if ___ turned heel" and others replying "____ would probably join ____ and win the tag team titles at Summerslam." belongs in the Book This section. It more-so belongs in the section of the brand/company that wrestler is on/in.
It's still fantasy booking. Go read the rules in the section.

Diamond Dallas Page said:
Types of Threads Allowed In This Section

Recently, there has been a slight change in what is and isn't allowed in the main BT section. Yes, it is to be mainly used for original fantasy booking projects, but you can also post one shots (how you would book a PPV, for example) or storyline ideas for any of the current wrestling companies on the air. If you want to rebook the Nexus angle - go for it! Post it here! If you think a stable should form, post your idea! If you just want to make a general discussion thread about what you would do if they gave you the books or you had the ability to make your own company, that's OK too. Just remember to follow the spam rules, or face warnings/infractions.

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