CM Punk and Steroids


S.O.S. (Used to be z99zazn)
Okay, first off, let me start by saying that I am by NO means a cynic when it comes to steroids. Do I think that people in the WWE use steroids? Yeah I do, I’m not naïve. But do I think that they all do? Of course not, and I really don’t care if they are to use steroids. What they put into their bodies is their own choice. I don’t think it is a good choice, as evidenced by so many wrestlers’ deaths having steroids involved. I’m all for the best product though, and if they want to do that, then so be it.

Now that I got that out of the way, I want to start the actual topic. Something I had never really given thought to is CM Punk and steroids. No, I don’t think he uses steroids or ever has, and that is the point. You look at Punk through his early career and up to today, and he is roughly the same size. He’s not a big guy. For WWE standards, his body is tiny, especially for a superstar. Well I got to thinking about the fact that Punk being straight edge means he can’t have used steroids, meaning he doesn’t have the advantage many other guys could have in getting so big. I don’t know if anyone else has had these thoughts too, but it really got me wondering.

So what do you think? Does anyone think that a lot of the other guys are on steroids in WWE? Could the Punk being straight edge point contribute to the validity of that statement? Like stated before, I don’t know how many guys in WWE are on steroids, and frankly, I don’t really care.
Do I think that other guys are on steroids? Yes and No.

Yes to certain wrestlers such as Batista, there are possibilities such as Orton, Cena, and then there is no such as wrestlers like Punk, Swagger, Jericho.

I do believe that the straight edge element that he has made his choice of lifestyle and that means no alcohol and no drugs including steroids IMO. I enjoy Punk although a good amount of people don't. I believe that he worked hard to get here though the Indy promotions then ROH. With the lifestyle, his body will break down slower than others and we could be in for the long haul with Punk.
Look At Triple H and Batista now compared to 10 years ago, they are frickin monsters. When they first came to WWE they were normal size like that of Jericho and now they have muscles where no human should have them. You can't tell me sometime or another they didn't do the juice.
when you get injured sometimes doctors give you steroids ( like a knee injury) why not take full advantage of them and hit the gym?

Look at rey back when he was in ECW or early in WCW he was the size of a school girl. A knee injury or two later, now look at him. The same could be said for HHH(this won't stop my HGH chants tho)

As for Punk, I thought straight edge people don't drink, smoke, fuck, or fight. I bet punk breaks two of them(I won't say what two)
Punk looks like the elitist Straight Edge him and steroids are probably out of the question. I agree with most of the members in this thread.
well maybe this is how punk turns heel...loses the straight edge life style. seriously though, all wrestlers get bigger over time. like cheech said look at guys like HHH. when he first came he was just a little bigger than colin delaney now hes a monster
There is no doubt in my mind that CM Punk never has used and never will use steroids of any kind. Unlike pretty much everyone else on the roster. Punk's gimmick is isn't a gimmick. It's how he actually lives his life, which is alright by me. I could see Punk definitely using his straight edge lifestyle to help him get over as a top heel. I can already hear him talking down to everyone because his life choices are better than theirs. Here's to the hopes that the WWE doesn't drop the ball and let's Punk show his true potential....which he hasn't come close to in the WWE imo. I for one would love to see him pull off a pepsi plunge (pedigree off the top rope) in a WWE ring sometime.
Look at Punk. If he's on steroids, they're not doing much good. The guy is a stick. He's in shape clearly, but there's next to no muscle definition or anything like that at all on him. Benoit was cut and muscled, as were several other guys that have been busted. As for how many people are on steroids, I'd say there's at least some. I have a distinct feeling that the wellness policy catches a lot more people than we hear about, or they're warned to cycle off of them in advance. It just seems odd to me that practically no A-list guy has even been busted for steroids. Guys like Batista seem like obvious candidates, but to be fair, at least that we know of, no one has ever tested positive for anything illegal. Steroids are a part of sports, despite their being illegal and they always will be. The wellness policy likely helps, but it isn't the solution to everything. The straightedge aspect helps a lot though, as it's someone the company can point to and say, this guy is clean and look at the results. Does anyone remember Punk getting hurt? I don't. The guy is over and he's a success with no marks against him. That's a very valuabe asset to the company, especially in today's sports world.
Punk wasn't always as big(or not) as he is now. I remember watching one of his shoot interviews and he mentioned that a Japanese promoter said that he was too small, so he ate more and lifter heavier weights. Since he's gotten a little bigger,he's stayed the same size unlike guys like Triple H,Batista and others who have been on the juice.
Do I think Punk is on the juice? Hell no. He's been roughly the same size since his ROH/TNA/Indy days & I don't think he ever will use steroids & with that being said, I believe his body will last for a long long time & he won't end up like numerous wrestlers who have died at a young age. Like I said earlier, he's stayed roughly the same size throughout his wrestling career where unlike guys like Triple H, Batista & some others who have gotten much bigger due to them being on the juice.
Triple H's steroid use is the most noticable. there was one point in his career that he looked absolutely shreded. I know he got off them at least for a little bit before Stephanie got pregnant for the time though.
Punk being "straight edge" means nothing. That's a gimmick. Hogan said to pray and eat stero...uh...vitamins.

No, I don't think Punk is juicing. It never crossed my mind.

I honestly can't say if any of the other guys are using. I think they'd be stupid to try.

But, at this point, I really don't care anymore. I watch wrestling to be entertained. While I do respect many of the wrestlers, especially for their charity work, and for acts of kindness I've read that they have engaged in, I do not consider them role models.

I consider no sports figure a role model, therefore I couldn't care less.

If a guy can entertain me better by juicing, and he's dumb enough to ruin his body, go right ahead.

As far as Benoit is concerned, it has never been proven in the least that steroids had anything at all to do with what happened. I think it takes far more than steroids to make a father and husband kill the two most important people in his life.

The sooner that stupid rumor is put to bed, the better I'll like it.

Bottom line is wrestlers are human beings, and human beings do what they want to do. I don't worry about it.
I don't think Punk has ever used steroids. The question I'm asking is do you think with the fact that being straight edge, thus, not a steroid user, has something to do with Punk being smaller than most of the roster? And how does that correlate with the other wrestlers in the industry that aren't staight edge, but have much more muscle mass?
"Punk being "straight edge" means nothing. That's a gimmick."

Really dude ....does that explain all the tattoos punk has ....his belief is genuine
cm has never and will never juice plain and simple
Punk being "straight edge" means nothing. That's a gimmick.
Dude just no.

Punk being Straight Edge is not just a gimmick. He follows the straight Edge lifestyle to a T. No drinking, No smoking, no illegal drugs, (or drugs of any kind of I'm not mistaken) and no promiscous sex. IF Vince wanted to push a 100% drug free Superstar as the face of the WWE this would be the man he should go to

As for others some of them were/are on steroids but I really don't care. What people do in private is none of my business
Well the truth is HHH is taking steriods due to his injuries, batista is taking them as well. It only makes u ripped so if you see a wrestler just leave a whimp and come back on top then its probably due to steriods. I am sick of people saying oh john cena is on steriods, first if you follwed the life of cena is worked out all the time when he was young, and it is possible to look like that, He started young and he still works out.. Now as for Randy Orton he is prob on a prescription for his soldier injury.. So i really don;t care if they take them, It's there body and if they want to increase there muscles to stay on top then so be it...
I don't think Punk shoots up, but saying he dose not look like he dose is dumb now days.
Look at A-Rod he is not built like a monster, nor is Mary J. Blaigh both have been said to have used them. So don't let size fool you.

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