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Who will Lesnar face at Mania

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If this thread has already been made, delete me. I tried to search but really did not find anything solid.

When Punk was in the ring with VKM during his "Contract Negotiation" on Raw, Punk stated to Vince that "Dwayne" vs Cena can still happen, but the match Punk will be in @ WM will be the "main event"

This almost makes me think that Punk vs Taker.... I mean, whats more Main event than the WM Taker Match?

It is my humble opinion that if this does happen, given how over Punk is... I think we might see Takers first and only loss to Punk. It makes sense to me. Even tho I never want to see Taker lose, I would accept it if it were done right.

What are your thoughts?
I think CM Punk vs The Undertaker makes sense. It gives Taker a fresh opponent & Punk a huge Wrestlemania match.

But I do not think Punk will end the Streak. I think Undertaker will win & then retire. Just being in the match & seen as a threat to the streak will be big enough, no one should end it. Outside of Punk who is there really to challenge Taker? Sting is in TNA. Goldberg isn't wrestling anymore. Lesnar is still in UFC. Hogan can't go anymore. So Punk makes the most sense for both of them.
Well firstly it would be at WM28 as WM27 happened a few months ago and Taker barely beat HHH, he didn't even walk out, he was carted out.

I am of the opinion that that should have been Takers final match, because at the end of that match he looked done, period, end of story.

Punk will more than likely face Stone Cold or HHH at WM28, and won't be anywhere near Taker if Taker even has another match or not. If Taker does indeed have another match he is going to win it and having him beat Punk would be stupid. Punk needs his big Wrestlemania win this year and I think like I said he gets it over Austin or HHH.
I am on the side of. I think he will go 20-0. And, I also feel this will be the last WM we will see the Undertaker.

BUT....... if I had to be on the side of saying he is going to lose. I do not think it would be Punk. If taker is going to lose, he will put over a huge name, and probably someone he respects. Punk is one of the biggest stars going NOW. But he is not on that level by far.

Could I see it being Cena? Maybe.. Or Orton, maybe not... Could be an Undertaker/HBK 3.

But I think, after it is all said and done, The Taker will take the streak to the Hall of Fame....
Just saw a thread about someone's thoughts on a possible CM Punk/Undertaker Wrestlemania match and it got me to thinking. If Hulk Hogan could still go and put on a 20-30 minute match, would he be the man to end the streak? Could you imagine the conversation and walk-thru of that match between VKM, Hogan, and Taker? Wow!

So what do you guys think? Would Hogan job to Taker or would Taker retire 19-1?
The Undertaker vs. The Miz


Let CM Punk go at it with Triple H at Mania. It's the obvious feud they should go with.
Except The Miz has lost at WrestleMania. The Colons beat him and Morrison to unify the tag titles at WrestleMania XXV. And don't give me the "it happened on the pre-show so it doesn't count" stuff. It was on the DVD, so the WWE recognizes its existence.

On topic, I don't think Punk takes on Undertaker. It's either Triple H or Stone Cold, IMO. It'll probably be Triple H, but I'd prefer it to be Stone Cold (with the HUGE caveat that Steve Austin can be the Steve Austin of old). If Austin cannot give it his all, then a match between Punk and Hunter makes the most sense. Also, I think that would be a great match.

P.S. OP, how can you say in your sig that you love the Attitude Era but hate Stone Cold Steve Austin? There is no Attitude Era without Austin.
I like that idea. I don't think Punk needs to win though. Undertaker would put him over just by CM Punk being in that match. It also does make sense if they were to make this match happen.

CM Punk vs HHH would be great too and it would also put over CM Punk. This could turn Punk into the company's face. Long shot, but you never know.

I don't think CM Punk vs Austin wold be a good idea in the same pay per view as The Rock vs John Cena. That match alone is going to sell this mania for a lot of fans, so why not make CM Punk vs Austin for the mania after. I think that would make more sense unless Austin wanted to steal some of the Rock's spotlight which I don't see happening.
The Undertaker vs. The Miz


Let CM Punk go at it with Triple H at Mania. It's the obvious feud they should go with.

How about Undertaker vs. Cole....Streak vs. Streak? lol just kidding.

