Coming Attractions Thread

Mitch Henessey

Deploy the cow-catcher......
Staff member
Oscar Season is behind us, so now we can focus on other films in 2011. There are some films I'm looking forward to, and of course we'll have the big money blockbusters hit theaters this summer. There's already a thread for Green Lantern, Thor, and The Hangover 2. I've already discussed some of the mainstream films in 2011. Here's the list, and you can find these posts in the Bullshit About Movies thread.

Cowboys & Aliens
The Adjustment Bureau
Your Highness
Pirates Of The Caribbean: On Stranger Tides

Although, if some new trailers pop up, I'll be sure to post them. Everyone is welcomed to contribute to this thread, but please be sure to post a trailer, synopsis, release date, and please give your opinions on the film. I'll start this thread off with a few films that have caught my attention:

Battle: Los Angles

Release Date: March 11, 2011


For years, there have been documented cases of UFO sightings around the world - Buenos Aires, Seoul, France, Germany, China. But in 2011, what were once just sightings will become a terrifying reality when Earth is attacked by unknown forces. As people everywhere watch the world's great cities fall, Los Angeles becomes the last stand for mankind in a battle no one expected. It's up to a Marine Staff Sergeant (Aaron Eckhart) and his new platoon to draw a line in the sand as they take on an enemy unlike any they've ever encountered before.

I am really looking forward to this film. Battle: LA looks like it could be a very fun alien invasion film, and the special effects do look pretty good. The cast here looks solid. Aaron Eckhart should be a good lead man, and I'm sure Michelle Rodriguez will play her usual bad ass role here. Battle: LA hits theaters next week, and I'm sure this one will do good at the box office.

Sucker Punch

Release Date: March 25, 2011


Set in the 1950s in the vivid imagination of a young girl placed at a mental institution by her step-father some time after her mother died, with only her dreams providing the ultimate escape from her darker reality. Unrestrained by the boundaries of time and place, she is free to go where her mind takes her, and her incredible adventures blur the lines between what's real and what is imaginary.

She has been locked away against her will, but Babydoll (Emily Browning) has not lost her will to survive. Determined to fight for her freedom, she urges four other young girls—the outspoken Rocket (Jena Malone), the street-smart Blondie (Vanessa Hudgens), the fiercely loyal Amber (Jamie Chung) and the reluctant Sweet Pea (Abbie Cornish)—to band together and try to escape their terrible fate at the hands of their captors, Blue (Oscar Isaac), Madam Gorski (Carla Gugino) and the High Roller (Jon Hamm).

Led by Babydoll, the girls engage in fantastical warfare against everything from samurai to serpents, with a virtual arsenal at their disposal. Together, they must decide what they are willing to sacrifice in order to stay alive. But with the help of a Wise Man (Scott Glenn), their unbelievable journey—if they succeed—will set them free.

WOW. This trailer makes my head spin. Sucker Punch could be a very fun fantasy adventure with stunning visuals, or this film could be one giant mess. Zack Snyder is directing this one, so my expectation level has been raised a little bit. I think Snyder did an amazing job with the Dawn Of The Dead remake, and I loved Watchmen, but Snyder just directed those films. When it comes to Sucker Punch, Snyder is the director, he wrote the screenplay, he came up with the story, and he's a producer for this film(his wife is also a producer for this film), so if this one turns out to be a disaster, then all of the blame can be placed on him. I'm going to watch Sucker Punch, and I hope this film won't be a disappointment.

Scream 4

Release Date: April 15, 2011


Ten years have passed, and Sidney Prescott, who has put herself back together thanks in part to her writing, is visited by the Ghostface Killer.

