Top stars of YOUR company?


Dark Match Jobber
With AEW the hot topic in the wrestling world at the moment, it's far to early to see if they will be a success for certain all though the roster is shaping up really nicely some fantastic talent has already been confirmed to be joining the upstart promotion with more presumably set to join some well known some new comers to some people it's exciting to say the least. My question is this, if you were to start your own promotion who would be the top 5 stars you would build around ? Try thinking outside the box with your answers as the obvious big names would just be boring answers so have some fun with it :) , mine would be.
1:Killer Kross - I would have him as my top heel
2:Will Ospreay
3:Buddy Murphy- because I probably couldn't afford Kenny Omega
4:Flip Gordon
5: Pac/Neville
I'd go with the AWA style. Technical wrestling as the focus, one or two big power guys, with established talent who are proven draws in the major leagues.

1 - AJ Styles
2 - Seth Rollins
3 - Dolph Ziggler
4 - Daniel Bryan
5 - Randy Orton
I'll try and go with 5 talents that I think currently aren't exclusively signed by a company.

1. Wade Barrett. Thinking of the British audience. He's been out of the ring for a while.
2. Matt Sydal. Build the light-heavyweight division around him.
3. Aussie Open. At the minute I would consider them to be a poor man's American Wolves, but they've potential.
4. James Storm. A veteran who is essentially there to put over upcoming talent, that being said, he's a handy talent to have.
5. Hideo Itami. Probably not given a fair chance by WWE.
I want 5 workhorses. Part Timers make it hard to maintain the product

1) Seth Rollins
2) AJ Styles
3) Drew McIntyre
4) Kenny Omega
5) Cody Rhodes

Imagine the multiple matches you could have with this group.....
I want 5 workhorses. Part Timers make it hard to maintain the product

1) Seth Rollins
2) AJ Styles
3) Drew McIntyre
4) Kenny Omega
5) Cody Rhodes

Imagine the multiple matches you could have with this group.....

2 good stars, 2 mediocre midcarders, and a nobody who's never made the big leagues? I'm imagining a halfway decent championship scramble, nothing more.
I’d have to go with the following:
1) Randy Orton - make him your top heel who just don’t give a shit like sticking screwdrivers through Jeff Hardy’s ear and bring back the punt
2) Seth Rollins - ideally in his cocky heel role
3) Cesaro - build him as a face like DB a few years ago
4) AJ Styles - top babyface
5) Usos - number 1 tag team either faces or heels I’m cool with both
2 good stars, 2 mediocre midcarders, and a nobody who's never made the big leagues? I'm imagining a halfway decent championship scramble, nothing more.

Always proving to be a fucking moron... New Japan isn't the big leagues? Is that why guys like Styles and Balor are two of the most over guys in the locker room as soon as they debuted? It must piss you the hell off that a guy like Kenny Omega doesn't need your precious WWE to make it in the wrestling business you dumbass mark!
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New Japan is little leagues. Kenny Omega is a complete nobody. He's a total unknown to everyone but IWC smarks, because he's never made it to the big leagues.
Always proving to be a fucking moron... New Japan isn't the big leagues? Is that why guys like Styles and Balor are two of the most over guys in the locker room as soon as they debuted? It must piss you the hell off that a guy like Kenny Omega doesn't need your precious WWE to make it in the wrestling business you dumbass mark!

Nothing against new japan, but let's face it to a mainstream audience, it's not considered the big leagues. Aj was over because of who he is, he was well known way before it went to new japan. As for finn, he was over because he was in NXT first and that got him over.

Omega is a big star for the IWC which is great when you want to start a new company but if you want to expand you fanbase past the IWC, he won't make a dent in getting new fans to watch the product.

As far as my top stars list is concern.

I would have

1. Brock lesnar: part timer yes but is a big enough star to bring casual fans to watch the product.

2. Aj styles: still can go and everybody knows who he is

3. Roman reigns: again same as aj.

4. Chris jericho: another part timer but one that can make a lot more dates then lesnar and will bring eyes to the product

5. Cody rhodes: his legacy alone would bring eyes to the product

I know it's a top 5 list but i have to had a sixth person to the mix

So at no.6 charlotte flair: like her or not, she will bring eyes to the women's division mostly because of her legacy.
In no particular order..

Kenny Omega
AJ Styles
Drew McIntyre
Zack Sabre Jr.
Charlotte Flair

Alternatively for more outside the box...
Velveteen Dream
The Miz
Hangman Page
Sami Callihan
I would make it a 10 year plan, remember when Paul E said "if you were a day over 40 I would chop your fu©king head off" I would say 35 years, so not only would AJ be too old for my company, but so would Kenny Omega. He's not going to be delivering a 6 star match 5 years from now so why make the investment paying that much money? Even Matt Jackson will be getting up there in age.

Focus would be on youngsters in their 20s with an aversion to established characters, as they don't always fit.

First pick would be Jay White as my workhorse heel champion. He's not established as a mainstay yet, a year in ROH and 18 months now in NJPW, he despite being a former IWGP Champion, doesn't feel like any one company guy yet. Much like Okada before him. he should not be as good as he is at his age.

My second pick would be MJF. Even younger than Switchblade and has an aura around him, and advanced in the ring for a 23 year old.

My third pick would be WALTER. A scary beast, that I would have as MJF's bodyguard as MJF had a run with my long title, only for WALTER to turn and take it from him turning babyface. I would have chickenshit heels and courageous babyfaces alike look legitimately scared as he steps in the ring for a title defence.

Pick number 4 would be Velvateen Dream. With that name being trademarked I would repackage him and I would even let him pick his own name. If he wants to be Pat Clark, go ahead, if he wants to be Dream Maker Booty go ahead. Im sure he can make it work.

Pick number 5 would be Brian Pillman Jr, I've really been enjoying his work on MLW, he would be a guy who over the course of a good run will be both a top heel and top babyface.

Im also a big believer in the quality of the show is more important than the quality of the wrestlers. WWE I would argue has the most talented bell to bell roster it's ever had, yet the product has never been worse, and this isn't just IWC opinion, but ratings and every other measure.
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CM Punk - I'll give him creative control over his character to make him come back. He's the established star.

AJ Styles - 2nd established star. Workhorse.

Drew McIntyre - top big man. An future headliner.

Ricochet - my high flyer workhorse. Future star.

Velveteen Dream - up and comer. Future star.
My Top Five Picks would be...

Finn Balor: He has the look of a champion and as the demon could represent the modern day Sting or Undertaker.

Young enough that he can be the face of the company for many years to come and could do well in both the World Title scene and an XDivision or Cruiserweight type scene.

Kenny Omega: The guy who can get a 6 star match with a broomstick, Omega would be useful as both a face or heel, and could help build some of the younger stars.

Bobby Roode: IMO, the best heel in the business when given the opportunity to. Roode can represent the best of the past with shades of Triple H, Rick Rude, and Ric Flair in terms of style and in presence.

Stone Cold Steve Austin: Although he is retired, Austin hasn't been seen on WWE often enough to overstay his welcome. Stone Cold could come on board as the legend authority figure/ambassador. Austin would bring wrestling fans with his name recognition, and he could be the "sheriff" in the company instead of having a heel boss.

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