At what point do we admit the obvious? CM Punk is a douche


Excellence of Execution
According to MMA insider Front Row Brian, CM Punk and Colt Cabana are no longer friends, and the two former WWE talents are no longer following each other on Twitter.

Brian notes, in the Tweets below, that Cabana apparently attended a WWE Raw taping, and went backstage and took photos with people, which angered CM Punk as he is amidst a defamation lawsuit with WWE Dr. Chris Amann.
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How much evidence do we need to have before we put CM Punk in the same category as 1996 Shawn Michaels?
I was a huge Punk mark during his time in the WWE, but now he just appears as a snarky and bitter prick. Every time he opens his mouth now I seem to face-palm harder than the last, I'm amazed I still have a face.

He seems remarkably insecure at times, which does surprise me.
He has always reminded me of the typical anti-establishment teenager who listens to screaming music and hates everyone. Liking him as a wrestler and as a human isn't necessary. I think he will get wrecked in his fight and it will be interesting to see what he does then.

But yeah, he's a 10 out of 10 on the douche scale.
Douche? Certainly. But I he isnt petty like that, especially with his inner circle.

Is this just them working us? Probably. Seems just like the thing he would love to pull.
It's a good trait to not take shit; so many people allow others to walk all over them and or are taken advantage of. However, CM Punk doesn't turn that filter off. His holier-than-thou, my-shit-don't-stink, chip on his shoulder attitude just makes me wonder if this guy is just truly miserable. I was as big of a CM Punk fan as there was and I'll admit, I'd like to see him wrestle again. He, as a wrestler, resonates with me more than just about anyone else ever has. But CM Punk, the dude, is a punk. He's the kind of guy that has everyone around him on thin ice. What kind of a life is that?
He's an absolute dickwod. That being said he had some legitimate points in the WWE. Since his departure it's like he's just whining about anything. Let it go dude.
Good wrestler. Cock of a human being. Which is kind of what made him such a good wrestler.

JUST like 1996 Shawn Michaels now that you mention it.
To be fair most WWE top dogs where douches. Just look at Hogan, Flair, Bret , Shawn, StoneCold, HHH, Orton, Lesnar etc. So far for only 2 top guys I havent heard stories about their douchery and they are Rock and Cena. And pretty sure both of them probably have some. Its like a line all top dogs need to have in their psychological profiles.

And yes, Punk is one of them. Dissing the fans and other things he did before are the proof of that.
Been following the Evolution Of Punk, two things:

1. I could beat Punk on the ground. Horrid off his feet.

2. He's built this fucking callous, and looks like he is sarcastic even without knowing it.
I find it hard to hold one in God-like esteem, as Punk was regularly viewed on the forums, if said one is a major jackass.

I don't think anyone was clamouring to say Punk was the nicest and most down-to-earth guy in the world, they just respected his talent and his commitment to the profession, which he later went onto break.
I've always wondered who among us is a fat 19 year old with face paint on, listening to ICP, screaming at his mother from the basement to replenish the Reese's Puffs supply. Shockingly, none of you have revealed yourselves in this thread. I'm proud of you boys.
Was it fate that brought Milenko to post directly after that statement? I mean, replace mother with wife & the picture painted is on point.

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