AJ LEE : )


The Sensational One

AJ first caught my eye when she was working with Bryan, with there sometimes rocky relationship they played off each other really well and I think AJ shined through out. As the storyline progress I like many fans assumed she would turn full heel but alas that didn't come to fruition, instead we got Bryan dumping her the next week after Wrestlemaina and her turning into a psycho ex-girlfriend(aren't they all?) stalking Bryan from a distance.

Now with Bryan's feud with Punk in full swing we finally see AJ reasserting herself into the storyline. This time seemingly as Punk's admirer even dressing in full CM Punk garb. Now with No Way Out coming soon and Bryan winning on RAW it will be only a matter of time until the rematch for the title will be set.


If we are to believe what the above poster tell's us and what there showing on raw then AJ will somehow cost Bryan the match. But I believe a big swerve is heading our way with AJ finally turning full heel and costing Punk the match and the WWE championship. I could be wrong of course, wouldn't be the first time but with what transpired on raw with her "accidentally" costing Punk the match will end up being revealed as her Master plan to win back Bryan's favor.

What do you guy's think? Am I reaching here or do you as I see this becoming a reality?
Not sure where all the AJ love hs come from, sure she is attractive but she isnt in the same league as say someone like Eve or The Bellas. She looks like a teenage girl....maybe its my age (late 20s) that finds her 'unsexy' and off putting...

Anyway, yeh, looks like she is going to cost Punk the Title and get back with Bryan. I doubt Bryan is in on it but this is her way of getting him back after he dumped her. The girl is a stalker and unstable...classic traits of a heel. She will turn soon.
Thanks, Call me crazy but I enjoy her role more then I enjoy the whole divas division. Im in my mid twenties and not only find her attractive but she also is becoming better at her Psycho role. Developing more personality then any other diva, maybe thats the product of her getting more TV time then any other women but I can only judge what I see. and what I see I like :)
AJ looked outstanding in the CMpunk T and those shorts on RAW.
But I dont think WWE are going to take the title off Punk quite yet.
I dont know where this is going, but I dont like it.
However with Punk, DB, AJ and KANE in the mix, this might be a sign that WWE creative are actually starting to do something with atleast a few twists and turns here or there.

But I am clutching at straws here.
She looks like a teenage girl....maybe its my age (late 20s)

And that's exactly why I LOVE her, and I'm 32... teenage girls rule!!!! I bet she smells like bubble gum and cotton candy. Booooiiiinnng!

Anywho, yeah, I smell a swerve coming as well. She'll cost Punk the match as it was her and Bryan's plan all along and the feud will take off from there.
Well, I dunno. When I watched RAW I was thinking the same: probably have AJ turn heel with DBD and cost Punk the title.. didn't they already consider Punk dropping the title to him last PPV anyway?

I'd imagine it's hard to really say though... it's possible, could make sense and would work out pretty well but I dunno if they'd drop the title off Punk just yet. They probably won't even have a 100% decision the night of the PPV anyway.
I think this is a possibility and a good idea. Although i am unsure about Bryan being champ it would be a good idea for Bryan winning without Punk loosing clean. A problem with this is if AJ is capable of being an important part of a main even feud. We will have to wait and see if she can do so.
Well, they must have something in mind for A.J.'s involvement, but it could be as simple as Punk rejecting her in the middle of the ring after she declares herself......or perhaps starting a relationship with her. The program could end as quickly as it started. Or, she might become the next Serena Deeb, following the guy around and doing his bidding. (ugh)

If she turns heel, it might be with the purpose of reuniting her with Daniel Bryan, although if they do that, I believe her function has to change from the star-struck groupie she was before, to someone who actually has a mind of her own. Of course, given Daniel's obnoxious personality, this would inevitably lead to another split between them. It could be an interesting program.

I really like what the company is doing with A.J. They've done "psycho good guy" bits before, but not with someone as sweet and unassuming as A.J. appears to be. She's far from the typical diva; just look at the way she dresses (I love those sneakers) and her diffident manner.

It's about time WWE did something special with divas. If they can't wrestle, let's at least see them function as individuals with personalities. Having them interact with the guys one-on-one is just what the division needs. Stuff like Eve's new role will give us something to cheer the girls for.
I don't expect Punk and AJ's alignment to last long or end well. It will either fizzle out and be forgotten or she will turn on him and possibly cost him his title.

If she is going to cost him the title, I think there is a definite possibility that she is aligned with Kane. Not in a sexual way (this is still a mostly PG Era), but in an "Embrace the Hate" kind of way. How great would it be and how big of a turn-on would it be if AJ goes from the innocent psycho skater princess to more of an evil self assured villianeous henchwoman (similar to the effectiveness of Stephanie going from the Billion-Dollar Princess to Vince With Breasts)? Doesn't it make sense for Kane of all people to be able to help AJ control her psychotic nature?

