WWE General Complaints Thread

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WWE is seriously spitting in the face of the main roster divas. It's been pretty clear the frustrations the entire main roster has because of the time and success NXT roster has and they continue to treat the divas horribly. Tonight on RAW we saw the Bellas defeat Paige & Emma in less than a minute. Now I get if this was a summer Rae vs Cameron match. But we are talking about the best diva on the roster (Paige) and the divas champion. This had the potential to be a good match and let Emma get in the spotlight now that Naomi and Nattie are out the divas division for the moment.

With them obviously having no focus on the division going into wrestlemania, what can we expect to see for the card?
The Diva's division has gone from focusing on wrestling to the reality bullshit called Total Diva's. So much different from NXT where the woman are actually allowed to wrestle.
Is anyone really surprised? I'm not. My money's on another diva battle royal this year that will still somehow end up being less than ten minutes, because, you know, they need an hour to plug WWE's social media exploits.
I get where you're coming from, but look at the big picture, and realise that on a 2 and a half hour show(after commercials are taken out :D ) even the MAIN EVENT of Mania got like what, a minor segment in a show dedicated actually to a regurgitated "the Authority Working things out with Orton" storyline, ntm, the WWE World Heavyweight Champion didn't even show up. :shrug:

So, yeah, the Divas are being shit on, but so is everything else not involving the Authority, tbh. :banghead:
I usually just spank it during Divas matches and tonight's epic was far to long. Entrances and exits are enough. Is this not what other fans do?

I think they were running short on time. They also rushed the Axle/Ryback segment.
They are poorly attempting to keep playing the Nikki cheats to win, so if cheap shots take out Paige and a rookie, why am I surprised that the more experience, do-anything-to-win team won? Im not. If they are that upset about it, ask to go to NXT or TNA or they can just be valets
Not exactly on topic, but Nikki Bella's acting skills aren't even up to 90's porn actress Chasey Lain standards. Every time she speaks I cringe.
WWE is seriously spitting in the face of the main roster divas. It's been pretty clear the frustrations the entire main roster has because of the time and success NXT roster has and they continue to treat the divas horribly. Tonight on RAW we saw the Bellas defeat Paige & Emma in less than a minute. Now I get if this was a summer Rae vs Cameron match. But we are talking about the best diva on the roster (Paige) and the divas champion. This had the potential to be a good match and let Emma get in the spotlight now that Naomi and Nattie are out the divas division for the moment.

With them obviously having no focus on the division going into wrestlemania, what can we expect to see for the card?

IMO, if WrestleMania was next week, I could see a Nikki vs. Paige rematch but with AJ returning, it could be a triple threat.

I assume Natayla and Naomi will accompany their husbands for their matches at WrestleMania. I wish Nattie and Naomi were in the mix for the Divas Championship. They literally took Nattie out of title picture and got her more involved with Kidd even though she beat Nikki.
Whenever NXT superstars get called to the main roaster, they get watered down. It's wasted hype and excitement when you route for a certain superstar so much, only to find out he wont be as entertaining as he was on NXT. Damien Sandow completely ruined. Leo Kruger character switch to a horrible Adam Rose. The Ascension another character switch from something original to an absolute rip off. Only thing remaining is their name. Even Daniel Bryan as Bryan Danielson on NXT was far more entertaining than any crap I saw on the main roaster character wise. There's too many limitations imposed on these wrestlers to the point where you just scream and yell "enough is enough" off the top of your lungs. They call NXT the future of the business, but when it's really time to shine and lace their boots for the main roaster, they just show up as programmed machines doing what they're told to do. Big E is another prime example of how they ruined him from being this potential monster of eliminating whatever is on his path, all the way to being this watered down "good day" crappy gimmick.
With the whole Lesnar contract stuff, it just pisses me off more that he is the one to end Takers streak. I know this is about a year late on the streak ending, but when the payoff a year later is Lesnar and Vince in a contract dispute, I've had it.

Why did you do it WWE? I know why you think you did, to make Lesnar look like the unstoppable Beast. We already thought of him as that before he ended the streak, and now he's going to leave and you got no pay off for ending one of the best things you had going.

Good job! :banghead:

This is just another thing. Just when I think the WWE is about the right the ship, I realize a crazy man is behind the wheel. I know Vince can't force contracts on people, thought that doesn't stop him from trying, but this whole thing just tells me that they had no end game for ending the streak and they just did it as an F'U to the fans.

I feel like at last years Mania, Vince and Kevin Dunn sat back stage all pissed of that the fan's had forced their hand in giving Bryan the championship, so to get back at us they took the streak away. Yes conspiracy theory, but whatever I'm just ranting at this point.

