WZ Book This Tournament Discussion Thread

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Reaper of Miracles
Use this thread to discuss anything related to the tournament.

Ask any questions related to the Tournament

Discuss matches, or writing techniques

Discuss possible scenarios for matches with your superstars, because in this tournament, you only have one match, one chance to get things right the first time.
I dont quite understand so lets say it me vs. Echleon

what do i do just write 1 match? and then u sed to do promo's i dont quite understand that but ok

i think this concept is like totally awesome and im def. in!!!!
Hey Leore yeah you will just have to write one match, then it will be decided whose was the best and the winner moves on.

I wouldnt mind each match having a small back story or something to help with interest. Also I feel having to use the same guys in the matches would help also, then someone like me cant complain that I found the match dull because of who was in it.

Great Idea Echelon.
It depends on what match we'd have to write, it may be a hardcore match, or it may be a singles match.

Whatever the match is, you write out a full match the best you can, and i'll write the same match (granted we''ll probably be using different superstars) whoever has the better written match, in both quality and quantity, will advance.
Yeah I think its important to say both quality and quantity. As just writing along match will get you no where, they will have to perk the readers interest as your matches do Echelon, same with Showtyme's. They maybe a long read but they are worth it.
ok and who decides on moving on because lets say that you (echleon) are up against me ok and me and u have a tie then who would it be up to...you? well duh ur gonna choose yourself unless Showtyme and Wotdoiput also have a say in the discussion and also when will this take off (hopeuflly in the mid of June because i have finals coming up in like 2 weeks)
In that case, Showtyme and Wotdoiput would decide for me, just as I would do for them if they were in that situation

All 3 of us are judges

allot of this stuff im answering I cover in the rules, leo
kewl excellent so when do u thin kthis will start just so i know
Yeah its important for all those that get involved,that just because Ehelon is the creator, or myself and Showtyme are mods, or if any other mods get involved no one is going to have an advantage. If you write a terrific match, you will win unless your opponent writes a better match, regardless of who you or your oppenet are.

So Echelon were you planning to make the wrestlers involved a persoanl writers choice?? How would we decide who goes against who?
well i think when 2 opponents are annoucned they each announce a man that will represent them and if they both choose the same person either neither can use that person or the mod thinks of a number and the winner says who got it

Yeah its important for all those that get involved,that just because Ehelon is the creator, or myself and Showtyme are mods, or if any other mods get involved no one is going to have an advantage. If you write a terrific match, you will win unless your opponent writes a better match, regardless of who you or your oppenet are.

So Echelon were you planning to make the wrestlers involved a persoanl writers choice?? How would we decide who goes against who?

The writers get to choose whatever superstars they want to use, we just choose the match scenarios.
Yeah thats one way we could do it, at least then the match starts off somewhat on common ground with the same people in the match. I dont know if it will be people choosing or Showtyme, Echelon and Myself allocating the wrestlers in the match or maybe something else.

Thats why this thread is up so we can all have a discussion and work it out.
I figure some writers can write better with some superstars compared to others

so expect a lot of Michaels, Rock, Stone Cold, Angle, AJ Styles matches
Q i dont understand this at all all of a sudden

if it is

me vs. Wotdoiput

and i choose Rey Mysterio and he choooses Edge

so that means i write a move and then he does?

or do i choose 2 people and have them make a match

and then he choooses 2 people and they have a match

and the winner moves on (oh i answered my own Q didn't i?)
Yeah I think yur right there, there will be a lot of matches with the same guys in them. Having said that it will really show a good writer than can use other guys as well. SO Im hoping we do see matches with some of the other stars as well.
If that was the case Leore we would both write a math Edge vs Rey Mysterio say in a ladder match. I would guess we can put over whoever we want to. Then Echelon & Showtyme would decide whose match was the best and the winner would move on.
meaning i write a match with Rey and Edge and then u do and then the better one is the winner ?
correct, but remember, just because your writing the same match as your opponent, doesn't mean you have to pick the same superstars.
ok so me and wotdoiput can chooose 4 different people (same type of match) ?
yes, lets say the match was a Last Man Standing Match, which 2 would you choose?

The match can be for a title, and it can have nothing to do with your show or everything
Hey guys sorry i'm late to the convo but I like all the rules set in place, but I also think we should have a round that take's the writter out of their element, for example if me and Echelon is having a battle then IMO he's second to none in writting women's matches so for one round he would have to write a match without using any women what so ever, and someone would have to tell me what I excell at in writting my shows and I wouldn't be able to use that for my match, don't know if this will stick but I love the idea of being out of my comfort zone and trying to win with something fresh....just an idea what do you guys think?
Yeah I think thats a good point Showtyme. I think to show the best writer you really need to be able to step out of your comfort zone. So i like that idea, as I feel this is also a good way for me and others to improve as writers.
we could try it, maybe for the people that make it to the second round have to try something different. I figure the 1st and last rounds are the most important but we could try that idea on like the second round or something.
Yeah you are totally right Echelon, it wouldn't be good for the first and last round as we would need to go all out and display our best stuff to mantain the interest of the BT! fans, that second round could be all about whoever rises to the challenge of being out of their element, like Wotdoiput said it should help us all improve a great deal as writters as a whole.
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