Championship Region, Sixth Round: (1) John Cena vs. (5) Andre the Giant

Who wins this match?

  • John Cena

  • Andre the Giant

Results are only viewable after voting.


Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House
This is a sixth round match in the Championship Region. It is a standard one on one match. It will be held at MetLife Stadium in East Rutherford, New Jersey. Damage carries over from the fifth round and is based on the score of the previous match.



#1. John Cena



#5. Andre the Giant

Polls will be open for six days following a one day period for discussion. Voting will be based on who you feel is the greater of the two competitors. Post your reasons for why your pick should win below. Remember that this is non-spam and the most votes in the poll win. Any ties will be broken by the amount of posts of support for each candidate, with one vote per poster.

Also remember that this is a non-spam forum. If you post a response without giving a reason for your selection, it will be penalized for spam and deleted.
Andre's had a great run in this years tournament. I find it awesome that he's made the final four, this is probably the first year he has gotten to this stage. I am one of Andre's biggest fans, I was hooked on his matches ever since the first time I set eyes upon the big guy when I was a kid. In spite of all this, I don't see him getting past Cena this round. He just barely survived a squeaker against HHH, and now has to face a reasonably fresh John Cena. I want so much to vote for Andre here, but realistically, he's not going to win. A mega face like Cena is the kind of wrestler that Andre' WOULD put over here. Andre gives it his best effort despite the beating he took from HHH last round, and manages to do some pretty decent damage to Cena, but most likely winds up counted out outside the ring . I may still cast my vote for Andre when the polls open just to keep it from being a squash, but I don't see him going over Cena. My heart and possibly my vote go to Andre for old time's sake, but Cena gets the win.
Andre wins this one. Cena is great and all, but, like I have stated previously he loses a lot to be the top face. Against big names Cena goes down he's lost to HHH, Randy Orton, Edge, Rock, Big Show, and CM Punk. He's even lost to guys like Tenzai and Johnny Ace. Andre in his prim would go over Cena in quite a fierce battle where Cena gets to show off his strength.

Vote Andre
John Cena heads to the finals here.

Some may not like it, but John Cena is the modern day Hulk Hogan. The man simply doesn't lose clean in one-on-one single's matches. He also heads into this match relatively fresh with a cakewalk of a win over Ric Flair. Andre, on the other hand, barely squeaked past HHH. If he can barely get past HHH, how is he going to get past a man far his superior in John Cena.

I've made no it no secret that John Cena may well be on his way to being the greatest Superstar of All-Time. He's got the speed, agility, and strength to mix it up with anyone, and in his prime, he successfully did. He's a 13 time World Champion for a reason, and had one of the longest title reigns of the modern era.

Cena has come into matches with significant damage, and still won. Take his match against the Big Show at Judgment Day 2009, for example. Just three weeks prior, Big Show had chokeslammed him through a spotlight. Cena could barely walk in the weeks leading up to Judgment Day, and wasn't medically cleared to compete until the day of the match.


One would think that if Cena ever had an out to lose to a monster, it would have been then. Yet three weeks after being put through a spotlight, and subsequently beatdown by Big Show leading up to the match, Cena not only pulled out a victory, this is what happened:


He came in battered and bruised, and gave a 500lb giant an FU. For those who question whether he can lift Andre, well, he lifted Edge and Big Show combined at Wrestlemania 25, didn't he? Only here, Andre comes in battered and bruised, and Cena comes in fresh. Andre was slammed and beaten by a wrestler Cena's size in El Canek, and Cena is stronger then Canek .

Andre wins this one. Cena is great and all, but, like I have stated previously he loses a lot to be the top face. Against big names Cena goes down he's lost to HHH.

He made HHH tap out at Wrestlemania 22. Their biggest match. A "Championship region" type match.

Randy Orton.

He's never beaten Cena clean in a one on one match.

See Randy Orton.

He won the higher stakes match between the two, and there's certainly no shame in losing to one of the all-time greats, and the winner of this tourney last year.

Big Show.

His record against Big Show in 1 on 1 matches in his prime is like 100-1.

He's even lost to guys like Tensai.

With heavy interference, and in a No-DQ match. This isn't that kind of match.

and Johnny Ace.

Another No-DQ match. Again, you have to consider the match type.