What? Another Scream film? I LOVED the first Scream film when I was a kid, I liked Scream 2, and I've never had too big of a problem with Scream 3. I haven't seen Scream 2 in a while, so I'll need to watch it again before I see this film. Scream 4 looks like it's going to stick to the same formula used in the other films. It seems to be tweaked a little bit here, but I really don't see any major changes. I'm very glad to see the the core of the original cast here again. David Arquette can always be hilarious as Dewey, you can't have a Scream film without Sidney, and Gail Weathers is one of my favorite characters in this series. Courtney Cox ALWAYS manages to do an awesome job with this character. I'm not expecting anything great from Scream 4, but this movie should be entertaining. I hope this one won't be a disappointment. Scream is one of the more recognizable horror/slasher film franchises, and I'm really hoping this one can deliver.
Sucker Punch looks like it could be a lot of fun, it also look like one of those movies that's just better on the big screen, it's easily the first of several movies I'm looking forward to this summer, I'll be seeing this one opening weekend
Okay, I would like to contribute to this thread. If I miss something let me know.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2
Release Date: July 15, 2011

Synoposis From:
"Harry has gone far enough. Through his telepathy ability with Voldemort, Harry can find out if Voldemort already had the Elder wand, one of the tools of the legendary Deathly Hallows. Moreover, He-Who-name-Not-Allowed-Called it also knows that spells protection Harry has been destroyed. Voldemort can now kill Harry even just with the flick of a finger.

After successfully collecting and destroying several Horcruxes, now Harry and his friends return to Hogwarts. And once again, through their minds are connected, Voldemort knows Harry’s plan and went to Hogwarts. In order to eliminate Harry forever. When Ron and Hermione keeps searching and trying to destroy the rest of the remaining Horcrux, there is no chance for Harry to retreat.

Because Voldemort has mastered the magical world of Hogwarts and the government. Finnaly, Harry and Voldemort was confronted at Hogwarts magic school. Maybe it was the outline of a liaison from part I to Part II Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, which is the seventh of this series.

If Part I tells of the journey, Part II is a battle. Hogwarts selected a site determination of life and death of Lord Voldemort and Harry Potter. As written in his book, the film will also be full of spells, flashes of light from a wand, and darkness."


My Opinion:Well I'm looking forward to this. I have been reading the books before any of the films came out and was a huge fan then. I was ecstatic when they decided to bring the books to the big screen and I have been a loyal fan throughout the movies as I find them all to be great. And now we're at the final movie of the series and I'm looking forward to it. It will be EPIC. One of the biggest movie finale's(don't know if that's the correct term) ever. I'm excited for the movie to come out but I'm also aware I'll be sad that the movies will come to an end.
Okay, I would like to contribute to this thread. If I miss something let me know.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2
Release Date: July 15, 2011

Synoposis From:
"Harry has gone far enough. Through his telepathy ability with Voldemort, Harry can find out if Voldemort already had the Elder wand, one of the tools of the legendary Deathly Hallows. Moreover, He-Who-name-Not-Allowed-Called it also knows that spells protection Harry has been destroyed. Voldemort can now kill Harry even just with the flick of a finger.

After successfully collecting and destroying several Horcruxes, now Harry and his friends return to Hogwarts. And once again, through their minds are connected, Voldemort knows Harry’s plan and went to Hogwarts. In order to eliminate Harry forever. When Ron and Hermione keeps searching and trying to destroy the rest of the remaining Horcrux, there is no chance for Harry to retreat.

Because Voldemort has mastered the magical world of Hogwarts and the government. Finnaly, Harry and Voldemort was confronted at Hogwarts magic school. Maybe it was the outline of a liaison from part I to Part II Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, which is the seventh of this series.

If Part I tells of the journey, Part II is a battle. Hogwarts selected a site determination of life and death of Lord Voldemort and Harry Potter. As written in his book, the film will also be full of spells, flashes of light from a wand, and darkness."


My Opinion:Well I'm looking forward to this. I have been reading the books before any of the films came out and was a huge fan then. I was ecstatic when they decided to bring the books to the big screen and I have been a loyal fan throughout the movies as I find them all to be great. And now we're at the final movie of the series and I'm looking forward to it. It will be EPIC. One of the biggest movie finale's(don't know if that's the correct term) ever. I'm excited for the movie to come out but I'm also aware I'll be sad that the movies will come to an end.

I've read all books and seen all movies and I will not hesitate to see this one. I've seen pt 1 and I'm seeing pt 2. no more waiitng till it hits HBO or DVD. Harry Potter is one of those franchises I love along with the Simpsons and Star Wars.
Sucker Punch reminds me of Alice in Wonderland, but a non-fairy tale version. At first glance I wasn't that interested, but once I saw the trailer more, it has my interest peeked. I liked Emily Browning in The Uninvited so that's plus for seeing it. I'm digging the fact that it is shot the same way as 300 another film directed by Snyder. I didn't love 300 all that much, but liked the way it was shot, so with Sucker Punch at least I'll know I'll enjoy it on that factor alone.

