The Ultimate Warrior: Worthy or Not?

Does the Ultimate Warrior deserve to be in the Hall of Fame?

  • Yes. He was amazing.

  • No. He was a loon.

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The only thing that can cost Warrior here was longevity. His time at the top wasn't long, although not because he was unable, just mentally unstable.

I think it's funny how people say the guy wasn't a good wrestler, and yet he put on two of the greatest Wrestlemania matches of all time in back to back years, first with Hogan at 6, and then the next year with Savage at 7. He had a dandy of match with Rude, and I don't think there is ANYONE who would deny that Hellwig WAS the Warrior, and it wasn't just a character he played. Warrior played his character to the hilt, even in his promos, and carried himself the same way in the ring. Everything he did made PERFECT sense for his character, and we've already discussed his quality work.

So, anyone preventing Warrior from being in because of his in-ring work needs to re-up their knowledge on wrestling, because he was a very good worker. Hell, the man went over clean against Hulk Hogan during Hulkamania...that should tell you something. The only thing that might hold him back is longevity.

When it comes down to it, I probably would have him in the Hall of Fame. There is no denying his greatness, and he is still a character that is remembered very well today. If that isn't "Fame", then I don't know what is.

Warrior sucked. The guy had no wrestling ability. His matches were absolute shit. His promos were some of the most incoherent rambling ever. Really, the guy only had halfway tolerable matches with guys who had the ability to carry him. All warrior could do was shake the fucking ropes and throw a few shoulder blocks and clotheslines and do that gay splash to pin whomever had the misfortune of facing him. As far as him ending intercontinental title reigns and being picked to replace hogan goes, well, a mistake was made. He got over cuz of the size he had and the bright colored paint and gear. Yeah, he's memorable, but that doesn't make somebody a hall of famer. If you induct people cuz of being memorable then why not the shockmaster, or the gobbledygooker? All in all the guy had a pretty good run at the beginning in wwf. Then what? Three or four years, if it was even that long, don't make you a hall of famer. It's not like he had an impact on the industry and changed the way things were for ever. Guys like hogan, flair, austin, rock, taker, hbk, bret hart, etc., were people who had longevity or changed the face of the business during their times. Warrior didn't do any of that. He's nothing more than a comic book character that couldn't draw or get over after his initial run. So, no fucking way does he belong in any hall of fame. It's ludicrous to think otherwise.
Warrior belongs in the hall of fame just for being one of only a few wrestlers who beat vince at his own game...(build 'em, use 'em, make money, scrap 'em).
For the fans he should be there because he is still(in the entire history of wwwf/wwf/wwe) the only guy to hold both the WORLD and INTERCONTINENTAL title's at the same time!
Hell no. The Ultimate Warrior is absolutely god awful in the ring. He never had any skill, at all. I've never once stepped inside of a ring or had any formal wrestling training at all and could do the shit he did. He was overrated, he was illegible on the mic, he never sold a move.. ever. His in-ring work was the most unbelievable crap i've ever seen. He buried so many wrestlers, it's saddening. He was only popular because he wore bright colors, screamed in all his promos, and ran in circles like a crackhead. It doesn't matter if he was well-known or popular. The majority of it isn't for good reasons.
Yes, he needs to be in the WWE HOF.

Not sure if this was mentioned in the thread or not, but McMahon offered him the main spot in the Hall this year. From the WWEs side of things, they said he accepted then went back on his word.

From the Warriors side, he said he never accepted and wanted to meet with McMahon to discuss how it would all play out, face to face. Vince kept saying he would meet with him and never did. So the warrior turned down the offer.

As is the case with Warrior and MCMahon, 2 sides to the story.

I was and still am a huge Warrior mark. Noticing some of the stuff written on the internet, everyone always seems so one sided either supporting or hating Warrior. Its as if those that hate, take the Self Destruction of the Ulti. Warrior DVD as gospel and that the WWEs word in the DVD is exactly how everything happened. The DVD was actually supposed to be a career retrospect on the Warrior but after both sides had disagreeements, WWE decided to use the project to bury the Warrior.

Ringside collectables also released a sitdown interview with Warrior which was interesting and totally opposed a lot of the comments and views in the WWE DVD.

Once again who's side of the story do u believe?

McMahon and Warrior hate each other, but both are brought together by their common bond, it isnt there love for the business or love of wrestling, its the almighty dollar. I think they clash so much because underneath it all they are the same guy going head to head. The Warrior is McMahons alter ego, with the charisma, the body, the crazyness that McMahon views himself as. And Warrior with every little business venture like the university, and the times hes coming back to wrestling (even though he had to know he was going to get screwed over in WCW) is like a poor man's McMahon, doing any and every little thing that will bring him profit.

In the end McMahon has spent tonnes of cashl etting everyone know Warrior was crazy, difficult, couldnt wrestle etc etc etc. If he had the choice and the chance though, between bringing anyone back into the HOF or even onto the WWEs active roster, i firmly believe he would bring in the Warrior.

And if the dollars and cents worked out, Warrior would smile and gladly go into the Hall

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