This Year's Winners...

Cena's Little Helper

Mid-Card Championship Winner
"The Brock Angle Award" for Rookie of the Year (tie) - Tenta & The D-Man

"The Tim Russert Award" for Best Moderator - Lee

"The Lemming Award" for Self-depreciating stupidity (tie) - FalKon & JKO...we may have a run-off for this one...what say, fellow forum members?

"The Jeff Hardy Award" for finally grabbing that brass ring - Luther_Hull

"The Platinum Keyboard Award" for Best Overall Poster - xfearbefore

"The Bronze Bracket Award" for Best Tournament

"The Bill Clinton Silver Cigar Award" for Best Admin - Slyfox696

"The Undertaker / Nathan Jones Award" for Best Mentor/Mentee duo - IrishCanadian25 / The D-Man

"The Drew McIntyre Award" for Sudden and Inexplicable Improvement - SavageTaker

"The Scott Hall Award" for Best Drunken Poster - IrishCanadian25

"The Evan Bourne Award" for getting the Highest - xfearbefore...what was this award supposed to honor exactly?

"The Mr. Kennedy / Anderson Award" for fastest sudden fall from grace (tie) - PeteRose'sHaircut & 48.7

"The ECW Pimp Slap Award" for person you'd most go Joey Styles / JBL on - Lord Sidious

"The Golden Spool Award" for Best Thread - Non Spam Sections (tie) - The John Tenta Memorial for Terrible Gimmicks & History of WrestleMania with KB

"The Steve Austin Award" for best Arrive, Raise Hell, Leave performance - Mighty NorCal

"The NORM! Award" for Best Barfly - tdigle

"The Bully Pulpit Award" for Best Forum - The Cigar Lounge

"The Vince Russo Award" for Best WZ Storyline (tie) - The WZ Factions form & WrestleZone: Is it going PG?

"The Signer Sewing Machine Award" for Best Thread Starter - Lord Sidious

"The Tapped Keg Award" for best Bar Room Thread (tie) - [Official] All Things NorCal Thread & The WZnWo

"The It's Kinda Like a Real Job Award" for best Graphic Designer - Doc Blocker

"The Biggie and Tupac Award" for Best Feud (tie) - TheOneBigWill vs. The WZ Tournament & IrishCanadian25 vs. Gelgarin

Congratulations to all the winners. Want to congratulate people, or talk about which posters were robbed? Feel free to do so in this thread!
This pleases Lenin Cat.


But seriously, thanks everyone who voted for me. Sounds cheesy but it really is an honor to be thought of so highly by my fellow WZers. I shall wear my prize with pride. And gusto.
I too want to thank everyone that voted for me. So what if it's an award on a wrestling forum? It's still nice to be recognized and to win something.
Well, I see D-Man PM'ed enough people, greeted enough people in the Welcome thread, and sucked up to enough Admins to pull this one off.

So congratulations to Tenta for a job well done. And D-Man .......... you are a .... you're a .... you are an okay poster yourself.

Fuck. You're a ... uh .... very good ..... great poster, too. I hate being nice around the holidays. Especially to Ass-kissers.

And so I am the person Most People would like to go Joey Styles/JBL on, huh? Well, anytime anyone is feeling Froggy, feel free to try.

Best Thread Starter? Naturally. Thank you to all who supported me. You have excellent taste and, unlike the Shareholders, ROH-Botz and other nuisances on here .... you are definitely capable of "Telling it like it is"!
Well, I see D-Man PM'ed enough people, greeted enough people in the Welcome thread, and sucked up to enough Admins to pull this one enough.

So congratulations to Tenta for a job well done. And D-Man .......... you are a .... you're a .... you are an okay poster yourself.

Fuck. You're a ... uh .... very good ..... great poster, too. I hate being nice around the holidays. Especially to Ass-kissers.

Wow... that's very big of you, Sidious. Thanks.

And thank you to everyone else that voted for me for Rookie of the Year and for the best Mentor/Mentee duo. I'm especially proud to be able to share the ROTY award with Tenta. There is no doubt that he deserved to win it, too.

I'm very pleased and happy with these accomplishments and I am truly thankful to everyone for recognizing all of my hard work.
I came second in two awards. Ever the bridesmaid...

In all seriousness, I think people took it a little too seriously this year, especially the rookies, hence why none of you got a vote second time around. It doesn't mean anything. Jmt and FTS were beaten by luminaries such as PRH and Tim last year, and where are they now? What I mean is, lighten up and enjoy your time here, because these awards really don't matter.

I can't leave on that note, so I'd like to give my congrats to everyone that won, and comiserations to those that didn't. I'd also like to thank everyone that voted for me, but next time, try a bit harder, yeah?
I came second in two awards. Ever the bridesmaid...

In all seriousness, I think people took it a little too seriously this year, especially the rookies, hence why none of you got a vote second time around. It doesn't mean anything. Jmt and FTS were beaten by luminaries such as PRH and Tim last year, and where are they now? What I mean is, lighten up and enjoy your time here, because these awards really don't matter.

I can't leave on that note, so I'd like to give my congrats to everyone that won, and comiserations to those that didn't. I'd also like to thank everyone that voted for me, but next time, try a bit harder, yeah?

Well stated, actually.
I like my results.

POTY - Tied for 14th (0)
Most Improved - Tied for 14th (0)
ROTY - Tied for 5th (4)
Barfly - Tied for 4th (2)

And yes, the Milkman was robbed.
seriously, you can't have a most improved award and have a guy who wasn't here last year.

Like giving yoshi tatsu most improved of 2009
Yay for X, Sly, NorCal, 48.7, and Tdigs winning awards. :)


But even though I voted for NSL, I'm happy for Sid that he won Best Thread Starter, since he deserved some sort of positive award to go along with the JBL/Joey Styles Slap nonsense, which I don't get why he won that, btw.

Oh, and I wish TM could have won something this year. He's as passionate about this place as anyone, and deserves some recognition for it.
But even though I voted for NSL, I'm happy for Sid that he won Best Thread Starter, since he deserved some sort of positive award to go along with the JBL/Joey Styles Slap nonsense, which I don't get why he won that, btw.

It isn't obvious?

Oh, and I wish TM could have won something this year. He's as passionate about this place as anyone, and deserves some recognition for it.

I backed him for most improved. Still would. Love ST, but I felt he's been consistently good. TM matured so much this year it's amazing. And now he's one of our best mods. Along with, well, everyone, but you get my point.
I backed him for most improved. Still would. Love ST, but I felt he's been consistently good. TM matured so much this year it's amazing. And now he's one of our best mods. Along with, well, everyone, but you get my point.

Lee Mod > TM mod

WZCW Improvement > TM improvement

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