Battle of Los Angeles
It's either L.A. or NYC getting destroyed most of the time in movies. This time it happens to be L.A., can't blame people as these are probably the two most well known cities in America, so they are always an easy target. Onto the movie, it definitely looks like it could be pretty good. As Mitch mentioned it has a pretty decent cast. I always enjoy watching Eckhart in a movie. Have to agree with Mitch, on M-Rod being the same, as she is in basically every other movie, she does usually play the role quite well. A plus to be graced by Bridget Moynahan's beautiful self. Without huge star power in the cast, this film should still do well, given the plot, effects, and timing of the release. Glad to see it out now and not pushed in early summer/summer, with a bunch of big movies coming out then.
Battle: Los Angeles- Something I'd watch, but I'll probably wait until it's released on DVD or Netflix to check it out. I like aliens and epic battles, but I doubt it will do much to separate itself from any other Alien vs. Earth War movie.

I have no interest in watching Scream 4. I think I was just too young to get into the Scream trilogy when it came out, so I missed the boat on that one.

Sucker Punch- Something I am DEFINITELY checking out in theaters. The action sequences and art direction look right up my alley, and what guy wouldn't want to see a bunch of lonely hot chicks kick ass?

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Pt. 2- A lot of people hated the first one, but I loved it. I loved it so much that it felt like it went by in 45 minutes for me. Seriously, when it ended I turned to my friends and went, "What!? It's over already? It just started!" I can't wait for this movie to come out, but I'm also going to be extraordinarily depressed when it's over, mostly because it means I'm never going to see Emma Watson ever again... until she's in something else anyway.

Cowboys and Aliens- I'd go see it if I had nothing to do and wanted to catch a flick with my friends. It looks like it will be very entertaining and it won't take itself too seriously, which is exactly what an action-comedy movie should do.

The Adjustment Bureau- This movie looks AWESOME. I love a good adventure/thriller that hits you on a philosophical level, and this movie looks like it will do just that. Both Matt Damon and Emily Blunt are great actors, and I foresee this being this year's Inception in some ways.

Limitless- This movie looks stupid. I feel like it was a concept the writers came up with when they were drunk and high. "I wish there was like, a pill I could take that would make me finish writing this stupid screenplay." "Yo, what if there was a pill that made your mind like, super organized and smart and you could do anything?!" "Dude, that's what I should write the screenplay about!"

Your Highness- SO excited for this one. Natalie Portman and James Franco, too fantastic drama actors, playing comedy roles? We already know Franco can do it, but can Portman? I think DEFINITELY yes. Also, lets not forget about Zoey Deshannel and Danny McBride. This is destined to be a hilarious movie.

Pirates of the Caribbean 4- Nope. The second one was bad, and the third one was TERRIBLE. They lost me as a fan. Sorry Johnny Depp, I still like you, but I'm not watching this one.
Pirates of the Caribbean 4- Nope. The second one was bad, and the third one was TERRIBLE. They lost me as a fan. Sorry Johnny Depp, I still like you, but I'm not watching this one.

I will be pumped to see Jack Sparrow on the big screen, because Depp always does an amazing job with the character, but I can understand where you're coming from. At World's End was disappointing. It just felt like one big mess, and the entire film just felt so long and drawn out. I'm going to watch On Stranger Tides, but I'm not expecting anything great. Also, you can be sure the 3D will help this film rake in even more cash.

As far as the Deathly Hallows Part Two goes, I am anxious to see how the Harry Potter saga will end on film. Although, I did think Part One of The Deathly Hallows was kind of underwhelming. I hope the Potter film series will go out with a bang, and I am looking forward to this film.
Apollo 18

Release Date: April 22, 2011


A found footage-style film about a fictional post-Apollo 17 mission to the Moon that takes on a premise of why we never went back. The plot involves a government coverup of the Apollo 18 mission after aliens on the Moon discovered the crew and began to kill them off one by one.

