Championship Match: (3) Shawn Michaels vs. (11) Brock Lesnar

Who Wins The Tournament?

  • Shawn Michaels

  • Brock Lesnar

Results are only viewable after voting.


Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House
This is a the Championship match in the WrestleZone Tournament. It is a standard one on one match, held at Levi's Stadium in Santa Clara, California.


Rules: This is the first round of a three round, one night tournament. Damage taken will carry over to the next round and will be based on the margin and score. For example, if the match is 40-39, it was a back and forth war. If the score was 59-2, it was a squash. The amount of votes also determines the length of the match. For example, 20 votes would be a fairly short match while 100 would be a long, grueling war.


#3. Shawn Michaels

Round 5 Result: Defeated Bret Hart 51-38
Round 6 Result: Defeated Kurt Angle 45-35



#11. Brock Lesnar

Round 5 Result: Defeated Steve Austin 66-30
Round 6 Result: Defeated John Cena 55-35

Polls will be open for seven days following a one day period for discussion. Voting will be based on who you feel is the greater of the two competitors. Post your reasons for why your pick should win below. Remember that this is non-spam and the most votes in the poll win. Any ties will be broken by the amount of posts of support for each candidate, with one vote per poster.

Also remember that this is a non-spam forum. If you post a response without giving a reason for your selection, it will be penalized for spam and deleted.
Shawn Michaels wins this match and he does it in the bottom of the 14th with a slap single to right field. Now let's take a look at why.

Before I get into this, I have a feeling that a good percentage of people who read this will have an opinion close to this:

Brock wins

That certainly would be the case for a lot of opponents for Lesnar, but if there's one thing Shawn Michaels has never been, it's another face in the crowd. Brock Lesnar has won both of his matches in this tournament so far and he's defeated the toughest SOB in the WWF and the man who never gives up to do so. Those victories really shouldn't be surprising when you think about it, as both guys would employ the same style: go right at Brock with everything they had, maybe score two punches, and get throw halfway through the ring on their trip to Suplex City. We saw Cena do it and that's exactly what Austin would try as well.

However, that's not what would happen with Shawn Michaels across the ring from Brock. There's a key to defeating Brock Lesnar and Shawn Michaels is the Keymaster to Brock's Gatekeeper. If that's not enough sci-fi goodness for you, allow me to go back about eight years earlier to explain why Shawn Michaels is the one to put down Brock Lesnar and win this tournament.

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, there was a machine known as the Death Star. Smaller than a moon but too big to be a space station, this new weapon was the ultimate power in the universe. With the ability to destroy an entire planet with a single shot, it was considered completely indestructible and took on whatever dared to come against the Galactic Empire with ease.

After destroying the planet of Alderan and causing a great disturbance in the Force, the Death Star approached the rebel base on Yavin, where the Rebel Alliance sat waiting. However, the Alliance had a plan. Using a set of plans stolen from the Empire, the Alliance figured out that the best way to destroy the Death Star wasn't to come straight at it, but to sneak in where no one was looking in a small fighter and take it out where you never see it coming.

That story is all you need to know to see why Shawn wins. The key to beating Brock is how you wrestle your match against him. Notice that I didn't say go after him, because that is the guaranteed way to lose. Again, let's look back to the Cena match at Summerslam 2014 and see where it went bad. Here's the first thirty seconds of the match broken down:

Opening bell

:01 – Cena makes first contact with Lesnar in the corner

:07 – Cena tries to take Lesnar to the ground

:08 – Lesnar reverses and gets on top of Cena

:09 – Lesnar's first punch connects

:12 – Lesnar punches Cena in the ribs so hard it knocks Cena off his feet

:16 – Lesnar powers Cena back into the corner

:26 – Lesnar hits the first F5

:30 – Cena kicks out at two but Lesnar smiles because he's won the match

John Cena lost that match. Let's jump forward to Wrestlemania XXXI with Lesnar vs. Roman Reigns and do the same thing.

