Women blading


Pre-Show Stalwart
I was wondering about peoples thoughts of women wrestlers blading? There's been many many, far too many to mention men's classic matches where they blade rather severely too escalate the intensity of the match, and I'm sure it's hard to argue that the blood didn't elevate the emotion of the match beyond what it would have been without the colour. But there's very few similar situations in women's matches (Japanese matches aside). Is it 'cos women's matches are a few years car crashes behind men's matches or is it something more psychologically deeper where at this point in time we don't need to see that level of pain to empathise with women's wrestling emotional quarrels? Maybe the bookers are smart enough to just hold the blood letting off as long as they can?
I know some promotions where some women blade habitually, though, you're right, by and large, women do not blade very often. If women bleed, usually it's caused by a mishap as opposed to a purposeful juicing.

Women are perceived, and portrayed, as feminine, delicate beings. They are used, in most instances, as an attraction to draw in some male demographic. You have to think also that a lot of times blading can cause severe scares, and I don't think a women would want that. Ask Mick Foley. Simply put, women don't need to blade at all, because 1.) they're "feminine", 2.) It could ruin their appeal, and 3.) It causes damage to their face. They just don't have to bleed.

Also, women matches simply doesn't need blood like a males match would. A women match has story telling, but doesn't need the blood in order for the match to advance in any significant amount. It would be a massive waste to have a woman blade, when the match would likely be quick, and it would virtually advance nothing. It would just induce genuine shock. Women wrestling doesn't draw, so why have them bleed when no one cares about their matches anyway, but care about their attractiveness instead?

I'd say no one wants to see a feminine diva have a crimson mask, when it wouldn't effect virtually anything in the match, but would eventually effect their personal appearance which is what people largely care about. It's simply not needed.
I don't think anyone would want to see this happen. When Roxxi used to bleed in TNA, it just didn't look right. A woman bleeding would probably turn away a lot of fans. The only way this would probably ever happen is in TNA. They sometimes have women hardcore matches, so blading would go well with that.

But overall, this isn't really needed. Most people admire the TNA women because of their beauty and in-ring performance. Would you want to see Velvet Sky bleed? or Alissa Flash? I think not. And as far as the WWE goes, it would never ever happen. Their women's divison is soley based on looks. Sure you might have a few that can actually wrestle, but they are in a very small minority.

Seeing a female bleed would suck the life out of the audience, whether it be at home or in the arena. Let's face it, most guys like to see women wrestlers show as much skin as possible, and look hot. If they start bleeding, then it's going to kill thier desire to watch the the match.
I know I'm in a very small minority, but I love watching hardcore women's matches, and wish they would have more. Unlike most men's hardcore matches, they usually involve a bit more wrestling, and not just chair shot after chair shot, so they look better, and you also get the added benefit of a broken table or cheese grater to the face.

I don't think all women should blade, but I don't have a problem with seeing them bleed. So, basically, if it's "the hard way", or by blade, it doesn't matter, as long as we get to see them work their asses off.
WWE tried having its Divas blade before, but unfortunately, they just leaked silicone. It was pretty pointless.

Seriously, there's no real point in having the women blade. For the majority of women's matches, particularly in WWE, the audience probably wishes it could blade. A little blood in the eyes would keep you from having to watch the travesty taking place in the ring.
From a straight WWE perspective, it is a horrible idea, but since your question doesn't limit your question to WWE, than I see no issue with it.

But back to the WWE, even if they let men bleed again, they would not let women bleed. Canada calls itself a liberal country, but they censor any violence to women that was on Raw or Smackdown here.

But women are a protected sex by parents. No hitting a woman, no hitting your sister. I remember some parents being horrified by the ability to hurt or kill a woman in Golden Eye when I was a kid, I doubt many parents would allow a bloodied up woman on TV.

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