Apollo 18 looks like it could be a fun science fiction film. This trailer has a creepy and mysterious feel to it, and I can't wait to see this one. There should be a good amount of tense and spooky moments in this one, and Apollo 18 seems like the type of film that will have a cliffhanger ending.


Release Date: April 8, 2011


The title character of this adventure thriller, filmed in Europe, Hanna (Saoirse Ronan) is a teenage girl. Uniquely, she has the strength, the stamina, and the smarts of a soldier; these come from being raised by her father (Eric Bana), an ex-CIA man, in the wilds of Finland. Living a life unlike any other teenagers, her upbringing and training have been one and the same, all geared to making her the perfect assassin. The turning point in her adolescence is a sharp one; sent into the world by her father on a mission, Hanna journeys stealthily across Europe while eluding agents dispatched after her by a ruthless intelligence operative with secrets of her own (Cate Blanchett). As she nears her ultimate target, Hanna faces startling revelations about her existence and unexpected questions about her humanity.

Hanna could be a nice little action film, but I have a feeling this might be shit. I just can't get excited about the deadly little girl story. This movie looks like it's going to take itself very seriously, and this is one of the major reasons why I can't get my hopes up for Hanna. If this film were a comedy, then I might want to check it out, but watching a little girl (who is supposed to be a bad ass)destroy all of the bad guys seems kind of sill to me.

Release Date: April 8, 2011


A drunken playboy stands to lose a wealthy inheritance when he falls for a woman his family doesn't like.

I have never seen the 80's original version of Arthur, or the sequel, but I'll try to see both films somewhere down the line. As far as the remake goes, I can't say I'm too excited. This film just looks like another generic mainstream Hollywood comedy with a cheesy love story. I'm not a big fan of Russell Brand, so I'm not too crazy about him carrying the lead role here. I think Jennifer Garner is a decent actress, but she's not enough to get my hopes up for this film.

Dylan Dog: Dead Of Night

Release Date: April 29, 2011


The adventures of supernatural private eye, Dylan Dog, who seeks out the monsters of the Louisiana bayou in his signature red shirt, black jacket, and blue jeans.

Dead Of Night is based on the Dylan Dog the Italian comic book. Also, Kurt Angle will be apart of this film. He'll be playing the role of Wolfgang.

Hmmm, Dead Of Night looks like it could be entertaining. There seems to be a good amount of humor here, and this one should be filled with some good action and thrills. Although, Brandon Routh as the lead man doesn't excite me at all. I just think he's very bland as far as personality and charisma goes. I have never read a Dylan Dog comic, but I can't wait to see this film.
Source Code

Release Date: April 1, 2011


When decorated airman Captain Colter Stevens (Gyllenhaal) wakes up in the body of an unknown man, he discovers he's part of a mission to find the bomber of a Chicago commuter train. In an assignment unlike any he's ever known, he learns he's part of a government experiment called the "Source Code," a program that enables him to cross over into another man's identity in the last 8 minutes of his life. With a second much larger target threatening to kill millions in downtown Chicago, Colter re-lives the incident over and over again, gathering clues each time, until he can solve the mystery of who is behind the bombs and prevent the next attack.

I am really looking forward to Source Code. This film should be a nice thriller, and the special effects look pretty good. Jake Gyllenhaal is one of my favorite actors, and I do think he's very underrated. He can always bring a good amount of emotion and intensity to his performances. Source Code should be fun, but there's one thing that scares me about this film....It seems as if Hollywood is going to throw in a cheesy love story here. I always cringe when Jake says "I'm going to save her." Still, this should be worth watching, and I can't wait to see this film when it hits theaters.
Pirates of the Carribean 4 may be bad because now Barbossa is a Priavteer and most of the orginal cast may not be in this 4th one. Basically ti's going to be a whole new plot, and them trying to find the Founatin of Youth while facing Blackbeard. Yawn, sounds like a classic pirate story to me.

Harry Potter Pt 2 is coming out this Spring/Summer. I saw Part one and me being a big Harry Potter fan I have to see this last part. Also one of my favorite shows Deadliest Warrior is renewing itself for it's 3rd Season. i predict it to be good now that this season featuring Crazy Horse, Joan of Arc, Genghis Khan, Hannibal. (and this show picks good warriors anyway)
Pirates of the Carribean 4 may be bad because now Barbossa is a Priavteer and most of the orginal cast may not be in this 4th one. Basically ti's going to be a whole new plot, and them trying to find the Founatin of Youth while facing Blackbeard. Yawn, sounds like a classic pirate story to me.

