WCW Boston, Round 2, Match 2: #13 Goldberg vs. #20 Shane Douglas

Goldberg vs. Douglas

  • The Streak

  • The Franchise

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Kissin Babies and Huggin Fat Girlz
The following match takes place in the WCW Region under WCW Rules (ring entrance and ramp are equal height), from Boston, MA.

#13. Goldberg


#20. "The Franchise" Shane Douglas
By the time Shane Douglas is done whining about how he's been held down by Ric Flair and the establishment of wrestling and how it's in no way his fault that he's only a 20 seed, Goldberg has speared him and picked up the win via Jackhammer. Seriously, this isn't even close.
This is fantasy, so I would like to imagine that if these two were to meet, Shane would have both the Triple Threat (Bam Bam Bigelow, Chris Candido, Lance Storm, Francine, & Sunny) AND The Revolution (Chris Benoit, Dean Malenko, Perry Saturn, & Asya) all in his corner. Now, think about that for a second. Those two factions together would tear both the now and DX apart. Goldberg wouldn't stand a fucking chance. Douglas is too smart and would find a way to pull off the victory, especially with all that help.

And work-rate wise, Douglas is/was leaps and bounds over Goldberg. Goldberg sucked and was wrestling's Vanilla Ice, meaning that he was nothing but a One Hit Wonder. Douglas, on the other hand, had a great 17/18 year run in the business and even though his stay in the "big two" weren't that successful, he still made a HUGE name for himself and will always be remembered in the business.
Goldberg made a far bigger name for himself, and was a massive draw. He was WCW's version of Austin at one point. It took a taser gun to end his winning streak.
Goldberg made a far bigger name for himself, and was a massive draw. He was WCW's version of Austin at one point. It took a taser gun to end his winning streak.

And you don't think Douglas would be smart enough to figure out how to use a tazer, and zap the fuck out of Goldberg behind the refs back?, please:rolleyes:

Douglas was a far superior wrestler in just about every way, he was far more important to the business than Goldberg could ever dream of being, Goldberg never even gave a shit about wrestling, he was only in it to make a quick buck because he sucked dick as a football player, the vast majority of the guys he beat during his undefeated streak were jobbers, nothing special at all, speaking of which his undefeated streak was 173 matches not 71

Douglas wins this, it won't be and easy win, but I see him getting by with some underhanded tactics, that and because Goldberg sucks
Nope I don't care what JMT says I am saying Goldberg would be smart enough to fall into that trap. Goldberg is jsut a beast on two legs and will rip Shanes head off. He will then spear him and then Jackhammer him then rip his other limbs off and then pin him (somehow). This is a walk in the park for goldberg. Plus I hate Shane.
Goldberg may be dog shit to watch, but within the world of kayfabe, how would he lose this match? If we take Goldberg's prime to be the duration of his WCW career, then we see that he lost 6 times. Three of these losses were to Bret Hart, who outwitted him technically, but Douglas is not superior enough to do this. The only other people he lost to resorted to cheating and that's it really.

Douglas may have been more entertaining than Goldberg, but he wasn't in the league of people that beat Goldberg, something that was a truly impressive feat that not even Hulk Hogan could manage. Douglas is the kind of guy that Goldberg was beating on TV to continue his streak. As a result, I think Goldberg would win this one pretty comfortably.
Yeah Goldberg would steamroller this, he had a 71 win winning streak.

173, but who's counting. And, then he didn't lose for another 2 years. But again, who's counting.

I am a huge fan of "The Franchise". He was pretty high on my list, and is one of my favorite heels. However, he'll only do half as bad as the first 100 or so people that Goldberg beat, but it all ends with a Jackhammer. Maybe 2, if Goldberg is good and pissed. I'm sure he'd like to work up a sweat.
There are so many reasons I want to see the Franchise lose. And the fact that he's facing the Machine in Goldberg should tell you that he has NO chance of winning this match. I could go on a tangent on how I think Shane Douglas whines and bitches better than he wrestles and that him even being given a shot at beating Goldberg is the biggest laughing stock I've ever seen. But I won't.

I'll stick to this.

I've watched Goldberg from his VERY FIRST match on Nitro. I remember his first promo on WCW Worldwide. His promo consisted of him telling Gene Okerlund to not call him "Bill". He even asked Mean Gene if he looked like a 'Bill". Okerlund looked scared as hell and Goldberg simply said that I'm Goldberg. That's it. Not exactly promo gold there, but he established himself as a tough guy.