I feel lately the WWE has been trying to force things down our throat no mater how much we tell them to stop, and now it looks like the streak ending may blow up in there face. If Lesnar dose leave after Mania, which it look very likely, they they made a huge mistake letting him break the streak. Don't get me wrong, I was ok with the steak ending as long at it had a good payoff, and this didn't.
WWE RAW ending these days are milking out to much. It's so incredible long segments that's just lose the intensity.

When you watched WCW/WWF you never wanted it to end. It was a build-up getting extatic at the end of the show, and it going out of time you marked out everytime.

Are WWE milking the end to much? I'm like watching "Ok, is it the end...?" The ending is way to long in WWE.

When it was WCW/NWO/WWF it was like "nooo, it shouldn't end now, can't waiit for next week!!!!"

Cena defeated Rusev, pretty much clean. Seriously? AGAIN? We saw this last year, we see this again this year. GIVE SOMEBODY ELSE A CHANCE VINCE, FOR FUCK SAKE.
I just canceled my network subscription and I'm well aware nobody really cares but if it's ok just let me get this off my chest. Why in the hell did Triple H need to beat Sting? Why in the Hell did this turn into a WCW vs WWE match when WCW went out of business 13 or 14 years ago? I mean this was never about WCW. It was about Sting, Steve Borden whom busted his butt in the business the past 30 years or so and never had a bad thing said about him. Triple H has plenty of matches left in him why couldn't he let Sting and his huge fan base have this one match? Why in the hell couldn't this have been an old school match which the crowd was eating up until the crap hit the fan with all the run ins? Was WWE upset that Sting got such great reactions? Were they hoping fans didn't remember him? You know I've been enjoying NXT and the WWE product in general but I just can't support a company that is run by adults with middle school egos and attitudes. I may be the only one and that's cool because people should spend their hard earned money on any form of entertainment they choose but from now on my WWE money will just go towards attending more football games. WWE just isn't fun anymore.
I also wanted to say that this is my last thread on these forums and just wanted to say all of you guys are super cool. Mods included. If any of you are familiar with me I'm pretty much just a troll lol. I've made plenty of outlandish trollish topics none of which were true or really expressed my opinions it was just me being a trollish jerk. A big thank you to the mods for not banning me long ago lol. You guys are great and this is a awesome wrestling forum, best one on the internet. I hope you guys keep enjoying the product. Thanks guys.
I agree with him 100% about that match, there was absolutely no reason for HHH to walk away the winner of that match other than he and Vinces egos.
I really didn't see the point in HHH winning that match against Sting. I also didn't see the point of The Rock coming out to confront HHH without neither of them announcing a renewal of their rivalry where they finally face off again.

Sting really can't afford to lose much before facing Undertaker (if that happens) because everyone will just assume Sting would win after a few loses. If that match is to happen, Undertaker needed to win his match tonight (as he did) and Sting will need to have a winning streak in order for me to truly feel unsure of who will win their bout.

The HHH/Sting match literally meant nothing to Paul Levesque's career and yet was easily the grandest stage Sting had ever performed. Given his career, the respect he has, and for the mystique behind the possibly eventual Undertaker match, Sting should have won.
Yup, absolute joke that Sting lost.

The reason? Vince controls WWE and his ego won't allow him to let a totally WCW-made guy win possibly his only WrestleMania match against his major-part-of-WWE for 15 years, son-in-law Triple H.

That's the only reason. Sting winning is much better for business than Triple H winning but this side-story in WWE won't matter to WWE's overall budget so Vince doesn't care because if Sting vs Triple H helped sell one more ticket or get one more Network subscription (hopefully one that doesn't cancel right away) then he is happy.

But, I guess, you can't expect anything different. If the tables were turned and WCW was like WWE now and Triple H was the guy from the defunct WWE coming to WCW's WrestleMania for the first and maybe only time, Ted Turner would have Sting beat Triple H, too.
I just canceled my network subscription and I'm well aware nobody really cares but if it's ok just let me get this off my chest. Why in the hell did Triple H need to beat Sting? Why in the Hell did this turn into a WCW vs WWE match when WCW went out of business 13 or 14 years ago? I mean this was never about WCW. It was about Sting, Steve Borden whom busted his butt in the business the past 30 years or so and never had a bad thing said about him. Triple H has plenty of matches left in him why couldn't he let Sting and his huge fan base have this one match? Why in the hell couldn't this have been an old school match which the crowd was eating up until the crap hit the fan with all the run ins? Was WWE upset that Sting got such great reactions? Were they hoping fans didn't remember him? You know I've been enjoying NXT and the WWE product in general but I just can't support a company that is run by adults with middle school egos and attitudes. I may be the only one and that's cool because people should spend their hard earned money on any form of entertainment they choose but from now on my WWE money will just go towards attending more football games. WWE just isn't fun anymore.

