WCW Boston, Round 1, Match 6: #28 Mr. Kennedy vs. #37 Mike Mizzanon

Kennedy vs. The Miz

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Kissin Babies and Huggin Fat Girlz
The following match takes place in the WCW REgion under WCW Rules in Boston, MA. The ring and the entrance ramp are equal height.

#28 Mr. Kennedy


#37 Mike "The Miz" Mizzanon

While I think The Miz could have a great future, I think that if Kennedy stays healthy his is much brighter. Neither man has had the opportunity to shine, yet. They are both well before their prime and neither has hope of winning this tournament. With that said, I'll be voting for Kennedy. He has victories over eight world champions and has a United States Championship reign to his credit. Miz is the mouthpiece of his tag team, but Morrison is the one that shines in the ring. Kennedy should go over.
I'll be in the big minority here and say Miz. Simple put: Kennedy is all hype. He had some bullshit US title reign(s) but other than that, what has he ever actually done? People keep talking about how he's got all this potential, but until he accomplishes something, potential doesn't get you much. Miz gets better and better every tiem I see him. he's never going to headline WM, but he's rarely bad in the ring. He's part of the best tag team of the last 3-4 years and to me is the star of the team. Pretty easy pick for me actually.
Kennedy is all hype. He had some bullshit US title reign(s) but other than that, what has he ever actually done?

Oh besides beating what, eight former world champions in a year and carrying the second best title on SmackDown? I ask you, what has the Miz ever done? He's been a part of a tag-team. He hasn't done anything else. There is no reason Kennedy shouldn't go over.
Klunder has beaten me to it, but I'll add my voice too. Kennedy is so over rated it has stopped being funny. He dropped the ball at the start of his biggest push, Jeff gets stick for this, Kennedy doesn't. He is too injury prone too. And he has never been in a classic, not to mention his finishers have all blowed. The Miz, meanwhile, is gold at the moment, and whilst that is as part of a tag team, his skill takes him over Kennedy. Reality check for Kennedy.
Don't worry KB, I'm going to join you. Miz has improved over the past two years and I haven't seen anything from Kennedy albeit injuries that would make me pick him over the Miz. Kennedy is mostly wasted potential right now and Miz would give him the Reality Check for the win.
I saw this matchup and thought wow, who do I vote for? Kennedy did have an impressive streak, he did win a MITB and he is a former US Champion. Those are all quite impressive, but I think I like The Miz here more to go over. The Miz has become one of the most improved wrestlers I have seen in a long time. He was the champion for a long time with Morrison in one of the biggest tag teams in the past 6 years. Someone help me pick here.
I saw this matchup and thought wow, who do I vote for? Kennedy did have an impressive streak, he did win a MITB and he is a former US Champion. Those are all quite impressive, but I think I like The Miz here more to go over. The Miz has become one of the most improved wrestlers I have seen in a long time. He was the champion for a long time with Morrison in one of the biggest tag teams in the past 6 years. Someone help me pick here.

You pick Miz. He was given an opportunity to shine, he took it. One half of the greatest tag team champions since Edge and Christian. Kennedy has had loads of times to shine, yes the injuries aren't his fault, but they do hinder him, he failed Wellness before the push of his life, and he stunk as bad as Flair did at No Wat Out 2008.
I'll be in the big minority here and say Miz. Simple put: Kennedy is all hype. He had some bullshit US title reign(s) but other than that, what has he ever actually done? People keep talking about how he's got all this potential, but until he accomplishes something, potential doesn't get you much. Miz gets better and better every tiem I see him. he's never going to headline WM, but he's rarely bad in the ring. He's part of the best tag team of the last 3-4 years and to me is the star of the team. Pretty easy pick for me actually.

Me too. Miz all the way here. He's consistent - Kennedy was anything but. Thus far, all I've seen from Kennedy are mic skills (which Miz also has), receiving injuries, and blown opportunities. He's shown me NOTHING that makes me feel he's anything more than a Carlito-type.

I will also be backing The Miz, as he is likely the most improved superstar in the WWE right now.
Miz is definitely better now than he was in 2006/7 but he has yet to prove himself at singles level. Miz has always been the cheerleader when Morrison fights, and has generally lost against his tag partner. He was the only ECW man not to pin anyone in the scramble in September - even Chavo managed that.

The Miz has a very lacklustre singles record. Kennedy on the other hand has had some big wins, and he has held singles championships as well as the MITB briefcase, and has even main evented. Kennedy is injury prone, but longevity shouldn't effect him in the first round. Kennedy wins here, but it won't be easy.
I have to go with the upset here. As previously stated, Kennedy is just too unreliable. Even though he has held the U.S. title, the Miz has held both tag team championships, and is about to be in a championship match at WrestleMania. Miz is also very underrated in the ring. This would be a good match, and I actually hope we get to see it someday if Kennedy ever gets health. The Miz wins a great match with the Reality Check.
The Miz, by like a bajillion points. Holy SHIT this may be the worst mismatch in the entire thing.