Andre in his prime would go over Cena in quite a fierce battle where Cena gets to show off his strength.

Not if you're considering the criteria of this tournament, he wouldn't. Andre is coming in here beaten and bruised, Cena fresh. You claim a fierce battle would ensue, well, that would favor the fresher man.

And yes, Cena would get to show off his strength. With the biggest FU/AA of his career, and a trip to the finals following.

Vote Andre

I'd rather use common sense and vote Cena. This is a win for John. The location plays no factor, and all other criteria go to Cena.

This is a win for John. The location plays no factor, and all other criteria go to Cena.
Cena wins this one.

Remember, damage carries over from the previous round based on the poll score. While Cena didn't squash Flair, he certainly had an easy time getting through that match. On the other hand, Andre seems to have gone to war with the game and barely won out. Andre is entering this match bruised and battered after having barely survived what HHH dished out. Cena is relatively fresh.

And on top of that, Cena has a penchant for taking down giants. Nobody can question that Cena would be able to lift Andre and deliver an AA. Cena will finish the job here that HHH started.

Vote Cena.
Are we really going to base votes on damage? Doesn't anyone have anything interesting to say? Anyway....

Never seen Cena beat three or four men in one night. I've seen Andre do it. I've seen Cena give Big Show the Attitude Adjustment but I've never seen him do it in his second match of the evening (oh and Big Show is still not Andre). Plus, who here looks at Cena AAing Big Show and says "damn that was devastating"? I don't. He gets the big man up but doesn't really toss him with nearly the authority of a normal sized man. Are you telling me Cena should be able to get Andre up at the end of his second match. STF, meh. Cena's probably best moves against Andre are the Five Knuckle Shuffle and top rope leg drop.

Andre may have been beaten down by HHH but it's not like he had to chase HHH around the ring for an hour and waste his breath and his legs. It is far more likely that Cena had to move a heck of a lot more working with Flair.

I have more to say but I want to see how this discussion develops. I thought LSN80 was going to be worth responding to but when I read his words about "Cena may well be on the way to being the greatest superstar of all time" I chuckled and moved on to the next post. He's great and all but let's not get too carried away.
Another way to look at the damage argument is to look at the energy both guys are going to have.

Cena is a cardiovascular machine. If you asked Cena to go out and wrestle three twenty minute matches in one night, he would probably get through it without breathing hard until the final one, if even then. Look at the Shawn match in London (which was actually six years ago today): he went 40 minutes at a VERY fast pace against one of the best ever and looked like he just got out of the shower. Cena is not going to be tired coming into this match.

Andre is literally two times Cena's weight. Do you think he's going to be a bit more tired after a grueling match against HHH? Cena wins the cardio battle and has a big advantage because of it.

Another argument is "can Cena pick him up?" Why does he have to? Some of you might not remember 1988, but during the summer the Ultimate Warrior feuded with Andre over the Intercontinental Title. Warrior's signature move was a gorilla press slam, but naturally he couldn't do that to Andre. What he used instead were running shoulder blocks to knock the big man down. Now who do we know from say West Newberry, Massachusetts who uses flying shoulder blocks?

In short, if Cena can get Andre down, he can beat him. Cena can get Khali in the STF and he can get Andre in it too.

Cena wins in a WAR.
A fresh Cena vs a weakened Andre. This one is tough for me as I wanted to see Cena go down in this round, but the fact is this is a match Cena is made to win. Cena is the modern Hogan, and I can't really see a reason why he wouldn't win this match. Cena slam the giant, and finds a way to finish him off. Cena wins this one to go to the finals.
Who the fuck cares about cardio? This is a war of attrition. Cena can go run on a treadmill all he wants. That doesn't change what really matters what is the damage ratio. Andre can take more punishment from Cena for obvious reasons, which neutralizes this faux advantage. When is the last time you saw someone lose a second round of a tournament match because they were tired from the first? Andre can also give out more damage than Cena. To suggest all Cena has to do is get Andre off his feet is ridiculous. This, like many Cena matches, really comes down to the how do you rank the current era. Since the majority pretend this isn't a down period in wrestling Cena will likely win even though he shouldn't. For fucks sake, CENA IS NOT A MODERN HOGAN.
Are we really going to base votes on damage? Doesn't anyone have anything interesting to say? Anyway....