Why couldn't Sting sign for WWE back in 2001? Why couldn't Sting sign for WWE back at Wrestlemania 18 where he was scheduled to face Kurt Angle? Why couldn't Sting sign for WWE at Wrestlemania 27 where he was due to face Taker? Sting has beaten around the bush for 14 years now and has very little to offer WWE where as Triple H offers WWE much much more.

I thought it was a little strange Triple H went over but it was the right move. Sting could be done with WWE now for all we know so him winning would do nothing.
Desperately wish WWE didn't decimate it's cruiserweight division (and title). been thinking with guys like Neville, outstanding performer, but he's been mainly feuding with Barrett and Sheamus and some of his matches have been a little samey, as he's appeared on TV a lot since debuting. I wish he had some of the heel cruiserweights of 10-11 years ago of similar size and build to himself to work with that he could build more of an in-ring connection with. The more open and relevant tag division they had then would've been good for him too. I hope they still manage to use Neville well, but I can't help thinking that he'd be better suited to a different looking roster
Ever since that story about Bill DeMott broke about the NXT bullying he's done since Rusev's name was in it, Rusev has been losing matches, and gradually Lana being pushed away, and now he's got an injury and they probably told Ryback to injure him like they told Ryback to injure CM Punk. This is conspiracy. And Rusev is now at home while Lana is on the road. This is his real life girlfriend so how is he going to protect her against these thugs from being raped? And WWE fans are so foolish they think that Lana should show her tits and ass, and there is nothing wrong with a man looking out for his woman but they make his character into a caveman and abusive which is not the way he really must be if he could score a really gorgeous woman like that. I liked seeing Rusev crush people because it was fun to see who could stand up to him, but ever since that story broke I am saying he's been the one who's been crushed.
I've been doing some thinking lately about WWE. Trying to wonder why I don't care anymore. Why I don't watch Raw/Smackdown. When something disappointing happens, I lose interest fast.

Obvious answers is WWE has become water down. There is a growing amount of superstars from NXT to WWE. We have a lot of characters to focus on, and we are not seeing most of them. WWE is always trying to push a new guy into our faces and if we dont connect they get forgotten.

Biggest problem which I realized last night was, WHAT IS THE STORY RIGHT NOW?

The Authority are a joke. I have no clue what they are. Heel? Some days. Setph involvement with this diva story line sort of made her seem out of Character. I find they are only in the heel spotlight when Cena/Bryan/Reigns are involved in the title. When Brock showed up against Seth, Triple H was sorta all over the place with his lines. Though Kane and J and J Security are helping Seth making Brock look like the good guy though Brock is now feuding with Taker?

Authority need to establish they are Heel, they fully back Seth in any way possible. No one is challenging them like Bryan did, and we need that story. I want Seth to soon have Friction with Triple H. Triple H putting the odds against Seth and Seth not liking that as a heel would. We need some clarity in out story.

John Cena. His US title reign has changed my full opinion on him. I always liked the guy outside the ring, and I understand he can have amazing feuds. Now, with his long career his finally stepping up with the young talent, and helping talent get noticed. From his match with Stardust, Zayn, Cesaro and Owens. I enjoy his weekly Title defense, and putting on great matches. So whats the problem? STORY LINE. Its why im not a fan of Cena. As many know, he has a big say in bookings and his weakness is that. His feuds always end so flat. Even if he loses the belt, its just so flat and lackluster.
With Owens at Battleground I believe it should of been no contest. They both have 1 win. So why not enforce the 20 min time limit. Or Double Countout. A draw somehow. End the feud at summerslam. WWE has to know their feud draws. Their matches are 5 star matches and in my opinion will be feud of the year/match of the year. They work perfectly. So why ruin that? We want to see one more match. I would of had a 30min iron man match at summerslam for the title. Doesn't matter who wins (though it should be owens) it ends a feud and story line properly.