Besides the last ride match, what the fuck has Mr.Kennedy accomplished?? Besides hurting Lashley, AND John Cena?? Fuck all is what.

The Miz on the other hand is on the top tag team in the WWE, and is arguably the most improved wrestler of 2008. Had fine showings at numerous shows, and definately in the ECW title scramble. Kennedy has been on IR, and Mcdonalds, judging by his gut the last time he was on TV.
Not accomplished anything?!?! please:rolleyes: the guy has holds victories over the majority of the Main eveters that have come through the WWE in his time with the company, he's a former US champion, and won MITB, and probably would have went on to win the WWE or WHC if he had not got hit with another injury, also that bullshit with him injuring other wrestlers is a load of crap, Lashley was injured for months before he was finally sidelined, he worked both his feud with the McMahons and his feud with Cena while injured, Kennedy is just a case of a guy just having bad luck, he is incredibly talented, Miz has done nothing in his career excpet be Morrison tag partner, sure he's improved but Kennedy has actually "flirted with the ME scene something Miz hasn't even come close to yet

As far a match between these to goes, it wouldn't be anything special, just your typical 10 min. back and forth match with Kennedy eventually either hitting the Mic Check or GB Plunge and picking up the win
Both get praised by many but also get bashed by just as many. Some argue that Kennedy is the next big thing, while others say the same about Miz. Kennedy was red hot coming in, feuding with the likes of Batista/Taker/HBK/Hardy, ect. He was on the edge of the mainevent very early in his career, but because of injuries and what not he just hasn't reached.

Miz on the other hand started at the bottom. He appeared on tough enough, was a diva search host and feuded with Vito. But over the last few years he has improved greatly and has become a solid heel, holding up the tag division.

While neither really impress me, I personally like The Miz more and feel Kennedy would probably just get injured again in this match. Kennedy just seems to bland for me, and to cookie cutter for my liking. Although I think Kennedy is what the WWE wants so he'll become bigger than the Miz, I still think Miz could take Kennedy on talent alone.
I'm surprised anyone is voting Kennedy here. The only advantage he holds over Miz is strength, and it's not by much. Miz has shown that he can wrestle in singles matches, most recently in the triple threat for the MiTB Qualifier.

The only thing that might be of interest, would be the promos leading to the match. They're both pretty good on the mic, and there would definitely be some memorable quotes.

Miz wins this with a Reality Check, and then gets crushed by Benoit in Round 2.
On some of these match-ups, I'm just going to have to vote for who I feel is the superior worker, and in my opinion, Miz has Kennedy beat in that aspect by a mile.

I don't hate Kennedy, but at the same time, I don't think he's very good and I find him to be quite annoying. He hardly has had any good matches, and to be honest... he's just one of the worst heels this decade, in my opinion. He does absolutely nothing to get heel heat, which in turn always makes his opponents look bad. And as a babyface, he's more watchable, but he still has a lot to learn and getting injured all the time (which I know isn't his fault) isn't helping his case, either. Maybe I'll have a different opinion a couple of years down the line, but for now... I think Kennedy's lame and that he doesn't deserve to get past this round.

The Miz, on the other hand, is just awesome. Like everyone else, I thought this dude was nothing but a waste of space when he debuted, but he has proved himself to be anything but. He's a tremendous heel, and his matches and promos just get better and better. Plus, his passion for the business is undeniable. There's no way I could ever vote for Kennedy over him.
Kennedy's prime surely must be considered when he made his WWE debut. Late 2005. You remember, it was around that time when he was beating former world champions left right and center. Wins over Eddie Guerrero, Booker T, Undertaker, and more.

When is the Miz's prime? 2008? Who did he beat, other than a couple of mid carders?
All these arguments made for The Miz are laughable. He's shown great potential! He's improved a ton! He impressed in the Money in the Bank qualifier! He's part of the best tag-team today!

That's quite silly. Kennedy, when healthy and clean, was on the fast track to a World Championship. He holds victories over Booker, Taker, and Batista. He won the Money in the Bank Ladder Match and had an impressive United States Championship reign.

