What If The WWE Made A Remake Of The Movie "No Holds Barred"?

CM Steel

A REAL American
Does anybody remember the wrestling movie "No Holds Barred" starring the one & only Hulk Hogan from back in the day? The film was exective produced by WWF/E chairman Vince McMahon Jr. & Hulk Hogan. And the movie was basically what Hulk Hogan was to 1980's wrestling to what rapper 50 Cent is to "Get rich or die tryin". Playing himself.

Now what if WWE films makes a remake of this classic wrestling movie?

Have John Cena play Hulk Hogan's charactor "Rip" (since everyone see's Cena as this generation's Hulk Hogan anyway). And have a actor with a trademark for playing villian roles, like a Eric Roberts, Michael Ironside, or a Ron Pearlman play actor Kurt Fuller's role as a evil corperation head (Vince McMahon) to try to take down John Cena's charactor in the film. By bring up a ex-convict with a wrestling background (Zeus/Debo) to rival the new Rip in the movie. Someone like a Terry Crews or somebody like that. And I'm sure it's nothing for the WWE to find a leading lady for Cena's love interest.

But I think that the remake would sell tickets worldwide if done right?
But I think that the remake would sell tickets worldwide if done right?

Sell tickets worldwide or sell some copies out of the dicount dvd bin at Walmart? What are you basing this on? The success of the original? Why remake something that didn't do well the first time over 20 years ago? I might be onboard if No Holds Barred did well in 1989 but that did not happen. You may as well try to start up the WBF or XFL again.
you know as a kid I loved that movie

and its NOT avaiable on DVD I looked and looked and looked and its just one of those movies that unless you still have a VCR and and old copy of it you just cant see.

and that pisses me off I want to see this movie again
I've had this conversation a million times with my circle of friends and for shits ad giggles I say why not?

80's remade movies are the new trend. Why not do pro wrestling's 80's film? It can't be worse than the original.

John Cena is a better marketed name (film-wise) right now than Hogan was then as "NHB" was his 2nd film.

You don't even have to do a direct remake, you can do more of a 're-imagining' ala "Karate Kid". This way you can either do a direct Zeus villian, or switch it up so you can have a more rounded bad guy...someone who can deliver lines as oppose to Tiny Lister's yelling.

I say cast Evan Bourne as Cena's kid brother, make him a wrestler to. So he can do some crazy high flying sh!t on screen. Hell have him get destroyed by the bad guy in an actual match. I think the kid brother got jumped in the original?

I say do it, it can't hurt. WWE Films makes movies on the cheap anyways. This can't be too much of a financial risk, or at least not as big as Randy Orton's film.
The remake today would probably star Kevin James, Zeus would be Iranian, and the little brother would be replaced by a talking iguana.

Oh, and it would be in 3-D and the wrestling would be replaced by MMA or Dance Dance Revolution.
What the f??? Hell no The movie sucked 20 plus years ago why would you make a movie to torture intelligent people for?? Didnt that movie flop i believe it did
If they really want to recreate it, I suggest they let Rock play the Rip. He's more charismatic than John Cena and more successful in the Box Office. He can bring in the money given his success in the movie industry.
Sell tickets worldwide or sell some copies out of the dicount dvd bin at Walmart? What are you basing this on? The success of the original? Why remake something that didn't do well the first time over 20 years ago? I might be onboard if No Holds Barred did well in 1989 but that did not happen. You may as well try to start up the WBF or XFL again.

Didn't do well the first time? Hmmm....8 million dollar budget and over 16 million in ticket sales...finishing in second place first week of release behind an Indiana Jones movie. Sounds like it didn't do well.

