ECW: Dallas Sub-Regional

I know everyone's going to say it's because I'm not old school, but I'm picking DDP over Billy Graham/ I know without Graham, we wouldn't have DDP, and guys like him. But, this comes down to wrestling ability, and DDP is still the better man, in my eyes. Especially with this being in the ECW bracket.

The addition of Graham doesn't change this coming down to the winner of Stone Cold and DDP. Whoever hits their move first, should win. And, Austin is going to be better in the extreme environment.

Couldnt agree more that is is going to be betteri n the land of extreme. DDP is dangerous with the Diamond Cutter, damn dangerous. But so is the Stunner. Yea DDP can take a beating as we saw multiple times when he was getting destroyed by the NWO, and Austin is the type of guy who will take pride and have no problem handing him another beating. This region is really made for SCSA to thrive and probably win each match by a wide margin of victory.
Steve Austin has a favorable draw here. He's probably the only one truly comfortable in the environment he can use. His brawling style and do anything attitude is legendary, and this region encourages that type of actoin. Austin Aries or whoever in the second round might as well not show up, Austin isn't getting tested until DDP/Graham.

The Bottom half is a situation of guys that are simply out of place. Booker T is probably the favorite to win this. Morales and Sammartino are going to have a hard time,a nd there's the possibility that Daniels knocks off Sammartino in a huge upset. Regardless, this is Austin's to lose.
Diamond Dallas Page almost literally remade his entire career off the two Unsanctioned Brawls that he had with Randy "nutcase" Savage. That also being the case, D.D.P. was up against the entire n.W.o., which at that time travelled well in packs.

I think Steve Austin should have a challenge if people play fair. I don't think there is a single brawl that Steve Austin has been in, that can match the intensity and dirtiness that D.D.P. has been in.

I'm not even counting the Triple Threat Hardcore match that D.D.P. had against Benoit and Raven, at Uncensored, either. Steve Austin had a submission street fight against Bret Hart.. and lost. D.D.P. defeated Savage once, and retained against Raven in his own elements.

As NSL said, the Diamond Cutter is also one of the greatest finishers to have, and especially against someone like Steve Austin. The Stunner, as I've said before, is a very unprotected finisher. He turns his back on his opponent to attempt delivering it.. D.D.P. has a nack for turning individuals back around, directly into a surprising Diamond Cutter.

Austin shouldn't win this thing, but likely will because he's "Stone Cold".
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Looks like it's coming down to Stone Cold or DDP v. Booker T. DDP was one of the best workers in WCW and put on some great matches. The love of Austin here will get him over Page but I wouldn't be suprised if Page pulls off the upset. IMO it will be DDP v. Booker T with DDP winning.
I have this bracket coming down to Stone Cold v. Chris Daniels.

*waits for assault for picking Daniels* OK, back to the bracket.

The top half is going to come down to DDP v. Austin. You know it. You want it. You need it. It'll decide, once and for all, what's better. The Stunner, or the Cutter. DDP would win in a wrestling match, but they'll be doing anything but wrestling here. Austin in a landslide, but it should be Austin by a nose.

I've only heard from indy marks about Aries, so I'll just safely assume he's over-rated, and will be dispatched in a few minutes with a Stunner.

Why Daniels, do you ask? He may not have a "hardcore" background, but he has had some major success in TNA, and even pulled off Curry Man as a possible X Division Champ. He's got a ton of moves to use in an extreme match, and should easily beat Sammartino and Booker T.

Morales has the same bad fortune as Sammartino and Graham. They don't belong in ECW. They'd be much better off in any of the other Regions.
He's got a ton of moves to use in an extreme match, and should easily beat Sammartino and Booker T.