:01 – Reigns makes first contact with Lesnar

:05 – Lesnar has Reigns off his feet

:10 – Lesnar drives Reigns into the corner

:17 – Lesnar hits the first German suplex

:27 – Lesnar hits the first F5

Roman Reigns lost that match. Back in time now for the biggest match of Brock Lesnar's career against the greatest striker in WWE history. From Wrestlemania XXX.

:02 – Undertaker lands his first right hand

:16 – Brock is punched in the corner

:23 – Lesnar hit his first suplex

:31 – Undertaker is clotheslined out to the floor

Undertaker lost that match.

Before I keep going though, let's get something straight: defeating the Undertaker is one of the most overrated in ring moments of all time. We're really supposed to be stunned that Lesnar, a monster, is able to defeat a 48 year old man who hadn't wrestled in nearly a year after getting very close to losing every single time? The moment was shocking, but it's really not that impressive. It's been compared to Ivan Koloff defeating Bruno Sammartino back in 1971. I understand the comparison, but for a very different reason: like Koloff, Lesnar just happened to be the opponent that night.

Is beating an injured and ancient Undertaker really that impressive? I've never really thought so. It's beating someone who is successful one night of the year. Why is it just one night a year? Because Undertaker is almost never around otherwise. He was rusty and banged up, but for some reason Lesnar is suddenly the greatest wrestler of all time because he got one win? That's not how wrestling works. It's a career instead of one night, and that's where Shawn trumps Brock.

Anyway, back to those three matches.

Three matches, four seconds combined, more suplexes than I can count, three losses. Every time, Lesnar's opponent came right at him and every time they came up short. Brock Lesnar is the kind of guy that thrives when he has to absorb offense and weather an early storm before he can start suplexing his opponents into oblivion, setting up the inevitable barrage of F5's.

This is where Shawn Michaels makes it a whole different ball game: he's smart enough to not charge right at Brock and walk into the raw power of a suplex machine. That's the key to defeating Brock Lesnar. As JBL has said so many times when Lesnar comes out, his opponent has to weather the storm. If you're trying to weather a storm, what are you going to do? Charge into it head first, or go on lockdown and try to ride it out until it starts losing its strength?

Shawn Michaels has made a career out of weathering the storm. Let's take a look at some of his most famous victories and see just how he made them work.

First off, let's look at the way the Iron Man match at Wrestlemania XII ended. As you've probably seen before, Shawn got caught in the Sharpshooter with just under a minute left and had to hang on. Once overtime hit, Shawn was barely in any condition to continue, but he staggered around and jumped over Bret Hart in the corner, setting up the first superkick. Both guys were down and then the second superkick connected to give Shawn his first WWF Title. Shawn Michaels won that match by surviving and hitting a quick shot.

Jumping ahead to another (better) match at Summerslam 2002. Shawn was returning to the ring to face off against his old friend HHH, who had become one of the biggest stars in the world, having main evented Wrestlemania to win the WWF Title earlier that year. Ever the evil one, HHH assaulted Shawn's injured back to the point where the fans knew Shawn had made the biggest mistake of his life by wrestling again. HHH set up the Pedigree but Shawn spun out and hit a superkick and nipping up to start his comeback, finaly winning with a rollup. Shawn Michaels won that match by surviving and getting a quick pin.

If that's not enough for you, there's the next pay per view match for Shawn, in the first ever Elimination Chamber at Survivor Series 2002. Shawn was beaten, bloodied and basically in a handicap match against Chris Jericho and HHH. After kicking out of the Lionsault, Shawn kicked Jericho in the face for an elimination. HHH was still evil though and sent the injured back into the steel, Shawn's face through the glass and Pedigreed him for two. Michaels countered another Pedigree and superkicked HHH to win the World Heavyweight Title. Shawn Michaels won that match by surviving and hitting a quick shot to win.