What is going on with the IC title? Why is the miz involved if his just going to be a squash guy for big show?
What is Rusev and Ziggler? WHAT HAPPENED TO RUSEV? ( Oh yeah another flat ending cena story line) Also get rid of summer rae
Wade Barret MATTERS, if you have someone win king of the ring, let it matter, not have non stop matches with R truth, and lose most of this matches.
Tag team....this is ugly. Year ago we had Usos vs Wyatts. We had Golddust and stardust. We had tag teams. Now what do we have? Lack of story line, Prime time players are back together in lack of logic. New Day, a team thats hard to get behind even to hate. Los...whatever they are called. Just a embarrassment. Ascension? Put them back on NXT their gimmick doesn't work on the big stage.

I can go on and on. WWE needs to worry about storylines again. Attitude era was great not because it was pg 13, but there was story.
WWE needs to learn how to end a feud/story. They need to let go some people, and have some better focus. ALSO stop bring everyone up from NXT. Owens was there for a short time. He had more people to fight.

I know this was long, and ranting, but there are amazing talent in WWE. I will actually argue that in the last few years WWE has had the best Talent they ever had, but they don't know how to time manage and write a good story line.

OH LASTLY. SETH VS CENA At Summerslam is a big no no. Cena needs to keep feuding with mid card/young talent. Thus why Owens vs Cena made the most sense. Seth options for Summerslam is limited. I get it they want big match for the main event. I would of went with Seth vs Sting. ( I know crazy right? But it makes a lot of sense)
Yes, this is another Hulk Hogan thread, but with a digital twist.

I, like many others, started watching Professional Sports Wrestling Entertainment at a young age. I know I've said I'm a Jericho-holic time and time again, but what attracted me to this specific genre of entertainment was the yellow and red Maniac known as Hulk Hogan. I've seen him before, on shows, cartoons, toys, etc. It was until Spring of 1989, right around WrestleMania V, was when I started to practice McMahonism. To say Hulk Hogan was a...no...the influence that drew me in, would be a drastic understatement.

Over time, my favorites changed. It changed to the point where Hulk Hogan dropped in my own personal top 5 list to 5B. In case you were wondering, My list goes like this.

1 - Chris Jericho
2A - Stone Cold Steve Austin
2B - The Rock
4 - Kurt Angle
5A - Ric Flair
5B - Hulk Hogan

Now fast forward to last night. I was taking my son out to look for something to buy with his gift cards that he got for his recent Birthday. To my surprise, I see WWE 2K15 for only $30!! That significant price drop doesn't usually happen until the next one, in this case WWE 2K16, is released. I jumped on the offer immediately, without any hesitation. As soon as I got home, I fired up the XBOX 360 Elite (or as I like to call it, the XBOX EGO), and started downloading the downloadable content. I downloaded the Showcase Pass (with the accelerator and exclusive Paige character), the WCW pack, NXT Arrival, the New Moves pack, and the Sting pack. One can understand the excitement I was feeling, as some of you probably went through this last year.

Can anyone guess what I saw, or didn't see?? Anyone?? Anyone?? I didn't see the Hulk Hogan pack!! All these thoughts just ran through my head. How could WWE do this?? How could 2K Sports do this?? How could Take-Two Interactive do this?? How could Microsoft / XBOX do this?? How could Gawker do this?? How could Hulk Hogan be so stupid!?

I spent most of last night and most of today searching the internet, looking for a way to get the (not) Immortal (anymore) One into my WWE 2K15 game. Not so funny thing is, I actually looked for the Hulk Hogan pack a day or two after the news broke, just to see if it was still there. It was, and I thought it was safe. I figured, sure they can exclude him from future games and merchandise, but at this point in time, there's no way they would take him out of an already released game. Well, I was wrong.

I am a selective completionist, if that's a word / term. I've been collecting the XBOX WWE games since they debuted. I have Raw, Raw 2, and WrestleMania 21 for the original XBOX. For the XBOX 360, I have Smackdown vs. Raw 2007 to 2011, WWE 12 and 13, WWE 2K14 and 2K15, as well as Legends of WrestleMania, and All-Stars. I have also collected all of the DLC...well, except for the WWE 2K15 Hulk Hogan pack, of course.

If there is any possible way for me to get the real HHH, Hollywood Hulk Hogan DLC for the XBOX 360, please let me know.

If you got this far, thanks for letting me vent. I'm not as disgruntled as you may think...I'm worse. What cha gonna do...what cha gonna do!?
i once said Charlotte was about mid range in the diva ranks I've watched her a lot more and I was wrong... She needs to be GONE, in TNA at best. She's there cause her daddy's name.. She's horr!!! Here's my ranks
Sasha banks
Alexa bliss
The new Japanese lady
Alicia fox
Rene young
The bell lady
The fan in seat 77a

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