Easily beat Sammartino and Booker T? That has to be a joke. Christopher Daniels is one of the most overrated superstars in all of wrestling. I don't care if he has "tons of moves" he can do in a hardcore environment. I'm fairly certain that anyone with chairs and barbed wire bats can do tons of moves to win a hardcore match. Daniels might get passed Sammartino just because a lot of people won't know who he is, but he has no shot of beating Booker T.
Easily beat Sammartino and Booker T? That has to be a joke. Christopher Daniels is one of the most overrated superstars in all of wrestling. I don't care if he has "tons of moves" he can do in a hardcore environment. I'm fairly certain that anyone with chairs and barbed wire bats can do tons of moves to win a hardcore match. Daniels might get passed Sammartino just because a lot of people won't know who he is, but he has no shot of beating Booker T.

I agree with you totally on this topic. Daniels is a nice performer i'll give him that but he's not in the class of a Bruno or Booker T. But with that said he'll beat Bruno because Daniels is by far more relevant in today's wrestling world. Theres now way he should go over Booker. All of this is really irrelevant anyway because no one is beating Steve Austin in this region.
Booker T is ranked 8th? Wow, that's a surprise. I didn't think he was/is that good.

Anyway, Stone Cold Steve Austin will win this in a walk. Home town advantage goes to him by default basically. The next highest ranked on the list is Booker T in this region, and you can't honestly tell me that Booker T could ever defeat Stone Cold in his prime. Bruno Sammartino may have a chance to get in the final, but he won't and shouldn't go over Austin who was a huge part in the Attitude Era. And was arguably the whole reason why it was so successful.

DDP and Billy Graham don't have much of a chance here either as they just simply aren't good enough to prevail over Austin here. Plus, Austin can get hardcore and I'm sure he can whip some bloody ass all over an ECW ring. Easy region for Stone Cold.
I fail to see how this is an "easy" region for Stone Cold. Yes, the bottom half comes down to Booker T v. Chris Daniels, and he should beat either of them.

But, what if he doesn't get past DDP? I've said before DDP has taken a number of vicious beatings before, and prevailed in the end of all of them. The Diamond Cutter is a lot more effective, and a bigger surprise than the Stunner. Austin may have the advantage by being more hardcore, but DDP could win that if he catches Austin napping.

DDP v. Daniels/Booker is a lot more interesting than Austin beating either of them to a pulp.

For El Santo, the newest addition to this bracket: I hope he didn't plan to stay long. I don't know much about him, or Aries, yet, but I plan on knowing more by the time voting is open. All I need to know right now, is that Aries has enough of a fanbase to win easily, and then get a one way ticket to the ICU against Austin.
The entire ECW region belongs to Austin, not even HBK can go over him. Austin had as many great matches in his 4 year run in the WWE than HBK has had his entire career. Then you have Austin's great matches in WCW which were as good if not better than anything HBK did with the Rockers. Vader is his only real threat because of sheer size and brutality, but ultimately Austin is the better wrestler, and I don't care what other people say that in my opinion is the most important factor. Basically Vader's size and brutality is not enough to swing from Austin obviously being a superior wrestler.
Austin could take anyone here in any kind of wrestling match, all he's got to face are a bunch of jumped up indy talent, a couple of legends (fair enough, they're legends) neither of which are as important to the wrestling world as Stone Cold and two reasonably good competitor's in DDP and Booker. Both of which would lose to Austin in any enviroment.

Austin was far from average in the ring. He put on better matches weekly than what the likes of Lance Storm and Dean Malenko have ever had, Stone Cold Steve Austin is in his element in a hardcore environment. He's also in his element in a normal wrestling match. Austin should win this bracket and the whole of ECW really, maybe Vader or Lesnar could take him. Austin should be one of a few who's damn near a certainty to go all the way.
Wow what were the chances the Moralse and Sammartino would be in the same bracket!
I can't feeling they might be a bit out of place in ECW :lmao:

Austin to with this. Maybe with Booker and Graham as dark horses. Cause the Superstar was good...
I was one of the people trying to defend Booker T, but I may have to give up on that now. I'm not going to defend Adam Bomb as a better wrestler than Booker T, but he has more pure rage, and can easily over-power Booker T.

