Was Trish Stratus The 'Supercena' of The Diva Division


Pre-Show Stalwart
Now, you might look at the title and think "What the hell is this guy on about", well let me explain. Trish was at the top of the diva division right from Survivor Series 2001 - Unforgiven 2006, whether she was babyface or heel. She mostly had the women's championship on her. The only time when she wasn't in the title picture was between Backlash 2003 - Bad Blood 2004 (Due to the Jericho/Christian vs Trish/Lita storyline, then Trish turning heel and being Christian's manager)

I love Trish and she was my favourite diva and will always be my favourite, however putting 2 & 2 together, she is the female version on John Cena, always having the title, if not having the title then being in the title picture. She was highly praised by Vince and was high on his list as being one of his favourites and was very marketable as not only being the 'Hot blonde' but a diva who could actually wrestle and had the personality to prove that she was good.

What's your opinion on all of this?
Yes thats exactly what she was and I know a lot of people arent going to like what I'm about to say but thank God she is gone. I got so tired of seeing her always holding the title or as the number one contender thats why a lot of female wrestlers that deserved the title didnt get a title reign.

Lita in my opinion was always better and deserved the spot Trish had she was way better in the ring and I liked the fact that she was different. Trish was just another skinny blonde and thats what Vince liked about her. Sure she could talk on the mic but she wasent as good in the ring as everyone says...sure she improved and thats why she was given 7 title reigns, but does that mean everybody who improves deserves that? I'm just glad shes gone so that other divas can be in the spotlight and not be shoved to the back due to the fact that Vince likes Trish and wants to feed her ego.
Yes thats exactly what she was and I know a lot of people arent going to like what I'm about to say but thank God she is gone. I got so tired of seeing her always holding the title or as the number one contender thats why a lot of female wrestlers that deserved the title didnt get a title reign.

Lita in my opinion was always better and deserved the spot Trish had she was way better in the ring and I liked the fact that she was different. Trish was just another skinny blonde and thats what Vince liked about her. Sure she could talk on the mic but she wasent as good in the ring as everyone says...sure she improved and thats why she was given 7 title reigns, but does that mean everybody who improves deserves that? I'm just glad shes gone so that other divas can be in the spotlight and not be shoved to the back due to the fact that Vince likes Trish and wants to feed her ego.

Well that wasn't her fault. She worked her tail off, got rewarded and deserved everything she obtained in her career. Fact. She is one of the best female wrestlers ever and she had great personality and that is another fact. Many Diva's are wrestling because of her. So if you're going to point the finger, point it at Vince for holding back other great female wrestlers like Lita and Victoria.

Nicole13Edge/HardyFan - you sound very bitter and quite frankly I disagree with almost everything you said. The only exception is I wish Lita was given more of a chance as well, but Trish was amazing and she deserved everything she got.
Nope Trish could actually wrestle and the diva's talent pool was thin, Lita was out for a year and half, Jazz was out for a long period, Molly Holly but she moved on within no time, Victora was tapping on Trish's shoulder for a while, but Trish was over and couple wrestle a half good match, hell her and Lita MAIN EVENTED RAW back in 2004 for the belt, but injuries occured and Trish got the belt back pretty quick and she held it a year because NO ONE could challenge her, Christy Hemme had a decent match Mania 21 but apart from that no one else in 2005 challenged Trish until Mickie James came in and dethroned Trish, who took a back seat for a while but Trish shouldn't be compared to Cena, Trish was over as eye candy and as a legit wrestler and kept re-inventing her look and move arsenal very rare was Trish ever in trouble of becoming stale.

The Diva pool wasn't as strong in terms of quantity, but the quality back then was better than today and Trish shined above the rest, in today's product Trish WOULD equevelent of Cena in terms of never dropping the belt but back then no.

Nicole13Edge/HardyFan - you sound very bitter and quite frankly I disagree with almost everything you said. The only exception is I wish Lita was given more of a chance as well, but Trish was amazing and she deserved everything she got.

Lita was giving chances, Her and Trish main evented RAW first and only Diva's match to have that honour, but Lita got injured (around the time her and Edge were having an affair) I believe it was a knee injury, and before that she'd taken a year and half off with a neck injury. But Lita had her fair share of success, in 2001 they'd been rumors of putting the light heavyweight belt on her @ Mania 17 off Dean Malenko but that didn't end up happening but at that period Chyna had started to dip into the women's division and faced Lita at judgement day then Chyna was fired or whatever then in Survivor Series 2001 they crowned a new women's champ (Trish) but Lita had her thing with Matt/Jeff going on and once that had finished she'd injured her neck. I totally agree with what you said about the the bitterness against Trish thou.
Lita in my opinion was always better and deserved the spot Trish had she was way better in the ring and I liked the fact that she was different. Trish was just another skinny blonde and thats what Vince liked about her. Sure she could talk on the mic but she wasent as good in the ring as everyone says...sure she improved and thats why she was given 7 title reigns, but does that mean everybody who improves deserves that? I'm just glad shes gone so that other divas can be in the spotlight and not be shoved to the back due to the fact that Vince likes Trish and wants to feed her ego.