Either way, if Punk is going to lose to Bryan or Kane it won't be clean. While Punk is inarguably not the #1 guy in the company, he has definitely been a solid champion, an effective "Yin" to Cena's "Yang" and no one WWE wants to devalue with a clean loss to the unproven Bryan or the past their prime Kane. If either guy takes the title off Punk in the next couple of months it is definitely not going to be clean and most likely won't last long.
I have ALWAYS loved AJ ever since I first saw her debut. I always hoped WWE would use her and Katlyn more, especially when they were or cycling the same 3-5 Divas on both shows.


If we are to believe what the above poster tell's us and what there showing on raw then AJ will somehow cost Bryan the match. But I believe a big swerve is heading our way with AJ finally turning full heel and costing Punk the match and the WWE championship. I could be wrong of course, wouldn't be the first time but with what transpired on raw with her "accidentally" costing Punk the match will end up being revealed as her Master plan to win back Bryan's favor.

What do you guy's think? Am I reaching here or do you as I see this becoming a reality?

I think it will turn out to be a big master plan with Bryan and AJ to get the WWE title. The whole break-up, trying to get back with him, the revenge/Im over you aspect of it all...maybe it will be AJ that gets in good with Punk and then screws him over for Bryan and the title.

If she is going to cost him the title, I think there is a definite possibility that she is aligned with Kane. Not in a sexual way (this is still a mostly PG Era), but in an "Embrace the Hate" kind of way. How great would it be and how big of a turn-on would it be if AJ goes from the innocent psycho skater princess to more of an evil self assured villianeous henchwoman (similar to the effectiveness of Stephanie going from the Billion-Dollar Princess to Vince With Breasts)? Doesn't it make sense for Kane of all people to be able to help AJ control her psychotic nature?

I could see it, and while I would like to see her take on a more heel-esque role...I dont want her aligned with Kane. Kane doesn't need a valet. If she was going to pull that type of role, I would want it with someone who could use the push. Someone like Damien Sandow or Dean Ambrose. Not to the extent of Kane evil, but more of just a heel role.
I have to say that this is probably the most interesting feud in WWE right now(even though the WWE treats it as a mid-card feud). I do see a swerve or twist coming. I think that at No Way Out it will be a triple threat match(steel cage or whatever stipulation they put on it) between CM Punk, Daniel Bryan, and Kane for the WWE championship.

The swerve that's most likely going to happen(if a swerve even happens) is AJ Lee costs CM Punk the match for Bryan and reveals that this was the plan the whole time for him to "break-up with her" so she can become better or that AJ is still in love with Bryan and she's sorry for Punk but she can't let Bryan lose his biggest match so she helped him.

The swerve that I see coming is since AJ is a psycho and has a little evil/darkside in her, she will "Embrace The Hate" and cost Punk or Bryan the match for Kane. I think she will side with Kane and be his accomplice with either them two in a romantic relationship or Kane being her mentor.

The swerve that I want to see is AJ "Embracing The Hate" and siding with Kane during the match but CM Punk still wins the match anyway.

Although, there might not be a swerve anyway.

From this, I think AJ will become the face of the diva's division in about a year from now.
AJ looked like she had been drinking the Angelina Love zombie Kool Aid last night. However I do like her character. Mainly because she is one of the few Divas who actually has a character.

I think she'll play a part in having Bryan win the title. Either by accident or by turning fully heel and siding with him again. Actually she could even not turn heel and go down the Miss Elizabeth route. That would be my personal preference as she plays the meek girlfriend but I think they've had her go a bit too mental recently to have her retract to that so I think the full heel turn is for the best. Power couples like psycho AJ and Punk would not really work as a face team and there is no way Punk is going heel at the moment.
I also could see AJ staying with Punk and cheating for him in matches. He may or may not get mad at her for cheating for him. If you actually take a pay a lot of attention to Punk's character, he is a heel or tweener that fights fairly or a hero that takes every opportunity to win even if i means he has to take a cheat win. Punk and AJ don't have to go heel. They can be a face couple that sometimes cheat to win or are very opportunistic like Edge.
Already voiced my opinion in another thread but here it goes again, this time with a little more detail and explanation to my logic as most will disagree with this...

Firstly...Bryan's character...