I think you have to factor it into the equation. Sometimes it doesn't have to be trendy or controversial, it just has to make sense. And it makes sense that a healthy John Cena would be more likely to have success against Andre with Andre beaten up, rather then facing a monster.

Never seen Cena beat three or four men in one night. I've seen Andre do it.

I have. Gauntlet match on Raw in 2009. Jericho, Big Show, and Orton.

I've seen Cena give Big Show the Attitude Adjustment but I've never seen him do it in his second match of the evening (oh and Big Show is still not Andre).

See above.

Plus, who here looks at Cena AAing Big Show and says "damn that was devastating"? I don't. He gets the big man up but doesn't really toss him with nearly the authority of a normal sized man. Are you telling me Cena should be able to get Andre up at the end of his second match.

Seeing how he's done it before to Big Show, in his second match of the night, I could see him doing it to an injured Andre, absolutely. Again, this is a guy who got Show and Edge up for an AA at Wrestlemania 25. Would you suggest their combined weight isn't more then that of Andre's?

STF, meh. Cena's probably best moves against Andre are the Five Knuckle Shuffle and top rope leg drop.

He put it on Khali and made him tap out at Judgment Day 2007. This wasn't the "Punjabi Playboy" version of Khali, this was the Khali that had just dominated and beat Undertaker clean, then decimated Edge, Randy Orton, and HBK on his way to a championship match with Cena. And he took his first loss, via the STF, to Cena.

It's funny you mention the leg drop, because in the case of Khali, it's the leg drop that lead to that "meh" STF, which lead to Khali tapping out for the first time ever. Both Khali and Andre are billed at 7'4, so it's not unthinkable that Cena could put the STF on him.

Andre may have been beaten down by HHH but it's not like he had to chase HHH around the ring for an hour and waste his breath and his legs.
Right, because the "Cerebral Assassin" just came to Andre and let him beat him down. :rolleyes:

It is far more likely that Cena had to move a heck of a lot more working with Flair.

Yet took far less of a beating, and has far better cardio then Andre. I know you don't like it, but sometimes, the simplest logic is the best.

I have more to say but I want to see how this discussion develops. I thought LSN80 was going to be worth responding to.
Part of me thinks this was designed to get a response out of me. Do I have your attention now? ;)

but when I read his words about "Cena may well be on the way to being the greatest superstar of all time" I chuckled and moved on to the next post.
Why isn't he? Charisma, ability, drawing power, and accomplishments. What am I missing here?

He's great and all.
Darn right I am. :p

but let's not get too carried away.

Again, what am I missing here? What is Cena lacking?

But I'm off track here. Cena has shown that he needs to get big men to make one mistake. Get them off their feet, or take advantage of their aggressiveness. Cena's done it time and time again against superheavyweights, and his record against them is astronomically in his favor.

And he did it when they were fresh in the past. He gets a weakened Andre here. It's an easy call.
Well looks like I gotta argue for Andre in this one.

Lets take a look at Cena's finishers shall we?

Finisher #1- Attiude Adjustment: Could he lift Andre? Yeah he lifted Show & Edge at the same time before but the problem is after going through a match with Ric Flair who no doubt worked on his legs would his legs hold up with the weight of Andre on his shoulders? Would his legs give out on him?

Finisher #2- STF: I'm not sold on Cena being able to put Andre in the hold honestly. Yes, Cena was able to put the hold on Khali but Khali is 7'1 and Andre was 7'4. That's three more inches of giant. Also when he did put Khali in the hold his legs were under the bottom rope which is considered a rope break. Andre is three inches taller than Khali meaning his legs would probably be out of the ring, No doubt causing a rope break.

So take the STF out. That's gonna be useless.

Andre was a beast and would still have enough left in the tank to handle Cena. I saw someone (KB I think) say Cena could take him down with shoulder blocks but Andre isn't just gonna stand there and let him hit non stop shoulder blocks. He would swat Cena down.

Cena has a top rope leg drop, That I think is his best weapon here but no way it's enough to keep the giant down. This will be a war no doubt but in the end Andre wins.

Vote Andre people.
Well looks like I gotta argue for Andre in this one.

You picked the wrong guy to argue for.

Lets take a look at Cena's finishers shall we?

Sounds good to me.

