The Complaint Thread

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I made a thread in the TNA section of the forum and the title was Has TNA ever held any type of significant Battle Royal?

The orignal post of my thread read like this ...

So does anyone remember TNA ever holding a battle royal? I'm sure they must of, right? But I'm assuming it was something like an 8-man battle royal and all the participants were X-Division guys. Unless in the early days they actually did hold battle royals that included the entire roster/top guys.

I can see why they haven't been having them. Up until recently, most of the roster were small guys not known for brawling. Also TNA might of seen a battle royal type ppv as a waste of the talent they have.

I believe the Royal Rumble is made popular because it's a mark out fest (every wrestler comes out to their music unlike World War 3 where they all started in the ring,) the Huge guys (Nash, Show, Taker, token fat guy) are always the favorites to win and you wonder how they will be taken out, and it's the only time you might ever see the top 10-15 wrestlers collide and see who will come out on top.

The match is more about brawling and I suppose psychology then anything else, which isn't really TNA's style. I suppose TNA feels they have "evolved" from the ordinary battle royal with some of the gimmick matches they hold.

If TNA were to hold a battle royal, guys like Nash, Foley, and may be Sting would not be able to compete because they would not be able to take a fall over the top rope, or at least, you wouldn't want them too. Your two big men are Abyss and Morgan and no one really wants to see them demolish a ring.

I can definitely see why TNA hasn't held a PPV like this the more I think about it. For one, it might be TOO FAKE. It's kind of like a Rey Mysterio cage match, Rey can literally run, jump on the top rope and over the cage in all of two seconds.

Anyway, do you guys think we'll be seeing any type of Royal Rumble/World War 3 type ppvs in the near future?

I was question whether or not TNA has had battle royals in the past and what are the chances we'll be seeing them in the future since Royal Rumble seems to be a popular main stay for WWE and also WCW's World War 3 was popular. Basically, how do you run a wrestling company and not run battle royals?

I thought my post was well thought out, grammar wasn't too bad. I thought it was fine. Even the mod of my forum posted in the thread ...

This is It's Damn Real, he posted 3rd in the thread out of 19 or so people who were able to post before it was closed and thrown into the garbage by Xfearbefore.

Actually, yes – it was just reversed, which was incredibly confusing to most of the fans. The competitors started the match outside the ring and had to battle to get into the ring, which made them eligible to then begin the "last man standing" aspect of the match, which basically meant that it was a race to whoever got to the ring first, and then subsequently pinned, submitted or KO'd his opponents to the point he was the only man left.

It hinged from the King of the Mountain match in which the wrestlers started the match outside the ring as "ineligible" to win, and in order to become "eligible", they had to score a pinfall or a submission on an opponent (who then went to a penalty box for two minutes). Once you scored a pinfall or submission, you could use the ladder to climb to reach the title or contract. Also equally as confusing and convoluted.

As to why they haven't held a traditional battle royal? Probably because the WWE made a yearly gimmick of it with the Royal Rumble every January, and TNA didn't want to be perceived as having "copied" the idea, although if it was indeed a borrowed idea, they'd have to hold it at Victory Road in July, since the Rumble winner in the WWE earns a title shot at Wrestlemania, three months later, and Bound For Glory (October) is TNA's Wrestlemania.

At the end of the thread, I found who closed the thread and threw it in the trash and why.

Yes. They crowned their first champion in a battle royal on their very first show. This would have taken you about 12 seconds to Google and find out for yourself.

In the future, save random insignificant questions like these for the "Ask a Question" threads. Closed.

If I just wanted to know if TNA ever had a battle royal, that's all I would've asked. I wanted to know if they've had one, and what are the possibilites of them holding a bigger one.

Most of the responses said TNA had a couple of reverse battle royals years ago, my main question was how come TNA isn't having a royal rumble type PPV, but I thought I check up on there history first and see may be if TNA is not suited for those types of gimmick matches.

So much for my thinking.

So does my thread really deserve to be in the trash, or is Xfearbefore bias against me for something else I've done?

AoP, no lyin.
Yes, it belonged in the trash. It should have been in the spam zone in the first place. It's a question that can be answered with a yes or no and doesn't need a long drawn out explanation to be repeated 10 times.
I made a post a while ago called "What are your TOP 3 bloodiest matches?" and in the thread post I made I specifically put "Strictly WWF/WWE!" and later that day I had somebody say that because of the amount of people that didn't reply with WWF/WWE matches, they had removed the "Strictly WWF/WWE!" comment that I put. I later got bad rep from somebody saying "Nowhere in your post does it say Strictly WWF/WWE!" Which it actually did before that bit was removed. So I had bad rep for the wrong reason.

I feel sorta screwed over I guess.
I made a post a while ago called "What are your TOP 3 bloodiest matches?" and in the thread post I made I specifically put "Strictly WWF/WWE!" and later that day I had somebody say that because of the amount of people that didn't reply with WWF/WWE matches, they had removed the "Strictly WWF/WWE!" comment that I put. I later got bad rep from somebody saying "Nowhere in your post does it say Strictly WWF/WWE!" Which it actually did before that bit was removed. So I had bad rep for the wrong reason.

I feel sorta screwed over I guess.
Send them a PM telling them you originally did just say WWF/WWE. Blame the mods, it works for most people.
OK, I dont know if this is only me but in the "Edit Avatar" section I cant find the section where you can upload your custom avatars. I only see a set of Pre-made avatars made by the forum.
My post count sees to be jumping all over the place. A few minutes ago, I was at 275 (I don't actually have 275 posts, it's more like 250), and then I jumped to 600.

Either I'm being possessed by a wrestling-loving demon, or something is wrong, either with my computer, or the forum. I can't think of a reason why my computer would fuck with only my post count, though. It seems to have stopped, but I figured I might as well alert you to this potential problem.
It has nothing to do with your computer, likely a server issue. Don't worry about it, those things always work themselves out.
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