If it was a "plan" to have AJ and Bryan split up so he can hunt for the WWE Title then she helps him win, just take a step back for a second and think about the huge flaw... Bryan broke up with her because he lost in 18 seconds at WM. Now as we all know WWE does like to think we the fans have memory loss, however look at Bryan, he's a wrestler who goes out to prove he is the best. If the "plan" was to lose the WHC quickly at WM to go after the WWE Title then that conflicts with Bryan's character as he would never want to go out and lost a world title in 18 seconds on the biggest show of the year. In order to not destroy Bryan's character they would have to incorporate that after the loss he and AJ made a plan etc... The result is it creates more hard work or takes something away from DB.

Kane's Involvement...

Now this could be being way overlooked by many and Kane is involved for no other reason than they have nothing else for him right now and are just trying to throw him in to the mix. Not the smartest idea but plausible none the less. On the other side of things Kane may cost Bryan as he's about to win. This to me is the logical choice. Do not have Kane in the match, have him just cost DB the win to pull DB away from the title picture briefly and that way it doesn't hurt DB to take a loss. AJ then could be taken two directions, happy as Punk retained or she can begin to show feelings for DB again as he's being beat down by Kane.

AJ supporting Punk...

Right now it would appear she is interested in Punk however his interest in her is minimal at best. A few options from here, she can keep trying to help him and he not want it, she can help him retain over DB and Punk notice her more or she can double flip and screw both guys to give Kane the title briefly.

The outcomes...

AJ sides with Punk and screws Bryan out of winning the title, Punk and AJ side together and turn heel.

AJ sides with Bryan and screws Punk reuniting her with DB.

AJ sides with Kane in a hugely unexpected twist.

In my opinion her siding with Punk is the best option. As I stated earlier in the post her going back with Bryan needs explaining, it could be as simple as Bryan realised she was useful and took her back. That's fine but say goodbye to your manhood DB because he will have taken back a girl who ruined WM for him and cost him the title. It also goes to show DB couldn't do it on his own but needed AJ's help to win, say goodbye to your credibility as a champion and one of the best wrestlers.

She sides with Kane then creative need to put in a hell of a lot more work, do a lot more and really need to think as to why and how it makes sense. Did Kane approach her, did she approach him, why did her pick her to help him etc...

The Punk and AJ alignment is the smartest but again, credibility of being the best in the world disappears if she starts helping him win matches WITH his blessing.

In other words this is interesting as a fan but if you look at the characters and what they stand for then the best result is take AJ away from DB and Punk as it just taints who they go out and say they are, two of the best wrestlers in the world. I mean really how great can you be if a cute chick like AJ is having to help you retain the title every time?
Even though it doesn't make a whole lot of sense if you really think about it, I kind of like the idea of Kane and AJ aligning. It'd be a new route for Kane's character to take and could free up Punk and Bryan to feud over the title without any frills -- ultimately, that's how this feud should be.
There are a lot of ways they could go with this story. She could side with Punk, Bryan or Kane. I think the logical idea would be for her to help Punk out after Bryan treated her like shit multiple times. The more interesting idea is for her to screw Punk over and side with Bryan once again. And the least likely to happen is her siding with Kane.

Any of the options could provide some entertaining TV. I think if AJ goes with Bryan, he wins the WWE Championship. So, we have to factor in if he is ready for that.

Maybe she will throw us all a twist and reveal that she is sleeping with AJ Styles. I mean, he is banging every one else, right?
Not sure where all the AJ love hs come from, sure she is attractive but she isnt in the same league as say someone like Eve or The Bellas. She looks like a teenage girl....maybe its my age (late 20s) that finds her 'unsexy' and off putting...

Plays video games, reads comics, not too bad to look at, and has just the overall "awwww" factor going for her. She's unique, and that's why people like her.

Anyway, yeh, looks like she is going to cost Punk the Title and get back with Bryan. I doubt Bryan is in on it but this is her way of getting him back after he dumped her. The girl is a stalker and unstable...classic traits of a heel. She will turn soon.

I don't think so, I think this will play out more kin to a false swerve where she acts like she's going to destroy CM Punk for D. Bryan, but she actually ends up turning on Bryan for revenge.
AJ is doing a great job in her role, her reactions to everything going on are fantastic and entertaining. Personally I think this could go any number of ways but I don't see her screwing over Punk, his character is too shrewd to get caught out by her since he knows she is loopy.

I think the most likely outcome is she will try to help Bryan and it will backfire, further increasing his annoyance with her, as they seem to be booking him strongly and more agressively since the initial split, so I don't see them being put back together.