For the big finale of this segment, let's look at the biggest comeback win of Shawn's career. I think you know where we're going here. Back at In Your House XVII, Shawn stepped inside of a Cell with a man that wanted to kill him. Not defeat him, not pin him, but kill him. The Undertaker was at a level of violence that Brock Lesnar wishes he could reach and gave Shawn one of the greatest beatings in the history of wrestling. He rammed Shawn into the Cell and then knocked him off of the Cell, but at the end of the day, Shawn survived and won the match.

As you can see, Shawn Michaels is a wrestler who can take one heck of a beating but survive long enough to win in the end. However, there's more to it than that. Shawn is also the kind of wrestler that Brock Lesnar has had issues with over the years. Let's look back at some of Lesnar's losses. In no particular order:

Survivor Series 2003 – Tapped to Chris Benoit

No Way Out 2004 – Pinned by Eddie Guerrero

Summerslam 2003 – Tapped to Kurt Angle

Vengeance 2003 – Pinned by Kurt Angle

Smackdown – March 13, 2003 – Pinned by Kurt Angle

Noticing a pattern here? People remember Lesnar losing to power guys like Cena, but he has a history of losing to people much smaller than him who wrestle a more fast paced match. It almost happened again with CM Punk at Summerslam 2013 in arguably the match of the year: Punk stuck and moved and only lost because Paul Heyman interfered over and over again. Smaller guys who don't rely on power are Lesnar's Kryptonite, and Shawn is one of the best of all time in that fast paced style.

The other major factor to consider is endurance. Both guys have had two long matches already tonight, but this is a bigger issue for Lesnar than it is for Michaels. The obvious reason would be the extra weight that Brock carries (on those skinny legs of his), but more importantly, the longer this goes, the more it favors Shawn due to Lesnar's lack of a strong chin.

Think back on the matches with Cena at Extreme Rules 2012 and Reigns at Wrestlemania XXXI. Lesnar dominated for a long time, but it took one mistake for the other guy to take over. Cena barely had any offense but a single chain shot to the head and an AA was enough to put Lesnar down for a pin. The same is true with Reigns: he had Lesnar reeling after about fifteen minutes of getting his head beat in but held on long enough to get in a few shots, which suddenly had the match even. Brock is great when he's on offense, but it all falls apart when it's time to play defense.

Finally, if you want to get historical, let's look at the same basic formula. Back in 1993, no one had ever seen anything like Vader. He was big, strong, way more athletic than someone his size should be, and ruthless. In the other corner was a man named Ric Flair, who was just a wrestler in boots and trunks. However, he was faster, smarter, and capable of making Vader go longer in the match than anyone else had ever made him go.

The match started with Vader running over Flair and proceeding to give him one of the worst beatings of his life. However, it was Flair who walked out that night when Vader started to run out of gas and couldn't punch his way out of trouble anymore. At the end of the day, Flair made Vader miss and grabbed a rollup for the pin. How appropriate that Shawn is often considered a modern Flair and Lesnar and Vader are so similar. Same wrestlers, same story, same result.

At the end of the day, this is the same story that we saw in the greatest movie of all time: Rocky III. When Rocky goes right after Clubber Lang, the fight lasts two rounds and sees the young monster knock the guy with great hair into the middle of next week. However, when Rocky smartens up and makes Lang expend all the energy he has, it's open season on Lang's face and Rocky gets the win in a huge upset.