And, there's TONS of titles in the "dicount" bin at Wal-Mart. Just because it's in the discount bin doesn't mean shit.
This wouldn't work at all. It wasn't exactly a hit back in '89. And what movie with Cena has been a hit thus far? I understand where you're going with this, the whole "everything that's old is new again". But let's entertain the idea of a possible remake. The plot has to severely be re-imagined. Nowadays people are hip to what goes on behind the scenes with pro wrestling. It seems like they would do the new version like Rollerball or something, where wrestling is the only type of sport that everyone watches. It would have to have a darker tone to it as opposed to just appealing to kids. But its never gonna happen. At best just pop in a copy of the original for old times sake.
Didn't do well the first time? Hmmm....8 million dollar budget and over 16 million in ticket sales...finishing in second place first week of release behind an Indiana Jones movie. Sounds like it didn't do well.

And, there's TONS of titles in the "dicount" bin at Wal-Mart. Just because it's in the discount bin doesn't mean shit.

Where did you get that information? Wikipedia? If you would have read on you would have seen that after distribution fees the movie pretty much broke even. That’s far from successful as I don’t think it’s any movie producer’s goal to break even. This movie was never even released on dvd. How bad does something have to be to not get released on dvd?

As for the discount bin, you’re right. There are a lot of big titles in the discount bin. They end up there after a few years when sales have slowed down after people have already purchased them at full price. I thought it was obvious that I was implying that this would end up straight in the discount bin because not many people would be willing to pay more than the $5 discount bin price.
John Cena would be Rip and Michael Clark Duncan would be Zeus. Paul Heyman could be the evil promoter of No Holds Barred. Rip's brother Randy would be played by the kid from 2 1/2 Men. Rip's GF in the movie would be played by the actress that plays Tara on Sons of Anarchy.

Wrestlers involved with the movie during the No Holds Barred matches would be:
Tommy Dreamer
Terry Funk (for those of you that don't know he's been in a few movies)
Tyler Reks
Where did you get that information? Wikipedia? If you would have read on you would have seen that after distribution fees the movie pretty much broke even. That’s far from successful as I don’t think it’s any movie producer’s goal to break even. This movie was never even released on dvd. How bad does something have to be to not get released on dvd?

As for the discount bin, you’re right. There are a lot of big titles in the discount bin. They end up there after a few years when sales have slowed down after people have already purchased them at full price. I thought it was obvious that I was implying that this would end up straight in the discount bin because not many people would be willing to pay more than the $5 discount bin price.

If you are talking success in terms of cash, then fine, I would agree with you. However, there's a reason why the WWE releases movies starring their biggest stars. Remakes, reimagining movies are the norm now. Continuing with a movie franchise (like American Pie) without the box office is still big money. Whether it be a continuation, a remake, a sequel, it would be a success for the WWE to release No Hold Barred again. By using your logic, The Marine would never had been made. Consider this: The Marine made more money in the sales and rental category than it did in the box office. Surely, a remake of No Holds Barred would do better than that?
The whole stupidity of the thing is that you can't recreate something like that, just remember what happened after the movie had happened you had Zeus appear during a match against Big Bossman and attack Hogan and had an almost year long rivalry with a guy who wrestled as bad as the Gobbledy gooker and had no reason to even be in a ring, so than you will now have Cena take on some random jackoff third rate actor in some tag match as the main event of Summerslam. I mean seriously? Personally if and only if they used actual wrestlers in the movie and portrayed it seriously and spun it off into a real live feud would there be any reason to even possibly promote making a remake, but otherwise no history of Vince's bad decisions would just repeat itself.
Sell tickets worldwide or sell some copies out of the dicount dvd bin at Walmart? What are you basing this on? The success of the original? Why remake something that didn't do well the first time over 20 years ago? I might be onboard if No Holds Barred did well in 1989 but that did not happen. You may as well try to start up the WBF or XFL again.
As you can see on the date of the creation of this thread, this thread was made last year in 2011 before the WWE studios department had plans to re-release this film. I just want some credit for seeing this move being made by the WWE. No Holds Barred lives again!

I can't believe that I was knocked for typing this flaming thread!

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