WCW Region, Third Round: Regular Match: (3) Randy Savage vs. (6) Lou Thesz

Who Wins This Matchup?

  • Randy Savage

  • Lou Thesz

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Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House
This is a third round match in the WCW Region. It is a regular match held in the Phillips Arena in Atlanta, Georgia.


Rules: This is a regular match, ending by pin, submission, countout or disqualification.


#3. Randy Savage



#6. Lou Thesz

Polls will be open for five days following a one day period for discussion. Voting will be based on who you feel is the greater of the two competitors. Post your reasons for why your pick should win below. Remember that this is non-spam and the most votes in the poll win. Any ties will be broken by the amount of posts of support for each candidate, with one vote per poster.

Assume the wrestlers are at full strength after their first two matches.

Also remember that this is a non-spam forum. If you post a response without giving a reason for your selection, it will be penalized for spam and deleted.
There are plenty of good arguments to be made for Lou Thesz taking this, hell, there's a good argument for Thesz winning the entire tournament, but I'm afraid this is the point where Thesz's legit toughness and impeccable record just don't match up to sheer all-around talent that was Randy Savage. The man was a God on the microphone and in the ring and took part in some of the most legendary and biggest drawing feuds in wrestling history, all the while working his ass off in the ring while others coasted. Hell even in his old age when he was well beyond his prime he had a great and memorable feud with DDP, giving him a big time rub while his peers refused to job to any and everyone.

This one is probably just going to come down to personal preference at the end of the day. Some purists will argue for Thesz, others more swayed by nostalgia will argue for Savage. There really is no bad answer here, but for me and I suspect a lot of others the vote has to go to Savage, especially if the match descended into the type of wild brawl Savage was known for in his early pre-WWF days. So long as Savage could avoid Thesz's ground game, there's no reason he couldn't sneak out the win.
Thesz should win this. He was a far bigger draw, had a much more important legacy, and was more important to the industry as a whole. Thesz was the man to beat for decades and was the biggest star in wrestling in his prime. Savage wasn't. He was always second to a Hogan or a Sting. He was like the Gagne of his era, except Gagne was probably more talented. Thesz was so big of a star that he was outsourced to build the credibility of foreign stars and those of other territories. Savage wasn't treated like the big deal he was in WCW like he was in WWE. I understand the arguments for Savage but I don't agree with them. For me Thesz was the better wrestler and would be booked to go over in my mind.

Voting Thesz.
Damn... a regular wrestling match, which means DQ's are a possibility. So our count outs. I don't see Thesz getting himself into a situation where he's DQ'd. Savage has been in many of them. And as decorated and skilled as Savage is in wrestling as a whole, Thesz is simply better and drew more money in the process.

In an actual match, Thesz would win this... one way or another. That means by cooperation from Savage, or just stretching the Macho Man into passing out. It's happened numerous times in Thesz matches. What makes this one any different.

Thesz Press, FTW.
While I think Lou Thesz would beat Macho Man 1 on 1, the Macho Man was also known to break rules and do it well. I could see Lou Thesz controlling most of the match with Macho Man getting some offense in as well. Towards the end when it looks like Lou Thesz is going to win the referee gets knocked out. Lou Thesz hits the Thesz Press but the ref is still out. He goes to check on the ref but Macho Man takes out brass knuckles from his trunks and plays possum until the ref starts coming around. Lou picks up Savage for a Power Bomb but all of a sudden Macho Man knocks out Lou with the brass knuckles. Macho Man puts them away and gets the 1, 2, 3. Your winner: "Macho Man" Randy Savage!
While I think Lou Thesz would beat Macho Man 1 on 1, the Macho Man was also known to break rules and do it well. I could see Lou Thesz controlling most of the match with Macho Man getting some offense in as well. Towards the end when it looks like Lou Thesz is going to win the referee gets knocked out. Lou Thesz hits the Thesz Press but the ref is still out. He goes to check on the ref but Macho Man takes out brass knuckles from his trunks and plays possum until the ref starts coming around. Lou picks up Savage for a Power Bomb but all of a sudden Macho Man knocks out Lou with the brass knuckles. Macho Man puts them away and gets the 1, 2, 3. Your winner: "Macho Man" Randy Savage!

If you admit Thesz would win then why would you try to find a subjective reason as to why Thesz would lose? Based on that logic I could apply the opposite. Savage tries to use the brass knuckles and Thesz grabs him, twists him up like a pretzel, and Macho would be tapping. Thesz certainly wasn't an idiot. It's not like Thesz worked in an era where dirty players didn't exist and he didn't defeat *cough* Gorgeous George *cough*. It also doesn't help that Thesz was familiar with the work of Frank Gotch, who himself was a dirty competitor. I'm sure he'd have no problem with the Macho Man.
As much as I love Savage, Thesz just has the bigger legacy, and has accomplished more. This would be a great match, but I just can't see Savage winning. Thesz to the next round.
The reality of this match is that Thesz is a bigger deal and a better wrestler than Randy Savage. I'm not going to get into a long debate about it with Gelgarin if he comes along, because the fact of the matter is that Thesz is better.

However, as Savage is a huge favourite of mine and I'd rather Thesz lost now than to Chris Jericho or something equally ridiculous, I'm voting Savage. And here's the reason why. Savage has beaten just about every wrestler you can imagine by count out. Hogan and Warrior, two absolute behemoths of wrestling both have losing records to Savage because he used to win by count out all the time. Shitty count out wins always happen in tournaments, and as such I'm using that as my paltry argument to vote for Savage.
Why the hell is Randy Savage winning? I'm not about to deny that Savage was a talented guy, but he was also never the #1 guy. I'd go as far to say that he was probably the best #2 guy out there, but even in his championship reigns, he was overshadowed by Hogan.

Lou Thesz on the other hand was not only the top dog, something of critical importance that Savage failed to achieve, but he was the top dog for an extremely long time, both with the championship and without the championship.

At the end of the day, Savage was in essence Hogan's second in command or chew toy when the time warranted it during his prime. There's no shame in losing to Lou Thesz because he's easily one of the best wrestlers of all-time.

Thesz should win.
This is sad.

I love Savage. Huge fan of his. Back in the 80's when he would fight Hogan, I would always be one of the ones cheering for the Macho Man.

But there is no way in hell, and I have to believe that Randy Savage himself would agree with me... that he should be going over Lou Thesz without the aid of some ridiculous stipulation that only favors the Macho Man, like a "first wrestler to come to the ring to Pomp and Circumstance wins" match.

Thesz was simply put the greatest of his time. Not one of the greatest. THE greatest. Thesz was champ for however long he wanted to be... and if he wasn't champ... it was because he didn't feel like being champ at that time.

Thesz won his last NWA World Championship at age 46. Savage won his last WCW World Championship at age 46. Nice parallel. There is a slight difference though.

Savage lost that title a day later. Thesz lost his 3 years later when he was 49.

Randy was awesome. But he doesn't deserve to go over Thesz, and it's actually kind of embarrassing for this board that not only is Savage currently winning... but even that the poll is so close to begin with.
What kills me is that Thesz needs a single vote to tie. And in that case he'll likely win due to all the support that he's received in arguments. Like Hogan, Thesz is in the short list to be considered the greatest wrestler of all time. Randy Savage isn't. Sure, Savage was a great performer with a fantastic legacy, but his just doesn't compare with the legacy that Thesz built.

Please take the time to reconsider a pioneering legend who dominated the world of pro wrestling for longer than almost anyone. Vote Lou Thesz.
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