Finisher #1- Attiude Adjustment: Could he lift Andre? Yeah he lifted Show & Edge at the same time before.

He not only lifted both, but he managed to give Big Show the AA while lifting both. Despite the wear and tear of a triple threat, his legs held up to give the bigger man the AA.

but the problem is after going through a match with Ric Flair who no doubt worked on his legs would his legs hold up with the weight of Andre on his shoulders? Would his legs give out on him?

This argument would have merit if Flair had put up much of a fight, but he didn't. Cena won handily, so any "damage" to his legs would be quite minimal. And given that Cena has freakish leg strength, it wouldn't stop him from lifting Andre and giving him the AA, if needed.

Finisher #2- STF: I'm not sold on Cena being able to put Andre in the hold honestly. Yes, Cena was able to put the hold on Khali but Khali is 7'1 and Andre was 7'4. That's three more inches of giant.

I've seen him billed anywhere from 7'1 to 7'4. But let's suppose youre right, and go with 7'1. That still wouldn't prohibit Cena from putting the hold on Andre. Cena had no difficulty getting the hold on Khali because of his size. It was simply leg drop, then STF. No struggle, no reach problems. At the worst, Cena might struggle slightly, but he'ld be able to apply it.

Also when he did put Khali in the hold his legs were under the bottom rope which is considered a rope break. Andre is three inches taller than Khali meaning his legs would probably be out of the ring, No doubt causing a rope break.

Now you're reaching. It was simply a situation of ring positioning. Khali was near the corner of the ring, which is why his foot was under the rope. Had he, or would Andre, be closer to the middle of the ring, there's no rope break. Besides, where is the referee looking during the STF? At the legs, or for the submission? Unless it's blatant, as wasn't the case with Khali, the "rope break" would go unnoticed.

Cena was smart enough to pull off the submission without the ref seeing the rope break. Cena is a smart wrestler, and he'ld either be able to do it again, or he'ld position himself and Andre in a place where no such rope break would occur.

So take the STF out. That's gonna be useless.

Why? All he would need is slightly different ring positioning, and it's very much in play. And again, did he get the submission victory against Khali or not? He did.

Andre was a beast.

So is John Cena.

and would still have enough left in the tank to handle Cena. I saw someone (KB I think) say Cena could take him down with shoulder blocks but Andre isn't just gonna stand there and let him hit non stop shoulder blocks. He would swat Cena down.

I'm sure that he would. Cena's been swatted down before by monsters when attempting shoulder blocks. But what's happened? As matches progress, Cena tends to build strength, not lose it, and he would be able to go back to the well again with the shoulder blocks, and take an already weakened Andre down.

Cena has a top rope leg drop, That I think is his best weapon here but no way it's enough to keep the giant down.

Of course it wouldn't be. But the STF that would follow that has made other heavyweights tap out would.

This will be a war no doubt but in the end Andre wins.

This is somewhat of a contradiction. You see Cena as having no offense other then a "top rope leg drop", but it would "be a war." Either Cena would have more in his arsenal for a war, or a top rope leg drop being his only offense would spell doom for Cena, quickly.

I'll place my bets on him having quite a bit in his arsenal, thank you. More then enough to defeat a weakened Andre.
Question (cause I really don't know) but does Andre tap out? I don't remember him ever losing by submission. If he doesn't tap out then why would he start here?

He could hit the AA yes. But would it hit with enough sheer force to keep Andre down?

I'd also like to know what possible move Cena can counter a seated senton from a 7'4 giant with. I can't picture him just doing a powerbomb counter or anything like that.
Question (cause I really don't know) but does Andre tap out? I don't remember him ever losing by submission. If he doesn't tap out then why would he start here?

Cena doesn't have to submit Andre for the STF to be effective. The move will significantly weaken the larger man, making him lethargic and more apt to be slammed.

Also, Andre would lose match via Countout. Cena can knock Andre to the outside, lock in the STF, let go of the hold at 8.5 and get in the ring to win the match. Andre (or anyone) can get up from the STF and get in the ring in 1.5 seconds.

Cena has won matches via countout before (the night after WrestleMania XXIX against Mark Henry being most recent).