Booker T will probably still avoid the upset, but I wouldn't be surprised in the least if Adam Bomb pulls this off. Either one of these men should beat Morales in a hardcore environment anyway, so the winner could face a somewhat easy road to the finals of the bottom half.
Upon further review, I'd like to retract my previous statements on the Booker T v. Adam Bomb match. I had said that Adam Bomb can overpower Booker T, and use his adrenaline to take advantage.

I've watched some more of Booker's older matches, and realized I'm wrong. His matches with Harlem Heat show off some off his power, and really put his agility into perspective. He moves around the ring rather well for his size, and has defeated opponents a lot bigger than Clarke. He really shouldn't face too much of a test here, and should be the winner of the bottom half to face Austin in the finals.
Hmm, I'll be backing Stone Cold and Diamond Dallas Page in this Sub-Region but if it comes to it, which I think it will, Diamond Dallas Page has my support.

I'd like Diamond Dallas Page to win this Sub-Region, but Austin's just too popular but what I think works against Diamond Dallas Page is that sometimes I think his popularity is forgotten in today's wrestling world where we usually get a couple of Austin appearances throught the years where as Diamond Dallas Page is no more in the wrestling world. DDP was one of the most over wrestlers in WCW and is one of the reasons why I watched WCW. I really liked him. I think whoever DDP comes up against should be fairly easy for him until he has to come up against Stone Cold who I think based on the fact that he's still around today and WWE likes to remind us about Stone Cold from time to time, will defeat Diamond Dallas Page.
Does anyone know anything about Steve Williams? He was never defeated in North America for over a decade until finally losing to Raven in a match for the ECW Title in 1997, something I don't recall Austin ever fighting for. He was a All Japan Pro Wrestling Triple Crown Heavyweight Champion. UWF World Heavyweight Chapion, USWA Souther Heavyweight Champion, had 15 Tag Championship reigns and 2 other title reigns. Also being from Oklahoma is basically a home away from home fighting in Dallas.
I don't expect him to go over Austin but he shouldn't have any problems with Billy Graham in a hardcore environment. DDP should prvide a challenge but Williams is a legit tough guy and should prevail in a close match.
I know most of you have tried to block out the infamous Brawl for All tournament that Bart Gunn won, but the tournament was designed to be a major push for Williams, unfortunatley Gunn seriously injured Williams and the push was pretty much forgotten unless you count another JR heel turn where he acted as Williams' manager. Check him out before you vote for Graham or DDP because they are "bigger names"

vs. Kenta Kobashi

vs. King Kong Bundy

vs. Raven

with Terry "Bam Bam" Gordy as Miracle Violence Connection vs. Dynamite Kid and Johnny Smith
Onto First Round results.

Steve Austin vs. Skinner: 60-4. Surprising again, 4 votes for the under dog in this match up. Was there really any doubt in this match on who would win?

Austin Aries vs. El Santo: 14-27. No battle of Austin's in round 2. Lucha out preforms ROH in this matchup as El Santo moves on.

DDP vs. Delirious: 38-13. Delirious gets a decent run in this, respectable showing for a relative unknown against an established star, but DDP moves on.

Billy Graham vs. Steve Williams: 8-29. Dr. Death gets the nod in this one against an established name in the Superstar.

Booker T vs. Brian Clarke: 44-3. What, no 4th vote for Clarke. Booker T wins this in a squash and a half.

Pedro Morales vs. Freddie Blassie: 19-18. The closest match thus far of the tournament. Relatively few votes for this matchup compared to the rest, but Pedro moves on.

Bruno Sammartino vs. Takuya Sugi: 30-14. Sugi gets more votes then I suspected in this matchup. Valiant effort by Team Sugi, but in the end the Bearhug moves on.

Christopher Daniels vs. Jack Briscoe: 25-19. Anyone that know's their wrestling history knows that this is an upset. it might not be in this tournament, but certainly is if you talk to those in the know. It's a shame Brisco goes home to someone like Daniels.