I couldn't agree more. Trish was even worse to the Divas divison than Cena was to the WWE/WHC titles because believe it or not, Cena was not actually always in the title picture. He was put in several feuds that lasted many months that had nothing to do with the title but Trish was always there. Lita is probably the best all around Diva of all time, although she was quite injury prone she had the most exciting moveset of any Diva ever and was willing to do anything in the ring. On the mic she was better than anyone (besides like Ivory and Molly) and she deserves to be the 7-time champ
I'm a huge Trish Stratus fan and I've definitely followed her career since the beginning. I can see the point your trying to make but I definitely disagree. I'll explain why. Trish started out on the scene in 2000 as a valet, she won her first title in 2001 after training to wrestle while injured.

Over the 6 years that followed, Trish Stratus had done so much. She defended the title, lost the title, and competed against worthy competitors who were just as much in the title picture as Trish Stratus was. Trish's win at WrestleMania 19 was a giant moment in her career, where she became the first Diva since Mae Young to win the Women's title... but if you look before and after that, WM 18 she lost her title match in her hometown, WM 17 she finally got revenge on Vince McMahon, WM 20 she had that major storyline with Jericho/Christian and turned heel, and even then took a few months before she recaptured her fifth title.

Trish may have been the focus of the WWE's divas division, but she did it in different ways. People were interested in watching her whether she was champion or not. She wasn't always the Champion like Cena was, and her career was more realistic than Cena's. She truly did deserve everything she's earned in the WWE and I don't think she was the SuperCena of the Divas division.
Of all the stupidest titles to write. Just... wow. It just shows how deluded some fans are. "Supercena"? Ignoring the fact she came before Cena, there's also the fact her division was literally composed of a lineup of potential Playboy models and Lita. It was either her or what we have now. A title bouncing from broad to broad with no real rhythm. They did what they could Trish was best suited I think that was easy to notice when Victoria was the only legitimate person that could challenge her for almost an entire year.
Trish was "top diva" when the women's division was at its peak, but she wasn't "Super Cena" in that she ALWAYS won to the point that people got sick of her. However, she did seem to have a move set designed to pop the crowd and make her look better than she really was.

Trish was the most over woman in the company, but she took her lumps in 2003 when Molly Holly and Gail Kim were ganging up on her. She never beat both of them single-handedly (whereas John Cena can beat the tag team champions all by himself). In fact, she didn't beat them at all until Lita made her return.

In 2004, she turned heel, something "Super Cena" would not do.

By 2005, the women's division fell to the point that when she hurt her back, they didn't bother to get the title off of her. When she returned, she did a program against Vince's Devils, then groomed Mickie James to be her successor.
I think the whole "SuperCena" comparison is a little much, and like Candle Jack stated very deluded. Trish earned her spot to say the least, she came into WWE as just another piece of tail manager who had a great body and looked good at ringside. Through the course of her tenure there she turned herself into one of the best women workers of all time. Also to say that the Diva's division was at it's peak during her time there is a complete exageration. Aside from Trish who was there? Lita and Victoria were good workers, but both were injury prone and every chance they had to step up they either got injured or in Lita's case got a lot of heat over her personal life. There was nothing WWE could do about this. Jazz was a great antagonist to Trish, but in no way should she have ever been the face of the Divas division. Gail Kim was a disappointment coming in with the fanfare she had, IMO she never delivered what was promised. Molly Holly was decent, but never a great worker and aside from this the rest of the division at the time was just T&A (Torrie Wilson, Christy Hemme, Sable, Stacy Carter, Stacy Keibler, Jackie Gayda, Nidia) all very attractive women, but none of them could wrestle. As far as athletic talent, the Divas division right now is the best they have ever had, they are just booked very poorly and not given any storylines that spark interest, aside from the Kharma angle.
I don't think you can compare because even though Trish held the title many time she was probably the best wrestling diva in the comapny at the time whereas Cena isn't the best wrestler yet he always has the title.
I don't think you can compare because even though Trish held the title many time she was probably the best wrestling diva in the comapny at the time whereas Cena isn't the best wrestler yet he always has the title.

i disagree i think there was many womens wrestlers around at that time who were much better in the ring than trish such as Victoria, Molly Holly and Jazz. However Trish was always super over with the fans, The men loved her because well i think we all know why and the women loved her because she was a positive role model for what women can do which is pretty much the exact thing cena is today but with the male and female roles reversed. So id have to say that trish was the super cena of the divas division at the time. And although i do believe she earned and deserved the majority of what she got there was divas there who also deserved more of a spotlight than they got.
You know Trish is no where near what John Cena is. She had only one more title regin then the great/late moonlah by one. You could say Moonlah is since she held the title for a very long time but we don't why because Moonlah was very respected and always gave us good matches. Trish was the same way, she always gave us great matches like her famous rivalry with Lita which was excellent everytime those two step in the ring. However i don't really remember John Cena having any special matches i mean i can only recall the i quit match between him and JBL at Judgement Day which was good and the Edge and him in a tlc match at unforgiven so really Trish deserved what she got so i say Trish is not and should NOT be compared to John cena
Theres no denying that Trish was given the title way more than anyone else BUT she worked for it. Remember her T & A days. She was nothing more than big breasts and a short skirt, by the end of her career she was one of the best.

Yea, I LOVED Lita. She was my personal favorite but she got hurt--a lot and I think that also had a lot to do with how much Trish was given the title.

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