See I disagree. I think there was enough mileage out of the other main characters. The whole Will/Elizabeth story is done. As Will is now the Captain of The Dutchman. Also, in the credits you see them 10 years later with Will returning to Elizabeth and their son. The writers said, since she was faithful to Will, she breaks the curse and Will can no be with them for good. Davy Jones obviously had no place in this one either, as he was defeated in At Worlds End. I was pissed at Pintel and Ragetti not being in this one then anyone else. I think it's good to bring in new characters, give the series some fresh faces, also leaving it open to do more movies. Ian McShane should make a damn good pirate. Also, It's not really a whole new plot as it's just continuing from the end of the last film.
If vulgar and obscene language offends you, then you should leave this post right now.

Here's another trailer that managed to leave me speechless......

Bad Teacher

Release Date: June 24, 2011


The film follows foul-mouthed, money hungry, recently single teacher Elizabeth Halsey (Cameron Diaz), who is at odds with her colleague Amy (Lucy Punch). Amy happens to be dating the cute new substitute teacher, Scott (Justin Timberlake), on whom Elizabeth has a crush. When she finds out that his previous girlfriend was very well-endowed, she resolves to raise money to get breast implants in order to attract Scott's attention. She is later told by another colleague that the teacher with the highest class average gets an extra bonus. Her biggest competitor is, of course, Amy.

What in the fuck is this supposed to be?!?! I like Cameron Diaz, but this raunchy gold digger character looks terrible. I usually don't have a problem with edgy characters, but Elizabeth just seems to be trying way too hard here. You can only get so many "holy shit!" reactions from these obscene moments, and it looks like this film is going to go way over the top with them. Diaz was stunning in The Mask, but that film was released in 1994. It's 2011 now, and I can't buy Diaz as this hot and seductive woman anymore. Also, the story here is fucking stupid. Diaz wants to get Timberlake's attention, so she raises money to buy new and bigger tits? And she's going to use the kids to help her do it??? Again, I like Diaz, but Bad Teacher looks like shit. But if you're into raunchy and vulgar comedies, then there's a chance you'll love this one.
See I disagree. I think there was enough mileage out of the other main characters. The whole Will/Elizabeth story is done. As Will is now the Captain of The Dutchman. Also, in the credits you see them 10 years later with Will returning to Elizabeth and their son. The writers said, since she was faithful to Will, she breaks the curse and Will can no be with them for good. Davy Jones obviously had no place in this one either, as he was defeated in At Worlds End. I was pissed at Pintel and Ragetti not being in this one then anyone else. I think it's good to bring in new characters, give the series some fresh faces, also leaving it open to do more movies. Ian McShane should make a damn good pirate. Also, It's not really a whole new plot as it's just continuing from the end of the last film.

You have a good point but Barbossas as a Priaveteer? It sounds fishy though he may be an enemy of the Spanish (given he has one of hteir rings which was solten and is aligned with Britain). Also Barbossas was a smrt pirate that probably didn't have a pirate's attitude. I wonder who will take his place as Pirate Lord, and it will be interesting to see how the British Empire going. I also would like to see the time range. I figure that they were in 1600s and 1700s. They may be getting closer to the 1800s.

I was kind of let down when I read this piece of news. I was really looking forward to watching Apollo 18, because the trailer did have this creepy and chilling feeling, but I'm going to have to wait until next year to see this film. This article says Apollo 18 could move off of this release date, but things don't look too good right now. Also, a film being pushed back until early January can't be looked at as a good sign. This means the studio has little confidence in the film, and the article provides a good amount of underachieving films as examples.

Release Date: ??????


Revolves around a group of friends who are catapulted into the middle of a diamond heist turned deadly.

This film is supposed to be released in 2011, but no official release date has been set yet, but as soon as I can find out more info about the release, I'll be sure to post the exact date.

