WWE Over The Limit - Miz vs John Cena - I Quit Match

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Holy fuck, so much stupid in this thread. Lets see if we can clear things up a bit shall we.

First off for those complaining about Rileys involvement it was a completely necessary move. One of the keys to a good match is having people not know the ending, without Riley that isn't happening. If it is just Cena/Miz one on one in an I Quit match then Cena is winning 10 times out of 10, I mean look at his track record, wins over Batista, JBl and Orton a who's who of Heels from recent years. By adding Riley to the match the odds swung to Miz's favour adding an element of doubt as to who was going to win thus making for a better match.

More importantly lets address the idiots complaining about Super Cena. First off some of you are saying Cena was beaten on for 30 minutes, the match time was 25 mins, Cena dominates the first 3-4 and there was a two minute rest in between meaning at best it was 20, take out Miz's in match promo time and it is more like 15.

More importantly though those of you complaining about the ending. Lets take a look at it in depth shall we. Cena was beaten on for 15 minutes sure however lets not forget he also dominated the first few minutes of the match so it isn't like Miz was completely fresh. Cena also got a good 2-3 minutes to recover during the "false finish". Next we take Riley out of the equation. So, we have Cena who has been given time to recover vs a not completely fresh Miz one on one. The odds are a bit more even now don't you think. From that position it is certainly not unrealistic to think Cena would win. ts not like he had to expert much energy to make it completely unrealistic either, he lifted Riley, chased Miz with a belt and locked on one move I think that is fairly realistic given the time he had to recover and the far more importantly fact that he is a FUCKING FACE and making slightly unrealistic comebacks has been done by every face to have ever wrestled.

Oh and for those of you saying Miz quit to easily, are you forgetting the part where Cena whipped Miz close to 50 fucking times with a leather belt, its not like he just locked him into the STF (one of the deadliest submissions in the WWE might I add) and that was that he fucking destroyed him with a belt first. Let me reiterate, one of the strongest men in wrestling whipped him across the back with a leather belt countless times and then locked him into a deadly submission move, how is that quitting easily?

So, even though he was tortured he had a fair bit of time to recover and he hardly had to expert any energy in his comeback. That is hardly an unrealistic for a face is it? Sure there is a bit of suspension of belief involved in this match but that is to be expected with wrestling, this match was at best slightly unrealistic but when it comes down to it most matches are.
And this is why I hate Cena. I have no issue with an adrenaline rush and winning, it was the way it happened. Twenty+ minutes of weapon shots from two men and Cena gets up and no sells the entire thing. I never expected Miz to win this, but this was a straight burial of the Miz. Next up, CM Punk or Del Rio. Hell why doesn't Cena feud with them both at the same time so he can finish burying everyone who gets a push?
As big a Cena fan as I am, I must call out the writers on this utter predictable, stupid booking. I'm not mad at Cena for recovering after taking a good beating. Hell, realistically speaking, I would have recovered after 3 or so minutes of resting while the opponent is busy arguing to make a come back. Let's be honest, Cena sold it pretty well, he didn't get up, he didn't try to defend himself while he was screaming in pain. He just let Miz continue until there was no stop and after the recording was played, he got his chance to lay down until the pain started to wear off. After a couple of minutes, anyone should be able to run after your enemy even with the pain, that makes you much more brutal in your attacks and honestly, your opponent will run away and cry like a bitch if you come back with all the pain you've been put through as you feel it and put in all the power into your whipping. But even with an STF (which is almost impossible to get out of without secondary help and no ropes), I think Miz should have tried a little longer before saying "I quit" like the little girl he sounded like when saying it. That's the only thing I hated, it was too one dimensional and Miz tapped out about as soon as the submission hold was applied. A good 20-60 second struggle should have happened before Miz would've quit.
Cena takes a beating for 25 minutes and never looks like quitting and then Miz quits immediately to to worst looking STF in wrestling history. This was more like some kind of S&M show rather than a match.

The highlight of this match for me was when Booker T stated the following about Cena. "despite his limited skill and ability he has been able to hold the belt for quite some time". :lol:
Holy fuck, so much stupid in this thread. Lets see if we can clear things up a bit shall we.

First off for those complaining about Rileys involvement it was a completely necessary move. One of the keys to a good match is having people not know the ending, without Riley that isn't happening. If it is just Cena/Miz one on one in an I Quit match then Cena is winning 10 times out of 10, I mean look at his track record, wins over Batista, JBl and Orton a who's who of Heels from recent years. By adding Riley to the match the odds swung to Miz's favour adding an element of doubt as to who was going to win thus making for a better match.