I hope Taker can physically go one more 'Mania match. Also, I hope he wins because I'm sure in the beginning no one pictured the streak getting to 20, but now that it's this close, might as well take it to 20 and then call it a career. Punk will be in a big match, but I don't see it being with Taker. The way it's been the last few years, Taker has come back around Royal Rumble or shortly before 'Mania. Which means it kind of has to be a fued that almost writes itself. For Taker I say maybe Big Show, but I suppose if they give the spot to a younger star then ADR could be a candidate.
Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels III will not happen and I can't see Punk vs. Taker as Punk will likely face Triple H. The most likely opponent for Undertaker at WM 28 is Alberto Del Rio. Though, I wouldn't care to see Del Rio vs. Taker. What I would like to see is Daniel Bryan vs. Undertaker with Bryan ending the streak... Imagine that.
Undertaker has defeated Hogan twice on big stage events for the WWE(F) title so I doubt he would ever be considered to end the streak. That would be a slap in the face of Undertaker's legacy and every fan in the world if Hogan was the one who ended it..
What would be the point of having Hogan beat The Undertaker at WrestleMania? It isn't like the WWE will be building the company around Hogan, also I don't see Taker jobbing to Hogan in this point of his career. I have a funny feeling that IF/WHEN Undertaker loses at WrestleMania it will be not only a passing of the torch to a younger guy, maybe CM Punk, Maybe Miz, etc. but will also be Takers last match in a WWE ring. Undertaker won't allow his last match be against a has been.
I simply do not see a Punk/Undertaker matchup at WM28. I don't think anyone is going to end the streak, nor should anyone. So Punk could not win this matchup, and I don't think that WWE wants to have Punk lose at WM28 to the Undertaker. I don't think Taker will compete at all at WM28. He has one last Wrestlemania left in him. John Cena versus the Undertaker at WM29, with Taker going over Cena to conclude his wrestlemania career with the streak intact. Cue the rematch between Cena and Taker at Survivor Series 2013, with Cena ending Taker's career in a Casket Match. Taker gets stuffed into the Casket and is never seen again (until his induction into the Hall of Fame).

They don't need Taker for WM28, and I don't think he's physically able to go. Plus they already have a potentially stacked card: Cena/Rock, Daniel Bryan/Randy Orton, and CM Punk/Stone Cold Steve Austin.
The streak will never end people! It might in your little dream world but it WILL NOT HAPPEN! The streak is what makes the undertaker a phenom and an icon. Punk vs. Undertaker at WM 28 is great though cause the undertaker will be able to put over punk more even if punk loses. All punk has to do is survive and make it look like he is gonna win maybe get 3 or 4 GTS on taker for 3 or 4 near falls toward the end. Also have taker do a lot of his finishers and let punk kick out of them all just like HHH and HBK did the past 2 wrestlemanias. As for HHH vs. Punk, i see this match happening at survivor series.
I dont think anyone in the wrestling biz considers Hogan as an honorable enough man to let him end the streak. I have no problem with him, but Taker deserves to retire with that streak in tact.
The reason I ask the question guys is because Hogan is still seen today as the man who put wrestling where it is today. He's largely given credit for making VKM and WWE household names and some consider him to still have an enormous ego. So if we're to believe that last one, and given the novelty that the streak has become, would Taker even consider it? Clearly this match is not about putting over someone else, so I don't see happening. But since they have a history, and since both clearly have big ego's, if Hogan agreed to come back and given IF he were healthy enough, is Taker going down? Or would they negotiate the terms to be Hogan gets a fat check to job?
THE STREAK WILL NEVER END! Why would WWE end the one of the greatest accomplishments in the history of the buisness. I mean for real who else has the potential to surpass 20-0 (or 19-0 if Undertaker cant wrestle one more math at WM) at wrestlemania??? No one does!
That's fantasy land, and not even a good a fantasy.

First off, I don't think Hogan has been able to put on a 30 minute match since the 80's. Even if he could and he was in the WWE, why would we want a 60 year old man beating The undertaker. I don't know what he has to offer. Taker has beat Hogan several times before and it'd be a pointless match.