Feuding with Mongo, taking his Super Bowl ring and then beating his ass. Then going on to terrorize the entire WCW roster, which included the Giant, Hall, Raven, Steven Regal, Hugh Morrus, and Hulk Hogan...just to name a few. The man built a cult following by simply kicking anyone's ass that got into the ring with him. And he did it with style and brutish force.

Goldberg beats Douglas in under two minutes.
Absloute squash. In his prime Goldberg annhilated everybody and I mean everybody. Shane Douglas was a pretty good wrestler, but nothing special. I expect multiple spears and jackhammers from Goldberg just to prove to all of the doubters that he is an absolute beast.
Douglass gets a little offense in for about a minute then Goldberg hits him with a spear, a jackhammer, and the match is over in under 5 minutes.

Douglas was a far superior wrestler in just about every way, he was far more important to the business than Goldberg could ever dream of being,

Actual wrestling ability doesn't mean anything considering this is a kayfabe match and Goldberg rarely lost, especially not to someone like Shane Douglass.

When it comes to being more important to the business, Goldberg saved WCW from going under a couple years earlier then it did. He was given an opportunity and he ran with it. Shane Douglass never did shit outside of ECW. When it came to the big two promotions he was a failure. He had an unforgettable IC reign in the WWE and he was nothing but a mid carder in WCW. All Douglass ever did was blame other people for his shortcomings.
Yeah my bad on the winning streak. Seriously though Goldberg was beaten people of a higher calibre than Shane Douglas.
Can you say squash match thats ends with Goldberg looking in the camera saying who's next. Shane Douglas would be a easy kill.
Goldberg was in his prime in WCW. There he beat everybody. 173-0 an impressive feat nobody will be able to ever beat, and during that streak sure he beat a lot of jobbers, but also established stars who were FAR superior then Douglas. Goldberg in his prime beat Hulk freaking Hogan. He jackhammered the Giant when he was over 500 pounds. That is fucking impressive. Douglas loses this easily. He bitches better then he wrestles. He may have his two stables with him, but Goldberg beat Hogan when he was in the NWO. What does that tell you? Goldberg spears Douglas followed by the jackhammer for the win.
One of the most overrated guys in the history of the business vs. one of the biggest neverwases in the history of the business.

As much as I dislike Goldberg, All Shane Douglas has done for most of his career is bitch and moan about how he's been held back. I've seen Douglas wrestle and the guy is nothing special, nor was he ever anything special. Goldberg, while he was shit to watch, was sheer raw power that the so-called Franchise could never hope to do anything with. I agree that this will be a total squash with Goldberg taking it in 2 minutes or less.
since this is kayfabe, then Goldberg would annhialate Douglas in a matter of seconds....the dynamic dude doesn't stand a chance considering goldberg beat 99% of the wrestlers in the wcw locker room, including Hulk Hogan. Goldberg spears and then jackhammer's Dean and picks up the win.
Douglas was forgettable outside of ECW while Goldberg had the 173-0 streak, Jackhammered a 500 pounder named The Giant(Big Show) & defeated some big names like Hulk Hogan, The Rock, Chris Jericho & Kevin Nash. Golberg easily takes this one by spearing the fuck out of Shane Douglas in about maybe 45 seconds.
Absolute squash. Too much power for shane douglas to overcome.
Franchise gets speared and jackhammered and pinned in under 2 minutes.

the vast majority of the guys he beat during his undefeated streak were jobbers, nothing special at all,

Which pretty much sums up Shane Douglas's time in WCW. I watched the match posted above on YouTube, Goldberg takes out Shane and the Natural Born Thrillers, the only real damage he takes in the whole match he inflicted on himself. The only way Douglas has a chance is if he punches Goldberg in the bank account.

Goldberg in a squash...
Goldberg should go so far in this tournament, but I fear his progress may get stopped by the kind of people who judge Goldberg for being one-dimensional, even if that one dimension is all he needed to defeat a who's who list of professional wrestlers during his time.
Easy easy win for Goldberg, I never really liked Douglas and Goldberg ate people like him for breakfast, 7 min match ended with jackhammer.
Goldberg may be overrated, he may be average in the ring, nothing on the mic, but he was a big strong guy and got the entire of WCW round him beating the big names in WCW and indeed legends of wrestling in the time of his run.

Douglas was solid, but as many people as he brings to the ring, Goldberg has shown he can take them on, spear after spear after spear.
As much as i like The Francise, Goldberg would run straight through him, From a win ratio standpoint, He has had one of the best career's in history.
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