TNA Hartford, Round 3, Match 1: #4 Triple H vs. #13 Tom Billington

Triple H vs. Billington

  • The Game

  • Dyn-O-Mite

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Kissin Babies and Huggin Fat Girlz
The following match takes place in the TNA Region, inside of the six sided ring, from Hartford, CT.

#4. "The Game" Triple H


#13. "The Dynamite Kid" Tom Billington
Yeah this is the one I've been waiting for. I'm going to give the same reasons I gave last round

Billington is quicker, obviously

Billington is at least as strong

Billington is as tough. Seriously, this guys power of recovery is unbelivable

Billington is a better mat wrestler by a long long way. I do believe Bret Hart, Chris Jericho and Chris Benoit all called him the best ever.

Billington is more suited to the 6-sided ring. Go watch the Tigermark match, it's unbefuckinglievable.

You remember Benoit beating HHH? Billington IS Benoit but better, stronger, quicker. If Benoit can beat HHH, Billington sure as hell would.

As far as SHHHovel, he's in TNA. He's hated by the fans, the lockerroom and to be honest the refs would hardly be cutting him slack. There's no sledgehammers, no assistance and with AJ coming up, expect a pre-emptive strike to eliminate him.

So there you go, at least 7 reasons why you should vote Dynamite. Now someone find me that Tigermask match...
That's a pretty conving argument actually, and I don't really like HHH anymore so any reason to vote against him...but tbh you're gonna have to come up with a reason why Dynamite Kid would beat a 13 time world champion, second ever grand slam champion, and main eventer for a solid decade.
This has all the makings of a Donny Brook. Dynamite is as tough and fast as they get, plus he's very well rounded in the ring. So is HHH, but HHH isn't as fast as Tiger Billington. But, HHH knows how to win. He avenged his loss to Benoit, and another thing I call 'The Stan Hansen Factor"...

The Lariat was slower and bigger than HHH, and Hansen beat The Dynamite Kid clean. HHH is a more seasoned technical wrestler and his finisher is devastating.

Right now, I pick HHH unless someone can give me a more convincing case.

Well firstly, HHH's titles don't mean shit and everyone knows it. He's outnumbered people with far more talent than he's ever had but that doesn't mean he's better than them either. Against someone who is legitimately equal or better than him in almost every aspect, what value do his belts hold?

Secondly, imagine this in a 6-sided ring

Triple H in his prime (late 1999 ‘til very early 2001)… great wrestler. Fun to watch, and had the backing of Stephanie McMahon. He beat a lot of great wrestlers at that time and showed himself to be a force to be reckoned with.

But you know what? He didn’t step in the ring against someone like the Dynamite Kid during that time. I believe he had a win over Benoit back then and that a lot of people like to compare Benoit to Kid… but there’s really no comparison. Benoit was booked to shit during his first couple of years in WWE. Dynamite, on the other hand, was a fucking monster nearly throughout his entire career. A monster that would destroy HHH and his precious wife were she to get in the way.

Work-rate wise… come on, is anyone going to argue that Dynamite was a worse worker than Trips? If so.. what the fuck are you smoking? HHH could have some great hardcore matches, but the majority of his none-stipulation matches at the time and to this day stunk. Whereas Dynamite could work any kind of match against anyone and it’d end up being fantastic. Can’t say the same for HHH.

Both these guys have proven themselves to be ***** in real life, but the better cunt in every aspect of pro wrestling is the Dynamite Kid and he should definitely defeat HHH. He would so in a kayfabe match, and it’s a definitive fact that he was twice the worker HHH could have ever dream of being.
Anywhere else, I think HHH would walk this, but the 6 sided ring is a huge factor in Billington's favour. Bret Hart has said that the Dynamite Kid is the best wrestler ever, and that is certainly high praise for the man.

Billington is faster than Triple H, and I think they'd be able to have a good match, and I think this kind of wrestler is a bogey team type thing for HHH. He lost to Benoit, who is essentially a slower version of the Dynamite Kid, and I think that the Kid's speed advantage would be extended further in a TNA ring. I'm going with Billington for the win here, but I might change my mind, as HHH has a much bigger resume.
Damn the Triple H hating has started early. Can the people who are saying Dynamite Kid is going to win please tell what the fuck he has accomplished in his career? Who exactly has he beaten? Yes he was one of the best in-ring performers ever, but that doesn't change the fact that he would lose to Triple H. Triple H has beaten some of the best superstars in the business during their primes. Guys like Orton, The Rock, Austin, Kurt Angle, Jericho, Edge, HBK, Goldberg. Yes, maybe some of it came because he's banging the bosses daughter but it doesn't change the fact that he has those accomplishments under his belt. Triple H gets the win and it really shouldn't be that close.
In the Styles vs. Piper thread I said HHH vs. Styles would be the sub region final. I think i was wrong.