AJ can then perhaps join AW's stable and have him focus her towards the Divas title.
i have been a big fan of AJ sense her days on NXT she was the highlight of season 3 and probably the most talented woman on the roster in the ring besides khrama,beth and nattie. i could see AJ costing punk the match but it looks like we might be getting punk vs bryan vs kane now and i think punks gonna retain past no way out and if so aj doesnt cost punk maybe she costs bryan the match.
AJ Is very good in her role, I see AJ getting involved at No Way Out, I'm hoping she costs CM Punk the WWE Title but I think she will cost Daniel Bryan the match.
Personally I wanted AJ to cost Sheamus the title by accident in their rematch. Sheamus would then play it like he knows AJ did it on purpose and AJ would defend herself only to help D.Bry retain the title in an obvious way and turning heel aligning herself with Bryan again and saying the break up was part of the plan to regain the title and for a while I thought it was going this way.

BUT, WWE are too stubborn and wanted Sheamus as their champ even if a lot of people don't want to see him as the champion (he's almost instant channel skip or fast forward for me).

So now if they want to do the same with Punk and I suspect that they will, then it's going to be harder to explain that the break up was a fake. Or maybe the break up was "legit" but when he saw that she was turning to the dark side he took her back.

Any way you want to look at it I expect AJ to turn heel and rejoin Bryan at the PPV.
Personally I think this is what should happen at No Way Out.

CM Punk and DB are having a great match, somehow the referee gets knocked down and Kane comes out to destroy them both due to his annoyance with both of them. He has both of them in the grip of a double chokeslam when AJ comes from behind with a steel chair and hits Kane. Of course Kane turns around virtually unharmed and goes after AJ. DB sits back recuperating while CM saves AJ from Kane, therefore finalizing AJ's obsession with CM Punk now. Now DB get's up and gets CM Punk in the Yes Lock, but Kane gets back up knocks DB away and then chokeslams Punk followed by Kane doing another chokeslam to DB. With both men down, and the referee back to his feet it's a battle to see who can get who and Punk gets DB with the Anaconda Vice winning the match.

This will later, like the next night on Raw set up an alliance with AJ and Punk since she can claim she tryed to help him and Punk saved AJ showing he cares for her and helps him keep his face presence. From there on out we could get a cool new mixed tag alliance with Champion Punk and AJ as a face team, something that is somewhat a new concept as most in the past were heel alliances. Eventually at Money In The Bank a triple threat match between Punk, DB, and Kane could be set up.
I really like AJ. I think she is gorgeous and I think that her involvement in the storyline is interesting at least.

She is not a very good actress of course as every single scowl she makes looks terrible, but she is hot as hell in that Punk shirt rolled up ... so no complaints here.

I think it is obvious they are painting the swerve up where she will try to win back Daniel's heart by screwing Punk ... but who knows where they go from here. With the rumors that they seriously considered putting the strap on Bryan already ... I would not be shocked to see her help move it from Punk to Bryan.

No problems with any of it here ... anyway they can keep a Punk vs. Bryan feud going and get those two in the ring with each other as many times as possible is good with me. They simply are fantastic in the ring together ... and having a hot piece like AJ walking around outside the ring is nothing to complain about.
AJ's doing a good job.

When you really think about it, only her and Eve have any semblance of importance these days out of all the Divas. She's come a long way and is really impressing, and I think she can only do better as time passes. We'll have to see how she develops though. But like I said, her and Eve are the only ones that matter. She is making the Punk/Bryan feud interesting, as it's no longer just about the "wrestling". I'm actually interested to see where this goes, so that means she's doing a good job. Not bad in the ring, either.
I'm looking for this to potentially be some big grand scheme that Bryan & AJ have secretly conducted in order to get the WWE Championship.

It could be revealed, eventually, that Bryan approached AJ with soon after his match against Punk at the last ppv. AJ has been moping about and has become unhinged emotionally, during which she sometimes shows a ruthless physical side to herself. Bryan has seen this sort of new woman emerge from the sweet, wholesome little girl that AJ was and is intrigued. AJ still wants him, I think, and Bryan's price for getting back together is for her to help him become WWE Champion. Hmmmm...kinda makes Bryan sound like a ****e when I say it like that. Cool :p

I don't expect it to happen soon. I look for Punk & AJ to eventually grow close, as AJ does look as though she's trying to look out for Punk and I think Punk sees that. It'll take time to sort of cement AJ as CM Punk's girl, a few months at at least I'd say. So if the idea is for AJ to betray Punk in favor of Bryan and help him win the WWE Championship, then it'll need time to build & fester. The WWE reportedly wants to keep them feuding for a while, so injecting Kane into the mix is a way of prolonging it and keeping the Punk vs. Bryan matches from getting stale. In this three way feud, Kane can be the one that winds up taking the losses, thereby keeping heat on Bryan and keeping things fresh between him & Punk as far as a one on one feud goes.

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