Now how can you argue with the movie that gave us Thunder Lips, which gave us Hulk Hogan, which gave us modern wrestling? Voting against Shawn is voting against wrestling history and just plain wrong. Not just because it could create a paradox that could destroy the entire universe, but because Shawn is the perfect wrestler to take down Lesnar, despite taking the beating of his life. He would survive and find a way to win, just like he did time after time after time. Yeah Shawn is coming into this match worn down and tired, but you know what happens when Shawn is worn down? People get kicked in the face.
You can't ignore that HBK has a decent record against unstoppable monsters, guys like Vader, Diesel and Undertaker are 3 guys that fell to Michaels at his prime and in the case of Vader, he was pretty much booked as unstoppable going into that match, even pinning HBK in the PPV beforehand. Truth is, he has a better chance of beating Lesnar than Cena did, Lesnar does much better against big guys like Cena than smaller guys like HBK and always has. Although Cena and Austin are bigger stars than HBK and arguably even better wrestlers they wrestle a style that someone like Lesnar can weather, HBK is a lot more intelligent between the ropes and has many weapons to put Lesnar down, a lot more than Sweet Chin Music.

With that said, Michaels isn't unstoppable against juggernauts either, guys like Sid and Diesel have found ways to put Michaels down for the count not to mention he doesn't have the best record against strong technical wrestlers either, sure he has beaten Bret Hart and Angle but in both cases it took Michaels more than 1 try to get a win, it took some trial and error to get the job done with both juggernauts and strong technicians. Can Michaels beat Lesnar? Yes he can but I seriously question if he can do it in their first ever meeting. Yes he can beat the monster as illustrated above but in all above cases except Undertaker (and that took massive amounts of help) he didn't get it done on the 1st try. At the same token though, Michaels DID beat Lesnar a few years prior in this very tournament which makes this match up very interesting.

Onto Lesnar, he's not the same guy as he was 2 years ago and he has accomplished some pretty good feats since then, as much as some would hate to admit, he accomplished 2 things that HBK was never able to do, take the title from John Cena and end The Undertakers streak at Wrestlemania. Lesnar has broken down doors that HBK was never able to do and I think it's unfair to overlook that. Overall, Lesnar has shown to be much more dominant than he was right after he lost to Triple H. Sure Michaels has beaten monsters like Lesnar but has he ever faced a monster who was also a strong technical wrestler? As of this post I can't recall one.

Michael's can beat Lesnar in this tournament, Michaels HAS beaten Lesnar in this tournament but this is also a beast that is a lot more stronger and a lot more dominant than their previous match. Michaels did beat Lesnar but he's not facing the same Lesnar he fought 2 years ago and he may need more than 1 match to figure out a way to put THIS Lesnar down for the 3 count. As of now I'm undecided which is kind of funny since I thought last round it would be a stream roll for Lesnar but now when I really think about it I'm not so sure.
Shawn Michael's can indeed defeat Brock Lesnar, but he's not the better man. Brock Lesnar hasn't just evolved into a more intense version of his younger self, he's a smarter version of himself as well.

Think about it; if you were a mass of humanity that large and imposing, how would your opponents prepare for you? If they study your matches, they might choose to outlast you. Don't go in with your most exhausting maneuvers until you've noticed that Brock is gassed. They would take classes in countering the various suplexes Brock usually utilizes. They hit the gym, hug their loved ones, they listen to the Rocky theme a thousand times and decide that they're going to win this one for the good guys.

As Brock Lesnar, you have the advantage of knowing that your opponents have a flawed strategy. Brock hardly exerts himself to perform one of his many choices of suplex, he recognizes that he's a large object that requires great exertion to move. Brock, the bigger man, uses their own strategy against them.

Shawn dances around the ring and makes every attempt to get in Brock's head, utilizing the referee and an occasional eye poke. Brock throws wild haymakers that just can't connect, Shawn has Brock stumbling in his fatigued stupor with jabs and kicks. Shawn blocks the suplexes, reverses the F5s and finesses his way toward looking like he's making a fool of Brock Lesnar. Shawn's experience shows through and he prepares for some sweet chin music. Brock grabs his ankle and stares at Shawn while laughing.

It's done. You already know the rest. All the hope and prayers in the world can't prevent the inevitable.