This is how I'm going to vote: Billington is Benoit Beta. Benoit has beaten HHH before, and his style simply outmatches the Game. How then can someone with the exact same style not beat the game as well? HHH is used to having everyone lay down for him because he's HHH. In TNA, it's HHH's ability that has to get it done. Now HHH has the ability, but I think Billington's abilities are much better suited for the 6 sided ring. He's faster, tougher, and a better mat worker than HHH. HHH goes home, and now we get the wet dream match of the IWC: Dynamite Kid vs. AJ Styles in the 6 Sided Ring.
Sorry guys, but I'm just not buying into it. I'm not particularly a fan of Triple H, never really have been to be completely honest. To me, this is something similar along the lines of the Harley Race and Owen Hart match. I picked Race over Owen in that match because I just had to look at Race's accomplishments in comparisson to Owen. I agree that Billington is faster, more agile and is overall more athletic than Triple H. While I don't like to necessarily base my decision on how many titles somebody has won, guys..c''s hard to argue with 13 World Championships against a guy whose biggest accomplishment was winning the WWF Tag Team Championship in April 1986.

I hate on Triple H quite a bit, I think he's used politics to keep himself in certain spots that are no longer suited for him. I think he's going to eventually use his spot to ultimately surpass the number of World Championship reigns Ric Flair has that's recognized by the WWE. That being said, I've seen nothing from Billington that convinces me he could or should go over Triple H. I've heard the terms Benoit Beta or even Benoit-Light given to Billington, the thing is he's NOT Benoit. Benoit patterned himself very much after Billington, but that's not an automatic guarantee that just because Benoit beat Trips that Billington would.

As for the comment about Triple H's title reigns not meaning shit, that's more than a little ridiculous. Triple H is a guy that will be defined by his title wins, whether that makes him a selfish bastard or not is a conclusion one has to draw for him or herself. Regardless of that, he still has them and it's FAR more than Billington ever dreamed of having.
My case in point in this match.



Hansen is approx the same size as HHH, only HHH is more agile and quick, but the size difference will matter. That's why HHH wins this.
The Pedigree is shit. Visually impressive but that's about it. I'd rather get hit by that than have my spine compressed by a Tombstone Piledriver or a Flying Headbut.

The Tombstone is so good that Undertaker started using it. Being hit on the top of your head and having your neck and spine compressed is more effective than just driving somebodys face into a mat. Shit, your nose cushions your impact during a perdigree.

A Flying Headbut is more devistating than a Pedigree. Like I said above, your nose takes some of the impact during a Pedigree. With a Flying Headbut you bypass the nose and connect straight with the head. You also have to take into account the impact it has on the back of the head. There's a valid reason why you're not allowed to punch the back of the head during a Boxing or MMA match. With a Pedigree the only thing hitting the back of your head is testicles. Essentially, it's teabagging.
You have all got to be absolutely bullshitting me. Smarkamania 2009 here we come. We have one guy who was a midget who suplexed the bejesus out of everyone, and one guy who...TRIPLE FUCKING H. Really guys?

Piles of title reigns, MOTY canidates, drawing, just....fucking seriously. Dynamite fucking Kid? Sickening, really. Lets not even go INTO the fucking kayfabe stuff. Dynamite is faster. whoopty fuckin doo. Triple H is more...uh, everything else. Seriously. Cant belive this is even a discussion.
suplexed the bejesus out of everyone,

Since when wasn't a suplex a devistating move? It used to put plenty of people away twenty years ago. A superplex is still one of the most visually impressive moves, even today.

Piles of title reigns,

Dynamite has had more.

MOTY canidates,

Dynamite matches weren't just candidates, they were winners.

In TNA? I actually think Dynamite would get a better responce were they to both go to that promotion now. Smarks, eh!

Dynamite is faster. whoopty fuckin doo.

It certainly helps in a promotion where smaller wrestlers appear to achieve more success.

Triple H is more...uh, everything else.

Stronger? As a natural athlete I'd give the edge to HHH, he's a bigger guy. But we're talking about two steroid freaks. You should be able to provide a better example of a smaller guy on steroids who always has to work harder than the larger guy, Norcal.
Since when wasn't a suplex a devistating move? It used to put plenty of people away twenty years ago. A superplex is still one of the most visually impressive moves, even today.

Dynamite has had more.

Dynamite matches weren't just candidates, they were winners.

In TNA? I actually think Dynamite would get a better responce were they to both go to that promotion now. Smarks, eh!

It certainly helps in a promotion where smaller wrestlers appear to achieve more success.

Stronger? As a natural athlete I'd give the edge to HHH, he's a bigger guy. But we're talking about two steroid freaks. You should be able to provide a better example of a smaller guy on steroids who always has to work harder than the larger guy, Norcal.

your face is a devistating move. Tell me the last time a super plex beat someone. When has a damn superplex EVER beaten Triple H?

More yea? In WWE? I mustve missed those. Good job I was like, 2 when Dynamite had his 3 month run in the bigs.

Right. The Hart foundation Vs The Bulldogs certainley trumps Foley Vs HHH at Rumble 01. Or HBK Vs HHH at SummerSlam 02.

You got the last part right. and Triple H would still beat me.
Tell me the last time a super plex beat someone. When has a damn superplex EVER beaten Triple H?

I could probably find a time. But it's a move, not a finishing one. I wrote above how The Diving Heabut or Tombstone is a better finishing move to the Pedigree.

