Ask a Forum Question Thread

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Anything that we can't discuss, such as your example, would probably be in a spam section, yes. But think about it. On a wrestling forum, what topic can we not discuss, and can be solved solely by fact alone, really?
So basically anything based on fact and not opinion has to be in the spam section? Is that what you're saying?

If you're thread question is something like "What's 2+2=?", then yeah, should be in a spam section.
I think I get it now.

So to promote discussion the whole focus is on opinion and everything else is spam. I've just never seen this particular definition of spam before.
To put a pic in a post, do you right click the pic to copy url, then paste it in insert image, delete the http once its in the brackets?
To put a pic in a post, do you right click the pic to copy url, then paste it in insert image, delete the http once its in the brackets?

I just use the image tag and copy can paste the address that the pic is from. Works well for me.

I cant figure out how to get put on a sig somebody gave me. Help! How do I do it?

You have to put the URL for the image in between tags and copy that into your sig.



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