Brock Lesnar, 2015 Wrestlezone Tournament Champion.
Well KB has covered everything I was going to say, so instead I'll give you an example of how and why this is exactly the kind of match Shawn wins.

Let's go back to Backlash 2008, a 43 year old Shawn has just retired Flair and is now facing the wrath of a big rampaging "Animal", Batista, who has been manhandling him for weeks.
How does that match end? Let's have a look


Shawn wins by simply being smarter. He fakes a knee injury, Dave turns his back for a second and that's all it takes.
It'd be the same story here because that's what Shawn does, he is the real ultimate opportunist, the guy who will always find a way when he's up against it. Shawn is way too smart to get into a fight with Brock, he'd drag this match out past 30 minutes just waiting for that split second when Brock drops his guard, then it's lights out for old Glassjaw Penischest.
Is the evidence that Brock Lesnar has a glass jaw from his MMA career? Even so, I'd sooner have a glass jaw than a China spine. I haven't decided which way to vote, and I hope they both lose, but I will make my mind up eventually.

One thing I will say though is that if the quality of arguments for Shawn Michaels is what we have already seen, then this is a farce.
Simply put, Shawn Michaels is a better pro wrestler than Brock Lesnar. And thus he should win. Brock is an attraction like Taker or Andre. But even less of a big deal than they are considering he isn't all that marketable and he doesn't draw. He works 6 matches a year and gets paid an absurd amount of money. Less impressive when you realize that Brock isn't a bigger name than the industry and the WWE really doesn't need him to be a full time star.

This is not MMA. This is not a shoot match. Brock beat Cena for the title and very nearly lost the rematch. He isn't some unbeatable god that spent years and years as this juggernaut. He's Goldberg-lite.

Shawn wasn't the biggest draw, he wasn't the best champion, he isn't the biggest or the fastest. Hell, he probably isn't the best seller or even the best pure showman. But he's still better than Lesnar across the board and should easily win this match.

Vote Michaels. For the sake of pro wrestling.
Cases can be made for both guys to win; it could go either way. Michaels had a more storied career, and he's faced just about everyone over a 20+ year career. That in itself would probably elevate him over Brock. Now Brock isn't your typical big man. I know Diesel and Sid were brought up, but those dudes were no where on the same level as Lesnar. This could be a brutal match, with both his dishing and taking their share of punishment. In the end, Brock might be too much to overcome. I'm rolling with Lesnar.
Right. Now seen sufficient bullshit to know that to side with Michaels would be to associate with morons so in this final, essentially the opposite of Sophie's Choice, I am going with Lesnar.

Arguments for Michaels seem to centre round two ideas - one, ludicrously, that he would stand off Lesnar until he got tired. Two, Michaels is the better pro wrestler.

Looking at argument 1, it is completely daft. Ignoring the fact Michaels has lost to the master of conditioning Sycho Sid, it doesn't make any sense whatsoever. Lesnar is a professional athlete coming into this match much fresher thanks to his huge margins of victory. Somebody compared this to Flair against Vader. Vader is a fat cunt, Lesnar is an athlete. They are not comparable.

If Michaels had a history of winning this way I could maybe buy it, but the evidence in support has consisted of cheap wins against Batista and Bret Hart (Lesnar isn't going to stop because you're hurt) and Kane's debut. Lesnar didn't kill Kane's mum in a fire, so he should be fine.

Equally the evidence for Lesnar getting tired basically doesn't exist. He got rocked against Reigns because of a freak accident that made him bleed everywhere.

As for the second point, Michaels probably has better matches but he lost almost all of his classics. Lesnar may have been a shit draw in his first run, but he still outdrew Michaels. Now he is undoubtedly a better draw.

Look, I don't think anyone has been as critical of Lesnar over the years as me, but you people put him over Cena and Austin and now he is facing a beat up Michaels. There is no way he would lose. None whatsoever. Of course, this is the IWC, and you will vote for Michaels because you like him whilst having far superior workers lose to Lesnar in previous rounds.
Brock sets Shawn up for F-5, Brock throws Shawn over his shoulders, Shawn lands on his feet, nails a SuperKick, and then fails on top of Lesnar for the 1, 2, 3.

