The Zonies - Wrestlezone Movie Awards

I am launching a formal petition to have Christian Bale replaced in the best actor thread by either Morgan Freeman, George C. Scott, or Spencer Tracy.
Bruce Willis and Martin Sheen being on the best actors list over Paul Newman is just plain silly. Cool Hand Luke and Butch Cassidy alone beat out any character Willis or Sheen has ever played.

Hud. Nothing compares.
George C. Scott... the grandfather from Angus? LOL (and yes.. I know he's been in way more than that). And if Spencer Tracey was so great, he'd be harped up as much as Katharine Hepburn and Mickey Rooney, but he remained in their shadows pretty much his entire career.

The fact is, neither of those two put on performances that come anywhere close to matching Bale's in The Fighter and American Psycho. Neither has Paul Newman. Now, if you want to replace Willis or Martin Sheen with Newman and Daniel-Day Lewis, then okay. But Christian Bale is fine where he's at. Sure, his career is still young, but his performances in The Fighter and American Psycho are two of the all time greatest, not to mention he's carried the biggest franchise of the last ten years on his back, starring in what was the highest grossing movie in history before Avatar came along. Moreover, his performance in Empire of the Sun is easily a top 5 greatest performance by a child actor ever. And then you add The Prestige, 3:10 to Yuma, The Machinist, and Rescue Dawn (all hugely critically acclaimed movies and performances) to his acting credits... the dude is undoubtedly already an all time great.
The fact is, neither of those two put on performances that come anywhere close to matching Bale's in The Fighter and American Psycho. Neither has Paul Newman.

The Long, Hot Summer, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, The Hustler, Sweet Bird of Youth, Hud, Cool Hand Luke, Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, The Sting, The Verdict, The Color of Money. All of those stack up to anything Bale has done, not to mention Newman did it for well over 30 years (at a really high level). If you like Bale more, I get that. But, let's be serious here. Newman may not have been the character actor Bale is, but he was great.

Newman > Bale, any day of the week. Maybe this will be up for discussion in, say, 30 years. Probably not, but maybe.
I have to agree with Nick and I am a huge fan of Christian Bale.

It's just hard to define the all-time greatest because there's a lot of factors, which is why I'm having a really hard time picking someone in The Zonies. To be an all-time great do you need to be consistently great for most of your career (e.g. Newman) or can you still be considered an all-time great if at one point you had incredible performances but didn't remain consistent (e.g. DeNiro)? A case can be made for either one, obviously.
Christian Bale's performance in the fighter was great, but it wasn't Cool Hand Luke. He wasn't anything special in The Prestige either. Newman, on the other hand, took every movie he was in and made it into a work of art, he was that damn good.

LSN, I think I just delivered the finishing blow pretty early in our debate about best performance by a wrestler, but feel free to try and rebut.
I wish I'd nominated now. I'm really getting my Paul Newman fanboy on. You're an unprincipled man, Hud.
I'm definitely guilty of picking greatest actor of right now over greatest actor of all time. As such, I'm probably voting for Brando.
Bruce Willis nominated for best actor of all time? I think Bruce Willis himself would laugh at that notion. Who nominated him? I'm coming for them, Booker T style.

You don't have to look to hard, I an't exactly renowned for being the quiet wall flower type but I think I'll hold my rebuttal for the actual 'Best Actor' thread rather than repeat myself...
You don't have to look to hard, I an't exactly renowned for being the quiet wall flower type but I think I'll hold my rebuttal for the actual 'Best Actor' thread rather than repeat myself...


Shit, this isn't the cage...
I say Christian Bale stays. If people wanted to see their favourite actors there, then they should have nominated them. Plus, I really like Christian Bale.
Bill Murray FTW!

Nice choice.

Actors always say comedy is the hardest form of acting, and Bill Murray has given some of the greatest comedic performances ever in some of the greatest comedic films of all time. That plus his dramatic performances in Lost in Translation, Rushmore, Broken Flowers, and Get Low... he's definitely deserving to be listed among the all time greats.
Bill Murray FTW!

Nice choice.

Actors always say comedy is the hardest form of acting, and Bill Murray has given some of the greatest comedic performances ever in some of the greatest comedic films of all time. That plus his dramatic performances in Lost in Translation, Rushmore, Broken Flowers, and Get Low... he's definitely deserving to be listed among the all time greats.

Agreed, how many of the other guys on the list have any comedy masterpieces on their résumés?

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