Anyway, this film looks like absolute shit. In fact, I think Setup should be direct-to-video material. A lot of the critics bashed Get Rich Or Die Tryin', but I thought it was okay. But every other 50 Cent film I have seen has been pretty bad. I like Bruce Willis and Ryan Phillippe, but I don't have a desire to watch this film. Everything just looks so ordinary and generic, and the story doesn't excite me at all. I might watch this one when it hits DVD, but there's no way I'm going to a theater to see this.


Release Date: May 13, 2011


In an alternate world, humanity and vampires have warred for centuries. After the last Vampire War, the veteran Warrior Priest (Bettany) lives in obscurity with other humans inside one of the Church's walled cities. When the Priest's niece (Lily Collins) is kidnapped by vampires, the Priest breaks his vows to hunt them down. He is accompanied by the niece's boyfriend (Cam Gigandet), who is a wasteland sheriff, and a former Warrior Priestess (Maggie Q).

I'm not too sure about Priest. This could be a fun action/horror film, or this could be shitty and cheesy. The cast looks solid, and it looks like there will be a good amount of action and violence here. I don't have high expectations for Priest, but I'm hoping this one can be a fun popcorn flick.
The Hangover: Part II

Release Date: May 26, 2011


Phil, Alan and Doug travel to Bangkok for Stu’s wedding, but after their little escapade in Las Vegas, Stu has opted for a safe, subdued pre-wedding brunch. But, needless to say, things don't go as planned after they lose the younger brother of Stu's fiance.

I actually enjoyed the first Hangover film, but this trailer doesn't excite me too much. It just looks like they're trying to capitalize off of the success the first film had in a lazy way. Sure, The Wolfpack is in Bangkok now, but it looks like they're trying to make the same movie again. The guys become wasted, a series of bizarre incidents will occur, and the gang will spend the entire film trying to find a lost friend. I'm sure The Hangover 2 will be a fun film packed with raunchy humor and good laughs, but this trailer kind of killed the excitement I had for this film.
Fast Five

Release Date: April 29, 2011


Brian O'Conner, Dominic Toretto and their crew find themselves on the wrong side of the law once again as they try to switch lanes between a ruthless drug lord and a relentless federal agent.

You really can't expect too much from the Fast & The Furious film series. These films can be fun and entertaining popcorn flicks, but I never have high expectations for one of these films. Fast Five will be filled with jaw dropping char chases, flashy action scenes, and hot women. I wouldn't be surprised if this one rakes in a ton of cash. People will flock to see this film, and Fast Five will be one of the more popular blockbuster movies this year.

Release Date: May 13, 2011


After the tragic loss of his mother, T.J. (Devin Brochu) and his pill popping father (Rainn Wilson) are forced to live with T.J.'s elderly grandmother (Piper Laurie). A young man with a troubled past named Hesher (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) assumes the role as both mentor and tormentor, leading T.J into troubles he could never have imagined. A young grocery clerk named Nicole (Natalie Portman) steps in to protect T.J., and becomes the object of T.J.'s fantasies, while Hesher moves into Grandma's home. Although uninvited, he is somehow accepted.

I'm not really sure how I should feel about this film. Natalie Portman and Joesph Gordon-Levitt should deliver some fine performances, but I don't know if I can buy Rainn Wilson here. He usually does comedy roles, so it'll be interesting to see if he can pull off the "Bad Father" character here. Hesher could be a unique character, but the story for this film seems kind of weak. I'm hoping this film can deliver, because I'm a fan of Portman, and she is a producer for this one.
Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes

Release Date: August 5, 2011


An origin story set in present day San Francisco, where man's own experiments with genetic engineering lead to the development of intelligence in apes and the onset of a war for supremacy.

I've never been a huge fan of The Planet Of The Apes film series. It's been a while since I watched the older films, so I don't remember them too well. I also wasn't too crazy about the 2001 remake which featured Mark Wahlberg, but I'll give this film a try when it hits theaters. This Planet Of The Apes film could be a solid blockbuster, and I don't have a problem with James Franco as the lead here. I usually enjoy his comedy films more, but I hope he can deliver as the lead man here. This should be one of the more popular blockbusters this summer, and it wouldn't surprise me if this one made a nice amount of cash.
Everything Must Go

Release Date: May 13, 2011


When alcoholic Nick Halsey (Ferrell) relapses, causing him to lose his wife and his job, he holds a yard sale on his front lawn in an attempt to start over. A new neighbor might be the key to his return to form.