Seriously, how does this match NOT end like that? Come on, everyone who reads this post knows that's exactly how the ending would go if these two ever met. It's prime Shawn Michaels. There's just no other way this match ends any differently.

Vote for the correct ending. Vote for "The Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels.
UUUGGHHH, these Shawn Michaels word forts are something else.

Lesnar literally steam rolled Austin, went over Cena with ease, but somehow he's outmatched against Shawn Michaels; let's get real here. Michaels and Lesnar would put on a hell of a show, and Michaels gets some near falls to keep us on the edge of our seats, but in the end it's Lesnar who comes out on top.
Brock sets Shawn up for F-5, Brock throws Shawn over his shoulders, Shawn lands on his feet, nails a SuperKick, and then fails on top of Lesnar for the 1, 2, 3.

Seriously, how does this match NOT end like that?

Because not one of Shawn Michaels' wins in big matches came in a similar fashion. Nobody has ever landed the F-5 on their feet, and Brock Lesnar kicks out of finishers that usually end matches. Against one that leads to false finishes on a regular basis it isn't going to happen.
Ignore the Shawn Michaels word forts. They're distracting, long winded, and full of loser denial. Brock Lesnar isn't going to stop because Shawn Michaels has a bum knee, come the hell on. This is a guy that mauled a kid with one leg. Boyhood dreams don't always come true, and Brock is a living nightmare for a guy like HBK. Lesnar wins, and he should win in a squash.
Because not one of Shawn Michaels' wins in big matches came in a similar fashion. Nobody has ever landed the F-5 on their feet, and Brock Lesnar kicks out of finishers that usually end matches. Against one that leads to false finishes on a regular basis it isn't going to happen.

That's not even remotely true, plenty of guys have countered the F5. The easiest example is RVD countering the F5 into a DDT.


If anyone could counter or slip out of a big power finisher move it's Michaels. I don't like Lesnar, and I don't like any of the arguments people have made for him throughout this tournament to convince themselves Lesnar is somehow better than guys so clearly better than him like Steve Austin and Cena.
Here's the thing, Lesnar destroyed the face of the attitude era , a man who beat HBK. He then went on to beat Cena, the face of the PG/Reality era, a man who also beat HBK.

So, Lesnar beats the faces of two of the biggest era's in wrestling and he's somehow going to lose to HBK? Lets not forget about what Lesnar did to Hogan when he was in his ROOKIE year.

Lesnar has also beaten the other "face" of the attitude era in The Rock, he also destroyed an Olympic gold Medalist and Wrestlemania and he put the Undertaker to sleep at wrestlemania, something Michaels couldn't do, despite having two attempts.

Lesnar has a solid 65 pounds on HBK, a massive strength advantage, probably has equal if not better Cardio than Michaels (Remember, this tournament looks at Prime vs Prime, Lesnar has won a king of the ring before and performed in Iron Man Matches with no noticeable signs of slowing down) and Lesnar has the explosiveness that Michaels would not be able to handle. Hell Michaels lost to an over the hill Hogan at Summerslam some years back and yet he's expected to deal with a rampaging Lesnar? No chance.

Michaels will put up a fight, bleed, cry, sweat, land that sweet chin music at the bottom of the 9th, only to see Lesnar mock him and "kip-up" immediately, completely no selling the super kick, Lesnar then proceeds to break Michaels Arm for a SECOND time whilst enjoying every second of it.
Because not one of Shawn Michaels' wins in big matches came in a similar fashion. Nobody has ever landed the F-5 on their feet, and Brock Lesnar kicks out of finishers that usually end matches. Against one that leads to false finishes on a regular basis it isn't going to happen.

Nonsense, The Rock did it in their match at Summerslam.