More importantly lets address the idiots complaining about Super Cena. First off some of you are saying Cena was beaten on for 30 minutes, the match time was 25 mins, Cena dominates the first 3-4 and there was a two minute rest in between meaning at best it was 20, take out Miz's in match promo time and it is more like 15.

More importantly though those of you complaining about the ending. Lets take a look at it in depth shall we. Cena was beaten on for 15 minutes sure however lets not forget he also dominated the first few minutes of the match so it isn't like Miz was completely fresh. Cena also got a good 2-3 minutes to recover during the "false finish". Next we take Riley out of the equation. So, we have Cena who has been given time to recover vs a not completely fresh Miz one on one. The odds are a bit more even now don't you think. From that position it is certainly not unrealistic to think Cena would win. ts not like he had to expert much energy to make it completely unrealistic either, he lifted Riley, chased Miz with a belt and locked on one move I think that is fairly realistic given the time he had to recover and the far more importantly fact that he is a FUCKING FACE and making slightly unrealistic comebacks has been done by every face to have ever wrestled.

Oh and for those of you saying Miz quit to easily, are you forgetting the part where Cena whipped Miz close to 50 fucking times with a leather belt, its not like he just locked him into the STF (one of the deadliest submissions in the WWE might I add) and that was that he fucking destroyed him with a belt first. Let me reiterate, one of the strongest men in wrestling whipped him across the back with a leather belt countless times and then locked him into a deadly submission move, how is that quitting easily?

So, even though he was tortured he had a fair bit of time to recover and he hardly had to expert any energy in his comeback. That is hardly an unrealistic for a face is it? Sure there is a bit of suspension of belief involved in this match but that is to be expected with wrestling, this match was at best slightly unrealistic but when it comes down to it most matches are.

Okay, first, the "dominating" that Cena did in the beginning was on Alex Riley. Also, no matter if he was beaten for 30 mins, 25 mins, 15 mins, he was taking a hell of a beating. belts, canes, chairs, stairs, so even 10 minutes of a beating like that should do some effect on him and two or three minutes of crawling on the ground shouldn't give him "sensu bean" like recovery. Cena fans are blinded by their love of Cena to see anything outside of Cena's "greatness".

"Cena is great, he only needed two minutes to recover because he is so strong and fit, and the STFU is the best submission move EVER! It could make a heel who the WWE has built up for months and months as a legit champion and make him scream he quits in a second! Go Cena!" -Cena Fan

WWE has done more damage to Miz than they did helping Cena, because now, Miz can't even be arrogant anymore. He gave up that easy, meaning he really doesn't have any nuts.

I love how everybody is beginning to speak on Cena. First it was Miz on commentary saying the same things about SuperCena that the world sees, and then at the ppv, booker t said about Cena not having talent or skills, or was I the only one who heard that?
The highlight of this match for me was when Booker T stated the following about Cena. "despite his limited skill and ability he has been able to hold the belt for quite some time". :lol:

I said that here myself too. That aside, I actually think this is a terrific John Cena's match (giving credits where credits is due).

OK, I've pretty much guessed that Cena would win this match, and Alex Riley would have some sort of involvement, maybe a handicap match? But I didn't expect that to actually happen, that WWE would really make this a handicap match. So, I was still kind of surprise -- that's a good thing.

Second, John Cena did NOT go into his SuperCena mode, as so many of you had said. He recuperated for a few minutes, got his bearing right, blocked out the pain before he turned the match around on the Miz -- that's good too, and very real indeed. Kudos to John Cena for that performance.

The Miz "tapped out" because Riley wasn't there to help him. Miz is a smart guy. He knew what was best for him. He knew that it's in his best interest to "quit" before he sustain any injury. -- That is totally his character.

Honestly, I think Miz is as bad a wrestler as John Cena. But, I was totally impressed that they could put up a match, and a performance like this one. All their matches sucks, but this one... I enjoyed.
John Cena will retain the WWE Championship.

Glad I got this one right, what a relief. Most of us saw it coming though due to the fact that Cena never quits and his entire character is based around that. I thought Miz was going to come up with some insane way of cheating into a victory, and we'd be stuck with him as champion again, thank goodness that didn't happen. The match dragged on and ended up being disappointing. It wasn't the worst match of the evening or even close to that (looking at YOU, divas!), but it wasn't as good as I expected. Orton and Christian should have main evented instead. That being said, I'm glad Cena won and now he can move on to other feuds and as for Miz? I don't care.
Okay, first, the "dominating" that Cena did in the beginning was on Alex Riley

Uh, no it wasn't maybe watch the match again. Cena started with a hiss and a roar hitting "the five moves of doom" on Miz as well as a gutwrench suplex and about 5 seconds of an STF.