Answer this for me, what has The Miz done in singles competition? How many singles matches has he won? I'm sure that I could count them on one hand.
Kennedy is the better out of the 2, when he debuted many believed he was the future of the WWE, some still think this is possible. However, Miz is not. I'm not going to say he's bad, because I like him. But he's not in the same league as Kennedy, who I see being championship material in a couple of years.
I'm going to have to go with Kennedy here, he's actually held his own with main eventers and past World Champs, The Miz has been nowhere near that scene all he's really accomplished is tag team glory and even that's in a weak division with little competition. Kennedy takes this one easily.
Miz hasn't done shit as a singles wrestler, all his "success" has come while tagging with with Morrison, his highest profile singles feud is what? that crap with Balls Mahoney?, please Kennedy has had high profile feuds with Taker, HBK, Batista among others, Miz looked impressive in his MITB qualifier?, you mean the match he lost?, didn't Kennedy actually win the MITB match before?, why yes I believe he did, seriously anyone who thinks Miz would go over Kennedy here is fucking delusional
Miz hasn't done shit as a singles wrestler, all his "success" has come while tagging with with Morrison, his highest profile singles feud is what? that crap with Balls Mahoney?, please Kennedy has had high profile feuds with Taker, HBK, Batista among others, Miz looked impressive in his MITB qualifier?, you mean the match he lost?, didn't Kennedy actually win the MITB match before?, why yes I believe he did, seriously anyone who thinks Miz would go over Kennedy here is fucking delusional

It's blind hate and just agreeing with what the first regular said, IMO. It's so clear that Kennedy should go over here, it's ridiculous.

Again, I'll ask what others have. WTF has Miz done? Tag titles? Wooo. Tag titles, that's such a great accomplishment nowadays. Hell, MITB briefcase > a fucking tag title. The reason he's still tagging with a singles wrestling failure, is because he's that, a failure, both of those scrubs flopped miserably. Has he even won a midcard belt yet? He's got potential and has improved sure, but Kennedy was once hailed as the future of the WWE, and still after 50 injuries he's considered to be one of the top younger stars in the business by anyone with a brain. Take away those 50 injuries and the dude has about 3 or 4 world titles by now with the way he was handling main eventers during that period.

Kennedy wins easily, this should be a squash. Just because he's "annoying" or gets injured to much for you doesn't change that. If it does, I guess most people can go ahead and jump off the Taker bandwagon before this thing begins.
This money in the bank argument can be worked against Kennedy. He is the ONLY man to win it and not become a champion. We're playing this kayfabe, so how poor to you have to be to not be able to win the title when you can cash it in at ANY time.

Yes, I probably did overlook the fact Miz has not done anything major as a single competitor, but he has a recognised finisher, Kennedy can't make his mind up over his, and (it's in his prime) so he will have John Morrison and a Bella twin at ring side to help sway things in his favour.

The speak of him being a potential heavyweight champion doesn't mean shit in this tournament. It is a kayfabe one off match. It will be a hell of a match, and I think the ring side distractions will help Miz get the win.
It's blind hate and just agreeing with what the first regular said, IMO. It's so clear that Kennedy should go over here, it's ridiculous.

Again, I'll ask what others have. WTF has Miz done? Tag titles? Wooo. Tag titles, that's such a great accomplishment nowadays.

They really are, I mean look at all the great competition they have:rolleyes:

Hell, MITB briefcase > a fucking tag title. The reason he's still tagging with a singles wrestling failure, is because he's that, a failure, both of those scrubs flopped miserably. Has he even won a midcard belt yet?

No Miz hasn't won a midcard belt yet, even better he hasn't even been deamed worthy enough to even challenge for one:lmao:

He's got potential and has improved sure, but Kennedy was once hailed as the future of the WWE, and still after 50 injuries he's considered to be one of the top younger stars in the business by anyone with a brain. Take away those 50 injuries and the dude has about 3 or 4 world titles by now with the way he was handling main eventers during that period.

But Miz has never been injured ever:gasp:

But then again I guess Miz doesn't get injured as much because he spends half his matches standing on the apron while Morrison does all the work, and has never had wrestled a gimmick match in his life

Kennedy wins easily, this should be a squash. Just because he's "annoying" or gets injured to much for you doesn't change that. If it does, I guess most people can go ahead and jump off the Taker bandwagon before this thing begins.

By that logic people should jump off the Pillman, Owen Hart, Eddie Guerrero, etc. bandwagons as well, after all all they do is die:icon_rolleyes:
Yes, I probably did overlook the fact Miz has not done anything major as a single competitor, but he has a recognised finisher, Kennedy can't make his mind up over his, and (it's in his prime) so he will have John Morrison and a Bella twin at ring side to help sway things in his favour.

Is this a serious argument? He settled on the mic check over a year ago, and in this kayfabe of a tournament, wouldn't it be more of an advantage to be able to hit anything at anytime for the win? Alot of people have multiple finishers too. So?

The speak of him being a potential heavyweight champion doesn't mean shit in this tournament. It is a kayfabe one off match. It will be a hell of a match, and I think the ring side distractions will help Miz get the win.

Yes it does. A potential world heavyweight champion who's battled and held his own against the best vs a tag wrestler who hasn't done anything worth a flying fuck in his singles career? That's really a hard one to predict right there.

Ring side distractions? Why didn't someone mention this earlier? Is it because you're just pulling stuff out of your ass because your argument and prediction is so flawed? I'ma guess so. Kennedy defeated Paul Burchil with Katie Lea around ya know, Miz isn't that much of an upgrade over Burchill tbh.

Easy win.
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