In any case, Lesnar wins this match in convincing fashion.
Because not one of Shawn Michaels' wins in big matches came in a similar fashion. Nobody has ever landed the F-5 on their feet, and Brock Lesnar kicks out of finishers that usually end matches. Against one that leads to false finishes on a regular basis it isn't going to happen.


Shawn Michaels lands on his feet, and BOOM! Superkick, shattering Brock Lesnar's glass jaw all over the ring, falling on top of him for the 1, 2, 3! Very reminiscent of...


There's no other ending for this match. Deep down you know it, as does even the biggest Brock Lesnar fan on Earth knows it.
I would love to see HBK win this but I've to be true to my kayfabe basis going through this one night affair. Strange as it may sound, the only kayfabe way I could have seen Michaels going over Lesnar is if he'd had a MUCH harder path to the final. Had this happened, the Heartbreak Kid would have been perfectly set up to overcome insurmountable odds and beat the incredibly dominant beast. Unfortunately, while he has had closer encounters than Lesnar, they have been conclusive wins (unlike say Cena's win over Bryan and Angle's win over Taker that could have won either way). To supplement this, these conclusive wins have been the pure wrestling skills of Bret Hart and the similar style to Brock, Kurt Angle. Shawn Michaels has been set up here as a legitimate threat to Brock and this goes against the Blue Eye In Peril model that would support a Michaels win.

Defeating the leader of two WWe generations just sets itself for Lesnar to do the same to the guy who'll make him look a million bucks doing it. As much as it breaks my heart to vote for the mercenary SOB, I have to stay true to my kayfabe convictions and vote Brock.
I would love to see HBK win this but I've to be true to my kayfabe basis going through this one night affair. Strange as it may sound, the only kayfabe way I could have seen Michaels going over Lesnar is if he'd had a MUCH harder path to the final. Had this happened, the Heartbreak Kid would have been perfectly set up to overcome insurmountable odds and beat the incredibly dominant beast. Unfortunately, while he has had closer encounters than Lesnar, they have been conclusive wins (unlike say Cena's win over Bryan and Angle's win over Taker that could have won either way). To supplement this, these conclusive wins have been the pure wrestling skills of Bret Hart and the similar style to Brock, Kurt Angle. Shawn Michaels has been set up here as a legitimate threat to Brock and this goes against the Blue Eye In Peril model that would support a Michaels win.

Defeating the leader of two WWe generations just sets itself for Lesnar to do the same to the guy who'll make him look a million bucks doing it. As much as it breaks my heart to vote for the mercenary SOB, I have to stay true to my kayfabe convictions and vote Brock.

If you want to talk kayfabe, having Lesnar win would be one of the dumbest ideas ever. You put him over Austin and Cena in squashes, only to have him go on and win the whole thing over the only hope left? What kind of a future does that leave you? It's the same idea as having Doc and Gordy win the NWA World Tag Team Titles and then the WCW World Tag Team Titles around the same time. No challengers and one team holds everything. That's completely against kayfabe logic, unless you want to vote for the NWA's style of ruining WCW.
If you want to talk kayfabe, having Lesnar win would be one of the dumbest ideas ever. You put him over Austin and Cena in squashes, only to have him go on and win the whole thing over the only hope left? What kind of a future does that leave you? It's the same idea as having Doc and Gordy win the NWA World Tag Team Titles and then the WCW World Tag Team Titles around the same time. No challengers and one team holds everything. That's completely against kayfabe logic, unless you want to vote for the NWA's style of ruining WCW.

Since it's an annual tournament, it makes Brock the unstoppable monster going into next year. At some point a heel has to win this tournament, or it becomes boring and predictable. No better time than now for a monster to win this.
Since it's an annual tournament, it makes Brock the unstoppable monster going into next year. At some point a heel has to win this tournament, or it becomes boring and predictable. No better time than now for a monster to win this.