Also, no matter if he was beaten for 30 mins, 25 mins, 15 mins, he was taking a hell of a beating. belts, canes, chairs, stairs, so even 10 minutes of a beating like that should do some effect on him and two or three minutes of crawling on the ground shouldn't give him "sensu bean" like recovery. Cena fans are blinded by their love of Cena to see anything outside of Cena's "greatness".

Well yeah it kind of does matter how long he was beaten on, getting beat up for 15 minutes hurts a hell of a lot less than getting beat up for 30 minutes. Sure in real life in would take more than 2-3 minutes to recover from that kind of beating but in wrestling where suspension of disbelief is a common thing 2-3 minutes recovery time is certainly realistic. Especially when taking into account that Cena now realises Miz will be weaker and demoralised now after having his plan backfire meaning this may be his best opportunity to gain victory.

"Cena is great, he only needed two minutes to recover because he is so strong and fit, and the STFU is the best submission move EVER! It could make a heel who the WWE has built up for months and months as a legit champion and make him scream he quits in a second! Go Cena!" -Cena Fan

I love how you are trying to make me out as a Cena fan, far from the truth, I don't love Cena nor do I hate him I am neutral to him. Also from a kayfabe perspective the STFU is the best submission in the WWE right now considering it has made the likes of Randy Orton, HHH, HBK, Batista and countless others tap, all of those people are far better than Miz. From a kayfabe perspective it makes perfect sense that he taps to it, many people who are fer better than him have so why wouldn't he?

WWE has done more damage to Miz than they did helping Cena, because now, Miz can't even be arrogant anymore. He gave up that easy, meaning he really doesn't have any nuts.

How? Was it because they showed that he can go toe to toe with the best the WWE has to offer for 20+ minutes nearly making him say I Quit countless times, or was it the part where they helped further his character of being a cowardly heel by making him quit like a bitch? Maybe it was that part where he got a fuckload of heat (ie. doing his job and doing it well) by nearly destroying the fans hero.
And this is why I hate Cena. I have no issue with an adrenaline rush and winning, it was the way it happened. Twenty+ minutes of weapon shots from two men and Cena gets up and no sells the entire thing. I never expected Miz to win this, but this was a straight burial of the Miz. Next up, CM Punk or Del Rio. Hell why doesn't Cena feud with them both at the same time so he can finish burying everyone who gets a push?

LOL sippin the cena haterade eh budy.

Miz is boring and had his time. Cena went out of his way countless times to say he respects miz and everyone should take him serious. And its not like cena books the matches. Hes just doing whats written.

Stop hatin on cena to try to be cool.
I think that Cena should never be in an "I Quit" match again because his character is built around "Never Giving Up and Never Back Down" so the ending will be predictable.

In my humble opinion i would rather of had Del Rio (as a super heel) in that match and him going out to injure Cena. Think about it like this Del Rio has the cross arm breaker locked in aided by his arm wrapped in a chair with Ricardo doing the same thing speaking to that kid. The kid would tell Cena not to quit. Cena would be screaming in pain and pass out ala Steve Austin and the ref would call the match and Cena of be carried off with Del rio looking like the most evil heel in the business. This way Cena doesn't look weak and it elevates Del Rio as a credible champ.

The next night we get told that Cena was badly hurt as Del Rio comes down to the ring to celebrate and blame the fans for Cena being hurt. Saying that as fans we are selfish and try to convince our heros to do things they know they cant. To come back to soon from injury (like Edge) to not quit when for thier own well being they know they should. that whenever a wrest....uh superstar gets hurt its for the fans. that they (the fans) don't know what damage they (the fans) cause to the bodies of the superstars.

At which point Cena comes out in a sling. the crowd giving him the normal big pop into a mixed reaction. He gets in the ring and cuts a promo about Del Rio saying all the bubble rap stuff he normally does. he then turns around and starts agreeing with Del Rio. Saying that this is his life and he knows that its not ballet but because of the expectations of the fans that it was almost taken away from him. That everyone calls him Super Cena that he is compared to Superman but you know what superman was killed defending the people of the world when the real evil is actually the people of the world.....making Cena turn heel by turning on the fans and being an ULTRA HEEL....making WWE interesting again....thoughts??
I think it'd be great to see Miz win a match like this against Cena and it may be the biggest match of his career where as if Cena wins it'll be just a ego boost. I can't stand Cena when he lets his ego get in the way of his career. I think it'd stink to Cena win another match and another and another and another. You can't deny the fact that Cena does make rivalries better though.
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