He could hit the AA yes. But would it hit with enough sheer force to keep Andre down?
Easily, if done at the right time, to a lethargic or disoriented Andre. Cena won't hit a fresh Andre with the AA and get a clean pin. But a worn down Andre will be done after an AA. Even if Andre would get out of the pin at 3.5, it will hold him down long enough.

I'd also like to know what possible move Cena can counter a seated senton from a 7'4 giant with. I can't picture him just doing a powerbomb counter or anything like that.

You counter a seated senton the same way you counter a splash or anything like that. MOVE THE HELL OUT OF THE WAY! John Cena has tremendous quickness for a heavyweight wrestler. He can go from down on the ground to finishing an AA on his opponent in no time. Andre leaves the top rope and Cena can be clear out of the way, making Andre land on the canvas.

People who think this is a cakewalk for Andre are insane. Cena has proven to be able to easily handle Super Heavyweights, and this is 2 all time greats going at it, which is never an easy match. However, people who think this is a cakewalk for Cena are just as insane. Cena will have to pull out all the stops here, and it may make him vulnerable in the finals, but I see Cena winning.
Did you already block out the first match with Rock? Anyone that is arguing won-loss record and isn't voting for Andre is illiterate.

Read my first post. I noted that there was no shame in losing to the Rock. Here, I'll post it for you:

He won the higher stakes match between the two, and there's certainly no shame in losing to one of the all-time greats, and the winner of this tourney last year.

There ya go.
John Cena would take this, I'm pretty sure of that.

Andre BARELY scraped through to this round after a war with Triple H, While Cena advanced relatively unscathed after his match with Ric Flair. Andre would be tired and hurting, and Cena would take full advantage.

Andre would put over the biggest star of the generation, as he did with Hogan. And while Cena ISN'T a modern day Hogan, he is the closest thing there is to him. He is the face of the company and he would go over the Giant here, adding another huge win to his already vast resume.

I wouldn't be surprised if Cena wasn't able to hit the Attitude Adjustment on Andre, but I'm sure he would find a way to knock the big man off his feet and lock in the STF for the win. There is no doubt in my mind that Cena wins this.

Winner: John Cena
Ok, so all tournament I've claimed two things. 1) Andre isn't winning the whole thing logically 2) He's losing to a top, megastar babyface. Check. Check. Cena is the man to end this run for me and there's little doubt.

Within kayfabe, Cena's record against guys the size of Andre IS stellar. He's fresher, too.

I think I'm literally always voting for Cena here, but for fun here's a good kayfabe argument for Andre. Last round, Cena Vs Flair, the majority of thoughts on the match revolved around Flair working a leg and Cena surviving long, loonnggg figure fours. I think it's reasonable to say his legs a mess here - that certainly hampers the AA. How many times have we seen a guy get a big man up, only for the leg to collapse? That'd be billed as devastating here, a 500lb guy falling on Cena after failing to hit his finisher. I'm talking about the finish to Ryback/Henry at Mania if it's not clear - obviously hugely damaging.

I say that happens, only for it to result in a nearfall before Cena gets the big guy up again for the win. It's just 100% how the match is ending, there is no doubt. Cena CAN slam him, his finisher is carbon made for it and there is no way Andre kicks out after the huge spectable that it will be.

Cena in the finals.

edit; I see Flair working Cena's leg has already been mentioned by Hollywood, my bad. Here's me thinking I'm making an innovative observation :)
Well Shawn Micheals actually blew John cena's leg off with a cannon during the main event of WM23, and even THAT didnt effect his power game, so fuck it, whatever.

Im fairly certain by this point that John Cena could AA a dinosaur, let alone Andre The Giant.

Im sure this will get the guys who overrate the olden days to flip the fuck out, but I think Andre's drawing power, especially when compared to that of Cena, is a bit overblown.

Andre is a 9 1/2 in every catergory, Cena is a ten.

Cena all the way
Being as we've seen Cena scoop up Show with Edge attached to his back, I think we can safely say Cena could hoist Andre comfortably.

I think this is perfect booking for the tourney to have Cena advance here after an AA to Andre. Andre makes the deep run, even beats a great heel in the first championship round, but does the job to (warning: cliche coming) this generation's Hogan.

Cena "slamming the Giant" is the big time babyface getting the huge moment to set up his battle with Hogan/Bruno to determine the number one superpower babyface WWE champ of all-time.