Now if for some far off reason Hogan returned to WWE for one last run with the company. I think he could still pull of a great feud. Maybe with Cena? Like Vince and Cena in a feud with Hogan. In a way it would be like Vince and Cena standing up for the WWE against Hogan.

I don't know, but Hogan ending the streak would be silly. But... Punk ending the streak isn't a bad idea.
That's fantasy land, and not even a good a fantasy.

First off, I don't think Hogan has been able to put on a 30 minute match since the 80's. Even if he could and he was in the WWE, why would we want a 60 year old man beating The undertaker. I don't know what he has to offer. Taker has beat Hogan several times before and it'd be a pointless match.

Now if for some far off reason Hogan returned to WWE for one last run with the company. I think he could still pull of a great feud. Maybe with Cena? Like Vince and Cena in a feud with Hogan. In a way it would be like Vince and Cena standing up for the WWE against Hogan.

I don't know, but Hogan ending the streak would be silly. But... Punk ending the streak isn't a bad idea.

Look, guys! I didn't claim it was a GOOD idea! LOL. I'm just saying..what it?! And with this thought I'm supposing that Hogan is good to go physically. (which I know wouldn't ever happen.)

I guess what really intrigues me about this idea is how Hogan seems to be viewed by wrestling fans. If it came to a head between the 2, which way would the fans go? Hogan or Taker? And why? And would there be any part of those reactions that would be based on real issues? Then I got to wondering about the meetings with Hogan, McMahon, and Taker. Wow! Like to be a fly on that wall!
It's obvious and it's believable and it makes sense what better way to keep Punk relevant than to put him up against the streak and make seem as if he is the guy to do it? They had a good rivalry back in 2009 but with Punk's new found glory their rivalry could be a great send off for Taker and show they really do appreciate Punk as an investment and a talent.
The only thing that this match would accomplish is it would redefine the meaning of a "handicap match".

The back story would be epic and you could convince people that Hogan would never have agreed to do it unless he was guaranteed to win (similar to his win over Warrior in WCW). But the match would suck, Cena and Rock are already a big enough draw, it is unfair to the rest of the roster to give that spot to a guy that has come and gone so many times, and did I mention the match would suck.
Probably ever wrestling fan in the world would go with Undertaker in this match haha. Hogan just dont have the respect from the fans like he used too.

No, most of the IWC may hate Hogan but the general public know & love him. Most of the IWC is nothing more than Pro Wrestling Hipsters.

But no, Hogan would not end the streak now. If they had match at mania in the Federation days, Hulkamania may have been the one loss The Deadman suffered.
I was talking with my friends the other day about the deadmans WM record and we wondered what the point did WWE start to take it seriously because we came to the conclusion that for the a good while the only reason Taker was winning at mania was because he was the most logical man to win over his opponent at that time.

We think that it was around WM X8 against flair because to our knowledge thats when Taker and the WWE started addressing his streak alot more than usual.

What do you guys think?
And he wasent the most logical to win against Ric Flair???? after beating Triple H he year before? madness.
The streak wasent important at wrestlemania 18 his match with flair was because Flair hit The Undertaker with a pipe and The Undertaker retaliated by attacking Arn Anderson and David Flair.
The year they first brought the streak into the feud was Wrestlemania 21 when Randy Orton wanted to kill Undertakers legendary streak as he was the "legend killer" at the time.

Orton wa the first to truelly bring the streak into play at Wrestlemania. After that I cant honestly remember if it was that big in the storylines with Mark Henry or Batista the following 2 years. Correct me if im wrong but it didnt become a big deal till after he defeated Batista for the 15th win. After that every year starting with Edge, it really became a staple match at Mania since then.
Probably, nay, almost certainly wrong here, but I like to think it was WrestleMania 20. Well that's when I like to think WWE came to realise that 'Taker had been on quite a significant winning streak.

When it comes to looking at the streak there are two matches that stand out, the Gonzalez match because it had a DQ finish and the match vs. A-Train & Big Show. With the latter I just don't think they would've promoted it if they saw the undefeated streak as being that important. If they had at the time then A-Train & Nathan Jones would've been nowhere in sight.

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