If it's an annual tournament, it's the end of the run. Brock winning here doesn't carry over for next year, making this the end of the line. Having a heel win sends the fans home sad, and that's not how you want to end a major show. That's the kind of thing Vince Russo would do. You don't want to be like Vince Russo do you? Then vote for Shawn Michaels.

Shawn Michaels lands on his feet, and BOOM! Superkick, shattering Brock Lesnar's glass jaw all over the ring, falling on top of him for the 1, 2, 3! Very reminiscent of...


There's no other ending for this match. Deep down you know it, as does even the biggest Brock Lesnar fan on Earth knows it.

I am literally the opposite of the biggest Brock Lesnar fan on earth and I know that wouldn't happen. There is no way that Shawn "the crowds gone mild" Michaels is going to win a tournament against a guy that has beaten Cena and Austin in the previous two rounds. The difference in separation between those two examples is clear cut. The Rock is right next to Lesnar, Michaels is miles away in the other video - much more leverage out of a power bomb.
If you want to talk kayfabe, having Lesnar win would be one of the dumbest ideas ever. You put him over Austin and Cena in squashes, only to have him go on and win the whole thing over the only hope left? What kind of a future does that leave you? It's the same idea as having Doc and Gordy win the NWA World Tag Team Titles and then the WCW World Tag Team Titles around the same time. No challengers and one team holds everything. That's completely against kayfabe logic, unless you want to vote for the NWA's style of ruining WCW.

If Shawn had a real tough night, I'd vote for him in a heartbeat but he hasn't. He has defeated two guys comparable to Lesnar (especially Angle), he isn't going into the final in his strongest kayfabe position as the against all odds underdog a la D-Bry, WrestleMania XXX. It's an irony that Shawn Michaels is at his best when he is feeling his kayfabe worst but that has always been the case.

Lesnar has plowed through Karl Gotch, Mick Foley, Randy Savage, Sting (in WCW!), Steve Austin and John Cena. This whole tournament has been booking reminiscent of his rise to prominence in the WWe (winning the KotR, defeating the Rock, decimating Hulk Hogan for the title and conclusively defeating the Undertaker) and that says to me that they wouldn't book him so strong through 6 rounds to lose to an HBK who still has plenty of gas in the tank and has been booked to be a legitimate threat to him. The final night has been booked to give Lesnar the edge in 'damage' but to give HBK the definite edge in preparation - a relatively even match coupled with Lesnar's storied route to the final tells me that anything other than a Lesnar win would be a slap to the face of every single legend that has lay down to him thus far.
If Shawn had a real tough night, I'd vote for him in a heartbeat but he hasn't. He has defeated two guys comparable to Lesnar (especially Angle), he isn't going into the final in his strongest kayfabe position as the against all odds underdog a la D-Bry, WrestleMania XXX. It's an irony that Shawn Michaels is at his best when he is feeling his kayfabe worst but that has always been the case.

If you're against Brock Lesnar, you're always an underdog.

Lesnar has plowed through Karl Gotch, Mick Foley, Randy Savage, Sting (in WCW!), Steve Austin and John Cena. This whole tournament has been booking reminiscent of his rise to prominence in the WWe (winning the KotR, defeating the Rock, decimating Hulk Hogan for the title and conclusively defeating the Undertaker) and that says to me that they wouldn't book him so strong through 6 rounds to lose to an HBK who still has plenty of gas in the tank and has been booked to be a legitimate threat to him. The final night has been booked to give Lesnar the edge in 'damage' but to give HBK the definite edge in preparation - a relatively even match coupled with Lesnar's storied route to the final tells me that anything other than a Lesnar win would be a slap to the face of every single legend that has lay down to him thus far.

However, what happened after he decimated Undertaker? He lost to Big Show in a match that Lesnar should have dominated, just like he should do here. As usual, Lesnar loses when he gets overly confident, just like he would here.

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