Come on people, this shit writes itself.
Andre is the kind of guy that is bred to put guys like Cena over. That's how it works in the business. You don't have a crowd full of 7'6 500+ giants in the stands. You have a crowd full of people that love an underdog story...because that is their story.

Cena goes over here, because Cena is needed in the finals. He overcame the odds and beat Flair handily...he's not going to lose to someone who is inferior to Flair and also gassed. The only chance that Andre would have would be if Dibiase tried to pay off Cena during the match. Unfortunately for Andre, Cena would be literally THE LAST person in the world to accept such a bribe. He would give em a "you can't see me," AA Andre, pin him, and throw up the hustle, loyalty, respect fingers all the way to the finals.

Cena and it's not close.
Well Shawn Micheals actually blew John cena's leg off with a cannon during the main event of WM23, and even THAT didnt effect his power game, so fuck it, whatever.

Im fairly certain by this point that John Cena could AA a dinosaur, let alone Andre The Giant.

Im sure this will get the guys who overrate the olden days to flip the fuck out, but I think Andre's drawing power, especially when compared to that of Cena, is a bit overblown.

Andre is a 9 1/2 in every catergory, Cena is a ten.

Cena all the way

If you combine the truth in this post (and its absolute hilarity... a dinosaur? Really?? HAHAHA) with the fact that Andre just went through a war with Triple H while Cena basically man-handled Ric Flair, it's a recipt for Andre to take the fall here.

If you're putting John Cena in a one-on-one match with anyone, no gimmicks, standard rules, you've got to be some kind of superstar to go over on him. CM Punk is an example of that kind of superstar. The Rock is an example of that kind of superstar. While Andre was a BEAST in his prime, I still don't think it would give him any type of advantage here.

John Cena gains a few bruises and may get winded but he definitely picks up a win here.
I voted Andre.

I'm not going to lose it because Cena's up in this thing, because all you Cena fan boys will start throwing toys out of the crib, and then I'll make you feel stupid. It's hard work being me.

Anyway, the arguments so far are Cena's cardio and that he lifted Big Show a few times for his finisher. Fair arguments, except Andre was body-slammed less than 10 times in his career, much less put in a fireman's carry position. That being said, a bodyslam was enough to pin him at Wrestlemania.

However in Andre's prime, a body slam did minimal damage to him and seemingly made him madder than he was before and another thing is Andre didn't take many losses. Cena's been bested before by big men. Show's gotten the best of him on an occasion and so did Khali. It's not inconceivable for Andre to upend Cena here.

I know it's a lost cause, but at least make valid cases for Cena winning here.
Well Shawn Micheals actually blew John cena's leg off with a cannon during the main event of WM23, and even THAT didnt effect his power game, so fuck it, whatever.

Im fairly certain by this point that John Cena could AA a dinosaur, let alone Andre The Giant.

Im sure this will get the guys who overrate the olden days to flip the fuck out, but I think Andre's drawing power, especially when compared to that of Cena, is a bit overblown.

Andre is a 9 1/2 in every catergory, Cena is a ten.

Cena all the way

NorCal, we've talked about this business at length and you know damn good and well overrating 'Olden' days of wrestling is just an asinine statement. In those days, wrestling was an attraction and held to a much higher standard. If anything, Cena's drawing power should be overrated because he has social media, a marketing campaign, and the adoration of many kids in this world.

Andre was billed as a special attraction. He wasn't a main event guy because he didn't have to be. He was a giant. That's a fair argument to make as Cena's billed to be the main guy. Thing is, Andre's rarely been pinned in his prime and body-slammed very rarely. That being said, I'm conceding the notion of a possible Cena win here. I voted for Andre, but I can see Cena coming out on top and winning here, similar to how Hogan did.
John Cena. If Super Cena is the modern Hogan, then Cena is going to have his version of Mania3 Moment here when AA's Andre.

Cena's beaten Big Show, Khali and they're the closest in size to Andre.

Also: I said in my HHH vs Andre vote that HHH would find a way to pull out the sledgehammer. Well, despite losing, does anyone actually think an HHH working as a heel would lose a match and just walk away?

NO FUCKING WAY. A heel HHH blasts the shit out of Andre with the hammer after the match.

It's an easy win for Cena.

Vote John Cena.

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