I've enjoyed some of Will Ferrell's films, but I do think he can be streaky as far as quality goes. Everything Must Go seems like it could be a nice comedy/drama film with a touching story, but I'm not expecting anything great from this. I might check this out once it hits DVD, because I don't know if I would go out of my way to watch this at a theater.
Green Lantern

Release Date: June 17, 2011


In a universe as vast as it is mysterious, a small but powerful force has existed for centuries. Protectors of peace and justice, they are called the Green Lantern Corps. A brotherhood of warriors sworn to keep intergalactic order, each Green Lantern wears a ring that grants him superpowers. But when a new enemy called Parallax threatens to destroy the balance of power in the Universe, their fate and the fate of Earth lie in the hands of their newest recruit, the first human ever selected: Hal Jordan.

Hal is a gifted and cocky test pilot, but the Green Lanterns have little respect for humans, who have never harnessed the infinite powers of the ring before. But Hal is clearly the missing piece to the puzzle, and along with his determination and willpower, he has one thing no member of the Corps has ever had: humanity. With the encouragement of fellow pilot and childhood sweetheart Carol Ferris (Blake Lively), if Hal can quickly master his new powers and find the courage to overcome his fears, he may prove to be not only the key to defeating Parallax…he will become the greatest Green Lantern of all.

This is a new trailer for The Green Lantern, and this trailer does show us a lot more.

This trailer does give us more, but I'm still not so sure about this film. This film could feature some intense and flashy action scenes, but I'm not too sure about Ryan Reynolds as the lead here. There are going to be times where Hal Jordan has to be serious, and I'm not sure if Reynolds will be able to pull it off. I always think of him as a comedy guy, but I do hope he can pull off the lead role here. Green Lantern should be a fun film, and I hope this one won't disappoint.
Hobo With A Shotgun

Release Date: May 6, 2011


A homeless vigilante blows away crooked cops, pedophile Santas, and other scumbags with his trusty pump-action shotgun.

Wow. This could be a really funny and violent comedy, but I don't expect anything great from this. The story here is kind of bizarre, but I hope Hobo With A Shotgun will be a fun film. I expect to see a lot of blood and intense violence here, and I won't be surprised if this one goes way over the top.
Grave Encounters

LANCE PRESTON (Sean Rogerson) and the crew of "Grave Encounters", a ghost-hunting reality television show, are shooting an episode inside the abandoned Collingwood Psychiatric Hospital, where unexplained phenomena has been reported for years.

All in the name of good television, they voluntarily lock themselves inside the building for the night and begin a paranormal investigation, capturing everything on camera.

They quickly realize that the building is more than just haunted - it is alive - and it has no intention of ever letting them leave. They find themselves lost in a labyrinth maze of endless hallways and corridors, terrorized by the ghosts of the former patients.

They soon begin to question their own sanity, slipping deeper and deeper into the depths of madness, ultimately discovering the truth behind the hospital's dark past... and taping what will be their final episode.

So, yes. As I shopped around on Youtube this morning, I came across this little beauty. Truth be told, I was looking for the trailer to Insidious, which I was going to see earlier on. The trailer looked awesome and expect a full review within the next couple of hours. Still, the best find was this movie which has all the trademarks which give me the heebie-jeebies. Yes, it may have shaky-camera syndrome but this is the type of movie that really gets me excited. I watched it early in the morning with no lights on and the headphones in and almost dropped a deuce right there.

Honestly, this movie could go either way but I, for one, am hoping that it will be worth the wait. With no scheduled release date just yet, I am assuming it will be a Halloween release for this one.

Any thoughts?
Hobo With A Shotgun

Release Date: May 6, 2011


Wow. This could be a really funny and violent comedy, but I don't expect anything great from this. The story here is kind of bizarre, but I hope Hobo With A Shotgun will be a fun film. I expect to see a lot of blood and intense violence here, and I won't be surprised if this one goes way over the top.

I actually am pretty excited for this film. I have made no secret of my love for exploitation films and this one looks like a great ode to the over the top exploitation films I love so much. Obviously it isn't a film you can take seriously and it will only have a very small, niche of an audience, but it does look like a lot of fun.

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