Could AJ and Kane secretly be working together??

I'd like to see Kane brainwash/kidnap AJ (on Raw as backstory), with him winning the title by distraction.

The follow-up has AJ seek Kanes approval (Stockholm syndrome) while Punk and Bryan chase the title and try to "free" AJ from Kane.

I would find interest in continuing the Bryan/Punk as chasing the title as a heel/face combo with the potential for a couple month Kane title reign and the closure of Punk/Bryan at Summerslam with the ladder or ironman match for he title.
heres what im thinking.kane is jus a pawn in the punk bryan fued. heres how it will go down.punk will pin kane leading to bryan still screaming, you havent beat me and the fued continues.... or kane pins bryan winning the title giving kane one last hoorah before his rumored retirement until the punk/bryan fued is over and punk rewins the title from kane. the only way aj plays a part into it is if her interferance "accidentally" leads to either outcome depending on who is in cahoots with. if kane is the victor and things play out that way, aj will accompany punk to the ring when he beats kane or cost him the match by getting hurt leading into a full blown feud with kane still resulting in punk getting the strap
Kane has been known to get in with the girls in years gone by; tori, lita but I think we all need a reminder of just how shit this whole situation is made by having Daniel Bryan in it. Just a quick reminder... of how shit Daniel Bryan is.
Hmmm A.J has been going "Crazy" and attacking her "Best friend" in the locker room but having her side with Kane is far fetched? Really now? Haven't they been making her appear more unstable since the DB break up?

I could see WWE giving her a character similar to that of Dafney(spelling?) When she debuted with David Flair. They were both bat shit crazy and i like them three Daf,Dave,and Crowbar being like a crazy trio. A.J could pull off the pyscho ex who turns on both to help another pyscho in Kane.
I to reckon Aj & Kane teaming could be a huge possibility now with Aj having the unstable gimmick.

yea that is true there, I actually think kane would just show AJ what he thinks of her trying to negotiate with him, if she helped kane out, and she wanted to align herself with kane, he would actually burn the title on the spot out of spite. Similar to how the joker burnt a tower of cash on the spot, because the criminals care about things that are logical like money.

Wouldn't Kane burning the current WWE title belt be awesome? We would finally get a new belt. Kane can say how the current belt doesn't fit with him or something along those lines.

Or like you said, Kane could burn the belt as a sign spite as he doesn't need the "object". Punk could then beat him in a couple of months and then debut a new WWE title belt.
I to reckon Aj & Kane teaming could be a huge possibility now with Aj having the unstable gimmick.

Wouldn't Kane burning the current WWE title belt be awesome? We would finally get a new belt. Kane can say how the current belt doesn't fit with him or something along those lines.

Or like you said, Kane could burn the belt as a sign spite as he doesn't need the "object". Punk could then beat him in a couple of months and then debut a new WWE title belt.

true he could do that, I wonder if kane would use a flaming belt, which represents his resurrection.

but kane's logic is like TDK joker, there is no real goal for kane, no logic, nothing of material that interests kane. Kane only wants to cause pain and destruction, to feed the monster. But kane can no longer can be negotiated with, he may have agreed to face Bryan when he found out who hit him with the chair, but no matter what the object is, if it is the WWE title, or a woman offering him a opportunity, kane will probably make that person's life hell. That is maybe one reason why Ace has not called on kane to do his dirty work much, maybe Ace cannot negotiate kane, and perhaps Ace would not want to make a deal with the devil. If kane was willing to let his own father rot in a freezer, what hope do Ace and AJ have of ever striking any deals with kane, when kane does not even care about his bloodline.
I don't think AJ will team up with Kane it wont just work with audience. AJ is smaller size for kane she can be his daughter even :p AJ screwing punk is most likely but if she she does at NWO it wont work that well as punk is still not interested in her IMO
Am I the only one who realizes that the A.J./Punk thing and the Punk/Bryan feud isn't a coincidence???? No one honestly sees that A.J. is going to heel turn on Punk and go back with Bryan????
Am I the only one who realizes that the A.J./Punk thing and the Punk/Bryan feud isn't a coincidence???? No one honestly sees that A.J. is going to heel turn on Punk and go back with Bryan????

I do see punk retaining, I think he will pin Bryan, with maybe AJ getting her ultimate revenge, that she has been planning since Bryan dumped her the night after WM. But the other option is? AJ going back with Bryan, but it makes sense to forward the punk Bryan feud, that AJ helps punk retain, and Bryan keeps preaching that punk cannot beat him clean. And perhaps they have one more match at MITB, to end the feud once and for all
Really? As much as I'd love to see to see this happen, but I want to see AJ swerve back to DB. It would be so much better to me.

It's been reported that punk would keep the title until SS, but I think it would be interesting if DB took the title now, then Punk won it back at SS. It would be interesting. Hell or even let DB hold the main strap for a bit.
oh, i agree. i think it would be a GREAT feud that would print money if they have AJ turn and help Bryan win the title, then have Bryan somehow cheat, likely with AJ's help and win at MITB, then at summerslam have a final encounter type of match, maybe submissions or ironman.
This is a strangely awesome idea. AJ looked psycho last week on raw and if she finally decided to turn on both men and help Kane win, giving him the title, not only would it be a win for Kane and final congratulations/wwe title reign, but it would make the Punk/Byran story a lot more interesting.
It's a decent idea, and it would be a good swerve, but it just doesn't seem to fit in with the current storyline for me.

The main feud is between Punk & Bryan, and it would make sense that AJ's involvement is in screwing one of these 2 over. Kane isn't a major part of the "main" feud, so it would seem odd that AJ would get involved with him when the build-up hasn't suggested it. Of course, this is the WWE, so nothing can be ruled out.

Also, if Kane did win the title through AJ's actions, where the story lead? There aren't any other obvious faces that are ready to win the title, and it seems pointless to me for Punk to lose his title then win it back shortly.

Having AJ screw over Punk or Bryan are the best options for me.

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