So Round 2.
Dallas, TX.

1. Stone Cold Steve Austin
33. El Santo

16. Diamond Dallas Page
48. Dr. Death Steve Williams

8. Booker T.
25. Pedro Morales

9. Bruno Sammartino
24. "The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels
It really should have been Aries vs. Skinner. But the world is a cruel place sometimes.

I fully expect Irish to pop into this thread in a couple of minutes and say how tight the Santo/Austin match will be. I'll then hit him with my sarcasm sword.

I'm probably one of about 1 people who will try and get Santo to beat Austin. To be honest, I might as well not bother, I'm going to say, as a guess, that Austin will win 52-3, but we'll see.

As for the other match-ups, I expect Daniels to go over Sammartino - if someone Japanese that few people will have heard of can push Bruno to the limit, and internet sweethart Curry Man can beat Jack Brisco, then it has to be a Daniels win.

Booker T will spank Pedro Morales, thanks to the extreme card, and I think DDP will beat Steve Williams, but I wouldn't bet my house on it. All in all, quite a predictable second round.
This round will prove to be another squash match for Stone Cold Steve Austin. El Sato, give me a break. Austin is gonna BMF walk to the ring and look at that piece of trash and wonder who the hell is this. The only was Santo is gonna have any offense is if Austin starts his beer bash early and forgets about him. Regardless Austin is going to open a quick and painfl can of whoop ass highlighted by the Stunner en route to a squash victory and onto round 3.

Over/Under Beer Drinking Count : 6
Round 2 Results.

Steve Austin vs. El Santo: 40-6. This match didnt' cause the firestorm I expected it to. El Santo should be given credit for getting 6 votes against someone like Steve Austin. It was a long shot, but 6 is better then 0, so take it for what it's worth.

Dallas Page vs. Steve Williams: 28-8. This one caught be by surprise. I was convinced that Dr. Death was going to beat DDP, but it ended up being a squash for the Diamond Cutter.

Booker T vs. Morales: 31-5. This one didn'ts urprise me at all. Booker's accomplishments are well known, while the WWE hardly ever recognized Morales in anything.

Bruno vs. Daniels: 27-8. Happy to see Bruno move on over a TNA darling like Chris Daniels. Very surprised to see it a relative blowout for the legend.

Round 3 Matches.

1. Steve Austin
16. Dallas Page

8. Booker T
9. Bruno Sammartino
I'm probably one of about 1 people who will try and get Santo to beat Austin. To be honest, I might as well not bother, I'm going to say, as a guess, that Austin will win 52-3, but we'll see.

Steve Austin vs. El Santo: 40-6. This match didnt' cause the firestorm I expected it to. El Santo should be given credit for getting 6 votes against someone like Steve Austin. It was a long shot, but 6 is better then 0, so take it for what it's worth.

It actually ended up quite a lot better than I thought it would, I have no shame in Santo getting so badly beaten, because Austin is everyone's favourite. It does bother me that some will have voted without knowing about Santo, but I'm actually quite happy at the result.
Results from the Dallas Region

Steve Austin vs. DDP:44-6. Total destruction for the Rattlesnake. Austin makes his way out of Dallas being unchallenged to this point.

Booker T vs. Sammartino:25-23. It's a credit to Bruno to make it this far when he's out of his element, but alas, the road ends. Booker T narrowly survives against the Legend for a date in round 4 with the Rattlesnake.

Round 4:
We now move to the ECW Arena in Philly, PA, where Steve Austin will face Booker T in a to be determined gimmick match.
I know most people say the crowd has no effect on the match, and the extreme environment is over-rated, but I'd invite them to see a show at New Alhambra. Austin has experience there, and even though it wasn't his prime, this is still the place where he began turning into the Rattlesnake. He wasn't there long, but he had some solid matches. I'd give him the edge over Booker T in any gimmick match.

Like Foley, I gave him no love in the early rounds, but this changes things...

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