More yea? In WWE? I mustve missed those. Good job I was like, 2 when Dynamite had his 3 month run in the bigs.

No, in Japan, Norcal.

This match is taking place in a promotion that is intrested and acknowledges foreign title reigns.

If this was in WWE you might have a point. They would bring up a tag title reign and that's about it. The TNA region really is a saving grace. They would even produce a rather splendid video of Dynamite, them having a working agreement with with promotions he's worked for after all.

Right. The Hart foundation Vs The Bulldogs certainley trumps Foley Vs HHH at Rumble 01. Or HBK Vs HHH at SummerSlam 02.

Yeah, but I'm not even taking into account his WWE work.
Realistically, the only weapon HHH has is the pedigree and Billington is far far too quick to ever get caught in it and not be able to get out. In a 6-sided ring, Billington would be all over HHH.
You're also forgetting this is TNA. Run-ins are going to happen and it's not Billington who is going to be the target. I gave 7 reasons why Billington wins this, the only one I've heard for HHH is that he's won more, which is irrelevant bullshit.

As far as Brock Lariats video. Billington was on the verge of retiring at that point I believe. And HHH isn't in the same league as Stan Hansen.
Please, elaborate for me how thats irrelevant. Ummm lets see. Wins more. Thus would imply he was better. I guess losing is a good indicator of you being superior to your competition. I see.

Or maybe, wins more against far better competition, for a fucking decade. Please.
Please, elaborate for me how thats irrelevant. Ummm lets see. Wins more. Thus would imply he was better. I guess losing is a good indicator of you being superior to your competition. I see.

Or maybe, wins more against far better competition, for a fucking decade. Please.

Ok then I'll elaborate.
There are people far better than HHH who have never won titles. In most cases it's because these people didn't have the right look, attitude, mic skills, ability to fuck the bosses daughter etc. If you're going to vote purely on belts then lets just forget the entire tournament and vote HHH to face Flair in the final. This is entirely ignoring the fact that belts are thrown around like sweets at a kids party and have lost a lot of credibility anyway.
So now, you tell me why HHH wins this when he's way out of his comfort zone and up against a performer so much better than him it's embarassing.
It's evidently not irrelevant bullshit that Triple H has scored big victories in his career. However, it is note worthy that the two people that he could have realistically faced that are of a similar style to Dynamite are Benoit and Kurt Angle.

He needed to low blow Angle to win, which he'd get Dq'd for here and was forced to submit to Benoit. Dynamite Kid is similar, but criucially, better than those two, and if they stopped the Game, then he would too, especially in an environement that plays right into his hands.
How is he "way out of his comfort zone" ?? Becuase the ring has six sides? Yes sure thatll completely derail the most dominant wrestler of the decade. that six sided ring, he is fucked :rolleyes:

So I guess they have unsuitable wrestler who suck win all the matches and all the titles. Dont be silly. You can use all of those excuses for why guys dont win matches and titles, but in the end, that what they all are. Excuses. Little guys big guys, with mic skills, lacking mic skills everything in between. Have ALL won titles, in the big stage.

So much better than him its embarrasing? The only thing thats embarrassing here is people seriously saying a guy who has little in manner of actual accomplishment shoudl go over the most dominant and high profile preformer of the modern era. THAT is very embarrassing.
How is he "way out of his comfort zone" ?? Becuase the ring has six sides? Yes sure thatll completely derail the most dominant wrestler of the decade. that six sided ring, he is fucked :rolleyes:

The ring, the crowd, the referee, the lockerroom. 4 reasons. HHH won't get away with any shit here and as I've said, expect a run-in, that the ref conveniently doesn't see, to finish him off.

So much better than him its embarrasing? The only thing thats embarrassing here is people seriously saying a guy who has little in manner of actual accomplishment shoudl go over the most dominant and high profile preformer of the modern era. THAT is very embarrassing.

I'll break it down

Pace - Dynamite wins, don't even argue it
Strength - About even
Technical ability - Dynamite in a fucking landslide
Toughness - Even
Psychology - HHH, though evened up by it being in TNA

Now add that to my other reasons and it's pretty bloody clear who wins this. You stating who HHH has beaten doesn't make much difference, he hasn't beaten Billington and he's been beaten by similar talents like an inferior Benoit and Angle.
He needed to low blow Angle to win, which he'd get Dq'd for here and was forced to submit to Benoit. Dynamite Kid is similar, but criucially, better than those two, and if they stopped the Game, then he would too, especially in an environement that plays right into his hands.

Wait a minute. How is Dynamite Kid better then Benoit and Angle? Dynamite Kid has never accomplished SHIT in his career. I really don't give a fuck how great of a wrestler he is. His greatest accomplishment is being one half of the WWE tag team champions. Triple H is one of the most accomplished superstars ever. If this tournament was based solely on wrestling ability then the final four would have guys like Dynamite Kid and Dean Malenko, but this is a kayfabe wrestling match between one of the better single wrestlers ever and one of the better tag wrestlers ever. Triple H wins this and it shouldn't be close. And by the way how the fuck does two extra sides to a ring make that much of a difference?

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